Meter Swap ♦ � Request Number: 13747 Pubhc Works Division Service Request Problem Address: 61�0 Hcat�r Pl Reqnested By: Ron Mattson Deputmeet: WATER Addre:s: No address provided Problem/Issue: INSTALL AMR METER PhoAe Nnmber: 763-572-2376 Sc6ed�ilad Date: 201?-03-08 Sc6eduled Time: Ol:30:00 `7`� ` ACIION NEEDED: Created by: Beth Kondrick Dnte Created: 2017-03-01 ACIION TAI�N: ��: ���� Snbmitter Has Bees r, Conit�ted Date Completed: Completed by: ,�'l7 � 9-�'9g8���a {ti�F\C ".a`54.�r� 7�3-�"s72-35'i�� 9��xv� hea�6y aatho�ize ttae�ii�a#s�rid(ey and/ar its ernpdoyees ta s!��r�at is necessaa '� �egalace�he�erater metea�. 1 a�nrJerstand t�►a�the ro e � ' � �a s'ty ownee��s diable fcar�e�ra#ec line from the anaie�to�lhe premise and all imerior ptearradsieeg. (�,e�-�C'r�ij�e q�2.05� 3 a�,sa�Soid the�'riy of F�idle�endJ'rts em�loy�e�s harmless#or aray�amages#L�at rraay accur+e�4aiie s�oing o�ea�a2ian. �'teis#o�nelu�ie,4�u$aaoR lisa9itec!io vaives,�a�ping,watis�f9oors os kiie�urla sto�k�ox and see�vdce lis�e. Ir¢understand�am aiso a�e t�o�#aiea a perrni�pr'sor to any rror�,if�ecessary, iF9it{� Ei'ER fREAD#t�tG(olci metera ��� � l V Aiame: Address �!� ��Ft- . ptaone 9fumber,]���_L-���—_oate_ �j��� �� ��� WfG�ess Sigr�aiure ���� Z�`�� o�- o�� a��,-f�� b, OLD iiEADtiUG cJ�uV �C� {�' Y , _ _ �.Z. � ,� � _ � �, � �, �°� ��v���-�R��! � �1 NE��i,-��, _--_48906999 , �' �- _-- ���� IIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIII E �', �� � ' 11 71816846 r------- �RIDLEY Cf�f�t�DE CHA�"�EER 402.YVA7�Ett,S'7'OR41P6 WA,TEla AND SANITA�Y SEWEI� AD'hilNNllS�'3iAT6�N ��i�Card�io 213,4�,565,566,629,638,�62,922,9$8y 1144,1155,i191� 402.5 PER4M19T FEE Prior to constructing or repair of ar�y derater oF sewer iirae connecting the existireg�nuniapal system and arry house or fwlding for which the epp(�cation is a�nade,the ormer or corr�-a,ctor sha(1 be required to obtain a permi�t for such conc�edion,and shalt pay a perrniL fee as providec Chapter 3.2 of this Code. After such corrnection has beer�rnade,ttte�AAlater and Sewer Departmerrt shatl be no "trfied. it sha(t be un(awfu!to c� ar�y connecting(ine un�il an inspeclaon has been anade and such connection and the worbc inciderrt thereto has been approved by the City as proper and suitab;e sonnectior�. �02.06 }tEPA1R��[I(p�TAq�yyhtyq�ICE TO COfYloIECTfQN A�Fter the in'rcia!connectivn has been made io the water service cur6 stop boec or ifie searer lead at the propeirty tine ar a water seroice lead h been exfiended to the property line for connection,the applicarrt,ovmer,or accuparrt or user o#such premises sfrati be i'iabte for all repairs required tv any water line and sewer lines necessary#ar connection of the premises from the main to fihe prem�es. if the property ayorner requests mair�#enance senr�ce or repairs be perFormed by the�ity,#he�aroperiy orvrrer shafl t1e char�ed for th�cosis of the mairtterrance and; repairs,inctudirag necessary street reparrs at a rate set annuaiiy by an administrative policy. tt shatf be fii�e respons�itifiy of the appGcan#, owner,occupa+rt or user tv perform standarct mairnenance af the sewes senrtce line from the premises to the main anduding debris dearing c rocrt cutCing and to mairrtain the water seruic,e curb sfiop bax for operabil'rty and at su,ch�eight�wiii ensure i�at it rernains aboue#he flnishe grade aF the land or property_ (Ref 638,1156,1192d