Meter Swap � Request Number: 13913 Publ�c Works Division Service Request Problem Address: 1362 66th Atie Requested By: Laura Lee Departme�: WA'IER Addresa: No address provided Problem/Iasue: INSTALL AMR ME'IER Phoee Number: 571-0197 Sc�edtded Date: 2017-03-20 `� 5c6ed�ie�1ime: 01:3U:Q0 � ` ��vc� Acnox�nEn: Crented by: Wendy Hi�t Dpte Createds 2017-03-08 ACTION TAI�N: __��� ��► ���� Stat�: 1n Pro�ess �ubmittar H�Beea r, Contacted I?ate Completed: Completad by: � -2b — � � %f lor `� a ar.a—.,ya�—.7..u42+�ID 3,6�m� F�er�6g autho�ize��#ae�' �F�ridd �r�ego9ace�e aera�er metes_ 9 ueaderstaaeci td�a�t�fie ro e � �l arad�v�ats empdorpees La�lo��at ss nece � P �onvnes�s dia�le foa�filas�vater 4in��anm the rraais�tc3�ae�Oremise and all'aarter �Sfaarra�viaeg- �'�e���ty�oc9e�PZ.06� �adso dx�i�J tf�e�st�p of�ses�le�,�and/'rts�rre�l�ye�s�Sarmless for arry tiamages�aa�t seaay�ccus��rrtaile�tc "'agaea�zdon_ �ais�o�n�(�scgep iau�reca�c 38e�a9�ted�ca vaives,�alpira��va6is,�94csrs or ti�ee�ur8a sto��arnc arad seru6ce fi�ee. Irn�erss��e�stanci�am aia � �o8a�aiea a�ee�nrt ger"so��o�eay�r4a-�,if�ecessaeye Z��'� '- �--1�`� 1���) `_�`�l ��Rt��ET�FE�a,�l�i4��old me�ee�j � � �2 �2 C� �c� �- 3oL� �m�; I.�,� �- 1�'�-- �� I � �2 �o ��` ,�,�� P�aone�tam�r �� �� V' -'� �� ��V �--�,`7 - 4 �t�Pld't4l� . � ���� .. a����� � �`7 � g � 2 I OLC!�a£Ad3H�te'a 1 � �� � � sOP�ii1�ME'�R# � —t O � � F V� N��T�� � ���-� �l � ��C) � Z� _ ��������� c�����.����,�����������R�Y�� ����� (��c���o$1�,a�y�ss,�ss,sas,s�s,���,�,gssa s�,ssss,u91D 4�2.5 PERl�R4�'FEE Prior to�onstra,ccting or�epair af any wafier of sewer iine conneding the e�dsting rnunici��ea!systern and arry�ause os��[ding for which tt applicatior�is made,the owner or raorrtra+cfinr shali F�e requ�red to obtain a g�ems'st fc►s such connediori,and staati pay a�rermitfee as prov; Cha�rCer 3.�of�his�ode. A£ter such connectio�has been made,the alt'ater and Searer De{�artm�rrt sha!!be raotified. t�sha(t 6e ur�taarfui t aray comnecting dine un�'i an inspectiore has 6een anade and�uch r,onnection and the rror�c incider�t ther�o bas been aP�troved by tfse C"cty proper and suii•taab�e cer�nectiora. 40Z.06 �tEPAlR�!�R{t��t�14�TEAfA9�CE Tt��t�1Wot�CTtON A�Fter the initial cvnnectivn Pras been made�o#he wafi.er service curb sfivp l�oec or the sewer iead at t�se Arv�e+r�f iine or a rrater s�ruiae lea been extended to fifre propertff line#or connectian,t�e appficam,oeamer,or accu�ari#a3r user of such premtses shati be tiat�le fvr all repair. �equire�t to arry wrater rne�d sewer Dines necessary fur�cannection of the premises from the ma�rr to the premises. IF the proPert�f rnvnei �eques�fis mairrfienance service or repairs be perForrraed by the C'ity,tiae�rope�t.y crwner shall be rharged f�r#ie�sts o#the mairrterrance a repairs,indudirag ne+cessary street repairs at a cate set annuaity�an adnnin�e poficy. ft shaB be ti�e respo+�srbiCrty o#the aP���, ownar,occu�Oa�C or user to perforrn standard mairrtenanr,�of the sewer seraice line frorra�fae premises ta the main�rzcluding de�ts de-arir; rao�c�ztting and�o mairrtain the r,vater ser+�i,�cur(�stQg�ox for opera&ility and�such�eigfrE as�i ensure d�at it remains a6ove the finc grade of�khe land or property_ (t�ef 538,1156,1192)