Meter Swap � Request Number: 13635 PubHc works Division Service Request Problem Addreses 1247 Gardena A�e Requested By: Patty Scott Departmeut: WA1ER Addrea:: No adc�ess provided Problem/Isaae: INSTALL AMR METER P6onc Number: 571-8928 5cheduled Da e: 2017-03-06 Se6edaled 11me: 01:00:00 A�C'IION NEEDED: Creaited by: We�y Hiatt Date Created: 2017-02-24 ACIION TAI�N: _ _ `!rC v���� ����'!'" "�•�-- _ , _._..__..._......__ .___._._......__... __.___._____.._._. _ -� ?4 . '.,„�;,,. .� ��• ..�_.._._._..._ __�_..._. ._......_._._._._...___� w'� � _ ._._.._.. _..._.___._____....__._ ._.._._..._.__.__...__ . .�', Statua: In Progress Snbmitter Hm Beee �, Co�act�d Ds�te Completed: ,,�_.:,. ���� z Completed by:���� Ds � '-�i � k � 'dY'�+eJL 6781tlV'�79Y1Y'9�Y$.'"��f,,.-O�f� �4"9SBA£�/n�� �s�4�� ���_��z_�s�� a ��-y�s�s v -� � �/"1°� her�by authorize the�i of�s�id! 'L� ey ancl/or its em{sioqees#o�!o wfiat is necessary regn�ace the eerater meter, �a�nderstand t3�at the�ropea�ty owner�s liable foa'#tte�rater fine feom the mais�fio the premise and a!i irrcerior r pturrsl�ing. (Per�C'sty sude 9�2.m6) 3 also k�oirl the�'rty���idley and/"rts em}sloyees harmless#or eny damages tha[may mccur white sloing t � o�er��ion. �"9�tis to�nCtude,4�uT wo�tianifieet io valves,pipirog,uralls,�9oors os the curb sto��ox ared ses�vice line_ tn�nder;tand I am afso rec to obtaira a peranrt pr'sor to arry�eror�,�#�ecessara�. > � �� F9RfAiI.3►ifE'i''ER READiNG(aid meterj � -" � � 1, � " �� �iame: ��' �(,(J 1 i Address 1� i� `-�WK�(�'�i�� �Q,f`Q P1�one lYumber— ! � �' � C/ Date—-_ �— � �� �gnature Wiis�ess Signature ��o ����J� �8��� o� ������ �c� - �7 a NENO ME't'ER# � I v�Q � � � � NEG � ERT'# � � �d � �� � . FRDDLEY CITY Ct3DE CI�At�'�R 402.WATER,STORM WATE4�AND SANtTARY SEWER ADNItW4S'4'RAT6C?N �lt�f CDrd�to 113,464,565,�65,629,635,6�2,92�,9�8,I144,1I5fi,ii91� 4U2S PEttRIfIT FEE Prior to constructirig or repatr af any water of sewer line connecting the e�tisting munia�a(sysrem and arry D�ouse oc buildirig for which the appiicafiion is made,fihe owner or corrtractnr shati be required to obtain a permifi for such wnnection,and shali�ay a permit fes as proytded Chapter 3.1 of thes Code. After such con»ection has been rs�acfe,fihe Ulfater and Sewer Departmerrt shal!i�e nofiified. Ft sha(1 be un(avrful#o ca any connectang dine umal an inspecrian has 6eere made and such connection and the worgc inaderrt thereto bas bee�e approded by the C'rty as� proper and suitable connectio�. 402.06 ltEPA(RS�aNQ�1fA1t11'�E11iAf1iCE TO COh�OtECTION Afte+r tf�e inrtial connection has been made fio the water service curb stop boK or the sewes Sead at fihe property iine ar a water senrice lead fk been exfiended#o fihe property l�ne for cannedian,the apQiicartt,ovrrner,or occupasrt or user af such premises shaii be iiabie forall repa�rs required�io any eivater(ine and sewer lines necessarY#or r.annectian of the premises from the main to the premises. tF the proper�y owaer requests mairrtenance service or repairs be perFarmed byr the City,fi,he propeMy owner shali be charged for the costs of the mairrterrar�ce and/ repair�s,inctudirag necessary street s epairs at a r�rte set annua{ty by an administra�tive policy. ft s6atf be the responsibit'rty o�F th�applicarr�, owner,occuparrt+or user to perEorm standard maisrtenance ofi the sewer service l�ne from the premises to fihe main Snclu�ng debris dearing o+ roofi cutting and to maicrtain the water service curb stop box for opera6ility and at such height as wili ensure that it remair�s a6ove the finss4�er ,grade of the land o�propesty. (Ref 638,1156,1191)