Meter Swap Request Number: 13849
. Public Works Division �
Service Request
Problem Address: 6556�-Stinson Blvd Requested By: Tom Larson -
Department: WA'�R Address: No address provided , ��
Probl�ml�ssue: INS1"`ALL AMR METER PLone Number: 571-4651
Sche�ed DaEe: 201 T-03-08 Scheduled 11me: 07:3U:00
O� � �
Createi by: Wendy Hi�t Datt Cresited: 201?-03-06
_....__� 1�,5�a � � �� �-- .
Status: In Pro�ress 5nbmitter Has Been r
Contacted �
Date Campleted: � Can�pleted by:
3 - �- (� T ��� .�- �
. . .
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!/�ea� taer�Poy au3�o�ze t�ae C'rty�#��dley and/or its errt�ai�ees#�sto enr�at 9s necess
re�lace the ara�er metea�_ ��nt8erstas�d td�a��Fae pr�pea�ty aawnes�is�iak►►e#oa-�tte 9erafier lin�frorre�he snain to�ea premise and aii imerio�
�ttaaaxa�sieag. {�er�C'a�ty sac9e 4�2.�) 3 also�aoicl the�j trf�srddley and/a�ts�m�mlmyees hasmless foa�arry s�arr►ages tEsa�C reaa��ccur 3erhiie sJair:
��ee�ation_ S4ais�o���elude,�aut rea�t�aes�ted to walxes,g�9pira��rratfs,�loors�r i�ae s.csrla sto�s R�nx�rad servece lis�e. {ra�snd�rsiand�am also
�a€ataire a peraY►ifi pr�ar to�eay rror���ecessarye
�91t(.4L lV�TETER i�EAQi41iG�r3&t metesj L l J� � � "�'�
�ame:_ C7Y�� �_ �o'S� So c�, �C'\ r�Sb C�v�vr�-
Address --
P�one�Ium[�es���r �� � +'— �\ Dafie �� FJ" I�
5���--�� ^'""�� �V�tra�s S'ignate,tre
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fl�D��at��_ D 0 I �E�p ,�e
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Ct���o2.lAt��ER,s'�oft8u!�Ar��f�q�tD s,�kAt1�,4t�t sE1MER
(R�€Qrsi E4to 113,4&4,�65,�66,fi23,638P�f2,92Z,988,119.4,1�56,1191}
4Q2.� PEti4bT�'['FE£
Prior to cons�ructir�g or repair af am��rater o#server firae�onnecting ti�e existing s�nuniapat systera and any house as buldis�g for afiich the
aPp�icafiion is made,ti�e c�vner or cor9firactor shall be required to v6tain a permifi for such wnnection,asad slaall pay a permi�fee as pro�idf
�haptes 1�of#his Code. Ai�er such connectiori has been made,the Mlater and Sewer Departmerrt shalt be natified. tt shail be ur�(aarful tp
ar�y co�necting�ine urrta7 an irrspection has been anade a�d such connedaoa and the vror�c inciderrt#herefio has bee�e appraved by the City a
proper and suita6te connection.
�1t12.06 �EPAt1i.S!�#ND�/iAi�917'ENANCE TQ COtYIl1iECT1�lOt
AAt'tter the inrtial sonnection Etas beeca made�o#he wafier senrice curb sfivp box or the sewer iead at�se P�Pe�+f�ine�a water senrice ie�ad
been etcEended to tbe property fine for conreec�ian,�Lhe appiicarrt,owrier,or occupas�t or�ser vf�ch premises shaii be fiable for ati repatrs
require�to arr�water line and sewer Dines necessary for conrtection af the premises fr�orar the main to ihe premises. 1f the p�operty rnmer
e�equesis ma�r�#enance senrice or repairs be pesformed byr the C'itY,the property aa►r�r shall be charged for the cosfis af�rhe mairrtenanc:e an{
repairs,iradudi�ag necessary street repairs at a rate se�t annualty�an administratiue po(icy. !t sf�at�be ti�e sesponssbil'rt�of ihe aPpGcart�
owner,occuparrC or user to perform s�tandard mairrtenance of the sevrer serersce line from the premises to the main anduifi�deb�ls deariog
roofi cutting and to mairrCain the water service curb sto�a 6ox fos operakrili�ty ansi aC such heighe as un71 ensure that tt nernains a6ove the finist�
grade of the�and or property. (�eef 63&,1�.5ki,1197.}