LS82-03 VEIT'S 2ND ADDITION 16 r '1 OSPL ! Ls (1,131 LJ1,J1VL2t-?S1TY ANJE, NE'. rr11z1 L Ev, svcv. 1:,543 P ati<1 ;r�-aa RECORDED: _- ADDRESS: DATE: PLANNING CO i;f ISS10N; APPilOVEODISAPPROVED_ DATE�//(� �7! NO CITY COUNCIL: APPROVED� DISAPPROVE-1) DI'�TE—:!/:1zte5Y NO_� PARK FEE REQUIRED: _..___._. AMOUNT , _ PAID­�_ ST I P U L ATI ONS: �� FEE t'100.00 'RECEIPT NO 5- NAME_. Donna J Miller --- PROPERTY OWNER(S)_,v^____-_ _ ._ TELEPI BONE HO 57!4.9831 _ I�TELEPHONE ivk .57-0- ADDRESS(ES) I �y5 6 0 Ea t River Rd. PROPERTY LOCA!IOP! ON STREET SW corner ofd Rive d Fridley LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 1. Lot l Block 1 Veits 2nd Addn _ 2. #Lot 26 !Auditors Sub #23 Plat 54154 Parcel 3580 f TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY 39,433 slt ft t_- _ _ PRESENT'i ZONING Res. _ REASON FOR LOT SPLITTo create two —_ _Ao lots,lame en ugh to biuld _�— indivually owmed homes. The undersigned hereby declares that all the faces and representat�ions stated in this i application are true and correct. DATE 2-25-52 SIGNATURE 1 1i- r ri sketch- � proposed lots i t Zvi with � ,� existing n s t NOTICE:, A _,r.etch of the proret r.y and the split any 9 1 -----� tures shown should accompany this application. 'See rE.vei • �c.e side for additional i nstructi ons' , I s ' f 1 LOT SPLIT APPLICATION PROCEDUkE 1 . Obtain application form at City Hall (6431 University Avenue N.E. , Fridley). .� 2. Return completed application form with the required sketch of the property involved and the lot split fee of'$-� for each original lot being split. 3. The application will be checked over by Staff and the owner may be required to submit a Certificate of Survey containing a simple description of a mart of a platted lot or registered lot, along with the new parcels created with all existing structures tied in. 4. The application will then be submitted to the Planning Commission for their recomiliendation. The Planning Commission; mets on the Wednesday following the City Council meeting, which is generally the first and third Wednesdays of the month. 5. The recommendations of the Planning Commission are subm-;tted to the City Council for final action. If a Certificate of Survey wasn '.t required before, it will be requirod for this meeting. The City Council meets on 'the first and third Mondays of the month. 6. The City Council approval may be subject to certain stipulations which must be complies' with by the applicant. 7. A letter ,.rill be sent to the applicant to notify him of the Council action and to advise him to comply with the conditions imposed by the City. The letter will also contain, any necessary deeds for easements and other pertinent papers for his signature. 8. When all the conditions of the lot split have been complied with, the applicant should file the lot split in Anoka County. 9. In all cases where Council action has been sought and denied, no petition for identical action can be presented until a period of six months has elapsed. NOTE: THE RESULTING REAL ESTATE "(AXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE NEW PARCEL: xN TOTAL AFTER THE LOT SPLIT MAY EXCEED THE AMOUNT ASSESSED TO THE ORIGINAL PARCEL. THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF FRIDLEY MAY BE ABLE TO PPOVIDE THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF ADDITIONAL TAXES OR ASSESSMEN-IS. "vtwe Era:... - -- - - - - S.P.0?-601-16 ' i rA CTAR[I7 ETY___ HIGHWAY EASEMENT { _ cMacrucC)BY i Easement No... 25 + Arthur T. Veit, tridor;er; IJ.nude F. Y.agnusson, widow Gramkr.r-, of Xbnnmoft for and in conaidera-.'ion of DOZZA readpi of which it hereby acknawkd jed, - - i hereby convey............and warrant............ta the.. County of Anoka............................_. ............._....^ . _........:............................._....._................... ' grantee, for highway purposes, together with the unrestricted right to improve the same, free and clear of an incu=- ` Ais brancea, the following described real estate in the County oi..........:loka....... the State of Minnesota: _.�_.....�....._._.,__.. A PErOMENT STREET EASE?fENT OVER AND ACROSS THE FCLLL ItiG DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN THE COUNTY OF ANOKA, STATE OF i LOT 15, REVISED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 23, SUBJECT TO EAS�-11-:NTS OF RECORD. SAID EASE 11EIIT BEING ALL THAT PART OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED .TRACT LYING EASTERLY OF A LINE 30 FEET T r-STERLY ,OF THE FOLLO:IING DESCRIBED LI'.rE: _ CQ-21ENCING AT THE SE COXNTZR OF SECTION 15, TO'PISHIP 30 N, RANGE 24 7-1, ANOKA COL^.;TY, MINNESOTA; THENCE :I 890 081 201, W (ASSUMED BASIS FOR BEARING) , ALONG T11 SOUTH LINE OF THE SEz OF SAID SECTION, 1259.99 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF" THE LINE HERE- 4 IN DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTH, 1467. 22 FEET; THENCE ALONG A M.ANGENTIt-L CURVE TO THE LEFT (RADIUS= 1206.23 FEET, DELTA ANGLE 200) , 421.05 FEET; THENCE N 200 TI, 208.30 FEET; THENCE ALONG A TANCaNTIAL CURVE TO THE RIGHT (R.ADIUS 11,459.17 FEET, DELTA I A14GLE 10 301) , 300 FEET; THENCE N 180 30111, 162.30 FEET; Tl?E:IPE ALONG A TANGSNfT_"L CURVE TO.THE LEFT (RADIUS 5,729. 59 FEET, DELTA A141-FLE 30 191) , 331.67 FEET; T=IC_? N 210 49' T-?, 618.88 FEET; THENCE ALONG A TANGENTIAL CLrVE TO THE RIGHT (RADIUS i 954.93 FEET, DELTA ANGLE 390) , 650 FEET AND THERE TERMINATING. ALSO THZ RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT SLOPES ON THE FOLMY ING DESCRIBED STRIP, "ICH RIGHT ' SHALL CZASE ON DECEI!3ER 31, 1973. A 10 FOOT STRIP LYING BET::EEN LINES 30 FEET AND 40 FEET TIESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LIVE. _ /ijo + And the said grantor...S.., for themselves, their heirs, executors and assigns, do._..... a versant neves to cut, damage, a destroy or remove any tree or shrub or other natural growth upoa the hereinbefore described premises for the continu- tnce of this easement,and does hereby grant and convey to the-.--..............Count..._._....f of Anoka all grasses,shrubs,trees and natural grog th now existing on said lands or that may be here ter planted or grown thereon. - himself, •-lam E And the said grantors....., for themselves, their heirs, executors and assigns do........hereby release the........................_.. j 'd A :...__.... _..........................._...:.................:..... Ceun�t of n a' _............................................._......................x....................................................................._...... its successors and assigns, from all claims for any and all damages resulting to the lands through and acroes which the ;. Earcel of land hereby conveyed is located by reason of the location,grading,construction,maintenance, and use of a pubL'^ ighway over and upon and the removal of materials from the premises hereby conveyed and from the uses incident r int? of no�k.1 mmnesotaUnno Gonverancin(Blanks(h,­�-`- '�-- 8th Augustll jig Inbenture. Made tlud...........................................day of....................................a.........................., 19.66....., between.........Ar.thur...I.....Vpit,.. husband .................Neoma...�......Veit.>'...wife................................................ _. David J. Magnusson, husband Maude F. Magnusson, wife I of the County of............Anoka.........................................................and State of...........M.iAPPAOta........t............................................. . part..ies. of the first part, and............City...of...Fridley........................ .............J............................... � municipal...................................................................................................................................................................................1.............................................., %corporation under the laws of the State of...............Minnesota.......................................I party'of the second part, Wiitneigot(b, That the said part....ies. of the first part, in consideration of the sum. of One...and..No./IJ00....($1..OD.)...and-other...values... to.....Parties..................................in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do............ hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim,, and Convey unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, Forever, all the tract...... or parcel...... of land lying and being in the County of.........Anoka...........................................................and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit: An easement for the purpose of construction and maintenance of public utilities and street surfacing described as follows : All that part of Lot 15, Auditor's Subdivision #23 Revised described as the Northerly forty ) feet (40' ) of the Easterly five hundred fift - eight feet (558' ) except the Southerly ten f et (10' ) of the Easterly three hundred feet (30 ') and except that part already dedicated for street and utility purposes. All located in Section 15, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of Minnesota. No State Deed Tax Required i V babe anb to jt9olb the *ame, Together with all the heredita7nents and app4rtenances there- unto belon6ing or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part, its 8uceelssors and assigns, i Forever. In Tegtimonp Wbereof, The said parties... of the first part have ... hereunto set their I hands . the dnT/ and year first above tcritterl. J S.P.02-601-16 HIGHWAY EASEINENT ."••,"'�'"___ Easaaant No. 24 iarold F. Beckman and Loris Becktran, hus:and and ►rife, 375CZ7 ' r-- / sasasiisrMiesa• •a•+ac.�►t.�wa�►�. -. - — •*. . v7.7. r �t� ... ApVbV.�a..iad d, iaesh7 gamy ani Warrant to County of Anoka ttTaat�tae W W07 Purposes,aagsBsr with tie auraaa kaad rigil to issPnve lis suesti and akar at an bo•Uex- Issas.tie fatieatag described:sal asaaas is an County s[__._lnoK.. _ Iis MAM s[1laasaw: A PrR..4k%'NT STREET EASE"-NT OVER AND A'.;ZOSS THE FOLLOtaINC DESCRIED TRACT OF LAND LYING AND BELtiC IN THE COUNTY OF A`10RA, SLATE OF !!IMNESOTA. LOT 26, REVISED AUDITCRIS SUBDMSION N0. 23, SUBJECT TO FAS.JSn�S OF RECORD. SAID EASrMr!? BEING ALL THAT PART C4 T!'� A3CVE D^S^fl2?ED TRACT Ll^Z*i^, EASTE2LY OF A LINE 30 FEET VT..STERLY OF THE FOLL jUjG :)ES_ RZSED LINE: C01 `tCI iC AT T?lE SE CC 'ER OF SECTION 13, TCr";SRIP 30 N, ZAP Cr 2 •7, A•;CvA COL". 1Y, Y.^,:?SCTA; T??LtiCE N 89° 08' 20', '•1 (ASSL".^;D IASIS FOR SEA, r^ SOUTH LM OF Thi' Sri OF SAID SECTION 1259.99 roc T A„C!:� ri: OF TFE LICC Ir s .�� • T 0TH: POL`tT F 3=CI'7"'1C !ir.._I.7 D-S-. 3C3; T'�!;CE NORM, 1467.22 FEET; Ter-!;^e ,ALCINC A TA.N11- TIAL CURVE TO TfLr LEFT (PADIUS 1206.23 FEET, DELTA ANGLE 200),�42 .05 TRS-^E N 200 :J, 205.30 Ft--; I3?t'J^E ALO!JC A T.A4C?;`;TZAL CCR:'? TO T�fr P,IGHT (D4DZ!'S 114 7 F---T. D^LTA .A•:CI.E 1° 30,), 300 Ft ET; T??'''CE 1C 180 3n, 1 2,,0 e-,- Tr-r'-'r ALONS A TAVC^!;?IA:. ^L7!Vr TO TYE 1.E?? (R4^,RLS 5729.59 F�'T, iDrL?.1 1`;C 30 19'), 331.67 Ft r?• T!L o , _ _ N 21 44 G1, 618.89 F!:r7; ???^t^� ALC:;;, A TA!=;TLtL CTMINAMC. RICTiT (RAJILSr954.93 FEET, DELTA AN= 390)9 650 F� An TH '2L ALSO T!ir RIG"T TC CC':ST't ` ? SLC?ES 05 THE FOLL(77I':C DESCRI3ED STRIP, •'iI^. ZIC!'T SHALL CZ,.3�- O'; D_^M;3 Z 31, 1973. A 5 FOOT ST-ZIP LYIN; SFr^=7 LINES 30 F-77 AND 35 F-rET •IEgTE^yY OF �J PA'A:,L'L TO Ttr-- ABO'r J.iCZI3;D LINZ. A • �✓ A T �,* w¢aaoidn any tr 5 . far Hems.-.es, their hein. esseutaes sad anirme, covenant I's+.er w cut,a,.,,R, T tree er abrsb or o*.e- to-z: Crovtb opoa the hemm!)don described pre use for tRw eoeuro- ascs of tats esssawat,and does bareby grant and convey to the.... .. ^� •' o•` :.r.c an crowns,shrabo.trees sad nAraral t"�+r'-�now erw ng on sad lasds a :sat su7 M iereatiar W:"'"'- t., or tr'e'es Berson. As' the said granter '.for tbemset.es, thetr heirs,etecroton s^,,asefgna de _ou-- ; of ahereby �tbe i" and asstrrr, from ail claims for ar.y aa� an dams I p����' o &and he-e�7 ConnTed is located by rwason o!the ka nous:ds W the lands throvl[h ad aeras which the AKeWa7 erer and Upon and the rumors! of materials from the premises hereby conveyed�nteaaneo.and ase of a pab:ic tiore,to,and tht f* the saes induct 61M Line hove Be r1rht to ase sad remove an earth and other Materials lying within the paroal of lead erebr roc..:� a , Line rg`.t m eua,aac and tnainatr., upon the Wds adjdaing the paresl harsh)aevered.soxh p isle aaeL:oaths a,weather eondiac--rn•�a nt-v-na-r. snow tau-"dar- Aw' the Bald C T., grantor = for 464.,1: aeeaton and ass?gne,do tmtior stroct,arect.or mahatma or ALLOW or safrr any other person to co __ t nonan fn**hr g de1ia spOu the lands adjoining the parcel hereby oon.gsd,elaeer lira case say sign r bili board of oe"' bsme-� t1 ) f.ct 1--= the Premises traleas•permit tharsfor is wrtttag shall ia"Am been obtaiaad trues Bt it Droasaas of. k XL s.� { , P A R C E L 2 4 7 k ;i A permanent street easement over and across the fol owing describes] tract of land l Minnesota. y--ng and being in the Counts' of Anok , State of Lot 26, Revised Auditor's Subdivision N). 23, subject to easements of record. Said easement being all that part of the above de: Easterly of a line 30 feet Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 15, To nFhip 30 r- --• Range 24 West, Anoka County, Ainnesota; thence : )rth 8cmOc (assumed basis for bearing) , along the South line of 'the Soutt,eat� Quarter (h) of said section, 1259.99 feet to the Of the line herein described• Point of beginning £ along a tangential curve be ththencee left North 1467.22 feet; then^ 20°) , 421.05 feet (radius 12u6.23 feet, delta angle thence North 200 West, 208.30 feet; thence along a tangential curve to the right (radius 11459.17 F t 1 301) , 300 feet; thence North 18030' 4;e_�.•_, `3C alta angle a tangential curve to the left 1G2.3C fe t• thence along 30191) , 331.67 feet; thence North adius 5729'59 feet, elta angir tangentil curve to the ri ht49 *vest, 61S.88 feet; thcnsca angle 390) , 650 feet and there terminating. 954.93 eat, delta Also, the right to construct slopes on the following described strip, i which right shall cease on December 31, 1973. A 5 foot strip lying between lines 30 feet and 35 feet Westerly of and parallel to the above described line. Names of parties interested in above described land an nature of interest Harold R. Beckman and Doris Beckman . . Minneapolis Savings and Loan AssociationFee . • • • • Mortgagee f NOTE: The condernation action regarding the above described land t was dismissed by Order of the District Court, dated 5, b 1972, and the County of Anoka acquired a highway ase-ant .:;te therein, duly filed and recorded in the Office of the Rcyst of Deeds, Anoka County, Minnesota through direct the a .•r Q91nt l . i - + r 4 OOWN { ( T.C.V. CO L4T N—UC iER AA ARCEL IvL.SBEMR • ;. - _ 1 �: — `• :�-.is i•):t — :f _ _ _ =�'. { AD D . .- I.Subject to accepted for Town Road to �. _ 2.Subject to easement for road to _ } — I .. .. = of :,:• • ' vacated. .•. : -3.Including adjacent - - foot - = ease , . 4 . . ' • _ - •. . •- .- - •" - - went' o _. .Subject to . easerent partially released'. •- ta�.enper final cert: 1_ 6.£xcept - by _ MMOWPO Zj�=--"—• — s., •;.:• �r -!. =~' ;! «'.�•,:' .ir' Vii; _— � .- .�- --•.' _ }\. moi.:•.' +'-• ��.• •r• �r- ._ . . / acres.' .# d:acreage to assessed the a .s g -e..t . .?lease e _ . . P1 .. • . • / •i ,•� Ot T.R. AN A 100 .B ! VL-- ENTER I , RA , - - NS�tITTAL PREPARED 8Y' ED -;...,: . .,• _ _ S.P.02-601-16 _ • - pit BY HIGHWAY EASEMENT -_ cHccKro oY Easement No. 24 , Harold R. Beckman and Doris Beckman, husband and wife,• '- - _ %� r - c - (7rantgr.,s. o ....---__ Anoka Count »_ , rKiaraceaota, for nd in consideration. of .......!A...c..� -!�...»��r�iL�/!' �L/`-,.��^ �;� Dollurr receipt of which is hereby aoknow1edgcd ✓ - - - . - herebyconvey as County .of Anoka ? Y..-......... d warrant the..............................._.»... grantee, for highway purposes, together with the unrestricted right to improve the same, free and clear of allincum- brauces, the following described real estate in the County of-»- Anoka the State of Minnesota: A FFR ANFNT STRUT FAREWNT OVER AND ACROSS THE FOLLO?•TING DESCR�BED TRACT .OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN THE COUNTY OF ANOKA, STATE OF MINI,,ESOTA: LOT. 269 REVISED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 23, SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS OF RECORD. SAID EASEMENT BEING ALL THAT PART OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT LYING EASTERLY • - •OF A-LINE 30 FEET 14-LSTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED •L11t: .._ �t OMMENCING AT THE SE CORNER OF SECTION 15, Ta-rNTSHIP 30 N, RANGE 24 W, ANOK-K J&P COUNTY, MINNESOTA; THENCE N 890 08' 20TM Ta (ASSLMED BASIS FOR BEARING), ALCNG THE ? SOUTH LINE OF THE SEk OF SAID SECTION, 1259.99 FEET TO THE ?OINT OF BEGT;INT11C_ THE T.TNP RPREIN DESCRIBE • THENCE NORTH, .1467.22 FEET; THENC ALONG A TA�IGEN- TIAL CURVE TO THE LEFT RADIUS 1206.23 FEET, DELTA ANGLE 200) , 21.05 FEET; THENCE N 200 W, 208.30 FEET; . THENCE ALONG A TANGENTIAL CURVE TO THE RIGHT (RADIUS AA11459.17 FEET, DELTA ANGLE 10 301), 300 FEET; THENCE NO 180 30' ?•l, 162.30 FEET; `GTHENCE ALONG A TANGENTIAL CURVE TO THE LEFT (RADIUS 5729.59 FEET, DELTA ANGLE*30 19') , 331.67 FEET; THENCE N 21049? W, 618.88 FEET; THENCE ALONG A TANGENTIAL CURVE TO THE RIGHT (RADIUS 954.93 FEET, DELTA ANGLE 390) , 650 FEET AND THERE TE RMI INATING. ALSO THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT SLOPES ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBEDST_ IP, UTHICIi DIGHT ' SHALL CEASE ON DECEI113ER 31; 1973. A 5 FOOT STRIP LYING BET?EEN LINES 30 FEET AND 35 FEET '•lESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL TO THE ABOV?, DESCRIBED LINE. D J~� weAnd the said grantor.$...., for themselves, their heirs. executors and assigns do......., coven nt never to cut, damage, destroy or remove any tree or shrub or other natural growth upon the hereinbefore described remises for the continu- ance of this easement,and does hereby County of Anoka 1. y grant and convey to the..................................................................... ......................... ro-..-...-.............. _ a grasses,shrubs,trees and natural wth now existing on said lands or that may be he_*eaftez planted or grown thereon " Insfe7iS � And the said grantor....S,, for themselves, their heirs, executors and assigns do.......hereby release the............................».. '.._:.............:.......... Count of ono kz .................................................. ...................._.............:..r...........}'............ -•.... ...............................:.................:....... its successors and assigns, from all claims for any and all damages resulting to the lands through and across which the parcel of land hereby conveyed is located by reason of the location,grading,construction,main nance,and use of a public highway over and upon and the removal of materials from the premises hereby conveyed and from the uses incident thereto, and the................... County of i,noka abalI have the right to use and retaove all earth and other materials lying within the s;el of 1 -•* ••• ••••*•• - _...»......._.................... _ the right to construct and maintain, upon the lands adjoining the parcel-hereby conve cd such p rtableas ow fences dur- ing such months as weather conditions mase necessary. - himself, .his _ •, _ - And the said grantor..s... for 074iiiye`liA. t;YeYheirs, executors and assigns, do........ further convenant never to con- struct, erect, or maintain or allow or suffer any other person to construct,erect or maintain any ign or bill board or other advertising device upon. the lands adjoining the parcel hereby conveyed'. closer"than one hundred (100) feet from the said premises unless s permit therefor in writing shall have first been obtained from the.'...»..bounty of Anoka Dated this........./1 _.. .. . . o ����'- 19. In predc�_�, ��•_.. � `�� L"`:rte .� •_ •f -..:- �/ ........ »1 •;'r'�' I-CCS--_'— .'».... 3 BLAINE 47 COON RAPIDS \, L.S. #82-03 Donna Mi i er M a ha L IL a>ri� SPRING LAKE PARK A 113 _ Ll—a,.Juuuu65 L.)-J._ _ ;., k u.. LUU �® TCni»r LJL9� �, hwNr Gaud A B 5 W 141 aC4+ [era ? 35 IL Loc4+I o n e x � 9 11 q�0 6 If W W a JC�1� a. � � t A Q �..fik- AWN FtWAf r694 Dnnnn10 I AM ' 65 COLUMBIA 1t; NEIGN75 -Z" L STREET MAP-CITY OF FRI DLEY 2„F .. \N 1•a q»rl 0 A333 6,666 W L V = 2 �FF- 1 � ANOKA CC '.. PIN CO. 113 MINNEAPOLIS CITY OF FRIOLEY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 TELEPHONE ( 612)571 -3450 - December 1, 1981 �r Ms. Donna J. Miller 6430 East River Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Re: SAC Charge for Sewer Connection at 6430 East River Road,N.E. Dear Ms. Miller: On November 24, 1981 a sewer and water permit was issued to you for the above noted address. One SAC (service availability charge) unit of $425.00 should have been collected with this sewer permit. We now request that you submit this amount due on or before 'December 21, 1981. We would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions on this charge, please feel free to contact me at 571-3450. Sincerely, DARREL G. CLARK Chief Building Official DGC/mh N PARK FEES - „ 1981 POLICY STATEMENT0 ON LAND SUBDIVISION L.S. 1 #82-03 Date In determining fair market value of public areas for land subdivision for cash payment, as required by Ordinance 533, the following values will be used: Residential subdivision $1,000.00 per lot Residential lot split $ 500.00 per lot Commercial/Industrial subdivision or lot splits $ 0.015 per sq. ft. This fee- is to be paid at the time of final plat or lot split approval . The City Council may defer collection to the time a building permit is requested for individual lots created by such subdivision/lot split. The City retains the option to accept an equivalent amount in cash from the applicant for part or all of the portion required to be dedicated. PARK FEE AGREEMENT The undersigned understands that according to the Cit Platting Ordinance 9 9 Y the following public park land dedication is required to plat residential , commercial or industrial zoned property. It is further understood that the public park land dedication or cash payment equivalent is at the discretion of the City. It is agreed that a cash payment of $ will be paid according to the above stated policy for the following subdivision/lot split. It is agreed that the following land dedication is provided accordingto the above stated policy for the following subdivision/lot split: Dedication: g Subdivision/lot split: The undersigned further agrees to notify all future property wners or assigns of the cash payment requirement, if it is to be collected at. he time of building permit. DATE SIG ATURE (Property Owner 0084A/1067A IIS - _ __ I •ate,,..-., r COUNTY OF ANOKA Department of Highways Paul K. Ruud,Highway Engineer COURT HOUSE ANOKA, MINNESOTA 55303 1612-421-4760 March 19, 1982 Clyde Moravetz City of Fridley - Engineering Depaxtment 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 RE: S.P. 02-601-16 (CSAH #1) Dear Clyde, In accordance with our telephone conversation earlier this week, I am enclosing a copy of the construction plan showing the centerline of the north and southbound lanes that were used in the preparation of the descriptions for the right-of-way parcels, which were acquired for this project. I realize that it would be near to impossible to actually survey the lines if the survey crew were to start at the beginning of the centerline used in the description. Should it ever be necessary to definitely establish the boundary of the easements, it would probably be best to measure from the curbing or some other definitely located structure that was installed under this contract. Should you need any further sheets of this plan which continues to the north of Mississippi Street as far as the Locke House, please call. Yours very truly, Ralph F. Kishel Chief Right-of-Way Agent RFK:do Encl: Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer ti F ' May 14, 1982 6430 East River Rd Attn: Fridley, Mn. 55432 JERROLD BOARDMAN City Of Fridley 6431 University NE Fridley, Mn. 55432 Dear Jerry, In reply to your letter of May 4, 1982, requesting my ignature to concur with the action taken at the May 3, 1982 council eeting, I find it necessary to reject the proposed split. I do not wi h to make any other requests regarding this split. -� THANK YOU AND THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL FOR YOUR EFFORTS,& a learning experience. , Sincerely SUBJECT CITY OF FRIr7LGY, -- (s tvilryNc!-30TH APPLICATION Ue Irntn ur n• - 4 Numuer l ttev r'. ;;a Approved by UOle �`//J 1/ —C.L7 r Lc✓ FIS - AT$. COMPLETE REVIEW CHECKLIST RETURN TO PLANNING _ OMRnII=NTS r� ria r�� .i r p f 41-, kj -, LA p,,►1 OT E r�r✓Cs x0aG I S Q hl ✓ is 1.`r.� �a 1 a cco�c�%n9 / o Q¢se..re�tf fie r'e./oe4f c� as �a�t o flits sri6�i-,s.sh L� E � k� tpkv ce ss? Should v rcaX ez-k, s �tf 4X4 �i I lylt.41 14 Yo r. f 05, 053 (:Z)C Ver/cn� /f� � � .✓/ J' �` f"_ '� coo-�rr�-� G �I� �..--. e-- �5 2C THE CITY OF DIRECTORATE o0 CN n QF °o MEMORANDUM PUBLIC WORKS RAILEY DATE March 31 . 1982 FROM D.P.W. Jerrold Boardman - City Planner TO ACTION INFO. SUBJECT John Flora X Proposed Lot Split Request #82-03 Donna Miller In reviewing the file we are still concerned about the substandard lot widths and access to the property behind the applicants lot. We met with Ms. Miller on March 31 to discuss our concerns, and have proposed that she make �he two lots she's requesting 75 foot with the dedication of a 30 foot lot ease ent along the easterly property lines. She will be considering this proposal and responding to the City Council at the April 5 meeting. THE CITY OF DIRECTORATE C3 OF °o 0 M MO R A N D UM PUBLIC WORDS FRI[3—LE Y AM -1 DATE March 17, 19820 N0. 82-17 FROM D.P.W. Jerrold Boardman - Planning TO '` ACTION INFO. SUBJECT John Flora X L.S. #82-03, Donna Miller The Planning Commission, at their March 10, 1982 meeting, made a recommendation to the City Council for approval of L.S. #82-03 subject to a check on suita le road easement for East River Road across the eastern part of Lot 26, Auditor's Sub ivision No. 23 Rev. We have checked with Anoka County to get an indication on the East River Road easement affecting this property. We have found that the County does in fact have a road easement and will not require any further action by the City with this lot split request. THE CITY OF DIRECTORATE o0 o - •.o OF * —�0 0 MEMORANDUM PUBLIC WORKS FRIOLEY DATE April 14, 1982 FROM D.P.W. John G. Flora, Public Works Dir. TO ACTION INFO. SUBJECT Nasim M. Qureshi , City Manager Donna Miller Lot Split LS #82-03 We have discussed the lot split with Mrs. Miller again this week. She is not desirous to provide two 75 foot frontage lots and an easerent along the western property line. Her most recent plan is to split off two lots--one 70 foot lot paralleling East River Road, and a 66 foot lot. A proposal which satisfies the Code and the City's future needs is shown on Option A. This provides for two 75 foot frontage lots and a street and utility easement to the large lots to the rear. Her access problem to the existing garage can be satisfied by obtaining a joint driveway easement along the split property line, or converting the existing garage tolIhome use and constructing a new garage behind the existing house serviced bff 642 Way. I have also proposed Option B which establishes one sub-stand rd lot (66 foot frontage) , but maintains the 75 foot lot adjacent to East River Road. The concession here is to provide a lot split and obtain a street and utility easement. If the position to obtain standard lots and access to the rearis maintained, it may be possible to extend the benefit of no future street ssessment against the property if the road is built. JGF:ijk TME CITY IAF DIRECTORATEo0 �, o OF �o o° MEMORANDUM PUBLIC WORKS jRI13—L--@Y DATE April 28. 1982 FROM D.P.W. John G. Flora, Public Works Dir. TO ACTION INFO. SUBJECT Councilman Fitzpatrick Donna Miller Lot SplitNasim M. Qureshi . City Manacpr Per your request of April 27, 1982, the following information is submitted: 1. Attached aerial photo of the properties adjacent to the Donna Miller properties indicates the property lines and existing easements. Our concern at this point is the future possible replatting or splitting of the three parcels south of Mrs. Miller's. In order to provide for street development of these large areas, it imperative that we obtain access from 642 Way to these parcels. The neighborhood has shown an interest and concern to maintain a neighborhood park. Accordingly, the best location for a road" would be along the western boundary of the Donna Miller parcels. This then could be connected to an interior -road or private drives service the eventual building sites. 2. Our records indicate that Mrs. Miller has owned the parcellon which the house is located since December 1977. She has a contract for deed on the adjacent property, but the original owner is still the feeltitle owner. The contract for deed was recorded at the County sometime afte> October 1981. If I can be of any further assistance, please contact me. JGF:ijk l � I i /� i /� d �� y� /� 0 M O -� / �� / / �-' r �, '8�� � LS #82-03 Donna Miller y 1 �o i i / ' gel � CO OMNI 8 LS #82-03 Donna Miller o OOW .0000 .0000 O � ` O -o 7 o � M opri-op A LS #82-03 Donna Miller 1. Property requires replat- ting. 2. Corner lot requires 80' frontage. 3. Intermediate lot requires �S 'co 75' frontage. \_ CA 4. Plat requires street dedi- cation. 5. Plat requires existing ease ments vacated. 6. Abutting properties to re- ceive construction assess- ments. 7. Plat requires park fee. I r � N T_ Alf A. Z ` 1 00 `\ _Q OMOu 8 2E i L.S. #82-03, Donna Miller 18 CSAK NO to �. !+^- ` IVIII:Di•r•e�rf•Ow Iw SrrfA /.w••f • �/• Arl.il.:�fir�ris 7s'is 8.220 PSIS�lO.s • � t ^ � mow. t s�i,�3s11,' X 1 rr rs � ' .��� ! i, j � wl'�� "1p {•. j f. J rrw ... ��� ` ��♦ � N ACE M ,.� � �48tS pO�• T , �� �• { ,ase" - mss•„ ,j jt / V ,� • 7 IL Al •.srrr►r' � � � I a 44TH All t ,^ `4 Vim/ i Of 3 a h 2 (,��I(, � ¢; 6 1147 , y ��'� �•+' Iry ' 7l , ga14b 4 3 V2 • 336 � tg4 � � �� "`, s � � � ` 2 3 I l 1 8 7 � R 83 . -1IYAY ' --ice.- _�► �� SPr4f40ftw. 7f s1 rf • /,/ * RO -30 - 4 t'' e� -'nx`cd"� � •2�3- 6 ; '� ,saZ�G6 i ?S. .4 too: t2 1/2 L� s3�j9� Ni , 1 c1t�y cA t p�J� �� �� � � rte- 1 a t� •� U �J 1 AP 13 LS #82-03 Donna Miller A ' r ti c tl i/ X11 y j} A\ t. .�. .. X G 7 191 � t L y. R� -..•.. ..•--".T,-.•+ec-..-,.rysa-c�+-:t-r ------ .r.^v�-.e+.�+-,^'..t'°'+e'•_..r^ =7177 _.-..a.•_.w-.,.s,_._.w+ h `�.,.._ - `-�`.,..� mss,•%�. s1 S s`.f.: #. �'.3'�' .a etk yh- �`♦' ink;/` #'. ".`N' t.:'t °- �;: ���� Y •,{ .ti � �� � atilt �Y $"^' � ' .Y•t Y•;�?� �� "�: t 1=s � � 4rf - -.;' f-. � �: �"M .r"x.9' F,�-•s� .:' rr ��r J� ,yit` +,��y�,,+..-- r a+ � sre: � r, ,g'}:: z Kr �� .� / � _ • '�1p+5'edZ��„ .i � �. �,7�� s. 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MINNESOTA 55343 SURVEYING 8 ENGINEERING CO. 82009 JOB NUMBER STANDARD SYMBOLS 15/30/24 SEC/TWPIRN Denotes 112" ID pipe with', plastic plug Donna Miller CLIENT bearing State Registration No. 9235, set. Lot 1 , Bl-ock 1, VEIT'S 2ND ADD. LEGAL "®" Denotes iron monument found. and DESCRIPTION Lot 26, AUD. SUB. NO. 23 , REV. "+" Denotes cross chiseled in concrete surface. See reverse side hereof for proposed "982x5" Denotes existing spot elevation measured j legals for proposed tracts at the point marked b "x", in this case, 982.5 feet above mean sea level. Feb. 22 , 1982 DATE SURVEYED Feb. 22 , 1982 DATE DRAFTED "982x5" Denotes proposed spot elevation at the 40 SCALE IN FEET PER INCH point marked by "x". PROPOSED ELEVATIONS: NONE 94 >" Denotes proposed direction of storm water runoff. FIRST FLOOR TOP OF FOUNDATION CERTIFICATION GARAGE FLOOR ` LOWEST FLOOR I hereby certify that this plan, �urvey, report SANITARY SEWER WARER K or specification was prepared by me and that I BENCHMARK ELEVATION am a duIyRe Registered Land Surveyor and Profe s ,_ DESCRIPTION sional Engineer under the Law's of the State of 1 Minnesota. &esM. arker, Minn. Reg. No. 9235 �•i \ - 'tom; \ --- -. ---- - A- � Z ' o p � o P Ti (D n . • n O �' 1 Z_ /1 4 r 1 -s, c� . OU -• � r aS i" o u , -� )) � 111 ..5� - � , I 1J• r , cd �� r � 5, ,01.- TRACT l : That part of Lot 1 , Block 1 , VEIT'S 2ND ADDITION REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota which lies lsouthwesterly oof2the Afollowing SdescribedNline• 23, Commencing at the most northerly corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of S740501W along the northwest .line of said Lot 1 a distance of 140 .00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence S15010 'E a distance of 137 .79 feet to the southeast line of said Lot 26 and there terminating. Contains 17 , 172 square feet. TRACT 2 : That part of Lot 1 , Block 1 , VEIT'S 2ND ADDITION and of Lot 26 , AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 23, REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota described as commencing at the m�st northerly corner of said Lot 1 , thence on an assumed bearing of S74°501W along the northwest line of said Lot 1 ance of 140 . 00 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence S15°10dEst- a distance of 137 . 79 feet to the southeast line of said Lot 26 ; thence N74°501E along said southeast line a distance of 75 . 00 feet; thence N1501.01P] a distance of 137 .79 feet to the northwest line of said Lot 1 ; thence S74°50 'W along said northwest line a distance of 75 .00 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 10, 334 square feet. TRACT 3 : That part of Lot 1 , Block 1., VEIT ' S 2ND ADDITION and of Lot REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota which lies northeasterly of2the Afollowing SdescribedNlinne:23, Commencing at the most northerly corner of said Lot 1; thence on an assumed bearing of S74°501W along the northwest line of said Lot 1 a distance of 65 .00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence S15°10 'E a distance of 137 .79 feet to the southeast line of said Lot 26 and there terminating. Contains 11, 927 square feet. NOTE: In order to facilitate building on these tracts, it would seem appropriate to vacate the 6 foot drainage and utility easement created by VEIT 'S 2ND ADDITION and to create a new easement as follows: An easement for drainage and utility purposes over the westerly and southerly 6 feet of Lot 2 AUDITOR' S SUBDIVISON NO. 26, REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota . 6' also, the City may wish to consider acquiring the northeast 28 .581feet of Lot 26 , AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISON NO. 23, REVISED since it appears that for the last few years it has been using this property for EAST RIVER ROAD. Contains 2141 square feet. also, a variance for frontage below the 75 foot minnimum would have to be considered on Tract 1 . DVANCE 5300HIG11WAY 101 SOUTH MINNETONKA,MINNESOTA 55343 SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 82009 JOB NUMBER STANDARD SYMBOLS 15/30/24 SEC/TWP/RN "p" Denotes 1/2" ID pipe with plastic plug Donna Miller CLIENT bearing State Registration No. 9235, set. Lot 1 , Block 1 , VEIT ' S 2ND ADD. LEGAL "®" Denotes iron monument ound. and DESCRIPTION Lot 26 , AUD. SUB. NO. 23, REV. "+" Denotes cross chiseled i concrete surface. See Reverse side hereof for proposed legals "982x5" Denotes existing spot elevation measured for proposed tracts . at the point marked b "x", in this case, 982.5 feet above mean sea level. Feb. 22, 1982 DATE SURVEYED Feb. 22 , 1982 , Rev. rear. 9/82 DATE DRAFTED "982x5" Denotes proposed spot elevation at the 40 SCALE IN FEET PER INCH point marked by "x". PROPOSED ELEVATIONS: NONE ' — ->" Denotes proposed dir ction of storm water runoff. FIRST FLOOR TOP OF FOUNDATION CERTIFICATION GARAGE FLOOR LOWEST FLOOR I hereby certify that this plan, survey, report SANITARY SEWER or specification was prepared by me and that I BENCHMARK ELEVATION am a duly Registered Land Surveyor and Profes BENCHMARK sional Engineer under the Laves of the State DESCRIPTION Minnesota. ames H. Parker, Minn. Reg. No. 9235 ML C LP o _ - O'` � s o Z o o_ s 13-C� p o O o b O j. A TRACT 1 : The southwest 138 . 01 feet of Lot 1. , Block 1 , VEIT ' S 2ND ADDITION, and of Lot 26 , AUD. SUB. NO. 23 , REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota. Contains 19 , 017 square feet. TRACT 2 : The southwest 204 . 01 feet of Lot 1 , Block 1 , VEIT ' S 2ND ADDITION and of Lot 26 , AUD. SUB. NO. 23 , REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota except the southwest 1-38 . 01. feet thereof . Contains 9 ,094 sq .ft. TRACT 3 : Lot 1 , Block 1 , VEIT ' S 2ND ADDITION and Lot 26 , AUD. SUB. NO. 23 , REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota except the southwest 204 . 01 feet thereof and c_- ;cept the northeast 28 . 58 feet of said Lot 26 . Contains 9 , 181 square feet. TRACT BEING USED FOR EAST RIVER ROAD BUT OWNED BY CLIENT: The northeast 28 . 58 feet of Lot 26 , AUDITOR' S SUB. NO. 23 , REVISED, Anoka Co—ty, Minnesota . Contains 2144 square feet. NOTE: The original layout of these tracts has been altered pursuant to a phone call from the client relating her discussions with City Staff. Several variances will still. be needed to approve this layout and it still seems advisable to vacate the drainage and utility easement along the southeast line of Lot 1 and create a new easement along the southwest and southeast lines of Lot 26 of the same size and for the same purpose . �T/� � 5300 HIGHWAY 101 SOUTH / ®" C� MINNETONKA.MINNESOTA 55?43 SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 82009 JOB NUMBER STANDARD SYMBOLS 15/30/24 SECITWP/RN Denotes 1/2" ID pipe with plastic plug Donna Miller CLIENT bearing State Registration No. 9235, set. Lot 1, Block 1, VEIT'S 2ND ADD. LEGAL "®" Denotes iron monument found. and DESCRIPTION Lot 26, AUD. SUB. NO. 23, REV. "+" Denotes cross chiseled in concrete surface. See reverse side hereof for proposed "982x5" Denotes existing spot elevation measured legals for proposed tracts at the point marked by "x", in this case, 982.5 feet above mean sea level. Feb. 22 , 1982 DATE SURVEYED Feb. 22, 1982 DATE DRAFTED "982x5" Denotes proposed spot elevation at the 40 SCALE IN FEET PER INCH point marked by "x". PROPOSED ELEVATIONS: NONE Denotes proposed direction of storm water runoff. FIRST FLOOR TOP OF FOUNDATION CERTIFICATION GARAGE FLOOR LOWEST FLOOR I hereby certify that this plan, survey, report SANITARY SEWER or specification was prepared by me and that I BENCHMARK ELEVATION am a duly Registered Land Surveyor and Profes- HMARK sional Engineer under the Laws of the State of DESCRIPTION ) Minnesota. / �a`res H. Parker, Minn. Reg. No. 9235 p � 1 a o ; ; Ur� 11 \ 1->1 0 e46w 4 , ``w J -f- V f , i6 ` ,1 Q 6 (10 Mo :) -/ �\ 0- l 6' P �• v � r OoLP - ?_ C k 1) ` r � , 42 , \ 6, Ab P „ 1 S,1 U cCP U 1 YO � I � 1 �Yl- ` O ' -f F D' _VA_A7a'rCA"V"_jj 5300 HIGHWAY 101 SOUTH MINNETONKA,MINNESOTA 55343 SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 82009 JOB NUMBER STANDARD SYMBOLS 15/30/24 SEC/TWP/RN "p" Denotes 1/2" ID pipe wit plastic plug Donna Miller CLIENT bearing State Registratio i No. 9235, set. Lot 1 , Block 1 , VEIT' S 2ND ADD. LEGAL "®" Denotes iron monument ound. and DESCRIPTION Lot 26 , AUD. SUB. NO. 23 , REV. "+°' Denotes cross chiseled i concrete surface. See Reverse side hereof for proposed legals °982x5" Denotes existing spot elevation measured for proposed tracts. at the point marked by "x", in this case, Feb. 22 , 1982 DATE SURVEYED 982.5 feet above mean sea level. Feb. 22 , 1982 , Rev. Mar. 9/82 DATE DRAFTED "gg2x5" Denotes proposed spot eleva ion at the 40 SCALE IN FEET PER INCH point marked by "x". PROPOSED ELEVATIONS: NONE <<--->" Denotes proposed direction of storm water runoff. FIRST FLOOR TOP OF FOUNDATION CERTIFICATION GARAGE FLOOR LOWEST FLOOR I hereby certify that this plan, survey, report SANITARY SEWER or specification was prepared by me and that I BENCHMARK ELEVATION am a duly Registered Land Surveyor and Profes BENCHMARK sional Engineer under the Laws of the State of DESCRIPTION Minnesota. ames H. Parker, Minn. Reg. No. 9235 VA L ,>c9 7 ,� J P O O 1 0= � j b V i o o c Q G; C) G 5 N, .� Cal c N TRACT 1 : The southwest 138 . 01 feet of Lot 1 , Block 1 , VEIT ' S 2ND ADDITION, and of Lot 26 , AUD. SUB. NO. 23 , REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota. Contains 19 , 017 square feet. TRACT 2 : The southwest 204 . 01 feet of Lot 1 , Block 1 , VEIT' S 2ND ADDITION and of Lo L- 26 , AUD. SUB. NO. 23 , REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota except the southwest 138 .01 feet thereof . Contains 9 ,094 sq.ft. TRACT 3 : Lot 1 , Block 1, VEIT' S 2ND ADDITION and Lot 26 , AUD. SUB, NO. 23 , REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota except the southwest 204 . 01 feet thereof and except the northeast 28 . 58 feet of said Lot 26 . Contains 9 ,181 square feet. TRACT BEING USED FOR EAST RIVER ROAD BUT OWNP'D BY CLIENT: The northeast 28 . 58 feet of Lot 26 , AUDITOR' S SUB. NO. 23 , REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota . Contains 2144 square feet. NOTE: The original layout of these tracts has been altered pursuant to a phone call from the client relating her discussions with Cit- , -staff. Several variances will still be needed to approve this layout and it still seen- avisable to vacate the drainage and utility easement along the southeast line of Lot I an,. c:reate a new easement along the southwest and southeast lines of Lot 26 of the same size ater;.'. :dor the same purpose . T / � ; A5300 HIGHWAY 101 SOUTH ® MINNETONKA, MINNESOTA 55343 SURVEYING & ENGINEERING CO. 82009 JOB NUMBER STANDARD SYMBOLS 7.5/30/24 SEC/TWP/RN Denotes 1/2" ID pipe with lastic plug Donna Miller CLIENT bearing State Registration No. 9235, set. Lot 1 , Block 1 , VEIT ' S 2ND ADD. LEGAL Denotes iron monument fund. and DESCRIPTION Lot 26, AUD. SUB. NO. 23 , REV. "+" Denotes cross chiseled in concrete surface. See reverse side hereof for proposed "982x5" Denotes existing spot elevation measured legals for proposed tracts at the point marked by "x", in this case, 982.5 feet above mean sea level. Feb. 22 , 1982 DATE SURVEYED Feb. 22 , 1982 DATE DRAFTED '°g82x5" Denotes proposed spot elevation at the 40 SCALE IN FEET PER INCH point marked by "x". PROPOSED ELEVATIONS: NONE -->" Denotes proposed direction of storm water runoff. FIRST FLOOR TOP OF FOUNDATION CERTIFICATION GARAGE FLOOR LOWEST FLOOR I hereby certify that this plan, survey, report SANITARY SEWER or specification was prepared by me and that I BENCHMARK ELEVATION am a duly Registered Land Surveyor and Profes- BENCHMARK DESCRIPT ON sional Engineer under the Law of the State of/ 1 Minnesota. a,nes H. Parker, Minn. Reg. No. 9235 1 e� r) CP -E \ ,J Ao r) o o S Ly 3> \ > C sr ,� ` l C) S Q l� , 6' \ ` G 0 \ O ✓ ���. O 1-9 CP 1 7- f TRACT 1 : That part of Lot 1 , Block 1, VEIT' S 2ND ADDITION and of Lot 26 , AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 23 , REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota which lies southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the most northerly corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of S740501W along the northwest line of said Lot l a distance of 140 .00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence S15110 'E a distance of 137 .79 feet to the southeast line of said Lot 26 and there terminating. Contains 17 , 172 square feet. TRACT 2 : That part of Lot 1 , Block 1 , VEIT ' S 2ND ADDITION and of Lot 26 , AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 23 , REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota described as commencing at the most northerly corner of said Lot 1 , thence on an assumed bearing of S74°501W along the northwest line of said Lot 1 a dist- ance of 140 . 00 feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence S151101E a distance of 137 .79 feet to the southeast line of said Lot 26 ; thence N740504E along said southeast line a distance of 75 . 00 feet; thence N15°10 '1d a distance of 137 .79 feet to the northwest line of said Lot 1; thence S74°50 'W along said northwest _line a distance of 75 . 00 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 10 , 334 square feet. TRACT 3 : That part of Lot 1, Block 1, VEIT ' S 2ND ADDITION and of Lot 26, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 23 , REVISED, Anoka County, Minnesota which lies northeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the most northerly corner of said Lot 1; thence on an assumed bearing of 5740501W along the northwest line of said Lot I a distance of 65 .00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence S15°10 'E a distance of 137 .79 feet to the southeast line of said Lot 26 and there terminating. Contains 1.1 , 927 square feet. NOTE: In order to facilitate building on these tracts , it would seer; appropriate to vacate the 6 foot drainage and utility easement created by VEIT'S 2ND ADDITION and to create a new easement as follows : An easement for drainage and utility purposes over the westerly and southerly 6 feet of Lot 26 , AUDITOR' S SUBDIVISON NO. 26 , REVISED Anoka County, Minnesota. also, the City may wish to consider acquiring the northeast 28 .58 feet of Lot 26 , AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISON NO. 23 , REVISED since it appears that for the last few years it has been using this property for EAST RIVER ROAD. Contains 21.41 square feet. also, a variance for frontage below the 75 foot minnimum would have to be considered on Tract 1 . PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MARCH 10, 1982 PAGE 2 Mr. Ron Miller, 5705 Jackson St. N.E. , stated he and Mr. An# son will be purchasing the new lot. He asked Mr. Boardman to describe the bikeway/walkway easement. / Mr. Boardman stated that right now there is a sidewalk along Misissippi St. , and the City needs to room to expand the sidewalk for a bikeway n the north side of Mississippi . At one time, a bikela was striped on Mississippi , but when the County changed Mississippi to a ur-lane road, they eliminated the bikeway. That is why the City is reque ing a 10 ft. bikeway/walkway easement on all new requests. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS. VAN DAN, TO RECOMMEND TO,CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST,,L.S. #82-02, BY MARK ANDERSON, TO SPLIT OFF THE NORTH 81 FEET OF LOT 8H, AUD OR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 21 (953 MISSISSIPPI STREET N.E.) TO MAKE A NEW BUILDA LOT, THE SAME BEING 6530 OAKLEY STREET N.E., WITH THE FOLLOWING TWO STIPULA IONS: 1. THE LOTSP IT BE CONDITIONED UPON THE APPLICATION FOIZ REAR YA VARIANCES. 2. THE CIT RETAIN A 10 FT. BIKEWAY/WALKWAY EASEMENT ON MISSISSIPPI ST. UPON A VOICE V07 , ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DEC ED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANI USLY. Mr. Boardm stated the variances will go to the Appeals Commiss on on March 16, and then 0th the lot split and the variances should go to City Council on March. 22,22 (Mr. ,8'aba arri ved at 8• .j 2. LOT SPLIT REQUEST L.S. #82-03 ''BY DONNA MILLER: Split Lot 1 , Bdock 1 , Veit's 2nd Ad iti 6, Auditor's Sub. No. 23, combined into three lots: (110 - 64 1/2 Way N.E. ) The easterly 65' of Lot 1 , B1 ck 1 , Veit's 2nd Addition together with the easterly 75.19' of Lot 26, A. S. #23, and (120 - 64 1/2 Way N.E.) The Easterly 140' of Lot 1 , Block 1 , Veit's 2nd Addition, except the easterly 65' , together with the easterl' 150.19' of Lot 23, A.S. #23, except the easterly 75.19' , and (110 - 64 /2 Way) The westerly 128.01 ' of Lot 1 , Block 1 , Veit's 2nd Addition, together with the westerly 121 .23' of Lot 26, A.S. #23. (This lot is presentl , addressed as 6430 East River Road, but if the lot split is approved, it will require an address change. ) Mr. Boardman stated this layout has now been changed and the leg 1 description has been changed. Before, the lot lines were uneven, and they have now evened up the lot lines for a simpler lot split. MOTION BY MS. GABEL, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE REDEFINED SURVEYOR'S MAP OF THE LOT SPLIT. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MARCH 10, 1982 CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Oquist called the March 10, 1982, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Oquist, Ms. Gabel , Mr. Svanda, Mr. Kondrick, Ms. van Dan, Mr. Saba (arr. 8:45 p.m. ) Members Absent: Mr. H rris Others Present: Jerrol Boardman, City Planner Scott W eeler, Planning Intern Ron Miller, 5705 Jackson St. N.E. Mark Anderson, 556 - 37th Ave. N.E. Allen Stah1lberg, 305 - 89th Ave. N.E. , Blaine Donna J. Riller, 6430 East River Road Peter D. Eisenzimmer, 6535 Oakley Dr. N.E. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 24, 1982, ANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED MS. GABEL, TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY 24, 1982, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRI EN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, V E-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1 . TABLED: RE UEST FOR A LOT SPLIT, L. #82-02, BY MARK ANDERSON: Split off t e North 81 feet of Lot 8H9 Au itor s Su ivision No. 2 953 Mississippi Street N.E. ) to make a buildable lot, t same being 6530 Oakley Street N.E. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO REMOVE L.S. #82-02 BY MARK ANDERSON FROM THE TABLE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON UIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Boardman stated this item was tabled at the last Pla ning Commission meeting because Mr. Anderson was not at the meeting. He is at th meeting tonight. He stated it is Staff's recommendation that the Planning ommission approve the lot split with the condition that a 10 ft. bikeway/walkwa easement be retained along Mississippi St. He stated this easement has been discussed with Mr. Anderson. He stated Mr. Anderson has applied for variances and those variances will be going through the Appeals Commission. Staff will tie both the variances and the lot split together before going to City Council . PLANNING COMMISSION •MEETING, MARCH 10, 1982 PAGE 3 Mr. Boardman stated this is now a very simple lot split. There �re presently two buildable lots, and Ms. Miller wants to position those lot lines to make it easier to build on and to make three lots. All of the lots are ver 9,000 sq. ft. The surveyor's drawing shows that a portion of the property is o East River Road. That is probably dedicated as street easement, but it should be leared up before final approval of the lot split. He stated Ms. Miller should chick on this, and the Planning Commission should make the recommendation that if the easement is not there now, it should be. It is also advisable that the petitioner apply for a vacation of the drainage and utility easement, but that is up to the petitioner. MOTION BY MR. SVANDA, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO ITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. ##82-03, BY DONNA MILLER TO S LIT OFF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, VEIT'S 2ND ADDITION, AND LOT 26, AUDITOR'S SUB. NO. 23, INTO THE FOLLOWING THREE DESCRIBED TRACTS: (140 64 1/2 WAY) , TRACT 1: THE SOUTHWEST 138.01' OF LOT L, BLOCK 1, VEIT'S 2ND ADDITION AND OF LOT 26, AUD. SUB. NO. 23; (120 64 1/2 WAY) , TRACT 2: THE SOUTHWEST 204.1' OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, VEIT'S 2ND ADDITION AND OF LOT 26, AUD. SUB. NO. 23, EXCEPT THE SOUTHWEST 1 8.1' THEREOF; AND (110 64 1/2 WAY) , TRACT 3: LOT 1, BLOCK 1, VEIT'S 2ND ADDITION, AND LOT 26, AUD. SUB. NO. 23, EXCEPT THE SOUTHWEST 204.01' THEREOF, AND EXCE T THE NORTHEAST 28.5' OF SAID LOT 26. TRACT BEING USED FOR EAST RIVER ROAD BUT WNED BY CLIENT: THE NORTHEAST 28.58' OF LOT 26, AUD. SUB. NO. 23; WITH THE PROVI IDN THAT THE PROPERTY OWNER CHECK ON THE EASEMENT FOR THE 75' x 28.58' PORTIOV ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE PROPERTY EXTENDING INTO EAST RIVER ROAD„ AND DEDICATE SUCH EASEMENT TO ANOKA COUNTY, IF THIS HAS NOT ALREADY BEEN DONE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Boardman stated L.S. #82-03 would go to City Council on March 22. 3. RECEIVE FEBRUARY 17, 1982, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO RECEIVE FEBRT➢ARY 17, 1982, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Extension of Special Use Permit, SP #78-10 by Allen B. Stahlberg Mr. Boardman stated the Commission had received a copy f a letter from Mr. Stahlberg. Mr. Stahlberg got a special use pe mit in 1978 for construction of a single family home in the flood plain. Since that time, he has had three extensions. At the last extension, the City Council stipulated that it be the last extension and that if there were any further extensions, Mr. Stahlberg would have to reapply for a new special use permit. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MARCH 10, 1982 PAGE 4 Mr. Boardman stated that special use permits are set up under the Zoning Code to last for a period of one year. If the action that the special use permit was applied for does not take place within that one year period, the petitioner is required to go through the Planning Commission and City Council to request an extension. Since Mr. Stahlberg has already had three extensions, the City Council stipulated that no more extensions be given. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO RECEIVE THE LETTER FROM MR. ALLEN B. STAHLBERG DATED MARCH 8, 1982. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Stahlberg stated that it is not that he has wanted to come back so many times for extensions, but it has been a matter of economics. He was laid off his job about a year ago, and he is now hoping to get back on his feet this fall in a new occupation. That is why he is requesting a one year extension, rather than six months. Right now he has plans with a builder to get an estimate. Just completing the bid process may take a few months, but he is trying to move as fast as he can. Ms. Gabel stated that if the Planning Commission does not grant the extension, Mr. Stahlberg has to reapply for a new special use permit, go through another public hearing,and the findings are probably going to be the same. Mr. Boardman stated the Commission has to understand that every time there is an extension, there are staff costs--meeting time, review time, etc. He thought that was why after so many extensions, the City Council said there would be no more extensions. Ms. Gabel stated that normally she would agree with that, but she is wondering what there is to review about this. It is not something that is extremely complicated, and she just did not think the review time involved could be very significant. Mr. Svanda stated that if the Planning Commission denies the extension, Mr. Stahlberg has to go through the special use permit process all over again. Referring to Mr. Boardman's comment about staff costs, that $200 special use permit fee may or may not recoup the staff costs for reviewing, writing memos, and attending meetings to bring it back before the Planning Commission, and nothing has really changed. Granted, there have been a number of extensions, but it seems they were because of things that were possibly beyond Mr. Stahlberg's control . He thought they should give Mr. Stahlberg one more chance at it, since nothing has materially changed on the request. It is going to cost a few dollars just to process the $200 on a new special use permit. 63 CIL MEETING OF MARCH 22, 1982 PAGE 11 Mr. Flora, lic Works Director, stated this is a request for a lot split for prop ty just North of Mississippi at the intersection of Mississippi Stree and Oakley Street. He stated the request is to split off the back p tion of the existing lot to produce two lots. He stated staff has re wed this lot split and has no problems, however, a bikeway/walkwa easement should be required along Mississippi Street. Mr. Flora stated this item was re •ewed by the Planning Commission and they recommended approval subject to he lot split being conditioned upon the application for rear yard vari ces and that the City retain, a ten foot bikeway/walkway easement on Mi •ssippi Street. Mr. Flora stated at the March 16 Appeals Commis 'on meeting, the request for the rear yard variances was made and granted, erefore, the applicant has completed the stipulation regarding the ariances. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to concur with the Planning ission recommendation and grant Lot Split #82-02 subject to the gran •ng of the rear yard variances; the City retain a ten foot bikeway/walk easement on Mississippi Street; and the removal of the existing gar on the lot line. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vot all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 8 B CONSIDERFTIC,v OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L. S. #82-03 TO COM81NE INTO THREE LOTS, 110 AND 120 - 64%2 AVENUE AND 6430 EAST RIVER ROAD, DONNA MILLER• Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the property in question is located to the West of East River Road at64121•:ay. He stated.there are two existing lots, one facing 64k and another lot to the rear. Mr. Flora stated the petitioner is requesting splitting the two lots into three lots. Mr. Flora stated the Planning Commission has recommended approval of this lot split with the provision that the property owner check on the easement for the 75 ft. by 28.58 ft. portion on the East side of the property extending into East River Road and dedicate such easement to the County, if this has not already been done. Mr. Flora stated, in checking with Anoka County, they have the right-of-way for that portion. Mr. Qureshi, City Manger, requested the item be tabled since at one time there was a proposal for an access through this parcel , and he wanted this checked into further. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table this item to April 5, 1982 Seconded by Councilman Schenider Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. REC A recess was lled by Mayor Nee at 11:30 p. m. RECONVENED: Mayor Nee reconvened the or at 11:45 p. m. All Council members were present. 8 C CONSIDERATION OF EXTLNSION OF SPECI SSE PERMIT, SP #78-10 BY ALLEN STAHLBERG• r Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated Mr. >family eceived a special use permit in 1978 for construction of a singo in the flood plain and sincethat time, he has had three eHe s d the Council, at the last extension, stipulated if there were any furt rte, extensions, Mr. Stahlberg would have to reapply for a new special use permit. 64 COUJCIL MEETING OF MARCH 22, 1982 PAGE 12 Mr. F\specifica stated Mr. Stahlberg has submitted a letter dated March 8, 1982 indicg why he has applied for these extensions and not that he has wante , but it has been a matter of economics. Mr. Flora stated the Plannomnission felt that since nothing has materially changed on this t and if he was required to go through the special use permit procega , there would be another fee, they have recommended extension of thci use permit for a oneyear period. MOTIOCouncilman Fitzpatrick to concur with the recommendation of the Ping Co ission and grant an extension of Special Use Permit #7E-1r a one ear period due to the reasons outlined by the Commis- ion apecifica ly, because nothing has changed to warrant an in-depth reviethe situa ion. Seconded by Councilman Barnette. Upon a voice vote, voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. RECEIBIDS AND AWA ING CONTRACT FOR ONE TON DUMP TRUCK (OPENED 3/22/82): Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the Parks and Recreation Department went out for sealed bids t replace a 1976 one ton Chevrolet truck, and recommend the low bid from uperior Ford be accepted in the amount of $11,168. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to receive the bids for a 1982 one ton truck, with dump body. ETHRIDGE LAKELAND BOYER FORD TRUCKS PONTIAC GMC FORD TRUCK SUPERIOR FORD BRAND NAME OF TRUCK Ford F350 MC TC31003 Ford F350 Ford F350 TOTAL COST $12,670.00 $ 19991.00 $13,100.00 $11,718.00 (w/standard engine) ($]2,120 w/rebate) ($11,168 with $550 rebate) TOTAL COST (w/diesel engine) no bid 13,279 60 no bid no bid DUMP BODY MODEL Garwood GL13 \ LaHass option: Truck \� Outfitters $274.00 BID BOND 5% St. Paul Fire 5% 5% Liberty 5% Fireman's Fund DELIVERY DATE 90-120 days 6-8 weeks ` 5 days 60 days rebate of $550 if ordered by 4/1/82 Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to award the bid for a 1982 one ton truck, with dump body, to Superior Ford, the low bidder, in the am nt of $11,168. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all ting aye, (' Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 1 U CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1, SECTIONS 1.02 NO 1.03 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED"'LEGISLATIVE BODY" RELATING TO AP,D AND PRECINCT BOUNDARIES WITHIN THE CITY: MOTION by Councilman Schnieder to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading, of the Alternate II ordinance. Seconde by Councilman Fitzpatrick. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to make the following amendments in the above ordinance: Section H, third line from the bottom: change "East" to "West"; second line from the bottom, change "East" to "West"; Section I,\ sixth line from the top, change "North" to "South"; Section L, seventh line from the bottom, change "West" to "East". --- - - —--- -- 69. COUNC4 MEETING OF APRIL 5; 1982 PAGE 3 Mr. Quresh' stated if the Council wishes to consider a rezoning, he would suggest the ezoning and platting all be accomplished at the same time. Councilman Hame nik stated they tried to save as many of the existing trees as possibl in this development, and felt this proposal does accomplish this en Mr. Qureshi stated th residents were advised this proposal would be submitted as a whole pa age and, unless all the conditions are complied � . with, it would not be red mended for approval. He stated if there were to be any changes, the res ents would be advised. Mr. Wellner, the petitioner, s ated he concurs with the new proposal for development of this parcel. Mr. Mike Larson, 6390 Starlite Blv , stated he wished to thank the',City Manager, Mr. Qureshi, for his work i coming up with some real alternatives. Also, he thanked Councilman Hamernik co-chairing the meeting, and stated he couldn't speak for everyone he e, but felt this proposal was a ` vast improvement. He stated the resident ' fear was the parcel would be rezoned to R-2 and they wouldn't have any c trol over the development, but with the new proposal, he is willing to 've his own approval. Mayor Nee felt the issue the Council will now ha to consider is the matter of zero lot lines and asked if anyone in th audience-had any problems with this proposal. There was no response rom the audience. Councilman Hamernik thanked the residents for their pa 'ence and for coming out and meeting once again, and stated he felt it as a fruitful meeting. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to close the public hearing. S onded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all votingaye, Mayo Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing c sed at 7:55 p. in. OLD BUSINESS: 2 CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST, LS #82-03 TO COMBINE INTO THREE LOTS 110 AND 120 64 1/2 AVENUE AND 6430 EAST RIVER ROAD LATTER WILL- WED ADDRESS CHANGE IF SPLIT), DONNA MILLER TABLED 3/22/82): Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the staff has reviewed the lot split requested, and the surrounding area and found a need for the City _to provide access tb the lots in the-rear and-one of the lots would not meet the minimum frontage requirement, however, it would meet the square footage requirement. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the plan submitted by the petitioner for this lot split was in the Council 's agenda book. He stated this plan did not provide for access to the interior lots and creates one substandard lot. Mr. Flora stated the plan suggested by staff would shift the line ten feet to the West and reduce the side yard. Mrs. Miller, the petitioner, stated she originally wanted to have two large lots with zero lot lines and was advised this probably wouldn't be approved as the property is now R-1 and it would require a rezoning. 70 COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 5, 1982 PAGE 4 She stated, after talking to the surveyor, in order to have access to her garage and access off 64 1/2, she would need more room. She stated she understands there is a requirement for a 75 foot frontage, but exceptions have been approved. She felt that, in the future, if the easement becomes necessary, then it could be considered, however, the possibility of developing that land now isn't there. Mrs. Miller also pointed out there is park property there and wondered if this couldn't be used for easement purposes. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated the City usually obtains the easements when property is platted. Mrs. Miller stated, by splitting the property as she has proposed, it eliminates driveways on East River Road because entrances would be on 64 1/2-Way. Mayor Nee asked Mrs. Miller how moving the lines would affect her. Mrs. Miller stated if the lines were shifted, it would encroach on the front of her home and she wouldn't have enough room to enter her garage. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated when a lot split is brought before the Council, it usually has the easements shown on it. Mr. Qureshi stated the proper way to handle this would really be through a plat because the lot split does not follow any straight lines, as the ordinance normally requires. Councilman Fitzpatrick felt the property isn't in a form this evening where it could be split, and more accurate drawings should be provided. Mr. Qureshi stated it should be determined if the Council wants to split the property or have it platted. He stated platting would require addi- tional expense for the petitioner, however, all the easements and other necessary right-of-ways would be shown. If Council wishes to allow a lot split, then staff will bring a map that has all the stipulations shown on it. Mrs. Miller stated a new drawing was prepared and the north/south lines were changed and the front footage of the lots as shown. These front footages are 138 feet, 66 feet, and the easterly lot is 64 feet. Mayor Nee stated he felt it would be better for Mrs. Miller to have the split for only one additional lot, instead of two. Mrs. Miller felt she should give this further consideration and discussion before making a decision. Councilman Fitzpatrick felt the Council needed a more definite map before any action could be taken. He stated even if they were to agree on something, it would be hard to describe it. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, suggested perhaps the Planning Department should look at zero lot lines for this particular parcel. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to continue this request until the next meeting on April 19, 1982. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 3 RESOLUTION - 982 TO AUTHORIZE SOLICITATION OF PROPOSAL FOR RENEWAL OF A CABLE COWUNICAT NS-_-iXSTEM FROM NORTHERN CABLEVISION, INC. STABLED 82): Mayor Nee stated there was discussion ofthis re on at the Council's Conference Meeting and the question was well explored. 84 ' COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1982 PAGE 7 Mr. Flora stated all property owners within 350 feet were notified of this proposed rezoning to S-2. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated he represents one of the properties, he had received notice, and none of the owners have any objection to the rezoning. Mr. Flora stated, with the rezoning, it would provide for a center area to develop into a plaza and a mall effect can be designed and carried all the way through the area to University and Mississippi. He pointed out, with the various mixture of current zones in this area it would not be possible to obtain the desired effect for the redevelopment. No other persons in the audience spoke regarding this proposed rezonin . MOTION by Councilman Barnette to close the public hearing. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing closed at 8:28 p. m. OLD BUSINESS: 1 1 CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST, LS #82-03 TO COMBINE INTO 3 LOTS, 110 AND 120 - 641-2 AVENUE AND 6430 EAST RIVER ROAD LATTER WILL NEED ADDRESS CHANGE IF SPLIT), DONNA MILLER TABLED 4/5/82): Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated the petitioner called him and stated she could not be present at the meeting and, therefore, requested this item be tabled to May 3. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to table this item to the meeting of May 3, 1982. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 1 2, CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO ENERGY COMMISSION AND APPEALS COMMISSION TABLED 4/5/82): MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to nominate Leslie Coleman, 6011 6th Street, for appointment to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. There being no further nominations, the following motion was made: MOTION by Councilman Barnette to close the nominations. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to cast an unanimous ballot for Leslie Coleman for appointment to the Appeals Commission. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee t declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Councilman Schneider to table the appointment to the Energy Commission. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 13 ORDINANCE NO. 749 ESTABLISHING A NEW CHAPTER 217 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED "CONVERSION CONDOMINIUM" AND REPEALING PRESENT CHAPTER 217: MOTION by Councilman Schneider to waive the second reading of Ordinance No. 749 and adopt it on the second reading and order publication. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a roll call vote, Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schenider, Mayor Nee, Council Hamernik and Councilman Fitzpatrick voted in favor of the motion and'Mayor Nee declared the mo ion carried unanimously. I 85 COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1982 PAGE 8 NEW BUSINESS• 1 4 RECEIVING PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 7, 1982: A CONSIDERATION OF REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #82-02, TO REZONE FROM C-IS TO C-2S TO MAKE Z011ING CONSISTENT WITH USE, 6520, 6530 AND 6536 EAST RIVER ROAD, ROBERT SCHROER: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to set the public hearing on this rezoning request for May 17, 1982. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. 4 B CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP#82-02 TO USE A 50 X 75 FOOT AREA OF MENARD'S PARKING LOT FOR SALE OF NURSERY STOCK AND CHRISTMAS TREES IN SEASON), 5351 CENTRAL AVENUE, NOBLE NURSERY, INC.: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this request is for a special use permit to use a portion of Menard's parking lot for nursery sales in the spring and summer months and for a Christmas tree sales lot during the month of December . Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated this item was before the Planning Commission and they recommended approval of this special use permit for Noble Nursery to use a 50 x 75 foot portion of Menard's parking lot for the sale of nursery stock and Christmas trees, in season. Mr. Flora stated Noble Nursery has indicated they would install a wooden fence around the area and a small A-frame shelter for use in inclement weather. Mr. Haggerty, representing Noble Nursery, stated he discussed this special use permit request with residents in the area and the use would be compatible with the traffic patterns. Mr. Flora stated staff has no problem with this request as they would lose only a few parking spaces. He pointed out, however, that there should be provision made by Menard's for handicapped parking and another consideration was the Council will be receiving another request shortly for a special use permit for a drop-in bank site on this property. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated he has some concern about the traffic flow and the stop sign in the area. Councilman Hamernik also was concerned if the fence would obstruct a driver's visibility. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, stated if it is the Council 's desire to approve this special use permit, staff can review the site to make sure this nursery is located in the safest possible area of the parking lot. MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant Special Use Permit, SP #82-02, with the provisions that the location be studied and possible adjust- ments made for traffic visibility in that general area; that this permit be concurrent with the lease agreement Noble Nursery has with Menard's which was for a three year period which began November, 1981 and at the end of this time, it would be necessary to reapply for another special use permit; and that the fence and other facilities w COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 3, 1982 PAGE 2 Mr. Wilmes stated he received many letters from persons in the community, during his hospital stay,' and one letter which came from Councilman Barne te. indicated there were many persons concerned and suppo him through th s period. Mr. Wilmes stated he is proud to come fr uch a community made up of pe sons who care enough to help and friends wh are honest enough to tell you what your problem is. He stated he was ankful and grateful to the community for giving him back what he thought had lost. OLD BUSINESS: r� 1 CONSIDERATION OF APP O MENT TO ENERGY COMMISSION TABLED APRIL 19, 1982 MOTION by Counci an Hamernik to table the appointment to the Energy Comm scion. Seconded by C Gilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Miyor Nee declare the motion carried unanjmeus 2 CONSIDERATION OF LOT SPLIT REQUE /LS #82-03, T COMBINE INTO 3 LOTS, 11 AND 120 - 6412 WAY AND 6430 EAST IVER ROAD; DONfA r1ILLER ABLED 4/19 82 Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, s a rs. Miller has requested a lot Split to provide a 70 foot lot abutting East River Road, a 66 foot lot, and the remaining lot would be on the parcel where Mrs. Miller currently resides. Mr. Flora stated the City staff reviewed this property and has a number of concerns as normally a replatting would be required so that the necessary easements are dedicated. Mr. Flora stated staff has suggested an 80 foot frontage corner lot parallel- ing East River Road and a 75 foot lot adjacent to it. If the property is split this way, it leaves an 84 foot lot, with the existing building on it, and provides for a 30 foot street and utility easement for future access to the large properties to the south. Mr. Flora felt access to Mrs. Miller's existing garage could be provided b establishing a joint driveway easement along the split property line, or b converting the existing garage to home use and constructing a new garage behind the existing house serviced off 642 Way. Mr. Flora stated he has met with Mrs. Miller and explained the platting process and necessary requirements, however, she is interested in dividing the property through the lot split process. Mrs. Miller stated she visited all the persons in her block that would be concerned about a road easement and, at this point in time, not one person would be interested in access. She stated she would like the Council to consider her request for a 70 foot corner lot, a 66 foot lot adjacent to it, and the remainder of the parcel to be her lot. Mr. Qureshi, City manager, stated if the property is going to be split, it should be platted so that proper easements be provided for future access. He stated the easement only provides the right of access and would not necessarily take the property, if there isn't a need for it in the future. He pointed out that properties do change and the people who live there now may not want access provided, however, this may not be the case if the property is sold. _ Mrs. Miller stated if an easement is provided, it would be subject to road i assessments and would reduce the value of the property. Councilman Fitzpatrick felt one concern was if the road was ever developed, Mrs. Miller would be assessed. He felt if there was no benefit to her property, possibly there would not be an assessment on it. He thought Mrs. Miller might be reluctant to give the easement because there may be. a road assessment. THE MINUTES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 3, 1982 The Regular Meeting of the Fridley City Council was called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Mayor Nee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Nee led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL-CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nee, Councilman Barnette, Councilman Schneider, Councilman Fitzpatrick, and Councilman Hamernik MEMBERS ABSENT: None PROCLAMATION: NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK - MAY 23 - 29, 1982: Mayor Nee stated he has issued -a proclamation proclaiming the week of May 23 through May 29 as National Public Works Week and expressed gratitude to the members of the Public Works Department for their service given to the community. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: COUNCIL MEETING, APRIL 19, 1982: MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve the minutes es presented. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: MOTION by Councilman Hamernik to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Fitzpatrick. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. OPEN FORUM, VISITORS: PRESENTATION BY FRIDLEY JAYCEE'S: Dr. Boudreau, Director of Parks and Recreation, introduced Mr. Kurt Schrupp, President of the Fridley Jaycees--, who presented a check in the amount of $3,000 for the purchase of scoreboards in the new community park complex. Mr. Schrupp stated the philosophy of the Jaycees is to provide growth to the members through community development and, in keeping with this philosophy, theiripledge was for $6,000. He stated $3,000 was given last year and the $3,000 presented this evening is their final payment. All hiambers of the Council extended their thanks and appreciation to the Jaycees for their contribution. Dr. Boudreau stated there are several groups in the City assisting in this community park endeavor and he appreciates their support. He stated if there is anyone who wishes to assist in this project, they may do so by contacting the City Hall. ED WILMES: - Mr. Ed Wilmes appeared before the Council to personally thank his friends and the community for their help and support while he was going through a chemical dependency treatment program at the St. Cloud VA Hospital . 95 COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 3, 1982 PAGE 3 Councilman Fitzpatrick felt the lot split would be•,of some benefit to the City, as it would eliminate driveways off East River Road. Mrs. Miller stated one of her concerns is the possibility of a road ass ss- ment, however, she didn't want to sell the lots and then have someone hive to pay for a road, after they bought the property. She stated her original proposal was for zero lot lines which she felt would be nice for the neighbor- hood, e ghbor-hood, but no matter what she does, it involves an easement. Mr;_Qureshi, City Manager, felt it was the City's responsibility to proide access. He stated if the Council wishes to acquire an easement and hav no assessment imposed, unless the access is used, this can be put into the record. Councilman Fitzpatrick stated he would be prepared to move that they approve the sub-standard frontage width on the two lots and, in return, that an access of 30 feet be provided along the west edge of the property and also to give assurances that the property in question would not be assessed for a road improvement, unless they have access from it and use it. Councilman Schneider asked if they would be setting a precedent in approving the sub-standard lots. Mr. Herrick, City Attorney, stated the Council has, in the past, given waivers on dimensions of lots. He felt the situation here was somewhat unique and didn't feel a waiver would commit the Council to granting . waivers in other situations. Mr. Qureshi felt the matter of drainage should be taken into consideration as some of the area was low and it could be handled when the building permits are issued. Mr. Qureshi suggested, if the lot split is approved, the corner lot be 6 feet, the middle lot be 60 feet, and access be provided from 64'-= on the west edge of the corner lot and there be no access off East River Road. MOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to approve Lot Split #82-03 to combine into three lots, 110 and 120 and 140 64%2 Way, with a 76 foot lot (110 64%2 Way) closest to East River Road, a middle lot of 60 feet (120 641-2 Way) and the existing parcel (140 64'2 Way) where Mrs. Miller's home is located, to be 84 feet. Further, the westerly 30 feet is to be dedicated as a road an utility easement, with a 25 foot triangle at the intersection with 6412 ay. All driveways and access for these lots should be off 641-2 Way and the driveway on the 76 foot lot is to be on the west edge of the lot line, with a paved driveway to the present garage located on the 84 foot lot. The drainage on the two new lots will have to be considered at the time building permits are issued and a variance for the square footage on the 60 foot lot is approved in conjunction with this lot split. Also, there will be no future assessment on Mrs. Miller's lot, unless she uses the street, if road improvement is needed to provide access to the south. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. The Council noted, from Mr. Flora's memo, that Mrs. Miller must come in to apply for a vacation of the existing easement on her property. c� NEW BUSINESS: 3 CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BY ADDIIIG SECTION 205.23 ENTITLED S-2 SPECIAL DISTRICT: tMOTION by Councilman Fitzpatrick to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Schneider. Upon voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unani ously. 96 COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 3, 1982 PAGE 4 4 CONSIDERATION OF FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA, BY MAKING A CHAfjGE IN ZONING DISTRICTS ZOA #82-03 TO S-2 CITY OF FRIDLEY : MOTION by Councilman Barnette to waive the reading and approve the ordinance upon first reading. Seconded by Councilman Hamernik. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Nee declared the motion carried unanimously. F' 5 RECEIVING PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 21, 1982: k:�• CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #82-03, TO ,ALLOW A 30 x 40 •) A FOOT SITE IN MENARD S PARKING LOT TO BE USED FOR AUT MATIC TELLER MACHINE IN/AN ENCLOSED BUILDING, 5351 CENTRAL AVENUE, FIRST BANK SYSTEM, VERN WILCOX: Mr. Flora, Public Works Director, stated First Bank Systems is requesting a special use permit for a steel frame building to house an automatic teller machine in Menard's parking lot. He stated the Planning Commission has recommended approval of this request for a special use permit. Mr. Vern Wilcox, Assistant Vice President for First Bank System, Construction Division, presented a model of the proposed building to be located on Menard's site. Mr. Wilcox stated they are building these units, in conjunction with other banks, so this necessarily wouldn't be just a First Bank unit. Councilman Schneider felt there may be a problem of control and asked what mechanisms they were using. . Mr. Wilcox stated there are 19 points they are continually monitoring, including the security, and stated that vandalism hasn't been a problem. He pointed out there is no access to any cash in this building and there are phones in the building in the event it is necessary for a customer to communicate with someone regarding his banking transaction. Councilman Fitzpatrick felt there is a problem regarding the stop signs, as you exit Menard's parking lot, as people do not observe them. Mr. Flora stated it is proposed that the banking unit would be primarily used during the hours when Menard's and the shopping center across the street are closed. Mr. Wilcox stated their high traffic volume is during non-banking and non-store hours. Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, questioned whether enough light would be provided, as it was pointed out Menard's doesn't have any parking lot lights. Mr. Wilcox stated the building would be illuminated, however, the matter of lighting the lot is probably something they would have to check. Mr. Flora stated landscaping and curbing would be provided for this area. Mr. Wilcox stated they are presently negotiating for the landscaping and maintenance of the building. He pointed out they are concerned about appearances and keeping a well-maintained building. - .p1 CITY OF FRIDLEY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N. E., FRIDLEY, MI NESOTA 55432 T E L E P H 0 N ( 612)571-3450 0. ` CITY COUNCIL May 4, 198 ' ACTIOTAvr"' NOTIrc Mme,. Donna, iiilie- 6-"s0 Lai River Road Fridley, Mn 55432 Dear Ms. Miller: `r Off May 3, 1982 the i=ridley City Council officially approved your request for L.S. 12-03, to allow you to Split Lot Block 1 , Veit's with the stipulations listed belovj: ddition and Lot 26, A.S. #23, into 3 lots. 1. Lot closest to East River Road (110 64 1/2 Way) will be 76 feet, second lot will be 60 feet, (120 64 1/2 Way) and existing lot will be 84 feet (140 64 1/2 Way) 2. Obtain a 30 ft. public easement for street plus 25 ft. trianglIle at 64 1/2 Way, with no assessment for improvement unless access is made frons it. 3. Driveway on East lot (110 64 1/2 Way) will be placed on the Westerly edge of the lot. 4. On the low area, drainage will be considered at time of building permits. 5. Variance authorized for Lot 2, (60 ft) (120 64 1/2 Way). 6. No access to East River Road for any of the properties. 7. Provide paved driveway to existing house (140 64 1/2 Way N.E. ). 8. Need address change from 6430 East River Road to 140 64 1/2 V�ay� N.E. If you have any questions regarding the above action, please call the Corrununity Development Office at 571-3450. Sincerely, RROL ARDi�iAN JLB/de �� City Planner Please review the of ipulations, sign the statement below, and return one copy to the it 0 . Fridley. Concur with action taken.