Meter Swap . Request Number: 13744 Public Works Division Service Request Problem Address: 5736 Matterhorn Dr Requeated By: Russ Departmeut: WA'IER Address: 5736 Mattcrhorn br Fridley,MN 55432 Problcm/Isane: INSTALL AMR METER PLone Number: 612-325-1388 Sc6eduled D�te: 2017-03-25 Sc6eduled Time: 01:00:00 � � , ACTION 1VEEDED: `" Creatad by: Beth Kondrick Date CYeated: 2017-03-01 �"��� ACTION TAKEN: ���� � _ ��- Stxtus: In Progress Snbmitter A�Been �, Co�scted Date Completed: �r.�[,� I� Completed by:��(`� J ) � � .� �-��eo���,8�+9� ���1..�2 7�3-s72-�a�� 9��r� i�er'�hy authorize t#ae�itiv vf�sFdley ared or its em � � p�ees#o sYo�r�at ds�ecessas _ �egalace t4�se vea�er�neter. 1,ue�c9QrsskancH�a��hp pro�erty vwner u�iaf�le f�r�#�oe�vater lie�e$rom the anais�to�e premise and all izrterior • �stuarads�rag- (�er�C'sty cosle 4�Z.06� e ads��aoid the�"rty+rf Fridie�andits�m�iuyees hasmtess for any�amages tF"at reaay occur white�loirag a�aee�tion. �'9ais�o�nclude,4au$nrnt 1ian�ed io valves,pfping,walls,f4�ors�s't�ee�curh sto�k�ox arad senrice line. 9ra und�rstand�am a�so re t�a8ataira a pea�mi��er'soa�o any�eror9c,sF necessaraf. �2 t �� .o �-� 3 5� �o �- 0� ��tE�R�au�c go�t metea�p _ 5 " 1,�p� (J �J � �' !��� +Name: 1'�-J 5 Adclress t� /✓1p �.�,"s-7G r�.0 rYl ,�J�' . Pfaone tYumber���" 3�'�j " �3 (1 rJ p� _ _ �'� � 'fj—' �� 5ignature Nti,tness Segnature '�— � �����-��� Lf j�c� � �to��Dt�G 5�t��- �o 11f�iA�M�'TER#�VJ p� ' N���T� d ����--`l �� � � g� . ' 1FRIDLEY CI'�f CaDE CE1,0►i�'i'EE�QOZ.WATElt,S'�'ORN!WA,�'E4�AND SANCtARY SEYVER ' ADN11f�1tSTRAT9C2flF ��i�Ors{�io 113,�G4y 565,566,629,635,�62,92Z,9$8,13.44,1155,�.9Zj ', 4025 PERMdT FEE ', Prior to constructipg or repair af any water aF sewer 9i+ae connectir�g the e�c[sting snunicipai systern and ar�y house or 6uiidir�for which the appllcatifln is made,the oarner or corrtra+ctor shatl be required to o(rtain a pQrmifi for such coRnection,and shall pay a permit#ee as providec Chapter 3.a of this Code. After such corrnection�as beea made,tFte MVater ared Sewer Departmert shaQ be notafed. tt shaii be un(aarful#o c� aray connecting 6ine urrtii an inspection has been anade and such connection and the wor€c inciderrt thereto has f�een approved by the C'd,y as proper and suitab{e sonnectiora. � �02.06 �tEPA1RS AiOtD�tAIiVTEfIlAP10E TO COPINECI'iON ' A�er the initiat connection has been made to the water service curb stop brnc or t�e seaaer lead at fi(te property iine or a water sennce lead 6 been exfiended to�ttze property line#or connection,tt�e app�carrt,owner,Qr occuparnt or aaser of such premises shap be tiable for atl repairs required�ta any a�er line and sewer lir�es necessary for conr�eckion of the premises from the main to fihe�remises. if the property rnrner sequesfis mairrtenance service ar repairs be perFos�med by the City,ttae property owner shail be charged for#he�af the mairrbenance and; repairs,inctud�rag necessary street repairs afi a rate set annualty b�an administra�iwe policy. Ft shal!be fi.�ae sespons�itity o#the applicari#, owner,occuparrt or user to perform stantiard mairntes�as�ce of the sewer service line from fihe premises to the main ar�ciudi�debris dearing c roat��riting and to mairrtain the water serv;ce curb stnp box for operability and at such height as will ensure fihat it remair�s above the ftnishe grade oFthe land or property. {Ref 638,1156,1191j