Meter Swap � �`� 1NSTALLATION 3� ' G.NOF AUTOMATIC METER READER FRIDLEY Address J� I� � :� �,`,�� Name !�l�ti=!�� �`fi�i_V.�i.� Date 1 � -,7�—\, Old Meter Number 1 � Old Meter Reading �� ReplacementNo. '"1� �S to� '�JoZ� Replacement Reading � Replacement Make���';�f� ERT# ����(D�(3 ✓ Replacement ERT# Remarks: �00� Signed: . R�+qu��# for �er� Re�rt - �ity of Fridrley ��r�a: s��-��-�a a��: ��r�o�� F�,eat T�e� i�tai� AwR n�ter Frn�ed�r� w�y Hiatt [7e��rtmer�t: Wat+er Gtizen�1�ne: B€�nard Sah�jes Ad�ess� �16 5TH ST NE acic�cm�: 763--571-2� S�fed [l�e: 11r1'2fZ011 1:00 PM �`G�' Pro�rty C7wner: Loeation�7etails: Re�ques# Detaila: kestaq/4MR Action Talceri: ; (1_�� �� � � i 3 � pi..�J���-��- I ���q��� v� R���� —C�7D�� � �,��-w n�1�-zdz� —�{3���'�S�T , ; �u� `��°��C� - � �� ������ �-� �� -- ����._3a���� �� R�spc�n�{e Pe�son: �p�rov�: 1 �f .. Ca�pl� Da#e: i __ "(�I �ia�n t+�6fied 1 � �1� �., , . .._. --� --_..._ l�.l� Ot�T1C�z�T TiGTate;De�artr�eni 5431 L?�v�rsity_�.v�nue i�a L. Fnciley�i�'ni 55�32 �%��� J��-�J�1 � Uwe � �� �e�ebv a�����e th� Ciz� oz r��.ley a�d/or its - employetis�fl c�o �x�at�;n �s , to re�la�� ihe raatLr mete�-_ �_unde�-stand 'r11ai.�e pro�z�y o�,v�er i� 1_iable ior the�vater line�-o�ihe main to t�e p�er�.is�, an�' all i�i�r�or plu�bi�g- (�;,r�i�? cade 4Q2.0� I a?s� '�old i3�.e City oi Fridley andlor iis e�lo,�etis �ar�less ior any c�amaaes t�ai�a;r oc�u�uhi3e :�oi7i�tiiis operaiion_ Tbis to in�la��.bui �oi Ji�ite� to; �ialves,pipin�, wails, f���� or t�e c•�� sto�bax and se�fi�e ]i�e_ 1 undersi��+ I am alsa rc[�il�?:�i i.0 D'Oic".iIl 3�ti�ilT Di_03'�C 2Il��TNO�i�, 3I-Il���SSa.I'V. ��ame_��'JE',er�;p f1 ��+ �y ,rT�� _����5�: 5`J/G ,3 t-�i'- 5 7t-.. 1 nc�ne i�um.'oer: �7 1�',� � "�(� Date: � �--� ..../� S i�ature�/� - �`nlitLess �i�atnre: , ,,� ._ . i��� .-�i���'�"Y���� , - ",���'��=�i3�.��I�,3'�,�'�i'�'������'�`�.�i-T��t�1���.3�i'���'r�+.�� ���'�'���'�i��T (kei OrdiV-0 11�,40�?,So�, �o'o, 52�, 030, 0'02,92_,9�8, 1111, ll�a', I191) �iD?.fl�_ �'�+'��--al'r�'i��+�, , P�ar to consiruc�n�or rep2i�-oi any�xaiei or seyver_liue cor�aeciing the e<,istinb mw-ii.cipal system and any house or�uiIdiag=or��hicn t�e a;�pl�cation is m��le,the o�n�or cantractor sha�be re:�uu3redio ootaiu a pe�it for such connec�icin, a�d sha11 pau a per_nit fee as pravideci in Cna;�ier 11 oi-i�is Cade. _Afrer such cannzctian has been mad�the�Iat�-��Sz�v�r�eaa�-h�eni�all be�oii�e�. i-t shall oe urlawrui tL covex any connec�ng iine until an mspecrian has oe�n,�ac1e and su�h cnnne�tion and the wor3�i�cideni t��re#a has beea avpreved by�e Ci�T as a prooer�ct saitable canne�tion_ �02.��i. �:.������...�r���'Ya�'T�:��'�3 ��i����'��11T �er the i�al.conaecti�n�as besn�tad�to i�L�.�r�er serz!ic� c;�.�b stop bon or�he sewe�iead`F`�e propert��lina�flr a�at�:serzr�c��r sevJer�ead'�as b�Un z�yndeu io ihe pr�ea-6y�inz for ean�ec�ony tfie " lpnlicani, o�ner,orthe oc�upant or�ser ai s�c��r�mi�szs shall'oe liable far�itrep�-s lequir�d io anv ��ater line and any sewes]ines nevessa,,T for ca,�nec�on Q'r';.��e premises�rom�e main tn �.h�arem�ses. If - the nrop�SCV O`N71�S rEall�STS�81IlIZL1aIlCe SEZY!r�s or�e�,ais�e perTormed'oy the �iry,�e propez�y ow�ne< shall be charged ior u'�e costs of�L mainte�ancti a�cVor�pa;rs, inc��:din�aAY ne�ess�J s-ire�t repairs,at a raie set�ualiy o_v an aamir,i,s�aii�a aolicy. ?�s�ail�e the responsib�iit�l ofthe a��lic�z, otivn�r, o��u��T �r user to pe�.�rm staz,dard ma�ntz�anc�n'r'he setiver service�e frflm thL pre�ises io the�ain irlc�u�g de'�iis c�a�-ins or r�oi cui�tr�d io maiatain i.�e wai�r ser�riea curb st�p b��i�r a�aerab�liizr�d at such he;�i as will er,sII-e��at;��-em�s u���e'�1ue fi�is�t�.`.I`�4aP. Ol L1iL'�Q�IId O��IOyL''pI�LY_ `llei 534, 11�o, 11�1 j