Meter Swap * Request Number: 13787
Public works Division .
Service Request
Problem Address: 5942 Benjamin St Requested B3. Sus�Okerstrom
Dep�rtme�t: WA1ER Addreas; No adc�ess provided
Proble�:�: INSTALL AMR METER Pho�Number: 763-432-5630
Schedu�ed I�ete: 2017-03-06 Schednle�1lme: 07:30:00
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Created by: Wendy Hiatt Date Cre�ed: 2017-03-02
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St�ea: In Progi�ess Submitter Hn Been r,
Date Compteted: 3�(� ,r l� Completed by: t �1, �
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B/�nv� herePoy au�hoa-eze ttl�e�iy�f�sidley and/oe-its zmpi�y�es to do ari�at as necess
re�lace the�ra�er metec. 1�znderstand i�a�ttae pra�aea�y rn�vner�s diable for�te�rafier dis��fvosse�he anaia to�e premise and ail imerio�
gtaaara9sieag- (9��r�C"City sode�1�2.06) �aaso�a�id the�'s�ty�f�ridle+�and��ts em�liayees 4�asmless i�oP ar�y�damages tEaat rraay occu�avh7e sloir:
�era�aan_ �eas#o�neluc3e,tau�aaca+t 8ess9sted ia walves,p�pin�uradls,flQors ar�dae�narb sto�a�a�ox arad ser+rece�is�e_ lea�rnderstand�am also
! tca 4la�aira a perrnit pr�ar�o�eay vworic,if necessary.
�gnr��nEr�R�onr���a�t�e�) � L1 3 7 .7�d
�a�: 5c.�5a C� ,G-�V5�-t�wi�a� 5� �� �C(�I G w. � � �. ..
Phone Aium�- 7t.e 3' 1��'"'7�I'3�jate �— � ' ��
Signafiure W��Signat�re —�
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�iDLEY�l�f CC�DE
CEIA9�"�R 4WZ.W�/ATElt,STf.�f�N!1Ai#!"9'E!�f�11ND SANIi'ARY SEWER
ADS�+11fri tS�'RAT9R�11t
�i��f t)rd BMia 9.23,Q.�,a65,566,6Z9,63�,�52,92Z,988,I14�4.,i15�,1191�
402.5 PER1wSSL'1'FEE
Prior#o mnstructirig or sepair af ar�y water oF seEver�+ae connecting tfse eitisting rnaniapaf system and arry�aase oe�bur7dir�g for�rhich the
appl�cation is rnade,the o�vvner or cosrtsactnr sfzaIl f�e reyuired to otrtain a permi�t far such connec�ian,ar�d sfaal!pay a pes�mitfee as pravide
Cha�rter 11 of�hes Code. Ai^�er sucf�cannection has besn naade,the�{6!/ater and Sewer Departmerrfi shai!be ra+otified. Pt�ail he antawfi�!to
aray�onnecting Gne ur�til an irrspection has been xnade and such connect�an anti the woric inaderrt ifiereto ha5 been aPProved by the Cei:y a
proper and suitab�e connection_
402.06 �tEPAlRS�E2 litAi4V'i'ENAAICE T�COWi+iEC770n[
A�fier the�nitiat connectior�i�as been made�o�fie wa�teer sesvice a�rb stop box or t�e semrer ie�t atfihe properqr line ar a wa,Der serri+cQ�ead
been eactended#o the property line�oc conseeci��n,tt�e appticarrt,own�r,or o�cuparrt or aser of svch premises sba[i be iiabie for aii nepairs
require�d to arry arates line and sewer Dines necessary far r,onnection of the p�-emises frorrs t{ie main to i�e prem�ses. If 1�property orvner
requests ma�rrterrance service or re�rairs be perForrned by the C'�ty,fihe proper�+j crwner sha11 be charged for the r.osts of the rnaintenance an�
repairs,includirag necessary street repairs at a rate set annually b�r an administra�iue policy. tt sf�alf be tbe s�spons�?aitity af the aPp��m,
awner,occuparrt or user ta Esetfvrm standard mairrten�nce of the sewer service line from the premises to i�e main drsduttir�cfebris deadng
roofi cufiting and to arsa�►rtain the water servi+ce curb sfiop box for operability and at su+c6 height as an7i ensure that it nemauns a6mre the ffnisPt
grade af the laa�d or�rvperty. �i�ef 638,1�.56,1192t