Meter Swap �. Request Number: 13938 t Public Works Division Service Request Problem Addresa: 6235 Kerry Ln Requested By: David Hansen Department: WA1ER Addreas: No ad�ess provided Problem/Issue: INSTALL AMR METER Pho�Number: 763-502-6839 Sc�eduled Dste: 2017-03-16 Sc�ednled 11mc: 08:00:00 c.t'S � � m AGTION NEEDED: Creaeted by: We�ly Hiatt Date Cre�edt 2017-03-09 ACTION TAI�N: Stxtus: In Pro ss Snbmitter Ha:Been �.. � Co�ncted IMte Compieted: Completed by: �����1� �� n aa.a--.re�..—.a�+rY%'�ID �,d�aa� hee�fay aui�osiz�t�ae�C'rt�o#�s7sfle�arxlf�its empdogees#o sio�n�a�ss nece �e�9�ce�e aerater me�ear_ D�anclerstand�at�€€ae�roqae�oarnes�s��ai�le foa�fil�ee�rater 6ie��from�he anais�i•o�'ee premise and all aaiter �Siaarea7xieag. �P�r�Ci#y sos9e���.p�� 8 ads��as�id�e�j+��!le��and,s'a�rss�m�l�yees hasmless for arry dara�ages t.�sa�t�aaay�ccrix w9aiie�Jc oq�ee�ore. �'i�ss�ca��rJ�aclep��a$�acr�3arssr'ted�ca walves,ga[P9sog�aiis,f9�csrs or ti�ee�eardt sto�&aox arsd seavece fis�e. Ira�esdeo stand�am aL �„ t�o��aira a peeaaait garsos�o aear��r�r�,��F�sesessaeale .' 7 ' (�, �F9'Ri/���VXE7'�E�#�E.qD1bFtG�oici meter� �� �J�l,l ll�ame: _ �°�'`�E d' �ddress �P��� �`�!/r CnV P�o��u�,�-__ 7l�- o��C��d�� �� �-1�-17 s'�'a� �s�� � �tJ]1WE`�'IE��_ ��L� �`t�J�j �j� o���t�� �2�i �37 o d��� �,—� ___ __ _ _ �� � � ��M�R� �� �� a _ � � 4906280 �� � � - - 5 � � - - - � ���'#l�_, �� II�IIIII'III��II'II'I� _ 7,800727E �fi��[.�EY�iB'9f C�t3E CFi�'��Z.Y�ffA,1'�ER,STOE€iNE Wi�f�A,�gi�dt1i3�StkN1'i'ARY SE�tER y� AD�+1�ilS6'RAT[�IP �ib���9l�J.Z�p°1li7"ty�V�y�67i7g�l�.7y��{1y TJ��y�d.Ly 7�y.Lily'� • s'���i� ���.1r �����F.E . �rior#o cvnstructing vr s�epa3r af any�rater oF sewer�iaae conne�fihe eas#ing rrr�snicipat s�e�and asry h�os uuTding for which fit a�tplica�.flra is snade,fihe o�mer or cornractc�r sfrall be�equired tn abiain a Qerrrtit for such cormectiora,and sfaaD pap a permifi fee as prrovi CFsaptes 9.�of this Code_ After such cortnection has�eera made,�te 9�fater ancd Sewer fleEsartmerrt sftali�e natified. tt shall be untawfui t arry s:ona�ecting line unia7 an irtspec�ion�aas 6een xnade and�rch conaectdon antf tSae wordr insaderrt thereto has been aPP�ed�f fihe C'r[y proper and suitabde connettio�a. 402A6 REPAlRS Aih(D�flx(Nl'£SI(ANCE Tt)C01Y1htECTlt?M After the sni�'ial connection fras beera made�the water service curb stop�nvx vr 1�se sevrer iead at the prvperty iine ar a rraiter se►vice iea� beera e�cfiended to�tfse property line for s:onnection,t�ie ap�ficarrt.armer,�nr accu�arit or a�ser of suci�premises sbal(be iiaf�te far a!i repaic requiresl�o arry�►a#er dine�d sewer iines aecessary#or connection af fihe�aremises#rorn the main to fihe prem�ses. )f i�e property owr�es e�equests rna�rrtenance service vr regairs i�e perForrned iry the C'ity,l�ae p�rpper#�vwner shalt he charged for the�s a#�the mairrcer�ance a repairs,including rtecessary street repairs afi a raCe set annually lry an administra#ive pol�cy. ft shai!i�e fihe resporssibTrty of the al��, o�,vner,accupartt+�r user to perform standard mairrterr,ance of i�e sevrer service line from�he prem�ta fitse main�nciuc�ng debr�s dearir root urt�sn�asad tr�mairrtain the water service curb st��box for operai�slity and at su+cEs fieigfrt�an'�i ensure tbat it remains abmre the fifni grade of�the land or�roperty- �Ref 638,1156.114Tj