Meter Swap "� � Request Number: 13994 Public Works Division Service Request Problem Address: 1465 66th Ave Requested By: Jeff Flymi Depsrtment: WA1ER Address: No ac�ress provided Problem/Isaue: INSTALL AMR METER Phone Nwnber: 763-786-3192 Scheduled Ihte: 2017-03-20 5c6edaled 11me: 11:30:00 �� + AC"ITON NEEDED: Crested by: Beth Kondrick Datt Created: 201�-03-10 ACTION TAKEN: StAtus: 1n Pro ss Sabmitter Ha�Beea r � Couts�cted Date Completed: Complated by: �V— �� N biW—.YH L�.B�.Y'9D$S !�'�� hea�fo}�au�o�iz�t�ae�i�of�rreeide�p arad��r its empdog�es ta�i��nv�a�ss ne�ce regc9ace t3�e aera�er rsae�ea�_ ��aasderstaeed i'�a�g[�ae�erm�ea�ty�avnes�is�ia{�Ie$a���e�rater 9ime from ghe�mais�fiv�ae�remise end all anter �Staa¢�ex9�ieag (e���-�#y�aa9e�882.�� �adso ha�it��f�e�yy�f��es!le,,�aa�d�'rts�rz�a�sl�ye�s isasrnless�or an�y�iamages�zt¢aaay�ccrar xrtaite�ic jI �' a,�ea�Y6os�_ �'�ais��'snel�acEep�Su��ecafi 85aas�ecl ia va�ves,i��P�ng evaiis,F9:ocse�s�s-t;i�ee cassa-!s s#a��ox arad seav6ce line. lea u�d�rstand�am aL �aiataira a�e��ass"os�o�ray�r�nr�,if�secessacy. �`� .r �,�`] ��� '"�-'� ��������a����� �1 �2 ��� �� � �l � �a�,�: �2e��- ��1���� ��_ G��� C�(����� P�Q�e' 3����� ���v / ��r �� I 1/� LaiC . �J�~�� $1$t1e'�Stl� -- �7�$i�!'!a'CtilL � � o�� ���� �����2-5�`�' ��D�t�� C�Z ��J d _�,�.:-- -- -_ ____ ������� H �_48907642 ���� llllllllllllllllllllll ----_- � _ � � 7'18'19339� FK1Dt�1f�1'9'4'C�D� CEi.�ER 4�4'32.Yk�A7'El?,�T'O�W�4,�'EI$�tN��,�iftITAR1l SE�{/ER AD�►lt91!t5'6'�A7'H�1lIP �t�e€Ortt 6�1�1�3,�,'.565,5658 6Z9,63�,5f�,92�,988,1144,1156,1i91� 4Q2.� PEtii�'!4'�'�EE Prioa�to�vnstructir�g or a�epair crF ar�y water vF sewer iiaae connecting ti3e e�uis�ar�g muniapal sys#ern and arnr�ouse or�n.r3ldirig frn-�hich# agplicatifln is made,ttae oavner or co,rtract�r shatl be requi�cd ta abfiairr a�t,errr�'s�fcu-sitch aonrrectiort,ar�d sla-afP pag a grermr't fiee as provi Cha�rCer 3.a of#hes Code_ A�fter such coanection has beera�nade,the�U'ater and Sewer De}rartmern shall�e aaatifi'ied, �t shatl be untawfu!# arayy co�tnecfang tine un•Cil an ins{�ectioa 4�as 6een anade and such connection and the wor�c inciderst thereto has been aPPt'aved hY�tre City proper and surtabte connectian. 4U2A6 �EPAtR�,+4rii��AllhfTENAPdCE Tt!Ci3fiHotEC77UlOf �er the tniCtat sonnection iras been made to the wafier service curb stop boec or t�se sewer�act at fihe Arope�'�!line vs a+rater senriae lea� bee�exfiended to�e pmperty line for s:onr�edian,the appiit�rrt,ovrner,Qr accu�acrt or user rrf such premises shati be(9aMe fnr aii repair. require:d�o arnr wa#er dPne�d sewer dines ne�sary for connectian af fihe premises from the main to the prem�ses. If the propert�t owme� e�equests mairrfienance servrce ar rega�rs be�aerFormed 6y�#se C'ity,the prope�j own�r shai{be c�arged for the�s o�F#ie mairrteriance� rspairs,indudirag ne+cessary street repairs afi a rate se�e annua�ty}�an adnninis�ratixe po�icy, ft shal�i�e i�e respansibl'rLy af the applicar�t, m�vr�er,occu�a�vr user to perform s�andard mairrtenance of the sewer seraice line from fihe premises to fihe rnain�ndudirig debr�s ciearir raot�ing and tv mairrtain the water seruice curb stQp box for o�erability aad at sush i�eiglrE as mrili ensure Chat i'C reinains a6ove the fini: gra�e af Che�as�d or proPeri'/- (FEef 63$,1356,1191)