Meter Swap Request Number: 14087
Public Works Division
Service Request
Problem Address: 6631 Mc ' Requested By:
Department: WA1ER A�ddres:: No address provided
Problem/Issue: INSTALL AMR METER Phoae Num6er: 763-571-9791
Schednled Dxte: 2017-03-ZI Se�edeled 11me: 11:OQ:OQ
p l S r rv�
ACTION NEEDrED:Please allow extra time for resideat to answer door,she is using a vvalioer becaa�e of
reco�ering from an acci�
Created by: Beth Ko�rick Date Cre�d: 2017-03-14
Statua: In Progress �bmitter Has Beee r.,
Date Completed: Completed by:
i�ecePoy autho�ize ttlae�'r�of�rFdley anc8joc-ats e�npdoyees fi�aio,�v�a�ss nece�
r��olace tE�e+arater�aeter. ��anrlers�ar►c8�a�ttee�aro�ae�ty owner is 3ia�le foa'fi#ae�vatec lisz�froara�he anaie�to�ee premase and a11 ixrcerio
� �faaara�siaag. (�ee-�City coa9e��.�6� �ads��t�icl the�'�ty�f�istl�and/'rts em�l��e�s harmless for ar�y damages�at sa�eay�ccur 3rr9aile�air
ag�es�a�t6on_ �Pais�o�nclude,�r¢o�dians�t�d to vaives,��pireg,vuadls,floors�r�e cearb sto�c box arad ser+rBce linee Irn uasclerstand�am aiso
` t�o��taira a per�n"rt gor"sa�r io aeay�er�nr�,��ecessan/e
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�ame: Address `�f� �G
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C[-£fi►i�!!"E&8�02.9l4lA�ER,S�'OI�tIP!W�,�Egt AND SARJITARY SEWER
(iZef CBrs�8�to 113a a{�y s65,a66,6Z9,638,�2,922,988,i144,115�,1:i91j
4�2.5 PERMl7"FE£
Prior to cons�ructing or sepair af ar�y water af se�ver iine connecting the existi�sg rrtunicipai system and arry house or but(dirt�fvr whit3t#he
appiicatiora is made,fihe c�amer�r cornractor sha11 be required to obtain a permit for such connedaon,and st�all�ay a permit fiee as provid�
Cha�e�Cer 3.1 of thas Code. After such connection has�een inade,the�Ilater and Servec Departmerrt shald be notified. t�shali be untawful to
aray connecting f:ine urr�ii an irrspection has been anade aad�uch connectivrs and the wor�inciderrt therefio has been approved fry tfte C'fij a
proper and suifiab�e conneetiara.
4t12.06 �'{EPAlRS�441iD�tA1NTENA�4ICE TO COflt4olECTiQN
R�ter the tn'rPia1 connectivn has been made t�#he wa�teer service curb stop brnc or the sewer�ad at tiie properi�line as a�rater senrice iead
faeen extended to tfse property line for conr�edion,the appiiprrt,ovmer,�ar accuparrt ar user of such premises shati be fiable fvr ai!repairs
required to any water Iine and sewer lirtes a�ecessary#vr cronnection of Che premises fi�om t(�e main�Co the premises. i�tlze property owner
requests ma�+�rtenance service ar regairs�e performed 6y the C'r�j,the prope�y owner shatl be char�ed for�he casts of the mairrterrance an
repairs,iraclud�rag r�e,�ary street repairs at a rafie set annua�ly by an adminisira�ive porcy. tt sfiatf be fiiae responsib7"rty aF the appfcarr�,
owraer,occu�arrt or user to perform s�andard mairrteri�nce of the seuver seraice line from the premises to�e maan anctuding de(�ris dearing
�-oot�ccrtiang and�o mai�atain the water servi,ye curb sto�a box for operabsli#y and at such'neigFrt as mrill ensure that it remains above the$nisP
grade of�khe�and or property. (Iief 638,1155,1192}
Reqt�s# f�ar�er� Repc�rt
�ity c�f Frid�
r���: s�2-t2-a� c��: a���not2
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#I�ess� £r�31 I�KINLEY ST ME ,ac�c�: 763-571-9791
� [�e: P�rty(7�:
Locaa#��ar�Det�s: � [�eta�: Ho�ner hars back up_ Ben
Franldin Plu�hnrrg�the�r�t nvw_
�dc Caty►1�
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R�q�# f�',�r�i�: F��pr�rt
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tsr qe�r�T�pe: Se�bac�c-��fiec�c�r�+ �C��y� Ka�
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Add�: 6p6y �ICl�It�Y ST� �P�e: 7'�57�-979�
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