Meter Swap 1/ , y
Request Number: 13807
Pubhc Works Division
Service Request
Problem Address: 1357 64th Ave Req�sted By: Sarah
Departme�t: WA'IER Addresa: I357 64th Atie
Fridtcy,MN 35432
ProblemlLsue: INSTALL AMR ME'IER �hone Number: 612-418-8395
Se�edaled Date: 017-03-10 Schcdnled Tlde: 08:00:00
✓ ��
Crested by: Beth Kon�ick Date CYeated: 2017-03-03
<;°�..� � �t�,Cz-
St�: In Progress Stbmitter H�s Beaa �
Date Co�pleted: Completed by:
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rr l��� here6 authorize the�' o#��eci!
� Y r�+ ey anc!/or its 2mpi�ees#o sfo vv�at ss necess
�-ege9ace t4�e avater�aetec. �us�derstand tb�at�tae g�ropea�ty owner is diafsle fcar�tee�rraCer dine�rorse�he anain fio�Fsa premise ar�d aii amterioa
�ataagss�irag. ����-�Cety sode�Q2.06� �adsv�Smi+d the�'rt�r�f�s�idley andJ"rts em�i�qees harmless#or ar�q�larnages�at eroay�tcur 3ohiie�oir:
o�eee�a�aon. �'his�a�nelucfe,bix�racatt dasn�fied to valves,P9p�n�uratis,fdoors ar�ae eurd�stou&aox aeacl service�ine. Ire�nderstand�am atso
tcx otataira a perrnit�ar�ar to aray�rnr���ecessarye /
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�l4tt�L�VrETER i{EADlWG�o1ct meterj � >p� � � ���
Atarne: �W�w Y ` Ac{dre�_��r J� 1��� �v V
Pt�one�tumi�er �Y I/��Y��� (J�� J pate�����^��
�gnature Mt�ess Signature
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FR[QLEY Ci'�'g Ct��9E
Ci-i,�'�9$402.Vlf�,7'ER,S!'O�a4V!W,fll,7'E�AND SAAIITARY SEYVER
(R�Ord 8�tto i13o�64t➢56 r,�66,629,835,662,922,9$8,1�,IL5�,1191�
4�2.5 PEF{Mdi'FEE
Prior#o constructir�g or repair vf at�y water af sewer iirae connecting the eRisting rr�uniapaJ sys�tem erut any house or bulding for whictt t(te
applicafiion is+�nade,the orvner or confiractot shait 6e required to oistain a permifi fo�-such connedion,arrd staalt pay a perm�fee as provide
Cha�rter 3.�of this Code. After such connection�as been made,the Water and Sewer Department shalt be notified. Ft shail be unfawfu!to
arry conr�ecting dine until an ins�ection has 6een anade and such conneckiors and the wor�c inaderrt thereto has been aPA�d bY�Ite�ty a
proper and suitable connechon.
After�he initial sonnection has been made to the water service curi�y�top baec or�e semrer fead at tFte property iine ar a water serviice Iead
been exfieratted#o the properiy line fac connectian,ifie appiicarrt,vwtter,or occuparrt ar aaser of such premises shalf be i'�a�e{ar��;�
�equired to arty water line and sewer iines necessary for connectian of the�-emises frorrr the main to the premises. tf the p�opet�ly owaer
reques#s r�airrtenance service�r repairs be�erformed by the C'i�ty,�tae prropert.y omrner shail be�.fiarged for the costs af i�e rnai►TCenance an�
repairs,includirag ne+cessary street repairs at a rafie set annuaiiy 1a�an administratiue poticy. �t shaif be t�e sespons��t'rt�of the a{�pGcarrt,
owner,vccuparn or user to perform standard mairntenance of the sewer serdice line fivm the premises to the rnain�adudirrg debris dearing
a'oofi�ing and tv ma�rrtair�the uiratec servir„Q curb st4p box for flperability ancd at such height as wiil ensure f�at fit remairis above the finish
grade of the land or property, �IZef 638,1156,1191d