Meter Swap � Request Number: 13977 ` Public works Division Service Request Problem Address: 6140 Briardale Ct Requested By: Roger Solz I�partment: WA'IER Addrea:: No sd�esa provided ProW em/Iss�: INSTALI,AMR ME1ER Phone Number: S'I2-9124 Sc�ednled #e: 2017-03-17 � Schedaled 1lme: 09:00:00 ACIION NEEDED: Created by: Wendy Hiatt Date Crerted: 2017-03-10 ACTION TAI�N: Status: 1n Progress Submitter Ha�Beee �. Contacted Ihte Compteted: Completed by: ��1�-�� . u as.a—.J.e s—.S�nsx� ���� r�eg�4ace�4�e�erater rneges_ 1�asac9srsianci t1'sa��t�ae ro e Iaer'�hy autt�orize�^ae�i�of�radle�arad}'�ats zmpfloy�es�o sio�nv�a�t ss ne�ce A � �b'ownea�is diafsle#oa��oe�rafier fiss��roaaree'the�nais►tc3�ae gremise and al1 aa�tes� �Staaa�sadsieag. �Pes��C�y�os9e 4�.�6� 3 a8so�a�9r1 the�'rty trf�idle��and�°i'ts�rea�lmye�s haa'm{ess far aray�lara�ages�aat�aay�ccte�^�srhile�Ic ��aeea�ia�_ �'i�6s�'s�aci�cE�.§xrx�seca�t 8aaa��ec�t�waives,�alpirag,avatis,f9�ncsrs�r#;t�ae�ue�ia stop&abx ered sesvdce lisae. 1ra�ane9�e�stand�am a1s , t�ot�taiaa a�ea�ro�fi gars"a�r�o aeay aroa-�,a£�secessaryv �Rt�!Vf El'�it�.4D1lFtCa�olCi meterj ��v/`-' �� �mQ: �l� �� �1 ya ��� Pt�one 9fum�er_ ��o J� J� �." � j Z� itate /� `�J 6� Segnature ��� OLL�IV1�lE$t#__ ���� ��� �� or.��,.���c� ��I� (�`Z C� p/ - -- ------- - ------- \� �� ���r�n���� , ;_- �17 ��,�-���, 49062856 ' � - - _ ._ - � � ���-�� ���������������������� E � � _ �'� 71800655 � F�,1DL�Y�C�[?� CE[�41�'ER 402.N4iA7�i,S�Ot�E WA,�'E�AND SAiofl3Af�Y SEaVER AI!'�!1�165II'�A,7'f�toP �������$Z�a�a�s.�,�s�,sas,s��,��2,�,gss,a��s,s�s5,��a} 4Q�.5 PE€{iFPfd"9"�EE Prior to cvns�ructing or repair af ar�y wa�Cer of sewer�irae connectir�g the e�ustis�g snunicipai sys#em and ar�y�nouse os bu7dfirr�g for which# ��3�IIC2'�2flfi IS Td1;at�L,the owner or c4rrtractflr shalt be required to obfiairs a permi�t for such connectiorr,and si�alJ pay a permr�f�e as prwt Ch�pter 3.�crF th�s�ode. After s�.ach connectio�s has�eera made,the�Ifater ar�d�wer Department shall ke oaotified. t�shatl be ur�lawfu�t aray cona�ec�ang dine untft an tns�ectiora 4aas 6een xnade and�uch connec�ion and the wardc insaderr�Chereto has beere aPPr'oved by i�te Cr�y proper and surtab�e connQctio�a. 4ilZ.f16 �EFAtR s�R1��RAIiVTEtkANCE�'t2 Ct3l1i4YECTifll�l After the initia!connection has f�een made tn the water sesvace curb stop brnr or i�e sewer�ad at i�e pro�ectr�iic�e ar a water service�ea� been eacfiended tv fihe prope�tY line#or comaection,the appFicarrt,o�mer,or acci.�gant or a,rser af such premises shati be�Sab1e for afi repair. require�i to arn��rater line and sewer�ines necessary�or connection af the p�emises from�e matn ta fihe prernises. if the praperYy oxmei �equesfis rnair�essance service ar repairs be perEormed k�y the C'ity,fihe�rrope�.y owner shaii 6e charged f+oc the�s#s cf the mai►TCenance a re�airs,inctudisag r�e�cessary�reet repairs afi a rate set ennualty;b�an adnnin�s#ra�i�e poCcy. tt sbai!(ae fi�te respons�il"tiy vf the aPp�i� o�vner,accu�sa�or user to perForm standard mairrCar�nce vf the seurer serrrice�►ne from i�ae pre�fio�e rnain�nduding debris dearir, root�tfiing asad to mair�tain the water service curi�sCnp box for operab7i#y ancd at su+cfi�aight as�riff ensure Chat it remains above the fini grade of�the iar�d or property. �Fief 638,Z156,1191)