Meter Swap t " Request Number: 13760
Public Works Division
Service Req�st
ProWem Address: 6576 Anoka St Requested By: Timothy Wolfe _
' lkputmest: WA1ER Address: No address p�ovided
Froblem/Issue: INSTALL AMIt METER Phone Nnmber: 763-402-1804
ScLeduled te: 2017-03-09 � ScLeduled T[me: 02:00:00
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CreAted by: ` We�y Hi�t Date Cre�ed: 2017-03-02
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Statua: In Progress submitter Has Been �,
Date Com�deted: `�,.... �„�l"7 Completed by: ��\, _
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��'AP� herefoy authoe-eze ttae�Citgo�n#�ridley anc8/oe�its a�npdoyees#a sto�nrhat ss necessaa
regnleuw the+erater�neter. 1¢anderstand t�a�t�he�ro�aesfiy owner�s�ia6ie fo�tl�ae water line from the cnain to�e premise and all iarterior
��taarra�g. (�ec��C"rty sode�2.�6) 3 alsm�aoid the�'rty�Fr6dle�andJ'rts em}sl�ye�s harmless foe any slamages tEaat rnay mccerr+vhite sloing
�eerat6on. 1'Pais go�nclucEe,�r�o�die�a�s�tecl to walves,p9ping,walls,�9nors or►�e�urb stog&aox and servdce lis�e. tn�esderstand�am atso a�
te�otstaira a pee�snit�arsar to aeay wor�,sf�secessary.
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F9iYA��1fETER ttEADIfUG(o�ti mefier) ` "" � � �� ✓V--4-F �� `�
Aiame: �����y Wd �'t"C. Address _�J/� / �2 �l�'j�L�.,,.
Phone�tum6er ���J' �Q Z�' `g Q /�afiee _ 7'— — ��
Signature t'
Witnness Signature
PJLD ME'�'E!t#_���K� / U'C�V
OLD READ1�11Cs ��(/ v
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�R�# � I�UD77� . .�, y
�R�f Orct 81to 113,�y 565,a66,629,638,�62,�2Z,9$8,19.44,Ii55,1191}
4Q2.5 PERRfilT FEE
Pr�or to constructir�g or repair af any water of sewee-iiree connecking the existing rnuniapal system and arry house or building foc which the
appiication is made,ttae awner or corrtractor sha!!be required to obtain a permrt for sucb connection,and shali pay a permif#ee as providec
Cha�rter 3.2 of�his Code. After such connection has been made,the►l6fater and Sewer Departmern stta!!be notified. it shaii be un(aurfui to c�
arry connecting dine unril an irtspection has been anade and such connectaon and#he wurfir inciderrt thereto has been approvgd by the C'cty as
proper and suitable connectiore.
A�ter the inifiial s:onnection has been made fio ihe water servic,e curb sfiop box or the sewer fead at the property line ar a water seroice i�d it
been�e�cfiended to fihe property line for connedion,tt�e appiicarrt,oavner,or occupartT or user aF such premises shaii be iiat�le for a11 reRrairs
required to arry►water l�ne and sewer lines s�ecessary fur connection of the�remises from the main to the premises. tf the prcrperty owner
�eques�s ma�ntenance service or repairs 6e performed iry the�rty,the p�roperityy owner shafl be charged for the sos�s of the mairrtenance and;
repa3rs,inctudirag necessary street repairs afi a rate set anaualty by an adnninistratiue poficy, tt s6at1 be fihe sesponsibifrty af the appiicarrt,
owner,occuparrt or user to perform standard mairrtenance of tfie sewer service line from ihe premises to the main a�du,di�debris dearing c
root cuiting and to mairrtain the water servi,,.e curb sCQp box for operaiaility and at such�eight as will ensure that it rernains aboue the flfnistae
grade of the land or property. (Ref 638,1156,1191j