Meter Swap .
� Request Number: 13607
Public Works Division
Service Req�st
Problem Address: 5906 Haclanann Are Req�sted By: Alyssa Parkcr
I?eparEmeat: � WATER ,�r�s; 5906 HaclaY�ennA�c
Fridlay,hIN 55432
Probtemllss�e: INSTALi,.AMRMET'ER Phone Namber: 612-787-8217
Sche�ed Data: 2fl1 - - 8 ..,� S�chedoled 11�e: 10:00:00
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Createi D�: B�th Kondrick D�e Createi: 20�7-02-23
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Statns: In Progress Sabmitter H�Besa �
Date Ca�leted: Compieted 6y:
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hereby authorize the��ty af Fsidley and/or its e�nployees to s10 what is necessary
wegs➢ace the water 3neter. 1 ranclerstand t�diat the progea�ty owner as liable for the wvater Bine from tt+e anain to She premise and ail interior
j Pl�'g►'"���'g. �����ri1►cos9e 4�2.06� 3 adso�old the C'rty�f Fridley and/'rts em�loyees haa�mless for any�lamages tha�t rraay otcur wfaile doing t
o�er,ation. "B"his to�nclucEe,�►ut aao�Birn'rted to valves,p9pin�walts,floors or tiae curb stop box snd service lie�e_ In�esderstand!a Iso sec
to o�taira a perrnrt g�r�o,r io aeay wor�,�f�ecessary.
FlTUAL�IIETER I�ADl�i1G(a(ct metecj � �' �r� `���
lYame:�'C`_�T��Y`-' i��� Address ��� ��C.��l�,h ��L.
Phone tYumber�!�� ` ��Z„l� pafie�r / � /
��� Witness Si�nature
OLC? MET�R� �`L'-1 ��� � �
OLD READtf11G �� �Z ��D
NE?I6P ME�'ER#� d/���� ��
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ERT# � � �� I� J� � .
AD1W11'!�t lSTROaT60l1t
�OA�o�� i�/o��3�`ViJ�Fy�VSy���g Li3��?O�f7��y 7�y�9Uy 11�'nF�Si.79�1i���
402.5 AERMl7 FEE
Arior ta conmucting or repair of ar�y water of sewer lirae cannecting the existing rnunici�aaf system and ariy house ar bui[ding for which the
application is made,fihe owner or corrtractor shall be required to obtain a permit for such c000ecbon,ami staali pay a permit fiee as provic(ed
Chapter 12 af this Code. After such connection has i�eea made,the�Nater and Sewer Departmerrt sha!!be nakified. ft shail�unlaa�fut to ca
arry connecting(ine unti!an inspectian has 6een made and such connectioa and the wor8c inadertt thereta has been approved iry the C'rl;y as�
proper and witab�e connectiore.
After the initiat connection has been made to the water service curb stop box or thhe sewer lead at the prope+�ty iine or a rrater senrir;e�eac((�
f�een extended#o the pro�►esty line for connection,tF�e appiicarrt,owner,or accuparrt or user vF such premi�s sf�ali!,�lFaWe for ai�repairs
rec{uired ta any water f�ne and sewer lines necessary#or connectian of the premises frorn the main to the premises. !f the prop�rty orrrner
reques�ts main#enance senrice or repairs 6e perFormed 6y t3�e City,the property oarner shatl be cHar�ed for the�of the ma�rtt�na�ra�e and�
repairs,inctu@irag necessary street repairs at a rate set anaualiy by an administrative poiicy, tt shaq be t�e sesponsbility o�Fthe app�icarr�,
owner,occuparrt or user to perForm standard mairrtenance of the sewer service line from the premises to the main irtdutling debrls dearing o!
root cu�tting and to mairrtain#he water service curb stap box for operability and at such height as wifi ensure that It remairis ai�ove 1�►e finisi�
grade oF the land or prvperty. (Rei 638,1156,IL91}