06/25/2018 PH Notice Charter Amendment Chapter 8 AFFIDAVff OF PUBLICATION CITY OF FRIDLEY and statutes shall Fequi
(LEGAL NOTICE) •to establish building lines. vete of at least fe
STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Such power authori shall be
COUNTY OF ANOKA BEFORE THE CITY exercised to promote public health, of the Git.
COUNCIL ON PROPOSED safety, morals,welfare and conve-
Darlene MacPherson being duly sworn on an CITY CHARTER Section 8.03. PUBLIC IMFnent with suit
oath, states or affirms that he/she is the Notice is hereby given that PROVEMENTS AND SPECIAL AS- ebfeequipment. (Ref.Ord.1310)
Publisher's Designated Agent Of the newspa- there will be a public hearing of the SESSMENTS. 2. The right is reserved to the
Fridley City Council at the Fridley The City shall have the power City Council, upon the recom-
per(s)known as: Municipal Center, 6431 Universi- authori to make any and every mendation of an engineer, acting
ty Avenue NE, Fridley, Minnesota, type of public improvement not through the public works depart-
SF Columbia Heights/Fridley on Monday,June 25,2018 at 7:00 forbidden by the laws of the State ment,to bid on any work to be let
pm for the purpose of conducting and to levy special assessments by contract. All contracts shall be
a public hearing on the following to pay for all such improvements let to the lowest responsible bid-
with the known office of issue being located amendment to the City Charter: as are of a local character, in ac- der who is qualified in accordance
in the county Of: ORDINANCE NO._ cordance with Minnesota State with Minnesota State Statutes. The
ANOKA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Statute Chapter 429, Local Im- term "lowest responsible bidder"
FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER provements,Special Assessments. shall be interpreted as giving the
with additional circulation in the counties of. CHAPTER 8.PUBLIC The amounts assessed to benefit- City Council the right to accept any
ANOKA IMPROVEMENTS AND ed property to pay for such local bid which it determines to be most
and has full knowledge of the facts stated SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS improvements may equal the cost advantageous to the City. The City
below: The Fridley City Charter has of the improvements, including all Council shall reserve the right to
(A)The newspaper has Complied with all of completed its review of Chapter 8 costs and expenses connected reject any or all bids in accordance
and has recommended an amend- therewith, with interest, until paid, with Minnesota State Statute
the requirements constituting qualifica- ment of the City Charter by Ordi- but shall not exceed the benefits to Chapter 429. The City shall require
tion as a qualified newspaper as provided nance to the City Council on May the property. contractors to furnish proper bonds
by Minn. Stat.§331A.02. 7,2018. Section 8.04.LOCAL IMPROVE- for the protection of the City-the
(B)This Public Notice Was printed and pub- The Fridley City Council here- MENT REGULATIONS. .in
by finds after review, examination The City Council may prepare accordance with Minnesota state
lished in said newspaper(s) once each and recommendation of the Char- and adopt a comprehensive ordi- law.(Ref.Ord.776)
week, for 1 successive week(s); the first ter Commission that Fridley City nance, prescribing the procedure PASSED AND ADOPTED BY
insertion being on 06/08/2018 and the last Charter Chapter 8 related to public which shall determine all matters THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY
insertion being On 06/08/2018. improvements and special assess- pertaining to the making of local OF FRIDLEY THIS _ DAY OF
ments should be hereby amended improvements thereafter,and such 2018.
and ordains as follows: ordinance shall sripplant supercede /s/Scott J.Lund,Mayor
MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES FRIDLEY CITY CHARTER all other provisions of law on the ATTEST: /s/Debra A.Skogen,City
Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. §580.033 CHAPTER 8. PUBLIC IM- same subject and may be amend- Clerk
PROVEMENTS AND SPE- ed only by an affirmative vote of at Published in the
relating to the publication of mortgage CIAL ASSESSMENTS least four(4) members of the City Columbia Hgt-Fridley Sun Focus
foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies Section 8.01. THE CITY PLAN. Council. Such ordinance shall pro- June 8,2018
with the conditions described in §580.033, The present zoning and com- vide for such notice and hearing in 822419
subd. 1, clause (1) or(2). If the newspaper's prehensive plans shall be the plans the ordering of improvements and
for future physical development of the making of assessments there-
known office of issue is located in a county the City. Plans may be altered from fore as shall be necessary to meet
adjoining the county where the mortgaged time to time. To alter a zoning plan, the state of Minnesota constitution-
premises or some part of the mortgaged the City Council shall hold a public al requirements"to levy and collect
premises described in the notice are located, hearing and notice published four- assessments for the initiation of
teen(14)days prior to hearing with local improvements upon property
a substantial portion Of the newspaper's notices sent to affected property benefited thereby".Stich ordinance
circulation is in the latter county. owners. The comprehensive plan shall also require a petitiam of a
may be altered in accordance with majority on mumber and interest of
Minnesota state law. 1t The plans the owners of property te be as
By may include provisions for:(Ref Ord sessed for stieh improvement, or
,/ I �{, 1310) iMpFavemeicits, lef the initiation
C •zoning; thereef, provided that the Gity
Designated Agent
• platting and development of Getine"may proeeed upon its own
new areas; 4 n0fiatove heFeundeF and..ndeir such
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before •planning and location of public ordinance by resolution adopted
me on 06/08/2018 by Darlene MacPherson. works of art; by fatir#ifths f4/5)affirmfftive votes
•public buildings;
•playgrounds; Such ordinance shall allow for ini-
•bridges; tiation of a local improvement by:
• public transportation services 1.a petition signed by a majority
and facilities; of the owners bordering the pro-
-other public facilities; posed improvement:or
• designing and improving 2.by the city council initiating a
Notary Public streets; local improvement and ordering a
designing and improving pub- feasibility report.
lic places;and Section 8.05. PUBLIC WORKS
•other matters which may seem HOW PERFORMED.
essential to the City plan 1.Public works including all local
MITCHELL VHE�I Section 8.02. ENFORCEMENT improvements, may be construct-
" •,�..,. MgR1.E�lE M. V OF CITY PLAN. ed, extended, repaired or main-
�1C.(yr; E;$Ota The Council shall have eN nee- tained either by contract or directly
N01110 Jan 31 '2020 �r full authority, acting by day labor. Before receiving bids
••...:......•• My Cammisawn Exp> through the Ci Manager, to en- the Ci Manager shall, under the
' forcecompleteadherence Hy all direction of the City Council have
persons to the plans adopted as suitable plans and specifications
provided above,and to adopt and prepared for the proposed material
Rate Information: enforce a comprehensive zoning or project and estimate of the cost
ordinance. The Council shall have thereof in detail. The award of any
(1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users power to pass ordinances to regu- contract shall not exceed the real
for comparable space: late_ measure of benefit which is the
$25.40 per column inch •the use of private property;; increase in the market value of the
•the height of buildings- land because of the improvement.
Ad ID 822419 •and the proportion of the area ameunting to fHaFe than what 'a
of any lot which may be built upon allowable under Minnesota state