Meter Swap a t �
Request Numl�r: 13824
Pubtic works Division
Service Req�st
Problem A�lresa: 1161 Lync�Dr Req�ated By: Norman L�son
Departme�: WA'lER Addreas: No ad�ess provided
Problcm/Is:ne: INSTALL AMR METER �'�oee Nnmber: S'I1-6169
Sciceduled e: 2017-03-13 5c�ednled'ii�: OI:OO:OII
Created by: Wendy Hi�t Date Cr�ed: 2017-03-03
, '� 5�C d �2---
Stat�: In Progress ��Ker Hs�s Bean �,
Date Compl eted: ��- ��` �`'7 Completed t�y: `��,/�p
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9/�v� I�er�foy au�ho�ize ttlae�ty�#'F�dley and/'�-its emPtoyees to�to w�at ds�ece�.s
r �'��c9ace t#�e ava�er�saetec_ 1�andsrstaeed�ea8�Eae pro�aes�ownes 9s�ia�le tssa-fiha 9erater 9ie�e from the main fiD�ae premise and aIl iaiterio�
� ` �laarradsieag- (P�c r�C"ty�oa9e 4gDZQ6� �adso�aoid the�"rty�rf�sidley and/"sts�rn}sl�qees harmless#or any�amages tfeat rna�occaar�rlaite rJoir:
vq�ea�a2ion. i'4ais�o�r�elucle,9aurt�acatt 88a�s��tec!to valves,A�P4ng>ewatls,#9ocsrs or t&ae�urd�sto,�bax eras!ser+dce�ne_ Ire�eesderstand�am aiso
to oiataira a pes-a�nit prs"ar�o anry rroa-fc,"sf necessary_
+F9ttlAL�iETER EtEADIfAfG�okt meter$ I ,�� 1,�—G�
xam�: ��(��� .�Ct,t�' U f/� ,�ad� ��� �. c�� !�'
Phone�tum�ier ��' — �I�p � � �� l ._. ��
Signature �
Nl�ess Signatnre
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CEi/a�'�R 402.VVA7'�Ett,5'd'0�8SV!WA�l�AND SAOYITARY SEWER
(Ref Orct 9�[O 113,�G4y�65,566,62�,63$,�2,922,988,1144,II56,1199.�
4�2.5 P�lPIl3'FEE
Prior#o r.onstructierg or�-epasr of ar�y wafier o#server iirae connecting the e�istir�g m�sniapai system artd am��touse m(auiidir�g fo�rvhich the
application is anade,the o�vner or corrtract�r shatl be required bo obfiain a permifi'Foc such connecCion,and sTaali pay a permit fee as provide
�ha�ter 3,1 of�his Code. After suci�connectian has d�esn made,the Water and Sewea�Departmern shalt be notified. tt sfia(1 be unfaarfu!#o
aray connecting Gne unt�7 an inspection has been anade ancl�,rch connedaors and the wordc incide+Tt therebo has beert apProvea!by�te Cety a
proper and suita6�e connectio�a.
After the in�tial connectiort fras been made to tfie wafier senrice curb stop brnc or fii4e semrer lead at the propert�ttne or a�rater service�t!
been extended to the pro�rertY line for cons�ectian,t(�e appiicarn,rnvner,or accu�arrt ar user of such premises shall be 1'�bie for atl repairs
require�d to arry water l�ne and sswer lines necessary for connection of the premises#rom the main to the�remises. tf the property ownes
requests mairrtenance servi�or repairs be perForrned by the C'ity.t�ae�rroperty otirner shati be sharged for the costs of the mairrtenance an+
repairs,inciudirag necessary srtreet s�epairs afi a rate set annuaity}�an adnninisti�ive policy. Ft s6at!be t�e responsibii'riy o#the aPPrca�
m�vner,�occuparrt or user tv perform sgandard mairrtenance of the sewer service line fror�z fitae premises to the main arrdutting debris ciearing
roat cirtting and to mairsfiain the water servi,ye curb stog box for operability and at su+ch height as an'ii ensure that�t remairu a6ove the finish
gsade aF�khe land or property. (Ref 638,1156,1191�