Meter Swap �
• � Request Number: 14002
Public works Division
5ervice Request
Problem Address: 6275 Kerry Ln Requested By: Tim
Dep�rtment: WA'IER Address: No�ess provided
Problem/Iasne: INSTALL AMR METER Phon�e Number: 763-245-7620
Seheduled Date: 2017-03-21 5c�edaled 1lme: 07:00:00
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AClION NEED�;'����ioe 8�Tagrlsar did�ot want to change c�e to a ruaty pipe.Full time�wrloer to
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Crexted by: Wendy Hiait Date Cre�ed: 2017-03-13
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Ststus: In Progress Sebmitter Has Been r.,
llnte Completed: Completed by:
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a aar-J e L—.a..v'4Y�ID
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Toy acatS�o�fze�as�5�oi`�r�diey aradfsss-its esr;p8o���sl�+nv�rat ds ner,.�
r�g�9ace t4�e aaea�er rrae�ec. �azaxterstand id�a��ee prm�e�oewner��s 3ia��e ta�a�3ae�vatar lie►�£rom�he anais��o�ae gremise and�dl ia+ter
� �taaa�rabieag (&�Ar�City�oa�e��.06� �ads��t+�it8�ie�"rttp+1f�sesdle,,�ax�d�"rts erre�l�yees 9�asre�less for a�ay�iamages�Eaag seaa��ccexr xr�aiie�Ic
a�es�ior�_ �'9ais Y�'snel�ectep�ara$�ecart 8isa9�e�{fio sralves,��P�ng,urradis,�9�csrs or 3�se�urde sto�o�ox arad sea�vdce line. Irn�sesdea�stand�am al:
/ �otataira a pe�snrt�r�os�ca aeay er�r�,�F�secessarye �
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Aiame: Acddress �/ � L.1V
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�gnaiune tlfli�ness signaie3rs
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�rior to constructis�g or�epair of a►�y water aF s�ser iiaae connecting the existirsg rnuniapal system and arry�use�"6:.r�din8 f � tt
agplicafiiors is snade,the c�mer or corriractnr shait be requ�red to obfiair�a perns�fi fc�r sunc�onnection,aszd sFrall pay a permiif�e�,
Chapter 3.�of�is Code_ After such conneetio�has�een made,#ie�i'ater and Sewea�!?epartment shaA�e aacrCified. tt sha1l be '" ' #
araY cons�ecting�ine unia'1 an ins�ectian has been anade and such conaectiors and the vror�c in+ciderrt th+ereto has bee�apProved by s��Cfij
proper and svitab�e connQctiara.
402.06 �iEPAtRS Ailite�ftA(4titTENANCE TCD'�tDf1�OtECTlQN
A�er the initial connectivn has been made�o#he avafier senrice curb stop�rnc vr tk�e sewer tead afi fihe prvpetty�ir=e ar a water seroice lea�
been eacfiended to the property line for connedaan,�te applicarrt,o+arrrer,or ffccu�rarrt u�-user rnFsuch gremises shalf be Itable farait repair.
requira:d�l•o arry�rater iine and sewer dines necessary#or connectian aF tE�e�remises fmm the main to the�rem�es. �f the property orvne�
a�eques�s mairrtenance sesvice or repairs be;perFarmed by the�y,�ae prope�rfifiy awner shatl be charged foc�he�osis u�the maiRtenance a
repairs,inctudirag necessary street repairs at a rate set annuaify�ay an administratiue palicy, (t shal!be ti�e responsibiiit�r of fihe appiicarre,
anvner,�occugarnt vr user to perform standard anairrtenanc�vF the s�vrer seraice Iine from fi(ae premises to the main�nduding�Ieb�3s dearir
root�utting and to maintain the water seruice curb sfiop�ox far operai�il"rty and at su�ch i�eiglrE as asrill ensure Chat�C remains above the fini
grade of the land or prvperty_ (iZeif 638,2156,1191j