Meter Swap s � Request Number: 13939 Public Works Division , Service Request Problem Address: 5963 Oakwood Mac�r Requested By: Wendy Castle Departmeut: WATER Address: No address provided ProW em/Isaue: INSTALL AMR METER Phene Number: 651-426-1667 F.act 47144 , Schednl � 017-03-25 � Sckedalod Tlme: 07:30:00 t�t �v`Q1 G J ` v ACTION NEEDED: � �d��,.� Created by: Wendy Hiatt Unte Crosted: 2017-03-09 ACTION TAI�N: y�-Cl�� � Sta�us: In Progress Sub�itter Ha�c Bee$ �.. Contacted Date Completed: �,,,�r�,�� Complet�by: ���� � � a n>.a--.ve s—.a.a":Y'� �p�rr� ���n9ace�e�ra�er me�es. ��zsaderstaaac8 t�sa��tae ro e �es�6y au�o�ze the�'r��f�ssdley aradf�ats ars�pioyees ta do vu�at ss nece � � � �owner as�iable tsas�ee�ratec line fr+om the s»aisa to�tae�remise ar�d ali aciter �Siaaraatsiaag. �P���y�9e�9�.�6� �adso�soi�l�he�"rtt��+f�s�esdle,�andd'r�s eaaa�lmyees�aassreless foe�any�amages�zt esaa��cce�s�w€aiie�ic , ��ea�cion_ �'4ais to�ncl�cte.�rx$�sr��asv���t�a rralves,ga;pir�g,�a(is,�9oors as-s�ae eue�da sto�&zox�sad seavice�isee. Crn�ae�c9ersta+�d d am aL t�o€a�fias'ra a�ersnit�ar�os�s�szy rr�r�,��iecessary. ZI "7� � � � � 3c — C�`� ����e��+C�1Nfia�fltct rr,efiea�) � ��3 � � � �08� �ar�se:���_C� �efdress ���..L-1d���� ��(,(�` .-- ��o��um��-�t - t��,(� -- �(��n� -3--o�-S--C `7 �"� ��s��a,,� — Oti� !l�IE�E�t� 1 ���� 7 , ����t�� 3� �v3� �o ����,���_ `��070 (� N��- � ���-� � i� C�� d � ��������� c�,�-���.��-��,����-������R�Y��� ������ ��te�Os�BO[v�.13,Q�y 56�,��6,6�9,;63�,�62,92Z,988,i9r44,1156,1�91� 4Q2.5 PER1b14�"FEE Prior#o co»str�ucting ar s�epasr of any water of sewer ii�conn�ing the ewustirqg�rr�aniciyoal system arzd arry ficnise ur�uiiding fvr erhich# applicaCivn is savade,fihe owner or corrt�-actflr shat[be required to afrtain a�Serna�fo�sach cotmedior�,a�s�ati pay a�tteermitf�e�provi Cha�ZCer 3.�of�E�is Cticte_ After sucf�conne�,cxian�as�eers macte,#re M/ater ar�d 5earer De�artment shaU be rao�ified. fC sha(t be vniawFut t arap coraa�ectang C�ne un�a7 an ir�s}�ectiara has 6een anade and such connectian and�e woric inciderst thet�to h��es�aPA�d�1f tFre C'ity proper and su�abte c+�nnec�iara. 4t1�.06 �iEPAtRS�4PhiTd�tA(RtTE41fA4MCE Tfl C£21Y1fhtECTiON A�er the initial conrsection fras beera made tu#he wafier service curb stop t�v�c or the sewer�ad at�fts propert�r�ine of a water servire I+� beera eac�er�ded#o fihe prvperty�ne for casanedian,the ap��carrt,oavner,or uccu�rar�t or user rrF such prernises sha�i be f�bie for all repatr. rec{uire�i��o arn�a�rater l�ne�d sevver�ines necessary for cannectian af the�xemises fram#(as main to fihe p�2mises. !f the property ownei reques�.s mairrtenance secvice or r��rairs be perFornasd Lty�fse C'ity,tiae�rroperty rnvn�r shati�e charged for#�e�s�F t6e matrrtenance a repairs,indudirag ne+cessary�t.reet s�epairs at a+�a�te set annuai�r Ir�r an admin�sb^ati�re pvCicy. tt sbat!be ti�e responsih�of fihe appiicarre, c�rrser,occugarr�or user tv perfvrm s�andard ma�rrtesr�nce of the seurer seraice lirse from�iae�remises ta the main iriduc�ic�dek�ris dearir root�Cir�g arscd to mai�rtain the water seruice surb stog�ox for oper�bslity and at such�neighfi as an7l e�ure that i�C nernair�s af�Fhe fitri: grade of�the las�d or prolleciy_ (Re�f 638,1L56,119��