Meter Swap � Request Number: 14175 Public works Division Service Request Problem Address: 1626 Rice Creek Rd Requeated By: Loretta Department: WATER Addresa: No address provicied Problem/Iasue: INSTALL AMR METER Phone Number: 571-9�01 Scheduled Date: 2017-03-30 Sc6edaled 11me: 02:00:00 t v-�` ACITON NEEDED: Crexted by: Wendy Hiatt Date Created: 2017-03-17 AG7ION TAI�N: . ____�..�..._...._..._ �.5��� __. _ __.______. ______ Status: In Progress Snbmitter I�as Been r Co�acted DateCompleted: '3,. '�C���.� Completedby: C ��L� �� a aow—ya s—.a..vnx�ID ���`a� Yaer�6y aut�oaiz�t�ae�' o#�rsdle arad o�its ern do �ep9ace t3�e aera�er rnetes_ ��aear8erstaead�g�ae ro e � � � P �es#a si��nr�at ss necE taaa�e�ats�aa o � � �oavnes��,s�iaiate foa�fi#�oe wvater�es�froare�he anais�to�aQ gremise and ad!iarter 4 d� g �'..e-�C�ty sode�.��.0�� 3 als��axrid the�'r�j of�s!le,�andd'"rts�ra7gslsayees hasrr�less�or a�ry siamages�€aa$seaay�cce�s�v4tile�c a�q�es�5or�_ �'P�eSs�o�cl�ad�,iaw$sao�85aa�atecl�a e�alves,��ping'.xvalls,tdocrrs�r�ae�ces^da sto,�ka�ou ara�t seavece lia�e. Ir¢��cd�rstand�am a/: , �aa o8�fiaira a per�rrart�r�o�r�ca arAy�r�nr�,af�secessare�e 2�,�'� ����!'3C�.-�)/ ��.��������o���r, O 0� �� �- � 1�7 � �mQ:��.�-�• �� CQ2.� CZ..�`c� ��.t� (�-�J. l��ao�ne�iumiaer .� I � ` I �v f Date �j " '� C� " �"7 _. � Stgraature ����� �.-- o�� ���� °� °� d� � � � �_ QLD�►���� 6C�v D�3 f�,� a��ar o��-r����U�0,�,Ce �� � (� ���� � � ��,i��V( _ . ��ar�r.��r�s�c�� c�,���.rv���,stot�aua w�,-r����s�rrra�r s�R a�nn��sr�,-�� (��f Orcf&4�o i13y°!!N�'!�y��y��8����3$y��'�p�'70Vy 3.L5!°4y 1.L3��i.��1� �2.� t��Rtwt�'�� Prior to cvnstrsrcting or repass-aE a�y nvater aF sewes iiaa�cannec�ing the acisting rnunirapat sys�errr and any�nuse ur�x�dir�g fo�rrhich# appJica�iors is macte,the owaser oa-corrzract�r shali tae require�to o6fiain a perm�t fcar sctch connectian,and staalt pay a�erm�fee as provi Cha�ter 3.�of this Code. Afiter such connectio�c has been made,�Ite�6fater and Sewea�De�rartmerrt sha!!�ie nat�3ed. t�shaA be unfawfui# aray co,na�ecting dine s�ni�'!an�ns�section has i�een a�reade and such connectaan anct the r�rvr�r incidert thereto has beer�apAroved by the Crty proper and surtable r.onn�claora. aoz.o6 �P��s�nr��wa��nrs�avc�ar��c�crtc�nr A�er the inifiiat connecfiian fras been made to the urater service curis stop box flr�sewer lead at�ae propeirty�i ne ar a�►a�er seroiae lea� �eer�eacfiended tv i�e pro�erty iine for conreectian,�Jie ap�iicarrt,owner,or necu�arr,t ar axser vF such premises shali be i'�at�te far aft repa�r. requirea�to arn���d�nQ�d sewer lsnes necessary#ar�connaction aF the premises frorn the main to fihe prem�es. f�the prope►�y,��� requesfis mair�#enanc.�service or repairs be performed 6y�fse�y,the prope�rd.y aw»er shall be charged fvr the���e mairrterrance� repairs,ind�tdisag ne+cessary�treet repairs at a rate set annuatly i�an adminis#ra;tiue pof�cy. ft shatf be t�e respans4bitity of�ap�licar�t, c�avner,occu�sarrt or user to perfornn s[andard anairrteriance aF fihe sewer servece lSne frorri�Iae premis�s to the main anduding debris dearir roofi�tatting ar�d�o mairrtain the urater servic�curf�sfing 6ox for o�aerafaili�rj ans#at such i�eigfre as asrfll ensure that it remains a[toae i�ie iin� gracde uf the�and or pro�er�i!- (t�e+F 538,2156,1191�