Meter Swap ` Request Number: 13993
Public works Division
Service Request
A_' �'
Problem Address: 6041 Benjamin St Requested By: Jason
Departmeet: WA'IER Address: No ad�ess provided
Problem/Issne: 1NSTALL AMR METF,R Plane Nnmber: 763-568-9309
5chednled 2017-03-16 � Scbedoledllme: 10:30:00
lD .�3c�
Crexted by: Beth Kondrick Date Created: 2017-03-10
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Status: 1n Progi�ess Snbmitter Hu Beee r. ,�
Date Completed: Completed by:
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3;,er� heceksy awtS�o�ize t�ae�C'r�of��sdde�arad��r its ernpdogees#a sYo yn�ea�as ne�
�-��oD�ce t4��ura�er rre�a�_ ��aac8srstand td�sa��€�ae�erogae�flnvnes u�ia6�le Foa fitae srrater lie��from the anaes�to�4as pe�mise anr!all ia�teer
�stearaaisieag- �8�or�City coa8e��.06� �ads��axsid the�'ety c+f�siclley and/'rts ern�lmye�s has�less for amy�lamages�at reaay�ccwr wlaite�Ic
^ ' ' ��eea25or�. �'fiaFs#��nel�act�,,�aug�acrrt�aras��to vradves,�a�Pi�ag,�nadis,f9�nors�r�ae�acrd�sto�n kaAx aead seavice lie�e. lrn�xnderstanri 4 am ais
fi�a�aisa a pe�it�r"so+r�cs�eay av�a-k,�f�ecessarys
Fg91iAG�Vi(ET��EADlNG�atd sneterj � (�C11'
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402.� PER3h39�"��E
Prior to�onstr�cctie�g or repair vF amp water of sewer firae connecting tFse ex�stirsg rnunicipal syster�and arry hause os�wr3Idirig for which#
appli�afiiors is made,�ae oyrner or corrtractor sfrall be required tv otrtain a pern�art#or suci�cor�nectior�,and sia-d11 pay a�►ermii#ee as provi
Cha�a�ter 3.�of�his�ode. Afi�er such connection has�esn made,tE�e�Il'ater and Sewer Department shai{�e na'trFied, it�ail be uniawfu�t
aray�onnecfiang dine un�il an ir�ectiore faas t�een araade and�rch conrectaon and the vror�c inciderrt thereto has beere aPProved(ay the City
prvper anot surtable conn�ction.
4il2A6 #?EP�lfRS s49tID 9�tA149tTEAt�194iCE TO Ct�t4otECi'10l7
�fter the initial sortnectian ftas been made�the wafier servace curb stop box or ifie sewer tead afi fihe property�fine or a rrater senrice lea�
beer�eaefiended tv fihe pfvperty line fvr conraec#ian,�te appiicarrt,odrner,or aeaa�rarrt or a,�ser af such premises shaii be itaMe far a11 re�air.
�equ�re�tv any wa#er I�ne and sewer iines necessary fvr connectian aF ifie p�emises frvm the main to fihe prnmises. If the�operty rn�vne,
a�equests mairrxenance senrice or repairs be perFosmed iry the C'ity,�ae prope�y awner shaii he charged fior�h�cosis of Ehe mairrtenance�
regairs,inciudirag nesessary sLreet repairs at a rate se�t annually�an administratiwe pol�cy. �t sha0 be the responsil�Trty*af the aPp�carrt,
cn�rner,occu�ranfi vr user to perforrn standard mairrCe�'ance aF the sevrer seraece line fror�tfae premises to fihe main a�clud�r�g deb�is dearir
rocr��afiting and to mair�tain the water ser+.r�ce curf�sfimp i�vx for Qperability an�afi such�eight as�erifi ensure that it recx�ains above the fFnw
gracle t►f Che land or pro�eriy_ �t�ef 638,2156,119I)