LS73-03 �' , I.OT SPLIT APPI.ICATiOfV ��,rl��(0 Form #5�6e � C�TY �F FR�A�.EY c � o `J � A���.���t�s x�e A�'�'�I�A�`i'�t �lY'�,C:�-r' �� `�t�- -� — '�'' Lot aplit �,3_ !�3 � A1�DRF�S;: �C>,`�� � �j��*�r��r;y� �'���� �`l�� r- isiY�-�-�- � _ •�+ Strest City �ip Code Da�e Filed: �' � Rece i t a� w '�'ELII'�ONk; �k ��zs I .�.�;�:Z � Fe�e:� P � �� �, Iiome Bua�nees Coiincil. Action: llate °' � � r (/ '� - ,"�=�- RFI��fARKS E � i�:�r. -- � � � PROPP��'TY OWI�'t(S) ��� U' � {-�'��- . r �,s; �a �� �- i�_ ��,. ����77 f=> � �' '"� ' ? 7 �� -' ,✓.' --- � � � ADDRE,"'aSi�F,S) �'� � �7 Street Cit�r Zip Code � o�i o � � � � � Str�eet City Zip Code o � � '� TET,F�HONE #(S� � � �� �a� Home Bueineas +' m �-, id � � U � Q � � , ,� � � �,, �operty Locstion on Street � �._ , _ ` , y- Q� E�cact S�tree't AddreQe (I�' ANY) � � ; � ,�-� �,,.�,--: -r.-�����-1�-�'` �� �- - �:a ' � Legal Deacript�an of �'Z'opertyc � �? � ����;��.�'f ,X-L� �r _ Rea�on fox Lot Split; , , . �7 `�' , . _ . � / {F { / - , . ,— (� , ` �j�✓ /�K.(� �/(j.,�,,,�( �{1^��.. f/ /�. .;' � i �I;�:...?�� i�_C- if„�-'"� .,�1" .(.�/.��. . ! — ^ ^ �t l�� -�� % i � `� ��� �/�.� /,x!,�G�,f �� <"!r,�c��� G�'� C; - . �%�G� �" .. f �� �.. �r`� .� � �- .�"� -` ^ � .� % � -'`i. � ��� �r^•. Total �ea' o� �cope�ty '. �` ��`=` sq. ft. P�e�ent Zoning Clae�ific�tion The undere�.g�ed hereby declaxe� thQt a],1 the facte �.nd �ep�s��e�tatione etatec� �.n thie applicatioz� are true and 0 o�cxec t, � _ �ATEs ¢�/ f-j ;'=� SIGN��URE � ''���� _ /c� ���'�/` + �-- —� 7 ✓ �-�� ,,�- � �/ .L-�i✓�"��� _�'-,ti�l BELOW FOR CTTY USE ONL% . _ _(Se��vere� si,� �o�t additional �truntiono) _ ; PLA�S & SUBS; Dat� of Conei.deration , �2 -��'7.3 Re�►e�ke• . ���AN�T�NG �(JMMISSION: I�te Q�' Co��ide�atior� •- ,3 ' 7- �� �ea�k�: _ --- CI�'�t' �f?U�iCIL: Da�� o�' Gon�a��Qr�.ti�n, - R�u,�ka r' � ----- - LQT BPI�TT APPLICATION PROCIDURE 1 . Obta�n appl�.ca.tiQ� �'ox�a at City A$11. (6a31 1TAiverai,ty Ave. N.E. , Fridley) 2, 8eturn co�ap�.ated, appliaatl,on form with the required sketch of the prope��y �.nvolved and tha lot s��it fea o� �15.p0 fQx each ori.ginal lot being split. 3, �'he appl�.aat�oz� will be su�ultted to the P�ata ds Su'bd�,vieione and Streete b IItilitzee &ubaommittae �'or T�Gpm�endatione. Thi� Committee meets once a mo.nth, wt��n, requi�ede Th�r �ity will eupply the ap�licant with minutes of tha Subaocami�tes. a. Fp��ow�.n� the-Plata do Sub� �Committee reaommeadation of approval, the or�mer muet then �btain e► Gart�.ficste o� Survey pn the origi.na7. pascel or pareels aloz�,g with the new par�pl,e created with all exieting atructures tied in. �. The Cor�ifiaate oP Survey ahould then contain a simple d,escription of a part of a platt�d 1ot oa� re�isterad �.ot and be �filed with the F��gineering Department for Planni� Commiasior� reaomme�datio.ne. Th� p],anning Commission mests on tha soaond axid �'ourth Thu�cpday of the month. The C�,t will eu 1 the a licant Y PP Y PP � with minutee o�' the Plannir�g Commisaion. � 6. The a�eoomm�ndata.ons of t�� .Planning Commisaion are euba�itted to the Czty Counoil #'or fi.nal aotio.r�. The Council meete on the #'iret and third Monday of the manth. 7. The City CounCil apprpval �a,y be aub�ect ta certain etipulatione wk�ich �uat be cotoplied witka by the applicant. s. A le�tsr wi.11 be �ae�t to tbe applicant to not�.fy h�m of the Council action and to advise hir� ta epcnply with the conditione impoaed by tn� City. rhe letter wi�� al$c� conta�n any necessary deede �'or easemente and other pertinent pspere f�r hie aignature. ' 9. Wher� all the candit�one oF the l.ot aplit kiave been compl�ed �with, the applivant �hou7.d file the lot B$�it i.�, Ar�oka County. � 4Q, In all caee$ whera �ounc�l. action ha� been �ought and denie � no petitzon for idezit�.aa1 a�tion �can, be preeQnt�d until a periad of aix mon�he has elapaed. NOTE: THE RESIII,�'IIJG REAI� ESTATF T,AXES ANA S�'�C�AI, ASSESSri�.'�'�,'S FOR THE NEW PA��ELS �N TQ'�A,L ,Ak';'ER THE LOT S�'LIT� MAY` EXG�D T� AMQIINT. AS�ESSF,'p �� THE ORIGINAL P,�-?CEL. TF� FINA,�'VCE I�EPAR:^�'P AF FRIDLEX MAX �E ,A�L� T4 PROV�.DE THE F��ZMATED �,.�SOUiV''t OF AAA�TIONAL TAXF� Q� �SSF»�SMENTS, � e Lot Splits 1973 Split off the North 20 feet of Lot l, Block 1, Worrel ' s Addition and add to Lot 18 , Block l, Amber Oaks Addition Split Lot 6 , Block 1, Spring Lake Park Lakeside Addition (Westerly 162 .24 feet) Divide Lot 15, Parcel 1080 , Auditor' s Subdivision #129 into two building sites . One 130 ' , other 120 ' after 30 ' Road easement taken Split off 82 ' x 150 ' from Lot 1, Auditor's Sub #92 (1511 Ferndale) Split Lot 4 , Block 1, Spring Lake Park Lakeside Addition (Westerly 162 . 24) Split Lot 5 , Block l, Spring Lake Park Lakeside Addition (Westerly 162 . 24) Split off the Wester 10 feet of Lot 32, Auditor ' s Sub #77 to added to Lot 31 Lot 3, Block 2 , East Ranch Estates 2nd Addtion, split off the South 204 feet of the East 200 feet Split off Northerly 234 feet of Block 10 , Hamilton' s Addition �� 300 BRUNSWICK�AViE.5. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY R 91M DN HO AVESNH GOLDEN VALLEY,MINN. LAND SURVEYORS BROOKLYN PARK,MINN. MINN. REG. NO.4741 MINN. REG.NO.6743 SE6I6TE=ED pNDEE I,AWB OP lTATE OP MINNE�O?A I.ICENSED BY ORDINANCE O! CITY O! l[INNEAYOLIB 5747 W.Broadway 533-3922 INVOICE NO. }�2� INDUSTRIAL— JUDICIAL Minneapolis,Minnesota 55428 F.B.No. 143-1+� COMMERCIAL -- TOPOGRAPHICAL CITY LOTS- PLATTING g�urbeporg �ertificate SCALE 1"_ � �%� �.i�i��:i11 .,;V. . . ., .. ,.'b � ,. �T�� Q `,E'n:?f.E.':� ii'O:l � i � h. . �. 4 (� ,. " --�''--- � � 1' i� � /� s � —��� � r + , ___._._..____�_.....______..__._�_ I U i ` ` , I I ,''� , ` � r - , � 0 ; _ _� 1a � , � i ' �L-- � � i� � ` � � -- � /`{ � ,_� , , — -— --- _ — �� ___ � _._ 1 � � i P'y,. � i � � , -� _�______._______ __________'TT__.__--_i ---_______ _- - . _, - — �; ��r„��. ��- ' — , . I�� � L�J �. � �y, / �•z ( � i ..n P� ;�_� � . ,_ � �¢-- i i_ot .�' ,I �lo��K l , ". _.,.,i' ,�,^,:;:, i:�' t�aa'„ p3r� o: �,o� i , l�cr : , :1uft.'E:�' .. �'�DDI':'IUN .lyin�; "lcrtn oi a line drawn parallel •�ritn and distant '1�. J� feet South, as measured at right angles, from the North iine of said Lot 1g , Block 1 � "+�IBER OAK3, according to the plats trereof on file and of record in ,..,} �.�`'i�:�: �;' LrF� ?1P�,i:,t,e:• c`' ����� j:. � � ��a.d for �noka Co:xn',}� , Mir,neso�� . � �� We hereby certify that this �s a true and correct representation of d survey of the boundaries of the above desr.ribed land and /j `� the location of all buildings and visible encroachments, if any, ` from or on seid land. ��� �. � � � / '��{ �f Signed � � Surveyed by us this_��i�y of �E�E'-iI1hE'r' 19�� LOT SURVEYS COMPANY GERALD T.COVNE �OT SURVEYS COMPANY Rb'91M DN HO AVESNH 300 BRUNSWICK AVE.S. GC)LDEN VALLEY,MINN. LANU SURVEYOE� BROOKLYN PARK,MINN. MINN. REG. NO.4747 MINN. REG. NO.6743 1�EaIaTEB.ED UNDE� I.AWB O? dTATE OF l[INNESOTA :.ICENSED BY OBDIWANCE OF CI?Y OP MIX7IEAPOLI! 5747 W. Broadway 533-9922 INVOICE NO. '�` ' INDUSTRIAL-JUDICIAL M�nneapolis,Minnesota 55428 p,6.NO. ��- �'�-� i COM CETY LOTS T PLATT NG ICAL SCALE 1"= 3��� �urbepor� �ertif icatc ,�. . , , �� , ,r ,, T r L.S. �k73-03, Split off the T7. 20' of Lot 1, B1 . 1, Worrel's Addition & add it to Lot 18�� $1�€k 1; Amber ,0al�s Addition, to ma�ca a 50' ]�t,_�_bnildable r • site� " � 1 . ' �-T - , y'-�� � .. .� " ' i 1...' � r' � r � • \� � �. � I � . • , - . ` 1 F�: , �� .; � _, � . . ,`� � i � , �JB.I� ' � - � - --- - . �' ' _—_� . --=-----r_�. __...__ __ —_ �.._.. - - - _. _t___—._—r—,r�� �`�' �Con.^.. ta��lb S i . � �v� Gt`.Z � � �',�, �� ( ' � � �`-� - _.� � 1 � 6. � �� � � h T`� � `/ " ^�. .. ..� �; J T .:. �- M� ,� t h-5-F� �a � � �, � � v1 43 � S�%9� N� �W � ' �=1.a _ � 34.5 r �...� - . " 6 � '� � � � � • t • - -- r +t � (��i1�:)��y �: (.��-x ��� :,t,�_ ��asc�•,, c� r - - - f ' - - t __ _ ___ _ c. ... _ .. - - - ,'}�__..I � 1 - _..._..,____- _____.,r-...._ _ .. __._� 3-'T'--"-i-�--c,r,-�"er�--i!-_..�T � � ,+ � ^:�r�'h lir�c :?,iy,�r��'y� � J"�7 . �7 � � �.� � i,� iI1�3C t�:-:7'r ::f �.t � Ft�,7��{ � � '()[�T',.? tt; Fr��?rmT�i, ? yr ,,.0 ���l.ltti �f � 11_, , '.�T';.'�.'i'. !lc`tT �iZE?� �Ni_rh ar�d c:1�C1Ilt '{�,:.''r) �E'�� ,OUt �ly FiS me�sured �t ri_�ht �1',l4'Y "Y , fror�� the �'ort�r li.np of I_�t_ � �, R1<���k 1 , /`�t�(Ii�,i' ��1K� accordi_n� to the rec,a -�'���' � n1aCs thE��r�C�� . �?xc�pt' th��t � n^,-t ;:f ;��i r� I,i,f � 1 •- ��,.�� ����it}� n{ thf� E�ster; �.� :tensi��� c�f ,..h;� '�;ort`, - , , , �,�`: � c r � . , _ . We heroby cere�ty that tru, � , true and correct representa!�on of a surny of tM boundwies oi the above described land and % the location of alf bu�tdinqs ��d visible encroachments, if any, : � � � . from or on ssid Isnd. �� � ,��,,�f . � �� �,�,*{ � 3iQned Survey.d by us cn�s�L'day of '�f'-- -•:«-�-'- 19 ?^ LOT SUR VEYS COMPANY � -- . ' 4 . . � �A':�. . AMBER CONSTRUCTION CO. L.S. ��73-03 -- �' Split off the N. 20" of Lot 1, Block 1 � Worrel's Addition and add it to Lot 18, Block 1, Amber Oaks Addn. to make a 50' lot a buildable site. N•E. CORNER SEG 4 � C�'�rP/J s . ..�."r-.l� . ___ . ,aP'ce�: 3�'°� G'�S� l2� " ' -r 9C72 �3.�C�' �i�i ._ _ . _ Zf ti � T A�E. N. � � _ � r �� , - -- . , ,- r � � 61 ST A�E ,. . - ` r, , �•��; : � - -- ---� "' s.. - _.._ , r�E „"'` ' � � m� .�s` J. o *` � +; 9 i3.f_._'IB ' '� 1 �:. � � a. � .' � ��1 3��'s^ :�� — _-�..— -_. . _t' � � � \ ; � ,oa J �� ff a MB�"Rs� a m � '� > ' `' � ��A�� � P ,3s�� ,�s __ _- ' y `, Z . �,�Y ��° ��� � �� ' ' .. � � ,b�'�., d � �O r -r��R: `.� � T ; ;,, y�A ' �v °�� - „s�� ':�_ _,�s _ �, . _ : N � :r �� -�- � . ,., � � � - �; � `? � `;, � i� .. .. J �, ra ve9°f� :v *� .i j m a.6 , -.'`C. . � _ _ � � � -_ � . ..-i.33 -.I[S 1 e � . � . �: -�` j .- {� j � i9 3� ----—.._ ��•. j�� � —�V;._f���l..• �---►-- � F e - -- _ � � ��� � // 4 . �.it �at:��{\l:,�D1���� r '� .��.,� � - ' . t`}��?'�a j .' Of'A��e7Z yl��,N ; 1sa7 �- "y ; �r �' . ''.r ' ' _._---� --- �� - .._-- -�----�- - T : . .� , ,z9 s� � (� . _ . . � c:; �1-� � � l �.; . �.. -J. •- ' . _ �� g '_. Y /7� z= , �� � � S ' � l� YG N �. , ^f_i :� '^ . . � � -f!i/l! ^ _g• y�I ' __. °' ' J y v �/�/;�y''1/�- .. t- " �' .. �-.�< . 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I f ". _ �:l-.... �V�1 J.� �_� � . . . ,- � _ . . -� � �� ' � �t P'l . . .h ."�"1 . .�l � � .. � . ��. w, e'es ......__ —__._ - - . � . , Plats & Subs .-Str. & Util . Subcommittee Meeting-February 28, 1973 Page 6 1. That Lot 30 never be sold. . 2. That Lot 29 not be sold until traffic problem is solved. 3. The buyer be charged at least as much�per square foot as the people in the area paid for this parcel. 4. That this parcel be sodded and p.lanted into evergreens, including the 12 foot alley attached to the East end of these two lots . � 5. That the opposite triangular parcel created by this Street, be treated in a similar fashion of sodding and evergreens . 6. That the pre�ent alley should be plowed and reasonably maintained up to a.nd including Lot 28 because of its location along Fridley's m�in expressway Highway 4�47. , � UPON A VQICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 5. VACATION R�QUEST, SAV 4�73-04, BY WAYNE SIMONEAU: Vacate 57z Avenue ' between Lots��,\10 through,'16, City View Addition and 6th and 7th Street N.E. \ Mr. Clark said h didn�t think there was any urgency on this request. Mr. Schmedeke said,fh would like to see •the alley vacated along with 57� Avenue on Blo�k 3 Hyde Park Addition, and probably 58th Avenue could be taken care o�` at the same time. Mr. French said we could clean up the entire corner �`at the sa time. • Mr. Schmedeke ,•�aid he thought he people in area should be notified. Mr. Clark sa�[d we can renotify the etitioners and other people in the area. MOTION by rench, seconded by Meissner, to table Vacation Request, SAV ��73-04, b Wayne Simoneau, to vacate 57� Avenue between Lots 10 through 16, C.�ty View Addition, and 5th & 7th Street N.E„ until March 15, 1973. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. . LOT SPLIT REQUEST; L,S, ��73-03, BY ANfBER CONSTUCTION COriPANY; Split off the North 20 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Worrel 's Addition, an3 add it to Lot 18, Block 1, Amber Oaks Addition, to make a 50 foot lot a buildable site. Mr: Clark said we have been encouraging the owner of the 50 foot lot to obtain additional land for a building site. He is still 5 feet short of the minimum requirement. He purchased 20 feet from the owner to the ; South, but that was all the excess land available. We would reco�end approval of this requeat. Mr. Schmedeke said this will allow construction on this lot and he is in favor of approval. Mr. Meissner sai�i this is the re�son we make exceptions , a 70 foot lot is a perfectly reasonable request under these circumstances . � Plats & Subs .-Str. & Util. �ubtommittee Meeting - February 28, 1973 Page 7 � Mr. Clark said this has been a long time in the making. Evidently the two parties found an equitable means of solving this problem. MOTION by Meissner, seconded by French, that the Plats & Subdivisions- Streets � Utilfties Subcoaimittee recommend approval to the Planning Commission of the Lot Split Request L,S, �k73-03, by Amber Construction Company, to split off the North 20 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Worrel's Additon, and add it to Lot 18, Block 1, Amber Oaks Addition. Upon a voice vote, all voting � aye, the motion carried unanimously. /�=� . 7. TREE PLANTING Mr. French throught there should be a comprehensive tree plan, City vide. Mr. Schmedeke said he thoughtany organization would help plan the trees . _ • He wondered if the Environmental Quality Commission had been formed yet and if we could make a reco�endation to them. Maybe we could get the Mayor to make a proclamation of "Plant A Tree Day". MOTION by Engdahl, Seconded by French, to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 P.M. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully sub�rtitted, . � , �_ `(�'�. �. l'�7 �='%/-,��✓ �.� ._,..n � Dorothy Evensqy�, Secretary v � , - ..,� Flanning Commission Meetin� - March 7, 1973 Page 14 I��OTIQN by Schmedeks, seconded by 2e�len, �hat the Planning Commission reComm�nd to the Council denial of the vacatian request, SAV ��73-03, by . Lawrence Muggli, at thia tims, to vacate the unused portion of Lots 29 and 30, Hyde Par1� Additian, the unused portion a11 being South of 60th Street S1i�-off, with the following atipu�ations: , 1 , That T,ot 30 never be so1d. 2. That Lot 29 not be aold until �raffic pattern is solved. 3. The buyer be charged at least as much per square foot as the people in the area paid for this �arcel . 4. That this parcel be aodded and planted into evergreens, including the 12 foot alley attached to the East end of these two lots . 5. That Che opposite triangular parce� created by this street, be treated in a similar fashion of sodding and evergreens . 6 . That the present alley ahould be plowed and reasonably maintained up and including Lot 28, beeause of its location along Fridley's main expressway, Highway �k �+7 . 7. Owners of Lots 27 and 28, Block 12, Hyde Park Addition, be notified if this pzoperty is ever available and this be noted on the City records , UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting tion caXri,ed unanimously. , , 8. LOT SPLIT RE UEST; .S. ��73-03 ER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: Split off the North 20 fee of Lot 1 ock 1,, Worrel's Addition, and add it to Lot 18, Block 1, Amber Oaks Addition, to make a 59 foot lot a buildable aite. Mr. Roger Sevre and Norman Dahlberg were present. Mr. Schmedeke sa;id that the Plata & Subdiv:[sions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee recou�ended to the Planning Caamnission approval of lot split request, L.S. �k73-03, Amber Construction Compr�ny, to split aff the North 20 feet of I,ot 1, Block 1, Worrel's Addition, and add it to Lot 18, Block 1, � Amber Oaks Addition. . i�ir, Erickson asked how �ar the existing garage on Lot 1, Bloek 1, Wo�rel�s Addi�ion, was from the lot �.ine, Mr. Clark said it was about 1Q feet . Mr. �rickson said this was a single garage and what would happen i� aomeone would want to expand thia to a double garage, Mr. Clark �aid, as far as the Ci�y is concerned, they would rather have that • problem �han hav� aomeQne build on a SQ fook lot. Mr. Claxk said the new building site would be 70 feet by 158 �eet . . .. Planning Commission Meeting - Marnh 7, 1973 Page 15 MOTTON by Schmedeke, seconded by Fitzpatrick, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council approval of lot split request, L.S, �k73-02, by Amber Construction Company, to split off the North 20 feet of Lot 1, Block 1; Worrel 's Addition, and add it to Lot 18, Block 1, Amber Oaks Addition, to u►ake a 50 foot lot a buildable site. Upon a voice vote, 11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ' � 9. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. ��'73-04, BY DENNIS C.CZECH: Divide Zot 15, Parcel 1080, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, into two building sites . Mr. Aennis Czech was present . Mr. Clark said this is part of an old plat that was left out of Gunderson Terrace, between Onondaga and Fireside. He said Mr. Czech's lot is 120' x 250' and he would like to keep 130 feet on the lot where there is an existing house, to provide a larger back yard. The house on Onondaga is 52 feet back from the property line. The remaining parcel will be 75 ' x 120' , which will be the new building site. Mr. Erickson said this would meet the minimum requirements . � . Mr. Fitzpatrick said this split ian't in line with the other lots in this block. Mr. Clark said it was off 10 feet so the 10 foot utility easement would all have to be taken off the one lot. Mr. Clark said he would have to check the easements on the other properties, and line ' the easement up with the other lots . MOTION by Minish, seconded by Fitzpatrick, �hat the Planning Commission recommend approval to Council of lot split request, L.S. ��'73-04, by Dennis C. Czech, to divide Lot 15, Parcel 1080, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, into two building sitea, aubject to the aligr�ment of a l0 foot utility easement on the 130 foot lot . Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 10. ARMORY REFERRAL � William Cheeseman, Adjutant General of the State of Minnesota was present . �� � ' General Cheeseman said he was here at the request of Mr. Clark to expand or answer any questions the Commission might have in regard to location or site, if a National Guard Unit is established in the City of Fridley, and for your recou�►endation to the City Council . Mr. Erickson asked General Cheeseman how much land they would need. General Cheeseman said they would need a minimum of 5 areas, which is required by Federal directive, and we have to have fee simple title to the property. By we, I mean the State Armory Building Cou�ission. Mr. Erickson asked who would purchase the property. General Cheeseman said the land must be donated by the �ommunity to the State Armory Commission, who in turn, turn it over to the State of Minnesota. " � REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF MARCH 19, 1913 . PAGE 15 , i . . � . . � � . JJ .. Cou�cilman Nee said his motion wou�d be to ask for a feasibility study on the stipulations as some of them may cost the City some money. He said the expense would not be. extensive, but the plowing and the planting of trees would cost some money. Councilman Nee suggested the Counc; l not take any action at the p resent time. . � Mayor Lieb1 agreed saying the Cou�cil should get some information from the adminlstration about the expense of tfie sixth stipulation for plowing. The City Engineer said the alley had been plowed during the time this � item had been under consfderation. Mr. Schmedeke said he felt the item deserved special consideration. He said they were not asking for g�ading or the expenditure of a great deai of money. He said if the property was not in an area where it could be seen, he wou.ld not request approval , but it is right on the express way and it is unsightly. He added, it is a little tough for a semi to get in.to thls area so it could be cleaned up a�d sold as commercial property. � Mr. Mugglt said the tast few times the City trucks came into the area they had driven in aQd backed out. He said he would like them to feel . f ree to cut ac ross the easy way. MOTlON by Counc( lman Nee to deny the vacation request and ask for a ' - feasibilfty report on items one through seven as stipulated by Che planning Commissfon. Seconded by Councilman Utter. Upon a voice vote, . . all voting aye, Mayor �iebl declared the motion carried unanimously. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.�. #73-O��AMSER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: � �.._.._.���_..._ The City Enginee� sald the item was a request to combine a 50 foot lot � ' with the lot to the south of it forminq a buildable site. He added� the Plan�ing Comm(sslon recommended approval of the lot split. . , MOTION by Councilman Utte� to concur �Nith the recomnendation of the �� ' ; planning Commission and grant the lot split. Seconded by Councilman Starwalt,: Upon a vaice vote, a11 voting aye, Mayor L(ebl detlared the motion carried unanlmously. . L9T SPLtT REQ�EST: L.S. #73-04. 8Y DENNIS C. CZECK: � � The City �nglneer said the item was a request to split a 120 foot by 2�0 foot lot into two lots. He said the Planning Comm1551on had recomnended . app rova l of the req ues t. • MOTtON by �ounctlman Starwalt to concur with the recammendation of the planning �ommission and grant the lot solit. Seconded by Councilman � UtteP. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, Mayor Lleb) declared the motion car�led unanimously. MORY REFERRAL: Rece(ved wlth no eetio�.