03/1988 Senior News 0 , • a
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Bowling News How a Senior Citizen Appears to a
Bowling at Maple Lanes is always an When children returned to school
enjoyable event for area seniors not only after vacation, the teacher asked how
because of M.L. hospitality but also because they spent their summer. One little
of the various programs put on by Maple's tot replied, We visited Grandpa and
staff. One of the special programs is a Grandma in California. They live in a
No-Tap Tournament that is held every four tin box where a lot of other retarded
to six weeks. On January 29, tournament people live. They don't go to work
winners were: Evelyn Ordner for Women's like real people and they play clot.
First Place and Neal Bedbury taking tops for
the Men's Division. Others sharing placing They all wear their name tags'because
9 they don't know who they are. Some
honors were Irene Carlson, Loie Halseth, and
Elsie ? (sorry), Howie Schultz, Vern Whitbeck, of them ride 3-Wheal bikes like / did
when ! was three
and Bill Campbell. Bill also had the . Mostly they Just
Tournament High Game of 268. Tillie walk around or drive their cars real
Lindberg placed High Game for the Women Slow. They have rocks in their yards
with a 244. The No-Tap Tournaments are instead of grass. They also have a
always held on Fridays and are open to all security gate so they can't run away
seniors in our area. or get lost. Some of them have dogs
to watch them too. Mostly little dogs
Claude Nelson, who just began bowling for so they can pick them up and hold
the first time about four years ago proved them. Big dogs would be too heavy. /
that seniors don't give up their learninsure feel sorry for them. Wouldn't
g you!
abilities when he sported an impressive 246
Game part. of a very nice 578 Series.
Claude enjoys his bowling at Maple on
Mondays and Fridays along with fifty other SENIOR SHOPPING REMINDERtfei
seniors. March Northtown Shopping
Thursday, March 10
Why not join us and find out WHY.
Friendly Fridley Folks
Fridley Historical Soctet its
On Tuesday, February 2, the Friendly Fridley
Pagett* Dinner Folks met with new officers performing their
Fridle" Comm Ed. Ct)tr,, duties and taking part in a few discussions
8.4 Y that came before the assembly. As
ri , r
#00pM entertainment, a group
FdayMach It 60 dancers from the Fr- of singers and
$4Aft J% Fridley High School put on
.uo per person a half hour program of varied musical ,
pieces. It was well received and
Door prizes and entertainmentij the appreciated. The day ended with coffee
Fridley Riley Cats Kitchen band® cookies and time for visiting, ,
Reservations Required.
Please call 571-5041 571-5328
Computer Comrade
transferred to another page intact or in
Computers are very complex contrivances part depending on the operator's option. By
that have the significant purpose of selecting the proper disc, Connie has at her
simplifying the complex problems of human disposal some sixty various forms of writing
contemporaries. The book of Webster and script. One really nice thing about the
explains it as: an electronic machine which, computer is that the pages can be done on
by stored instructions and information, a day—to—day basis placing what is
performs rapid, often complex calculations completed on a disc and then recalling It
or complies, correlates and selects data. later for additions, corrections, or
completions. (A decided advantage!) Then,
Ever since the introduction of computers when Connie is satisfied with the final
some years ago, 1, along with many others, product, she can instruct the machine to
completely ignored computerology believing print the entire page for reviewal. This
it to be beyond our ability to comprehend sheet then goes to the printer and is -later
it's entricacies. That view, however, returned to the Senior Center where
changed for me when the Senior Center volunteers assemble, label, and staple more
became the fortunate recepient of a than 1,100 newsletter.
computer from the ever—endowing Fridley
Lion's Club. This was my first opportunity With time, Connie will be storing important
to learn a little something about computers information on discs. All can be stored in a
with someone who is rapidly learning the fraction of the space currently required and
technology. In just the ten minutes that will prove to be much more readily
Connie used to explain some of the accessible. All of the informaiton regarding
computer's workings, it was evident that all classes, programs, and services relative to
the things possible with this machine would the Senior Center, City, County and State
require a lengthy newsletter series and a will ultimately be available by just the
good deal more knowledge than could be insertion of an appropriate disc and pressing
gained in just a few minutes. the right key.
By selecting one particular thing, perhaps a This completes this article on the computer.
general idea can be gained as to the But using an old cliche, it is only the tip of
character of a computer. Connie used the the iceberg. Now, my interest has peaked a
newsletter as an example, relating the many new sense and there is a different regard
advantages the computer made possible for this mystifing machine.
compared to the former method which
required complex layout for the composition To anyone who is sincerely interested in
of each page. With the computer, Connie learning more about the Center's computer,
can select many types be it fancy, large, or Connie states she will be more than happy
regular along with several hundred designs to explain it's many properties; admitting
and pictures all stored on thin diskettes that she has many things to learn before
measuring five inches square. As the data she can claim mastery of this electronic
from the discs are fed into the computer, wizard.
they are transferred to a vision screen and
held there until the page is completed. If an Final opinion - computers are here to stay,
error" occurs, it can be corrected by probably longer than we are.
pressing a delete key and retyping the
information. Any section can be deleted or
Growing Younger Column Cold Weather Walking Tips
Does it seem like they are building staircases Avoid artificial stimulants, such as
steeper Than they used to? Or maybe that caffeine, cigarettes and liquor. This
it is much farther from the first floor to the restricts circulation.
second floor than you remember?
Layer your clothing. This will trap the
Do revolving doors revolve much faster than heat in to keep you warm, and may be
they use to? By the time you jump in, and removed or added to as the
by the time you make your way out again, temperature dictates.
do you find yourself right back in the street
where you started? Keep moving. Standing and sitting
slows the heart rate and cools the
Maybe it's time to start walking. Did you body.
know that walking can increase your
stimina, improve endurance, and even give Swing your arms as you walk. This
you more energy?! Walking is actually one produces more heat and circulation.
of the best forms of aerobic exercise. It
not only strengthens your heart and lungs, Remember walking can be very enjoyable
but it can actually lower blood pressure and and is the most natural way to health and
cholesteral levels. It conditions the entire fitness.
body without undue strain, being safe EwwCrETmTITI.,.IFRm.'*.PTm.ALK...AL$LVUW'
enough for most any health status or
condition. Remember to check out exercise
opportunities at the Senior Center,
People may say, "I don't have time to such as Senior Stretch, Bocce Ball,
exercise". But just 20 minutes, three times a Senior Bowling, Senior Golf League,
week, proves to be highly beneficial and can and more.
significantly improve efficiency throughout
your daily routines.
Walking can give you that feeling of
self-reliance, of getting out and doing
something for yourself. It will keep your
body working well and maintain your
independence. Answers to Green Things
People may say, "The weather is too bad". 1. Greenhorn 2. Greenville
Walking can be done indoors or outdoors. 3. General Green 4. Greenroom
Your local shopping mail is always an S. Greenback 6. Greengage
option. But many people are actually 7. Green Apples 8. Greenhouse
invigorated by the colder weather. 9. Green Bay Tree 10. Greenland
11. Bowling Green 12. Green-eyed
13. Greenwich 14. Green Grocer
0 15. Green Choose 16. Greensward
17. Green
, .
riLion'sThe Many-Sided Pat
A Pat that mends
PancakeA Pat that loves his country
A Pat that protects his invention
Breakfast A Pat used by the dressmaker
y OOam-12 30prn What Pat inherits
Sunday, IYlarth 15 8: A Pat we all follow
C®nln7unit Education Center A Pat that is good to eat
$2.50 (5 and under free) A Pat that does sentry duty
Tickets available at the Senior Center A Pat that is old
or from any Lion's Club member. A Pat that stirs up tender emotions
A Pat that the doctor welcomes
A Pat that sounds on the window
Fridley Senior Crafters A Pat that is a kind of quilt
A Pat that acts fatherly
Three cheers for the Fridley Senior Crafters! A Pat that is a part of a house
They have done a marvelous job again this -------
year putting their funds back into the "The Man in the Glass"
community to work for all of us. For 1987,
the Senior Crafters donated $1,600. When you get what you want
Following is a list of their contributions: In your struggle for self,
St. W ll i ams Food Shelves — $500.00 And the world makes you Ding for a day
VWoodcrest School P.T.A. — $100.00 dust go to the mirror aNd look at
American Cancer Society — x400.00 yourself
Fridley Senior Center — $100.00 And see what the man has to say.
Community Education Center — $100.00 For it isn't your father or mother or wife
Friendly Fridley Folks — $200.00 Whose judgement upon you must pass,
Fridley historical Society — ,x'100.00 The fellow who counts most in your life,
Senior Dining — $100.00
Is the one looking back from the glass.
You may bE Jack Horner and chisel a plum
and think you're a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you're only a
Directory of Services and bum
Progranis If you can't look him straight in the eye.
He's the fellow to please--never mind all
The 1988 Directory of Programs' - and the rest
Services For Senior Citizens of Anoka For he's with you clear to the end.
County is now available through the Anoka And you've passed your most difficult and
County Council on Aging and the dangerous test
Community Action Program (CAP). A copy If the man in to glass is your friend.
can be obtained by calling the CAP agency, You may fool the whole world
784-2443, and asking for Senior Outreach Down the pathway of years
or by contacting the Fridley Senior Center. And get pats on the back as you pass,
But the final reward will be heartaches
and tears
If you've cheated the man in the glass.
W ,
Spring Activity Reminder Saint Pat's Scramble
I. Okcr
Now is the time to check the Spring 2. Ftselab
Recreation Brochure for details on the 3. Ldunbi
following activity offerings: 4. Hicermk
Lunch Bunch 5. Lainkelyr
Making the Most of your Life Savings 6. Myreprat
Sweats of the Month (Painting) 7. Lyenrab Elctas
(Bunny - Pussywillows - Spring Floral) B. Nonanhs Wed
Make and Take Folk Art Necklace 9. Rdedsire AVAUCI
Amish Couple Ink and Scrub C
Bocce Ball - Glass Etching - Hardanger Club 4*
Birdhouse Creations - Woodcarvers; AR Emom
Easter/May Basket-Needleart Floral Basket AAitr celebmtes
Senior Golf League - Cribbage Tournaments
Senior Walk and Stretch - (frowing Younger
and much more. If you did not recieve a
copy of the Spring Brochure, stop by the
Senior Center or Recreation Department and
pick one up. I t aT45
MSF to Provide Counseling for e-Jualy-41 -71 1988
Older Homeowners
Senior Housing, Inc. (SHI), a program of the Reclaiming the Past. . .
Metropolitan Senior Federation is now Rewriting the Future
providing counseling to older homeowners Stop by the Senior Center and review the
orl the reverse rnnorltLgage program and other materials sent to us by the American
options that will help them meet their Association of Retired Persons as they
financial needs. recognize women and their contribution to
our history over the past 300 years,
"The reverse mortgage program allows
older people with little or no mortgage
balance to draw up to 80 percent of their Senior Center Committee
home's equity through a series of small Vacancies
monthly loans," says Joanne MacDonald,
SHI director. "No interest or principal In an attempt to make the Senior Center
payments are due until the term of the loan more responsive to senior needs, the Senior
is reached, typically in five to seven years." Center Advisory Board has been
restructured. Membership is open to
MacDonald says appropriate applicants will anyone. There will be a Management
be referred to a participating lender for loan Board of seven members representing the
processing. For more informaiton, call SHI City of Fridley, School District #14, area
at 645-0261. churches, and each of the Senior Center
committees (Volunteers - Direct Service -
Program - Fundraising). If you are
interested in serving on a committee, please
contact Connie, 571-1304. - i
Living and Comn-itunicating with Theater Goers News
Older Ears
Ten members of the Fridley Senior
Due to the overwhelming response to our Theater—Goers attended the concert by lite
recent program, Hearing through Older Ears, Fridley City Band and the Northeast
we are working with the Foundation for Chamber Orchestra on Sunday, February 7th
Better Hearing and Speech to develop a at the Fridley High School Auditorium. It
new program dealing with spousal was two hours of very good music. Both
awareness with older hearing concerns. It music groups can be proud of their musical
will include education as to the problems, as abilities.
well as tips and tricks for better Members of the Theater—Goers also
understanding and communication skills, attended two movies during February,
Hearing loss can be frustating and stressful Whales of August and Three Men and a
for everyone. Come learn how to deal with Baby. The first, Whales of August, stars
it. Lillian Gish and Betty Davis. It is a sensitive
Mondays, April 25, May 2, & May 9 story about two older sisters and their
10:30-11:30am Fridley Senior Center caring but at times difficult relationship as
Its important to pre—register for all they grow older. The film leaves you very
programs at the Center so we will know relaxed and calm. The scenery is
how many to expect. You can do this by magnificent. Second, Three Men and A
calling 571-1304. Baby, is a delightful comedy about three
bachelors who find an infant at their
doorstep and must set about caring for it.
Chanhassen Dinner Theater The show has you at the heights of hysteria
and brings you back to reality often in a
o ' Edwin Drood matter of moments. What impressed us the y f most was the appreciated lack of foul
Wed. A/Dril 20 language and inference not explicitness.
Cost- $32.00 includes lunch, tickets, and !Upcoming Theater Goers Events
Who killed Edwin Drood?...and is he dead. March 6th Gold in the Streets
The solve it yourself mystery musical was Great North Amer. History
the hit of Broadway in 1986 winning 5 Tony Theater
Awards including Best Musical. "Drood" is 1:00 Show $8.50
based on Charles Dicken's unfinished novel. March 10th Simon's Night
The story is about John Jasper, a many Theater 65
sided choirmaster who is in love with his $10.00
music student, the fair Rosa Bud...who is, in April 29th St. Paul Suite
turn, engaged to Jasper's nephew Edwin Great Amer. History Theater
Drood. Drood disappears on a stormy 1:00pm Show $8.50
Christmas Eve, leaving doubt about his fate. May 7th Once Upon a Matress
Has he been murdered? And then who has Playhouse 16, St. Francis
dunnit? There are over 1,000 possibilities! 1:00pm Show
Come join us and help solve the mystery. If you are interested in any of the
Theater—Goers events, please contact
Connie at the Senior Center or any
Theater—Goers member.
Senior Outreach Bus Driver Helps in Rescue
The weather is starting to warm up and the Dave Gilbert has been filling in as Senior
sun is here with us for a longer period of Transport driver for the past few months
the day. Spring is just around the corner whenever Bessie needs some time off. Just
now. If your winter heating bills have got recently, when Dave was on one of his
you down, call for an appointment to see if routes his attentiveness was very probably
your eligible for fuel assistance. Many instrumental in the saving of a life. Dave
seniors are eligible. Applications can be had stopped at George Allansons place to
taken until May for fuel bills paid last winter. take him to Senior Dining. George had
Or if you just want an update on programs always been quick to meet the bus but on
for seniors in Fridley, give me a call. I this particular day he did not respond.
enjoy visiting with you and we can get to When Dave got to the door and rang the
know one another better. bell, the only answer he got was the excited
Nancy Jorgenson and persistant barking of George's dog.
Fridley Senior Outreach Worker When the barking continued, Dave grew
ACCAP 784-2443 suspect. As soon as he reached the Dining
Site, he approached the Dining Coordinator
' , who has all the emergency telephone
numbers of diners. When George's
Qua" daughter-in-law got the message, she was
able to contact a neighbor with a key to
Green Things check on George. As the neighbor entered
George's residence, she found him
1. A person easily hoodwinked. immobilized with a stroke. She immediately
2. A town in Maine, Kentucky, Tennessee. dialed 911 for an ambulance. George was
3. Name of a Revolutionary General. rushed to Unity Medical Center. At last
4. Where actors meet. report, he was doing quite well despite his
5. A valuable paper. advanced age.
6. A kind of plum.
7. A good fruit to give you a stomachache. Dave is reluctant to acknowledge any credit
B. A house in which flowers are kept. for his part in George's rescue but his
9. A Bible tree. positive action just may have been more
10. A very cold country. important than he realizes. It is good to
11. A town in Kentucky. know that we have seniors who are on the
12. What kind of monster is jealous? ballL
13. An Internationally famous village.
14. A dealer in fresh vegetables. This incident also goes to again prove the
15. What the moon is said to be made of. importance of filling out a participant card
16. The green that beautifies a country at Senior Dining and the Senior Center.
home. If you have not yet filled out a card or if
17. What you are if you can't answer these. your card needs updating, please do so
VCR Theater
Answers to Many-Sided Pat
You are invited to come and etch mov'es`'.
1. Patch 2. Patriot 3. Patent 4. Pattern features in the Senior Center everyday and
5. Patrimony 6. Path 7. Patty at your convenience. Just request the
R. Patrol J. Patriarch 10. Pathetic video tape and we'll start up the MICR for
11. Patient 12. Patter 13. Patchwork you.
14. Paternal 15. Patio Feature for March:
- - - - -
Crocodile Dundee
Answers to St. Pat Scramble --
1. Cork 2. Belfast 3. Dublin
4. Limerick S. Killarney
6. Tipperary 7. Blarney Castle d
8. Shannon River 9. Deserted
City of Fridley BULK RATE
_ Recreation Department u. S. POSTAGE
6431 University Ave. NE PAID
Fridley, MN 55432 M!NNEAoouS, MN
Paint No. 28E6