Meter Swap �
�` Request Number: 13880
Pubtic works Division
Service Request
ProMem Address: 1511 Fer�ale A� Requested By: trvOlson
Ikpartment: WATER Ac�dress: No adc�ess provided
Problem/ies�: IN5TALI,AMR METF•R Phune Number: 574-9335
Scheduled D�e: 2017-03-15 Scfle�uulei Tt�e: 01:30:U0
1^ �3
Cre,�Esd by: Waady Hiatx Dtte Created: 2017-03-07
Status: In Progress Sabmitter Haa Been �,
Date Completsd: Complet�d by:
#�'B�8re9�a �11�� °�5�4.��
�/�+v� hereFsy authorize ttl�e�Cii��r£�rKiley andf or its zmpdoyees to�to wi�afi ds necessao
regsl�ce tl�e water�ae�tea�. ��aeac9erstand�aa#filae�ro�ae�ty ownea��s liable for tl�oe�vater lis���rom�he anais�to��ee premise and ail iaiterior
r {ataareaBs�ng. (Per�ty cosle�6DZ.Q6� 3 ads��Soid the�'ety��o^edle�and�"rts�m}sl��e�s has�ralless for any�tasnages�tteat arsay�r ie►hite sloir3g
opea�a'tion. �4ais�o inc➢ucBe,bu�rnog Bisa9ateel to vatves,��ping,yvatfs,#9oors or tdae curia stog box arad senrece line_ 1re�snderstand�am alsa rE
� t�flda#aiea a gerrnit�arsoa�o arry wa�r���ecessary.
F4A{AL IUfETIER READI4YG�okt mefiera �����r��
A�ame: ��l'�tl 6l�VlJ Address_ l J��� /Gr/�.t�ic�'(J �`C/
Phone�tumi�er_ !`B�� 7 `� ✓�!7l� Dafie �f��fv�
Signature WFtness Signatur+E_ �
OL� lVIETE�� ��� l ! � �
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_ ��orct�o s.z3g a�ay�s�,��sg szg,s3�,�62,�2�y�ssy as�,szss,ss9s}
402.5 PERMlT FEE
Prior to constructic�g or sepair oE arry water af sewer tirae connec�ting the existirsg rrrunia�at system and arry hause or Inxttdirrg for Which#he
appJ�cation is made,the owner or co,rtra,ctor sha11 t�e required to obtain a perra�s'rt for sucts connectior+,and siaali pay a permr�fee as providec
Chapter 3a of this Code. After such cannection has been made,the Gflater and Sewer Departmerrt shali i�e notified. It shat!be ur�tawfui#o c,
arry connecting t�ne urrti�an�nspection has been anade and�uch connection and the wortc inciderrt thereto 6as beer�appr�oved fry tfte C'�ty as
prraper and suitabte connQctia�.
A�fter the initial cortnection has beera made to the water seniace curq stop box or the sewer lead at the propertY line ar a�r s�roice lead 6
been exfiended to the property line for canr�ectian,the appiicarrt,owner,or accuparrt a�r user of such premises sF�alt be iiable for ail repairs
required to arry waa�ter dine and sewer tiaes ssecessary#or+connection of the�remises from the mafn to the premises. if the properry owner
requests mairrtenance service ar repaPrs be perFormed by the City,the property o�mer shali he charged for the costs of the�nairtterrance and;
repairs,includfrag n���ary street repairs at a rate set annuaify�r an admini�tra�ive policy, tt shan be the respons�?iiPrty oF the apprcarrt,
owner,occuparrt or user to perforrrr srandard mairrtenance af the sewer service line from the prem�ses to the nnain anduding de1,�s ci�aring�
root�w�tting and�o mairrtain the water servic;e�urb sfiap box for operaktility and at such height as mrill ensure tha#it remairis above the finishe
grade of the land or property. (Ref 638,1156,1191�