Meter Swap ` Request Number: 13925 Pubhc Works Division Service Request Problem Addreas: 6846 Channel Rd Requested By: Jedy Stubbs Dep�rtment: WATER A�lress: No addreas providad Problea�/Isa�: INSTALL AMR METER Phoee Nnmber: 574-0229 Sc t� e: 2017-03-15 Sehedaled 1lme: 08:30:00 �. g, ��,\ � �_J AClION NEEDED: Cre#ed by: W�ady I�iiatt D�e Cre�ed: 2U 17-03-08 ACIION TAi�.N: � .�� Sts�ua: 1n Progress Submitter Has B�en r Coatacted Date Completed: Com�eted by: � ��-� �� � c� , q ai.3—.,Ya L—eD.LSY�ID ���rve her��y au�ho�eze�ae C'r��#Frulley arac8/'flr its e�pdoepees#a s!o env3aat ss nece r+Q�4ace�e mrater�a�ee�ec_ �aasac�srstand�ea�t€ae�rm�ea-ty awner is dia7�le fa�#l�oe vvatar�n��rom Yhe anais�to�ae premese and alI iarcer �Stsarradsieag• �o��y cos9e�2.06� �a�so�asxi��e�j r��sdsile�,+�ndj"rts�m�sim,ye�s hae�mless for arry�laraiages�a�t anay�azir w4aite�c o�aes�taon_ i'daFs to�ncJucf�,�u��scrn d�sasr�el to rralwes,gal�ing�vaifs�f�oors�r�iae�ascta stog�box arad seavece line. Ira�snderseand�am aL to o8ataira a�aeean'rt�xrs"oa to�ray�roe-�,�F�ecessare�e � �����������������_ �� 2�� �iasne; `-' � J��S �fdress / f —c• ��a��u�,��_�,��� ��l-e2,�� � ���l"7 s�"�"� a��� 1� t?L� �fE�E�€� (�� �G �1 'J� D� o���t�vG -- � � � � �`� � 7 � �� �������� � � I 49062885 �� NE __ _ _ . [� �� II � � ' ���-� IIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIII E 11 71800843 F��LEY£!�'1(+��D� CFIA�'E!$Q+Q2.Fl�1�,7'�,S1'Of�!!1+!Y�i�,7'�!t�4YD S�kAiITARY SEYVER ADA�!l1N6�'RAT[Ol�t ���CBret�e[o�13a�IEy�65,��i5,629,635,�C2,9�'Z,988,1144,i:t5�,1191j 4Q�.S PEi�i'kRl9"�""FEE �rior�o constructir�g or�-epasr aF any water aF�,ver isne connecting i�se ex�stirsg nzexrcici�►aI sgstem and arry�ouse or lnxTdFrig for vrfiich# apptication is sarade,the ownes or corrtractor shatl be requiced to obtain a�oermifi for such r.onnedior�,and sfeatt pay a permit fee as proui �ha�rter 3.�of ihis�ade_ Ai�er such connecCior�has�een rnade,the�ICater and Setiver Department shall be noixfied. ft shall be untaarfui t ar�v connectang�ine urrta7 an irrspecCiara has 6een made and such conaectavn and the rvur�inaderrt thereto h�beese aPAra�ed by the CFty proper and su�able con�,ectiora. �172.06 �'{EPAlRS,,4ND�Ali�i'E9i(AldiCE 7'il CCDEQfOIECTiOM + A�ter the iniCiai connectivn ita�been made to#he wafier service curb stop 6ox vr tihe sewer tead at fiFse propertir iine or a rater�nrice lea� been eartended to fitae property line for conraectiar�,the appiicant,ouvner,or occuparrt ar a�ser rrf such premises shati be i'a�abte far ail repatr. require�!�o arry water l�ne�nd sewer�nes necessasy#or connectian of tfre p�-eemis�es fram#i�e main to ihe prem&Ses. If tite property orvnei �equests mairr�enance service ar regairs d�e perFamaed by tFie Crty,the grope�y owner shail he charged for�he�s aF the mairr�rrance a repairs,indudirag ne,cessary street�epairs at a rate se�t annualFy 3ry an administra��ae pof�cy. tt sfiat!he fiiae responsilaii"ity o#the aPpGcant, oGvreer,accupa�vr aser to perform standard anairrter�nc�of 1fie seurer seraice line firorn�se premises fio fihe rnain�r�cludir�debris dearFr rov�t cutting and�o mairrtain the uvater service curf�sCo�ho�for�perability an��t suc6�eight as yar7i ensure Chat it recrsairts a6ave the ffni: grade af Che�as�d or�arvperty. (iZefi 538,1156,1�97.J