Meter Swap . � _ . . _;_ __ _ . _.._. _ ��y���ti-r:��-.1���:-9294_ _._.. _ Public Works Division Service Request � Problem Address: 250 61 st Ave Requested By: Audrey Nelson Department: WATER ' " Address: No address provided ` ` Problem/Issue: INSTALL AMR METER Phone Number: 574-1388 Scheduled Date: 2014-10- 9 Scheduled Time: 01:30:00 �T� � � , ACTION NEEDED:2014 AMR Created by: Wendy Hiatt Date Created: 2014-10-27 ACTION TAI�N: ..........................................................................:...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................:......................................._..........._.............._..........................._.___..__�.....__ � ���� �� Z�l �7 �� ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................_......._..........._........ bc: ���- 1�12— �1 I � .............................h......._��...............................................................................�.........................................................................................................................:..............................._......_..........................._............____.__.................................._..... � _.:..._��:��...........���:_�:.�:... ............................. ...��._f2-:��._�7......�'.............................................................._.............................:.............___...._. _._.._. � � . ............ .. ... ..................................... .........�.:��.............�....�........-���.c�_�-...._ ....................................:......................_. .................._...........................................................................................__................................................_.____._........_. ................�:�............�............._�_s:��.....%�.y�.................................................................................:......................................._. ..........................._............................................................_.._.__.........._........ Status: in Progress Resident Contacted C7 Date Completed: Completed by: ��-2q-f� � .o{� . • - City of Fridley _ .- -. __ _ . 1Afa#?r[�ppartment . ,... _ _ .._ 6431 Uni�ersity Avenue NE �� Fridley,MN 55432 (763)57I3566 I/we here6y authorize the�tY of ftidfey andJar its - employees to do what is necessary to replace the wate�meter. I understand that the property owner _ is liabte for the water line from the main to the premise and all intarior plumbing. (Per�tj►code 402.Q6) i alsa hold the Giy of f-ridley and/its employees harmless or any amages ma " while doing this aperatiun. This to indude,but nat limited ta;vah►es,piping,walis,floors or the cu�b stop bax and service line. 1 understand 1 am also required to olrtain a permit prior to any work,ff necessary. Final meter reading(old met�r) ' ��� �� Z�� �(�'� ��-v�c, Name: Address:, Phone Num6er: Date� �a�"2�"�L � Signature• Nlitness Signature: FRIDLEY C{TY C�DE CHAPTER 402.WATER,STORM WATER,AND SANITARY SEWER ADMINiSTRATI�N (Ref�rd Na 113,464,565,566,629,638,662,922,988,1144,1156,1191) 442.05.RERMIT FEE Prior to constructing ar repair of any water ar sewer line connecting the eadsting municipal system and any house or building for which the application is made,the owner or cantrador shall be required to obtain a permit for such connection,and shail pay a permit fee as pruvided in Chapte�11 of this Code. After such cannection has 6een made,the 1Nater and Sewer Department shall be notified. It shall be unlawful to cover any connecting line until an Inspection has been made and such connection and the work incfdent thereto has been approved by the Ciry as a proper and suitabie connection. 402.06.REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE'f0 CONNECTION ��p������..�ti.,s...,,�.�a+n tt,p water service curh stoa box or the sewer lead at the propert� line or a water service or searer lead has been extended to the propertyline f�r connection�the applicant,owner, or the occiipant or user of such premises shall be liable for all�epairs required to any water line and sewer lines necessary for connection af the premises ftom the main ta the premises. If the prop�ty owner requests maintenance service or repairs be performed by the Ctry,the property awner shall be diarged for the costs of the . maintenance and/or repairs, includ+ng any necessary street repairs,at a rate set annually by.an administrative policy. It shali be the responsibiliry of the appli�ant,owner,occupant or use�to perForm standard malntenance of ' the sewer service line from the premises ta the main including debrisclearingflr raot cutting and to maintain the water service cur6 stap box for operebility and.at such height as will ensure that it remains abave the finished . . _ . . . . .. . .. . .... . �-- „gracfe af'ti�e iand orprbp�t�y.-(Re�6��,1��5,1.��1� _. �- -�