Meter Swap . � Request Number: 13972 Public Works Division Service Request Problem Addreas: 6895 Cbannel Rd Requested By: Curt Schrceder Department: WATER Address: No ad�ess provided Problem/Issue: 1NSTALL AMR.METER Pha�Number: 763-360-4454 Schedaled Date: 2017-04-OS � Schednled'Rme: 02:00:00 �'Y� ACIION NEEDED: Created by: We�y Hiatt Date Created: 2017-03-10 ACTION TAI�N: �..s.�� 11�r� -P�►�.-� Statua: In Progress Submitter H�Been r Co�tscted Date Compieted: � ,_ � _ ) —] Campleted by: � � � �k� . , � � � ;� _ �� . ���` ..�ir:`.'� \ . . r p a.Y.d"'�,Y d Z—.B..Vyp� 9'��� hes�6y au€d�o�ize tPae�6�of.�risfley arad���a�.s empdoyees to�i�+�fia�os ner:e r�e�o9ace�e aera�er yree�es_ ��a�c8erstaeed t�sat tt�ae pro�ea�t�owner is dia�sle for�e�rafier{ie���om�e assais�to�ae premese and all asrter �Staae-a�a�srag. �Por'C�iJ�ode�9�.0�� �a�s+��a�icd tFre�F�j af�s�s!le,,�end�ats�raagsf�yees�arrseless-�or arr�siamages�at seaay�cct���i(e�t � ��ee�a2ic�se_ �'�s8s��nci�ecf�,�ug,�cart 8asa�s�d��rr��ves,}z�ging,�ralfs,fl�rsrs�r ttae�ca�b sto�v kaox arad seavice lisae. Ire�nd�rstand�arrs ai: �o&a�tain a pea•cni��ar�a��s�aray�r�orx,�F rsecessaca�. ���' �f�2��C�— C�`� ������������,�s� �� � � �P �C� 5°� 3 �d � �a�,�: _ (,��' �- Sc.-�.trt,�..�r ��� CQ �3� `J G�,�n,�( � ��o����,�-�t���- J�o - �t'�5�1 �� �--[ - �� l +j s-,�,�,� ��� �..... o« ����_��g� DC�� �� l � �L����G_ ��v �I �����R�- �I��0 �Q`l3 �� o ��-� �7�� � o��- . �������D� Ctt,���2.watr��,ssot�w�,��g�trt�s,at�rr�'ataY s�R ��`' a�s�c�s��-��nr ��'Cl �b68 4'�.�i�Ja`!iY#y�V�y�6�Ig V�,7����y��Gy��y��Oy���YF��Vy�71j . ��.� �E����� � � . . Prior to cons^trjucting or�~epair of a►ry water of sewer�iaae connecting tFte�rsg�ncartiapa(systern and arry house or iuxitdir�g fvr whrch�f a�rplic�iare is made,tfae c�mer ar raorrtracC�s shall tae required to abbin a g�erna�t for suc�connedion,ar�d sfaall pay a permf�#es�provi Ck�a�ter 3.3 vf�h�s Cod�_ Ai�er suci�con�estion�as�een rnade.#te�6Pater and Se�rrsr Depas�firrser�t s�SaSt�oe not�"ied, 1t shail be unfawfut t ar�y cvraa�ec#ing line ucrti7 an ir�s�ection Taas t�een xnade and such eonnection an�t the�tvr9r inciderrt fiheretc�H�(�eera apA�ov�(bY i�e� proper and suitabte connectin�a. �G12.316 �iEFt�1R�,4RiD�+iA14Y7'E41[A�d'CE 7'Q Ct3lrtAt�CTit9�t After tfie initiat sonnection has been made�a the arafier service curb sto�a bcxc or fi.Fre sewer feact at fifse prvperty iiae as a�ater senrice iea� i�er�exfiended to i�re proq�ecty line for sx�aaraectior�,fihe applirarrt,omrner,or Qccvgarrt or a�ser vF sucf�premises shati be t'�abte�For alt repafr. rec�aired�o aasy wa#e�r dine and sewer rnes neces�saryr far connectian aF i�e premises from#he maPn to the�premiises. 1f t�e psopesty owne� �eyuests ma�rrkenance senrice ar re�irs be performed by�se CFty,�tae�aropertyr aarner sha116e c(�arget!f�or Rhe cos'Es of the maintenance a repairs,indud��ag ne�essary street repairs at a rate set annuaify�an adra�inis'tYati�e paiicy. �t shat!be tHe nesporrsbil"rt9t o#the applicasr�, oavraer,occu�rarnt v:user to perfvrm standacd anaiirteriance of the se�wer sererice�ine frorra�[ae premises to ifie rnain�rdu�rtg debris de�arir rocr��ing a�ad to ma�s�stain the uva�ter seruic,Q curb st�g 6ox far ogerabstity and afi su ch fi�eight as�aill ensure Chat it remains a6ove the i�ni: grade af#he�aa�d or property. (Ffef 638,1156,1191.�