Meter Swap � Request Number: 13638 Pubhc works Division Service Request Problem Addresa: 6200 Stinson B1Ki Requested By: Je�Olaon Departmeat: WATER Addresa: No adc�ess provided Problem/Isa�: INSTALLAMRMETER PhoneNamber: 5�1-3410 Sehednled e: 2017-03-08 � Sc�edded 11me: 09:00:00 � Q- ACIION NEEDED: Crerted by: Wendy Hiatt IHtmm Crerted: 201 T-02-24 _ ACTION TAI�N: ��` , � ��c �'' v� � 5trt�: In Progress Snbmitter Has Beee r, Contacted Ihte Completed: Completed by: Ho�9 T.�lo� 3- �- �� ��3-�7Z-���� p� t��r� �'������� �� '�-/d�'�,� -�� her�Poy auCho�-eze�`ae�C'r��rf�rit{lejq and�ox i$s ernpi��es#�do Mvhat'ss neeess regsface tt�e aera�er�raetec_ 1 vnc9erstae�rg�sa�g�e�ro�aes•ty ownea�is diahle foa'�fitoe�vater 9ie�e�irom�he anaisa to�ae premise and al)iarterio� - �taarrabirag. �P�e-�C'fty sode$�Z.06� 3 adso�a�id�e�'rt�,��s6dley and��Cs erra}sl�ye�s harmless�or aray slamages�zC snay�ccur�r�aite�oir: og�era�iors. �'his�o�nel+�de,�,�c��a��,�e���a�e�,piping avatis,fd�ors�r�ee�ur9a sto�&aox arad seav6+r.�fine. Ira undersCand i am atso t�otataira a perenrt gtr�ax to�ray rrnr�if necessare,. �9NAL�iE�'ER t#EAm1NG�o(ci meterj tc� �� � / V �ltarne: �(� � )r�1.��` Address Y��U ���1(� � 1�� Plaone�tum�er J����L�� �—�" 4� Dafie '���� 6V�ess Sign�rhtre �� ���� 2.. i�� t ��y o�R����G_g� � B�� �E����� ��o� 2 � �y � �--- C� ���# �11�2��1� � ���L������D� ���-�-��Z.����,�o����������-��R ADM91�1'HS9'#i.�4,77CDl1i (Ref Ors��i0 333,�4,565,565,629,538,�2,92�,9$8,11�4,1155,1Z�9.� 4�2.5 PERMt7'FEE Prior to constr�,cctierg vr s�epair of any water af sewves line conne�ang�Q��ng rnuniapai system and arry house os 6uifdir►g for whici�#he appiicatifln is anade,the otivner or cornractor shal(1ae required to obtairs a pernsifi for such connec�ivri,and shalt pay a permi�fee as praaidf Cha}rCex 1�of�his�ode. After wch corrnection has been rnade,the Water and Sewer Departmerrt shall be reotified. d�sha11 be untawfu!to ar�y connecting fine urr�'1 an inspection has heen made and such connectiors anct#he wor€c inciderrt thereto has been aPProeed by tfae C'tty a pro�er and suitabte connection. aoz.o� �Ev�r��ra�ra��rm�ns�cE ro co+��cr�crrr After the�nifiial sonnection has been made ta#�e water service curb stop box or the se�arrer lead at ifie propertr�line or a water senrice Ieac1 been extended to the prvperty iine fvr conr�edion,ti�e app�ic�nt,oevner,or accu�arr�or user af such premises shaN be itat�le#or a!I repairs require�d to arty water dine and sewer Dines necessary�For connection af Che premrses#mm the main to the prernises. #f tf�e property awner e�equesGs ma�rr:tenance sesvice ar repairs be perFormed by tfte Crty.the prope�rtty o�vner shaii he cfiarged for the�af�the mairr�nance arn repairs,includirag necessary street repairs at a rate se�t annuai{y by an administratiue pol'scy. it sha�be fihe respons�i7'r�Cy af the a}�rcarrt, owner,occuparrt or user tv perform standae�t mairrtanance of the seurer serwice�ne from the premises to�the rnain andudir�g de(�ris dearing root cutting and�to mai+�rttain the water seru4ce curi�stop box for opera&ili#y and at such�eight as w71 ensure that it remairu a6ove the finish grade of the�and or property. (ReF 638,I156,1191)