Meter Swap r
4 F
Request Number: 13751
Public Works Division
Service Request
Problem Address: 5921 Benjamin St Requested By: Tenzin
Departmeirt: WATER Addresa: 5921 Benj�unin St
Fridley,MN 55432
Probiem/Issue: INSTALL AMR ME1ER Phone Number: 612-598-4883
Scheduled Dnte: 2017-03-06 .�.� Schedoled 1ime: 11:30:00 ,
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Created by: Beth Koixtrick DAte Cre�ed: 2017-03-01
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Submitter Hat Been ! �.
Statns: In Progress Cantuted � �
Date Completed: Completed by: . �
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� ey ancl�oe-its e�nploqees#o aio�rhat Bs nes�ssai
regelace the erater�raeger. ;aaaaderstand t8�at the propes�t�owner 3s�iable for�toe�vafier 4irte froan�he maie�to�e premese and ail amerioe-
ptuara�ing. (d��er t"rty coaSe�6D2.05� 8 adso hoid the�'rt�+�f Fridley and�ts em�io�ees harsniess for any damages'#hat rreay,uccur a�hiie�lolr�g
o�aerat9ora. i'i�ais#o�nclude,bu$�ocafi Bimeted to vradves,��p�ng,,aatfs,f9�oors�r�e curb sto�&aox ar�t sea�vece lis�e_ In�esderstand�am also re
to o�#aira a perrnrt�arior to any�ror�,i�necessary.
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�Ref Ord Blta�113,464,565,�6b,629,63Sy 562,9Z2,988,114�4,iT56,S191j
a�oz.� ��cr r-��
i Prior to�onstructing ar s�epair of any avater oF sewer line connectirig the e�cis#ing rnunici�aJ system and arry house or 6uldir�g for which the
app(ication is rnade,the rnvner or corrtractflr shail be required to obtain a permit'Far such connection,and shalt pay a permit#eE as providec
Cha�rCer 3.1 of#his Code, pfte�such connectian has been rnade,#be�tater and Sewer Departmerrt sha!!be nflti�fied. tt shail be un(aarfui#o c�
ar�y connectang dine urrtil an inspection has been anade and such connection and the worAc inciderrt thereto has been approved by the Gt�j as
pro�oer and suitab{e conneciaort.
402.06 fiEPAIRS l.1RiD�tA1NTENARiCE Ta CONRiECTf0f01
Atter the initiat connectivn has been made fio the water sesvice cxxrb y�top bou or the searer lead at i�te Property line or a water senrice lead.�►
� been exfiended#o fifie properry line foc connection,the applicarrt,orrner,or accupant ar�ser cf such premises sha(t be i'�able fvr a!i repairs
required to any avater line and sewer lines necessary#or connection aF fihe premises from the main to the premises. if the property owner
requests ma�rnenance serv�ce or repairs be perFormed 6y the C'rty,the property orvner sha�l be,charged for the�sCs af ihe ma�ntenar�ce and;
repairs,inctuclirag ne,cessary street re}rairs at a rate set annually lay an adrninu-trakive polic�. ft shaq be t�e responsibiltty of the appl"icarrt,
owner,occuparit or user to perform standard mairrtenance af fihe sewer service line from the premises to the rnain dndtidi�debrts de�aring c
root cutCing and�o mairrtain the water service curb sto�box for operabslity and at such height as will ensure that it remains above the finishe
grade of#he land or�roperty. �Ref 638,1156,1291j