Meter Swap � Request Number: 14153 Public works Division Service Request Problem Address: 6115 Woody Ln Requested By: Jeaz�ine � Departmeut: WA'IER Addresa: No address provided Problemllesue: INSTALL AMR METER Plaee Number: 5740439 5cheduled Date: '2017-03-24 c� Sc6edaled Tlme: 0�:30:00 ✓ !� - ACIION NEEDED: Created by: Wendy Hi�t Date Created: 2017-03-16 ACIION TAI�N: L�- C � �� _'�.. Statua: In Progress Sabmittcr Has Beee r, Conincted Dnte Compteted: Completed by: ���-''1 `.' ` � -7-� � ` � x a/.d—�.Ya Z—Jygyt� g��v� taer�6y auEho�ize t6ae�ii��#�s'Fdley asaclf�r ats emptoye2s#��I�+nv�aat ss nece �'ego9ace#L�e aera�er�s�aeges_ ��aascisrs�and�a's�[�ae�►ropea�y oarnes is�iaf�le foa fi#ae�rafier 6iv��from the anais�to�'ae premise and all iarter �iaaaaabieag. �B�Ar�C-�Li/�oaie�t3Z�6� 3 ads�darsPc]�e�"rt�j r�f�esdle�,�andJ°rts�rn�sl�yees�aarrnless�or an��iamages#[azt saaay�ccus 3rr�aite�s n�sea�t5or�. '�'foSs����➢�c8e,R�ut�eo�d'�sa9a�ec�;ca wadues,�aspire�avails,f9oors or�ee�asrta sto�u k�ox arad seavece liree. Irn�eesc9�e�seanrt�am ai: Co a8�gaire a pea�snit�rs"ar�o aay�or�,if�secessa�ya �23-- �{�� � ��c� -- ��- �i.4��tiEl'E€i�EA�1lItG�flld meter) � � � r1�� �� �r �3 �m�- n �� �� ��1 �'� l;-.l ao� � Ptsone 9{umber��"{ � �'�� Dafie '��-�—(�— (_7 r ���� �e�Signai�xre �L����� l�2 C 1..��� ���►�t�� � � � �Zc� ���M;����� ��� � s � � ,�- 4 ���� � �� 1 ���� � �����C��� �����.�A�,�����������-�r S�R .��j ������ ����A 48 AR��J.�O`eK7tiFp��y��g 6L.3`�3$y��p 7�i�g 700y 3.L�t�1.L.J4�.L171� . 4Q2.5 PE#�b]i'�"FEE Prior to cons�uctie�g or�epair af afly wafier oF se�raer iirae connecting the e�dstarsg rnunicipal systtem and ary fiouse or 6urTdPng fvr irhich# agplicafiiara is made,tbe oars�er oc casttract�r shatt iae required t�obfiairs a perrrs�fi for sctch connection,ami siaali pay a,permit fee as provi �ha�ster 3.�of this Code_ After such carrnectio�has�een rnade,tFte U/ater and Se�ver Department shalt�+e notified. �t shail be un(awfui t arry�o�anecting dine+urr�a't an ir�spectson has tveen made and such conr�ectaon and the wor�c inciderrt thereto h�been aPP�d�Y�te Crty }�ro�per and suitable r.onnectiart. 91lZ.D5 �?EPA�d�l3RiD�iAliVTEA(A94tCE T��t�N�[�LT��lOf ,4,i�er the in�tial connectivn ftas beera made to#he wafier seruice curb stop box or t�e sewer�ead a�t�e property iir�as a rrater seruice� beera exfiended to�tFse property�ne for conr�edaon,the appiic�rrt,vamer,or accu�rarrt ar�user af such premises shaJi be 1'a�able for att repair. requires!to arn��+a#er dine�nd sewer iines necessary#or connectior�af the premises frvrr�the main fio the psemis�s. if the property o�me� a�ec7caests mairr�enance sesvice ar re�rairs f�e perFormed kry the C'ity,the prroperty awner shal�be d�arged for the cosfis af t,he mairrtenance a repairs,iractudirag ne+cessary street repairs at a ra�Ce set an�tua�ly�an adnninistradTve policy. �t sE�►atS be the sesp4r�ibitiiy a�f t�e aPP�►�� cn,vrroer,vccuga��xr user to perfarm s�andard mairrteriance of the sewer service line frorrr the premises tu the main andui�ing debr�ciearir; root c�a�tting and�o ma�rrtain the wa�Cer service curb stop boJc for operability and�t su+ch€�eigfrt as wiii ensure i�at it rsmair�s above the fine grat9e of the�aa�d or prvperty. �t�ef 638,1156,1131�