Meter Swap ; Request Number: 14586
Public works Division
Service Request
Problem Address: 1383 Creek Park Ln Requested By: Morgan Malroo�y
Department: WA'IER Addres:: No adc�ess provided
Problem/Issue: INSTALL AMR METER Phone Number: 763-438-6625
Schedaled I�te: 2017-04-13 Sc�ednled'ilme: 08:30:00
Crented by: Beth Kondrick Dste Created: 201 T-04-07
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Status: In Progress Snbmitter Has Beea r
Date Completed: Compieted by:
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re�Olace�e urater meter. ��r�derstand s�a�tFae �o e � eil and/os-a�s empi�Qes#o sio wha�ds
t����� � �a �V ownes�s�ia�le fma�3�oe�rrafier line from the snain to�lhe premise and atl iarterio
,� g• (Per�C"rey sode��ZQ6� e aiso�t�icJ�he�'+t�,�f�sislley�nd�afis em�slrrn�e�s 9aarmless�or any slamages�feat rxaay�ccaar+�►laiie sloi�
�,werae5on. �'9�a6s���nclude,�au�raca�t desa��tee3 t�uadves>��pin�wadls,f9+nors os�Se�aariz sto�box�nd servece lis�e. In�enders#and�am aiso
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Prior to consts�alctir�or s�pair of any water aF sewver iirae connecting the existir�g rnunicipal system and arry fiouse ar bu7dir�for whic�the
appticatifln is macte,tlae o�vner or corr�tractor shali be required to oi�tain a perrraifi for such connection,and s(ra{i pay a permiifee as proaid�
Chaptes 3.�of this Code. After sucfi connection has been rnade,fihe Mit'ater and Sewer Departmern shail�e�aotified. Ft strall6e uniaarful#o
ar�y conneceang(ine urr�il an inspection has been anade and such conneGaors and the w+or�c inciderrt thereto 6as b�n apprrn�ed by the�ity a
�ro�er and su�abte connQction.
A�Fter tfie initia!connectivn h�been made to the water service curb stop box or the server iead a�t i�e property line or a water service tead
been extended to fitse prvperty fine for conraectiar�,the appficarrt,owner,or�ccu�rarrt ar a�ser vf such premises sf�ai!be i�abte for ail repatrs
�equire�l to a�ty water line and se�arer lines s�ecessary#or cannectian of the prem'�ses from the main to tfas premises. !f the progerty owner
requesfs mairr#enance senrice vr repairs be�erfnrmed by the C'rtS/,the properiy oevn�shatl he charged for ehe casts of t6e►nairrtenanc�e an
repairs,includirag necessary street repairs at a rate set annua�ly{ryr an administra#ive pvrcy. #t shaft be i�e sesporrsibitiiy o#the aPpiicarrt,
o�vraer,oscu�sarrt or user to perform stan+dard anairrteriance of the sewer sere+ece line from fihe prem�ses ta fihe rnain andudng debrr�dearirig
root�e�tting and�o mairrtain the water seruic,e,curb sfiop box for operai�ili#y and afi such height as w�'11 ensure that ft remairu above the finisF
grade of the land or property- (Ref 638,2156,1191�