Meter Swap � Request Number: 14040 Pub�Lic Works Division Service Request ProWem Address: 6411 Squire Dr Requested By: Tina Fslorow Departmeat: WA1ER Address: No address provided Problem/Issue: INSTALL AMR METER Phone Nnmber: 763-229-2118 Sci�edutedDat • 2017-03-23 � Sehedaled'Isme: 07:30:(� � 3 ' . ACTION NEEDED: .��osi�t�y: WendyHiatt DateCreated: 2017-03-t4 ACTION TAI�N: �..__..���_____ .�..__._ �._.___�..�_____._ _____ 4 . R Status: In Progress Snbmitter Haa Been r Coutacted Date Completed: �j,. ) � ,,, r�J Completedby: �QtLLo ✓ A" [ �Y:�,. f ��, r �� �t - �� , ` ��, �:�uc::��:. �5.�-57�-�5�� ���v� i�er�6y autho�ize ttae�'r��f Fri�ley aracd/ae�ats empaoy�es#a cto�nrfia�t ss nece� r�egn9ace td�e�era�er�rae�ter. ��aacJerstand�sa�t the progaea�t�rawner�s diable fa�r�lae�rafier lie�e�rom the anais�to�ee Premise and a!1 anterio ti �Staaara9sieag. (�er�Cs'ty coa�e��2.�6� �ads��Soid the�'sty��sisile��aesd,/'rts erre�imyees harre�less for emy siamages t[iat enay�cca.�r w9ai(e slolr ogaee�iose_ S4ais fio�n�clucfe,bu$�ecsrT Biaas�tecl to valves,plpira�uralis,f400rs�r 3�ae�urb sto�n&aox and senrdce lis�ee Irn��d�rstand�am aiso � to a�taira a�aeraxiifi�ar�or�o�eay�ror�,sf�ser,essa�ye Z ��� � C ����- ��- �lSti��WfETER d�EADING�flOd meter$ fV� V� �,V �.� � �j ��J Aiaane: 1 1�.� �(L`I�(� �(c�ess_ �"��� �!� l.�6(/'1Pi t�f , -7 / (�, � Ptaone�Iumiser / �3���'—�-(.� (/ flate �j �'�� ` �� S'�gnafiu� tlVitr��Sigrsatc�re ��� ��-�����G�3 � o����t�� t �-�-� -Z Ca �����R� `���a �sa7 � � ���-� �1 ��� C�!� . ����������� ������.�������������������� - ������ ���f Ord 9tito 113.�y r6 r,a6&,629,638,5�2,9�2,9$8,11�4,1156,1�91� 4Q2.� PERMdT FEE Frior to�onstructing or sepair of any water oF setvea-9;aae,connec�ang th��isting rnuniapat system and any Q��use or Mxldirig for which tfie appJicafiivn is made,the oavner or corrtracCor shald be�equired to obfiain a permi�for sucll connec�iora,and sF�all pay a�termiL fee as provid� Chal9ter 3�of this Code. A,fter sauch corrnection has�een rnade,the�i'ater and Se�vea-Departmerrt shail i�e+aot�Fied, i�shatl{�e ur�lawfui to aray co�tnecting(ine untii an�r�ectiort has 6een anade and�uch connection anci the war�c inaderrt thereto has been appraved by the�a proper and suitabte connectiora. 40�A5 ltEPAIR v!•lA�t�9�iAl�tTEAtANCE TO Ci31�9YECt'iO4ot A�ter the initiat connection has been made fio the water seruace curb stop boec or fi�e sewer iead at fi(te prvperty iine or a�ra�[+er seroic�e lead been exteraded to the property tine for conraediar�,the ap}�1ic�rrt,owner,or aecu�rarrt or user of such premises sha(f be ita�for a!(reRairs reqaire,d ta any v�rater l�ne and sewer tines necessary#or connectian aF the p�-em�ses from tt�e main to the premises. if the l�P�it owner a�equests mairrkenance senrice ar repairs be performed by the CrCy,tlae propex�j.,owner shal!be charged for ihe�s#s of i�he mairne�ance an repairs,includ�rag necessary sereet repairs at a rate seC annuaily�r an administa�atnre policy. it s(�at!be tfae sesponsbil"ifiy o�f the appiscar� muner,occupa�t�or user to perfors�n sfiandard mairrtenance of the seurer serwice line from the premises to fihe main anduding debris deari�g root cu�tting and to sna�srtain the water service curb stnp box for operabiiity and afi such heaght as arili ensure Ct�at ifi remains above the flfntsP grade of khe�and or properlY- (tieF 538,1156,1191j