Meter Swap . � Request Number: 14222 Pubhc Works Division Service Request Problem Address: 5887 Central A� Requested By: Paul Aaderson Departme�: WA1ER Address: No address provided Problemljsane: INSTALL AMR ME1ER Pboee Number: 763-553-9019 } Sc�ednled Date: 2017-03-2� Se6ednled'Rme: 09:00:00 .` � ,� �I � .... a,�-noN r�EnEn: Created by: Weix3y Hiatt Date Created: 2017-03-21 A�(,'TION TAI�N: _ �5� C 1�..�_ ��t.� Stat�: In Pro ss ��tter Iia�Been r, � Coutwcted DateCompleted: � r,�� � � Completedby: �a�J_�o ,�' !"� i �, , --_ ' :y. c aoa,.re s—.7..Y5Y� �,��� laer'�by aut[�o�ize�ae�C'rty o#�ridte�p arac�f�s ats eanpd�oyees�o�1��nv�at�s�e�:e r�ga�ace�fi��eater metes. ��a�ac�BQe-stand i�'9at�€€ae gerogaea'ty osvner�s aia�le fos tlae srra�ter 4ie��srom the anais�bn�l`ae premise ac�d a!1 iaiter �stearaatsisag. �'ee-�C"ity coa�e�SBz.�6� ��$s��9t8 the�"�.jj of�scstPe�,�and�/afis�m�l�ye�s has�miess�or any�iamages�€aa�t�aa�:occter�rrhile�Jt ' ��ee�fiion_ gP�nis��'sn�tucfe,fx��aaca�3asa9�c1�o valves,�a�ping,�alls,f9�csss�r tiae eurb sta�v&aox arad seavdce line. Ir¢aesc[�e�sear�d�am al: t t�o ofa�aira a pera�nit�ars"o:r�o aray�r�r�,af�ecessarg�v 2-�� -- +�-� t--�"3� - a� ��������������,�� _ �,� � �� 5 D s a�- � �3 2 ���,�;_�c�w I 1��d�erse�. �r� S8P 7 C-��,.� ��. p�o��u��� 7�3-- 5,�3 — qo l q �� 3 ..�� _ �,� . . �� ��� � ������I 5��y D�o ������_ 17 �t 7 �5 0 ������� �w�o� a��y NE+�.�rs�- U ����__ � � �a lo� � � �������� ���.�a�,�o�����������Y��R .�/ ������ ����A 68 4�1V�.LJq°ri/�Ry�VJy��,��y�3�y '�Ci�y��.7Q0y 31'4°T�1AJV��i71� 40�.� PEFt4b3�"�EE Prior to cvns^tructie�g or�-epair vf any ruater�f sewer�aae cnnnecting tFse e�dsting rnu�sici�al system and ar�y hsxue or txrldFrig fvr whsch tF ap}�ticativn�s made,fihe oarr�er or cor�tra+ctor shatt 6e required to otrtain a periri�t for such connedion,and staail pay a perm�fiee as provi Cha�rCer 3.�of this�de_ After sucfi corrnection fias�een made,the�Itater a�d Setiver Departrn,ent shait be�aatified. tt�iatl be u�taarfu�t arsy casas�edang Une urrt�7 an i�section�aas�isen anacle and such cor�aectiars and the wordc insaderstthereto has tteen aPpr'av¢d isy�Pre Crty �roper and suitabte cons�ectiora. 402.06 �TEPAIRS l��t��fAiRfTElIfAAiCE T�CCDNN�Cl'1Af0t �er ttae initia►connectivn has been made to the�rater serv�ce cu,�b sfiop t�,c�c or�re sewef lead at the propert�line ar a rrater servi��ea, beer��ended tc�the prv�erty lir�e fas s�nraedaan,the appiicarrt,ovmer,or acc�,ipacrt r��ser of such premises shaii be llai�ie for�ll re�air. require�d to any water line and sewer tines necessary#or cons�ect'son af tfae�remises from ihe main to the�r�emises. tf tf�e pmperty�o�mei requests ma�rrtersance see�rice or repairs be perFormed by�e C'ity.�dae grage�fij cmvner shali be char�ed f�r#ie�s sif the maBre�enance a �epaiss,in+�udirag necessary�reet re�airs at a rate set arsr�uaiSy try an administr�a�tive parcy tt shatf he the resporrsi6i�"ity of the applicar� a�vvrser,occu{sa�rt�r usec tv perforrx�standard mairrterrance of s�e sewer seraice line frvm tfae prem�ses to t�►e rnain ir�cludirig deh�is deacir raot cutting ared�o mairrCain the urater ser+dce cur(�sfiAp box for opera&sli•Ly and afi susfs�eight as ur�li ensure#iaC r�rernairts above the fini g�racie of fihe tand or�araperty. �i�ef 638,1156,1191j