Meter Swap �
f Request Number: 13837
Public Works Division
Service Request
Problem Address: 1420 Kerry Circle Requested By: Tim Brezny
Department: WATER Address: No address provided
Problem/Is:ue: IN5TALL AMR METER Phom Number: 612-802-2055
Schedule ate: 2017-03-U8 �` Schednled Ti�ae: 07:30:00
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Created�y: Wendy Hi�t Date Cre�ed: 2017-03-06
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St�tus: In Progress Sub�itter H�Beea �..
Dxte CoH�pleted: 3.-��- �� Completed by
���� heseby au�ho�ze ttl�ae�C'x�y af�s�i�{1ey arn!/�its empioyees#o aio�at Bs necess
re�ice t4�e water snefier. 1�nderstand�afi fitae ro e �
p P a'�y owner is�ia�le for�taQ�rater iine from the anais�to�ae premise and aii irnerio�
` �iaarralsirag. �P�r�C"ts y�ode 4�l2.�6� �adso�aa�+d tbe�"rt�j of�edley and�ts�rregslrn�e�s harmless for any�da►rsages�iart sraay acctAr white slnir:
s��eaatiora_ �'q�;s#o SnSiucBe,�ug roa���sa��,d io valves,p9pin��vadls,i�ors o�tdae�rds sto�s k�ox and seavece lir�e. Ire understand➢am also
t�o ats�airc a perrni�pr�ar to arry rroa-�,�necessarye
�F9t�i.4t�TEi'Ei2 t�EADNdC:�o1d meter�_ I �� V �� (/
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4�2.5 PERMdi'FEE
Prior to cor�sts-uctieig or s�epair af ar�y water aF se�,ver iine cnnnect�ng ti3e�asting municipai system and any�ouse oc bu7dir�g fo�whid7 the
app(icatifln is rnade,the owner or caorrtr-actor shatt be required to o(rtain a perra'iifi for such connection,and s(aali pay a permii fee as provide
Cha�ter 3�vf 1:his Code. Aifier such cannection#sas been macie,the�ilater ar�d Sewer Departmerrt shal!�e raa#ified. tt shall be unh�wfut in
ar�y connecting Gne urr�il an inspection has been anade and�uch connection and the war9�inaderrt fihereto has 6eere apprwed by the City a
proper and suitabte connectiora_
40Z.05 9TEPAlRS�1ND�Af4KTENANCE Tt3 C�lECTi011i
�lfter the inicial coonection 4�as beea made jCo the water se,vice curb sfiop J�ox or ifie semrer�ad at fiite propert�r line ar a water seruice�ad
been exfiended ta fihe property line fvr conr�ection,it�e appiicarrt.odmer,or a�cu�rarrt ar user of such premises shali be ifabie farait repairs
�'�t�����any water line and sewer Dines necessary#or�connection of fihe premises from the mai»to#he prem�es. !f the jxo�ty owner
�equests mairetenance service or repairs be performed fry the C'rtY,�ae�roperty aarner shati he charged for#he costs oF�hhe maic�henance an+
repaics,inctudisag necessary street repairs afi a rate set anaua�ty by an administrative policy. tt sE�alf be t�e sesporrs�it'rty af the appGcar+t,
oyvner,occuparrt or user to perfvr+�n standard mairrkenance of the sewer senrice�ne firom the premises#o the main i�ctudisig debru�aring
ravt�ufiting and io rnairrtain#he water service curb stnp box for operai�ility and afi such height as�riil ensure Cfiat it remains a6oy@ thQ fPnish
grade of khe land or y�roperty. {Ref 638,1a56.1141j