Meter Swap �
� Request Number: 13903
Public Works Division
Service Request
Problem Address: 6684 Central Ave Requested By: John Perry
Department: WA1ER Address: No�ess provided
ProblemiIsaue: INSTALL AMR METER Phonc Nwmber: 571-79i 8
Sc�ednled D 2017-03-2 Sc�edule�1lme: 02:OE1:Ut!
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Create+�by: Wcndy+His►� D�eCreated: 2017-03-08
�ws�-�, C(�
� status: In Progress snbmitter I�seee �.,
Date Complated: 2,_�� `�`� Completed by: � a�
Hoars � �
�/�ae �aea'�Pay au�tf�osize ttlae�' �#a�risl!
regn9ace th��era�er�aeter. ��aasclec�sland�a��tae rm e � �+P anclpoe-its a�npdoy�es#o ci��nr�at ds nece�
(� P �owner is dia�le fa�r#l�ae�rater�ir��from the anain to�Fee premise and z�ll anterio
. �Slaa�zaisieag. (�Q��sty sos9e��2.06� �a8s��aa�id the�'�p�F�estley arsd�3fis�m�i�qees hasmless ior any siamages�at raaay�ccur wfaile sinir
�pea-�Sora. 84ais�a�n�lucte,�arxg reo�1isa9�fiec[�o waives,�lpirag uratis,f9�+ors�r�tae�urd�stop�x ara�i ses-vice line� 6rn�rnderstar�d�am aiso
. �o o8staira a pee�a�ni�gar'so�r ic►,aay�erssrx,if necessae�e,e
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4172.� PERAPfdI"FEE
Prior#o,cvnstructing or repair vf any water oF sewer ti+ae connec�ang tFse eKlsCir�g rnunia�taJ system and ariy house oc huldfng for wh�ch the
�PP���fl�+�s rnade,fihe vwner or corrtractflr shall be required to obtain a perm'st for such caonnectiort,and s(aali}aay a�termrLfiae as provid�
Cha}rCer 3I,�of this Code. Ai�er sucfi connection has�een made,#he�Ilater and Sewer Uepartm�rrt shal!be aatified. tt shal{be unfarufvi to
arag connecting�ine untaq an inspeckion has been anacte and such conaection and tfie war�c in+adeat tFteee#o has beess approved}ry the C'rty a
proper anci suitable conn�ctiora.
�OZ.Q6 �EPAI#��AiD�itAt�ht7EMAt�ICE TO C011t4aIECTtaR1
Al�er fi,�e initial sonnection has been made�n the wateer service curb stop box or fi�se s2�arer#;ad at fihe properqr iirse or a water senrice�e,ad
�een extentterl to fit�e property Iine for conreedian,t�e ap�iicarrt,avmes,ur uccu�rar�t,o�.a�ser af such premises,shail be i'�ab1e forati re�airs
require�f�.ri a�water tine and sewer I�nes necessary#nr conrtection of tfse�remises from#he main to the prem�ses. if the property owner
reques#s mairrtenance service or repairs be perFormed by t�e C'i#y,fihe�ropearty owner shall be charged for the�s of the mainterrance an
rspairs,indudirag ne+cessary sireet s�epairs at a rate set annua�ty i�an administratiwe pvficy. it shali be the res�aorrsibii"rty ot�e aP�can't,
owner,occupar�t vr user to perform standard mairrtenance vF t�e se�,yer service ISne frorn�fte premises fio the main�nctud�r�de(xis�aring
roat+zutking�and to ma�rrtain the urater service cvrb stn�bou fos ogerability and at,u,ch height as w31i ensure Chat it rernains above the i3nist
grade af fihe land or property. (Ref 638,7.3.55,1192�
R��t f+��rvrt� R
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t�cr: ��-12-5�63 . 1'�d5J2012
TjlR�= T�w�a�.�an �:
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Ad�: �f�IT�I.A�IE�IE . �
S�d�d�e= ��1N�i/�f2:'i�liM' � • ' _ Pl�npe�r t��a�
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