Meter Swap Y
Request Number: 16595
Public Works Division
, °:� Service Request
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�,r Problem Address: 581 Buffalo St Requested By: Allan Hoffer
� e Department: WAZER Address: No address provided
' Problem/Issue: IN5TALL AMR METER Phone Number: 612-?15-0330
.� � �(�pa�tied Date: 2017-OS-21 Scheduled Time: 01:30:00
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�',,�� �c s� : 3 U
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"� '� ACTION NEEDED: ��'
C�r�ated by: Wendy Hiatt Date Created: 2017-08-07
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Status: In Progress Submitter Hns Been r
Date Completed: �� ] ` � �'l Completed by:
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9'�"Y� hereb,�authorize the City vi�ridtey artdJor+ts empiayees to do what is necessar�te
reptaca the uratar rneter. 9 understand that the�roperty o�rner is 9iable far tlae enrater line from#he anain to the prQmise a�d ali�rsterior
�9unnbing, {Per�'rty sode 402.di6) B atso hold the Ci+ry�f Fradley andJits empioyees harrnless for arry alars�ages that enay accur while�ioirtg thw
o�xer�tion. 7'his to�nclude,bufi not limited to v�aives.pipire�w�B[s,floors ar tfve airb stnp box ared seevice line. In undee^stand 9 am also requi
to ab�P.ain a pee�rnit preor to any warEc,if necessanr-
F�RIAL ME7'E9t READiNG(o1d meterj ��� `� � � `''
Name: iS���I.h- ����"'C�Y Address_ � v� V1�I� �lJ � .
. Pho�e lVum(ser `�'"V�� �v✓~ �� � Date U `p�i� —. � t
�Si n r Witssess Signature '�
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FR�D[.EY�9'�Y CpDE `
(��f Ord Pfo�.9.3,4�R,565,566,629,538,552,9�2,488, 1144,1956,119Zj
4�2.5 PE�iMIT PEE
� Priar to�onstructing or repair of any�,vater af sewer line connecting the existing municipal system and�rry house or�iiding for which the
appiicafion is made,the owner or corttrackar shalt be required to obtain a permit foe such conrtection,and shail pay a�ermit fee as provided ir
�hapt�r 11 of Yhis�ode. Afker such connectio�has been m�e,the 1Nater and Sewer Departmerrt shal(be notified. it sfiall be uniawfui to�+n
any connecting tine urrti(an inspection has lseen made and suCh connection and the work inciderrt ti'tereto has 6eert approved by tfte City as a
gropec and suitabie connection.
Q02.06 ltEPAtRS A�tD l41AiNTENAi�lCE TO COPtt�!€CT104+i
After the inifiiai connection has t�een made fio the water service curb stop box or#he sewer iead a�t ifie property�ine or a awater service Iead has
been extended to the property line for zonnection,the applicarnt,owrter,ar occuparrt ar user of such premises shall he iiabie for aii repairs
required to any water line and sebver tines necessary for connection of the premises from the main to the premises. (f th�properiq onyner
requests maiMenance senr�ce or repairs be perFormed by the City,the property owner shall be charged for the costs af the maintenance andJn
' re�airs,including necessary stre�t repairs at a rate set annuapy by an administrative poiiry. It shall be Che responsibil'rty of the applicaret,
orvner,occupanit or user to perform standard mairrtenance of the sewer service line from the premises to the main inclu�ng debris dearing of
root cutting and to maintain the water service curb stop hox for opesa4�itr�y arsd at sucfi height as wifl ensure that it cemains ebove the finished
grade of the land or property. (Ref f38.1155,1191j
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