Meter Swap �
. ' Request Number: 13878
Pub�c Works Division
Serv�ce Request
Probtem Addreas: 5980 Garc�na Ln Aequested By: He�ryl Wurtz
Departmeut: WATER Addreu: No addra:s provided
Problee�/Issue: iNSTALL AMR 1wIETER Phaee N�mber: 763-355-�85S
Schednle e: 2017-03-17 � Schedidei Tlme: 07:00:00
, �Q� ..7,
Cre�tsd by: Wendy I�iiatt D�e Creata�: 2017-(l3-0'7
__�.. � ,�
Stat�s: In Progress Snbmitter Hai$eeu r,
Dste Completed: ' Completed by:
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9/�ar� laer�Poy authorize t�se�'r�v�F�a�edley and/o�-its empioyees ta do wvhat os necee�ssaa
*� r�e{�1ace the vrater�rae�tea�. ;vnderstand t8>at the g�ropes�ty flwner is diable foa��e xvater line firom the anain to�lhe,vremise and atl iarterior
/ ptaarrrdsirag. {e�er�C'rty sosfe 4�2.�6) �adso�told the�"rttl�F�dle�and�afis em�lrs�ees harmless for aray damages+tf�aat anaay occar white doing
o�ea�ation. 1'his�0 9nclude,�aut�aot 9ianetec!#o rralves,p9pin�walfs,fboors or titQ�ue�b sto�box ered senrece lir�e. Irn uesd�rs�ind�am also r�
te�otataiea a pee�a�nit�er'sorto arry rrnr�,�f necessara,e
�9T�IAL NfETER dtEADN►iG�oid metea�� V������
Aiame:__��'�/'�Y''� 1,�1�� Address ���`/ V 1�1,�C�� ��"�
Pfeone fYumber 1 1O c.�r ��j '��j�pate �� ` � � 1 �
Signature �'" �`" il s�ess SignaWre " V�-�"
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(�i�Orst tlto 113,�640 565,�6b,�29,635,�;62,922,9$8,1144,i156,1192}
4Q2.5 PERM3'f FEE
Prior to constructing or cepair of any arater vf sewer 9ir�e connecting the existing rnunia�aai system arsd arry fiouse vr bui[ding for rrhich t6e
application is made,the owrrer or cor�fira,ctcrr shalt tae�quired to o6tain a�eermit for such connection,and shali pay a permit#ee as proyidec
Cha�rCer 3.1 af�his tode. Afiter such connection has�een made,the�ltater and Sewer Department shal!be notified. It shail be untarorful to c,
ar�y conrrecting dine urrti'f an inspection has been made aod such connedaan and the arflr�c;nader�t thereto has beere aAP�d by the Ccty as
pro�oer and�uitab{e connectiore.
Ait�er the inrtial connection has been made fio the rvater service curb stop box or the sewer lead at fihe property�ine or a�r�nrice Ieac!h
been exte+xled to�the property Iine for connedian,ifie appiicarrt,owner,or occuparrt ar user o#such premises sNall be iiable fvr aii repairs
required to arr�water line and sewer lines necessary#or connectian of the premises from tl�e main to the premises. 1f the prope�ty osyner
�equests maintenance service or repairs be perFormed by the Crty,the prop�rty dwner shati be charged for the�pf i�e mairttenance and;
repairs,inctudirag ne+ce�sary sireet repairs at a rate set annua�ly}ry art admin�s�tra�ive pvrcy. it sha�be�ae r�+spo+nsr7�itifigr afithe applicant,
owner,occuparrt or user to perform stanciard maintenanc,e of the sewer service line from tfae premises to the main ancludirig debris dearing c
�'oot s�a�ing and to rrrairrtain the water servtce curb stcsp box for operai�i("rty and afi such€�eight as un7i ensure fihat it remains above the finishe
grade of the land or property_ (ltef 638,1156,I192�