Meter Swap Request Number: 14149 Public Works Division Service Request ,._.aQress: 1487 64th Ave Requested By: Robert Milstein / �p�rtment: WATER Addresa: No address provided ;� Problem/Isa�: INSTALL AMR METF.R Phone Nnmber: 763-571-6504 Schednled Date: 2017-03-23 Se6eduled 11me: 10:30:0(1 r� � ACIION NEEDED• Created by: Beth Kondrick Date Cres�ed: 2017-03-16 ACITON TAI�N: i=�.5�,t�,� � K-c.� � Statas: In Progress Snbmitter Has Been r CoMacted Ds�te Completed: �., ��,_ ,'j Com�eted by: `I �G��F--1-° �- , ,;e� a a�w—�.ra L—.a.1�4Y�ID 3�3xv� F�er�Po�authorize�e�'a�nf�ridley ara��'+7e-ats arnp8oy�es�dca�nv�at as nece ���9�ce#d�e�erater�sae�ee�. ��zaac8erstanci 3�g€ae�ragaea�ky onvnes�3s Riaf�le f��'�ae w�ratar 9ie���irom the anais�to�ae prernise anc!�Il isrter �taaa�rabiaag- �Po��^�t+/�oa�e�.�6� �a8s��Sssisi tfte�'e�y��s!le,,�and,r"rits�rra�lmyees h�smless for ara}t�iamages 53�sa�t sxaay�ccctis�3erfii[e�c "~ a��ses�at�or�_ �'iaas Ym���iucE��a�ag�ca�r�aaa�s'�ed io valrres,�aip�reg,a�ratls,�aoes or s�ae�acrd�sta�6ox�cact seavice lisee. 9n�nd�e�sCand�am als � ` �o�aiea a pe�nit�r�os�o aeay�rne-�,af necessae�e�s ,�%'-� - � C.�Ccy ��`� � �� ���������a����� 3� 7 � � s� � 3�C�� �a�,�: �.a�,� �.��c����. �� i��7 c� '� �- �,� - p���u�,� �7-�7�- � 5 a� ��_ 3 � ��� c� �-��� ,�,��„� _ �� ����_ �380 �-�t �3 Q�������� 3 �a ���M���� '��o �a�8 � N d ���� �t l � � �3 � � � �iI€�tE1!Ci'!"Y C�D� CE�Aa�'E��ti�.Y6�AT"�li,SfORN6 WA,�l�AND S�t4YITARY SEd11ER ,��/ AIP�IMIS6'RA7'�ON ����d6i A`����p°�R�'#y�V�,y��8�d.7��30y�JV���p��Oy.4.3IYly LAJ��1191$ 4D2.5 �ERMt�"9�EE Prior to,cons�ctir�g or s�epair of ar�y rvater oF setver iiaae connectmg tF�e e�c�stir9g rnunicipat spstem and any house or i�tTding fvr�rf�icit# a�pticafiivn is rn,ade,tfae owner vr corrb�actos shalI tae required to olrtairs a perm�fi for suc�t cormectiora,asad sia-a!1 pay a grerntt�#ee as provi Cha�rter��of this Code_ After such con�ection has�eer�made,�Ete M6tater and Sewer De�rartm�rrt shall�ie nofiified. �t shatl be untawful t ar�y connecCing�ne unia7 an iris{�ectiora has 6een anade and�uch conaeck�an and tfie wvrbc inaderrt tlaeretc�has bee�a aPix'rn+ed by fihe City �roper and su�kabte connection. 4Cl2A6 �iEPAlRS APofD�tAtiaTE4lfAiYCE 7'O Ct�1YtNECT109Y �er the IniCtat connectaon has ibeen made tv the water service curb sto�a boac ar i�e sewer�act at Wse propertr�itne ar a�r service� been ercfiended to tfse pro�e►-ty line for sx�nraediorr,the ap�►►iicarrt.o�mer,or aecu�rarrt ar user of such premises shali be ttat�le for afi re�ralr. requireaf to arr�wa#er line and sewer lines nece�ry#or�cannectian aF the premises from#he main to the premise.s. If the psoPerf}f o�rnei requesfis mairrtenance servic�or repairs be�rerEarmed by tFse City,ttae�ropex�Ly awner shali be cF�arged fior the�s a�f the mairitetrance a repairs,indud€rag nesessary sG eet repairs at a rate set annuaily k�y an adminisiratiae po�cy. !t shatf be fihe resporrsib�'ifty af the appGcarr�, c�vaaer,occupa�fi�ar user to perforn�standard mairrt�r�ance of the sewer seruice line from ttae premises fio ifie main iadudir�g deb�Ts cbearir, raat�:utting and�o mairrtain the water sens�ce curb stnQ box for operabil'rty anc9 at sush�eiglrt as wiil ensure that it rema�ns aboue the finc grat�e of the land or�roperty_ �€4ef 635,1156,1192�