Meter Swap r � t .� �...�� %j�� `7':.�� � . ��� � A Request Number: 16672 Public Worlcs Division Service Request Problem Address: 7851 Pearson WayNE Requested By: Dave Olson Department: WATER Addr'ess: 7851 Pearson WayNe Problem/Issue: INSTALL AMR METER Phone Number: 651-324-7355 SchedWed D$te: 1� Scheduted Time: �� ACTION NEEDED:Install AMR Created by: Jeazmie Benson Date Created: 201?-08-10 �S= ; ACTION TAI�N: � OLD METER NUMBER: ������ OLD METER READING: ��, ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................:............:..................................................................................................................................................:.................................... NEW METER NUMBER: ..........:........................................................................:.........._...._..........................,...................._................................._....._..................................................:........................................................................................................,...........,................... NEW METER REA.DING: ...:................:................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................_..,....._..__............_....... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................._...........,................... . ......._. .......................................................................................................................................:.............................._...........................�...................................._............................__........_................................................._............................................_..........._........._ 5tatus: In Progress Submitter Has Been r. Contacted Date Completed: �_`� �� Completed by; E �� � v J� f � � �a�^g����s�d�4f , ���������,������� 3/3 �S/ o " ��3��)�aav��o��.e��a��a��� �� �— ������, ��� ��.3� ,Sa -�s�-f/�' ��3-s��-3��� ��"�� hereby aaatiaorize the���r9diey a�dp�or�ts�are�la�ees to do�&�at as�aeaessarj ��;�aace the yvatzr me�tzr. �us��t�a��and t!l�ea�the pr�opert��o+arne�as dia�le tar the water line fram Lhe nnaira to the prQrartise and aIB�ez�er�or �durss6inga �d�er C'��csseie 3�Z.d86� 4 alsca hoict�e�'�af�r�dley aa�cd,�its amplfsy�es fiar�rttess for am/da�a�eag�s that may occur while doing� ��er�tion. '�es t�incla�de,b�t saot ti9nite��a vaives,�ipir��wa3ts,�loors�r�oe rurls stap bax arad seavice'line, 4n understand�arta also�c �a o�tairt a�aer�zait�araor�o ara��rorfc,'sf necessary. �9N,�A�41EE�'ER�2EA�IAfC-c�oid ren�ter� �� �� l�o 9�iame: _ �Jtv� l.L�,�r)(� �4dc8r�ss � � � iP�iGl.�"Jv� 'V�L'l. 1��. 9�hone�lumber��_ J 1'�L�_ /3�� pate � � l�� t � � �ig�r;—�%y��l� � iFls"tness Sigrtature � � ��� ����� . ��� � ���� ��� ������ �af� . � ��������35� �1 �, - ��������� � ��� � �.�a�a�� F����������� ��A����.�����o����:,��������-����,�� ��„����'����� ���f Or�No���0 4�,�65,���,5299 53�,�62,9�,988, 11A�4,1�.56,119�.� 442..� RE�tM13'�E � �stiar tm cortstructing or repair�any water of se�r►er line�onnecting�he existing rnunici�a(systern and acn�house or buiTdin��or whicl�the appiication is rnade,the owner or corttractor shalt be required to abfiain a permit for such�cortnect�on,and si�att pay a�termit�ee as pr4vidQc( �haq��r�1 of this Code. After�uch connedion has been made,�he Water and Se�orer 43epae�trnert shai{�e natified. tt shaR be unlawfuf to sc any�vnnecting line untid an ins�aection has 6een made and suct'connection and the�oras�c incider+t�rereto has beert approved by the C'ity as; gsra�aer and suitabte wnnection. �02.�6 tiEPA�RS AsjtD MAiN�NAfYCE TO��R1NEC'!'IOM After tP�e snitiai�onnection has been made to t�e water servfce curia stop bpx or t€ae seurer lead at the�roperty line or a urater service lead h: been extended tfl�e�rvpes�ty iine for conrtection,the applicant,amrrter,�r occuparrt�r user cF such premises shalt i�4iab(e for ati repairs required to any water line and sedver 4ines necessar�for connectiort o#tt�se premises from the main to fihe premise�. (f the properl,y owner requests rrrair�tenance senr�ce or repairs be perFormed by the�ty,the�roperty vwner shail be charged for fihe costs aFthe mairitenance arsdi re�airs,including necessary street repairs at a ra�e set annuai(y#�y an administrative poiicy. It shafl 6e khe res�portsibitifi{aF the ayaplicanrt,' ovvner,occuparrt or user to perForm standar�i mairrtenance o�f the sewer service IinQ�firom the premises to±he main inciud'ang stebris dearirtg 4 rszrnt�uttirrg and fie maintain the raoater senrice curb stop box fvr ogeraisitity and at such heighf as wiil ensure that it remairrs above the finishe grade of�he(and or�aroperky. (6tef 638,3156,i],��.�