06/1988 Senior News FRIDLEY SENUM " N
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Trout Air Extravaganza - June 25th - 9:00am to a - $17.00
The North Suburban Senior Coordinators have planned a special event for
this summer. We will spend a day of fun, food, fish and frolic at Trout
.fir. Lunch and fishing is included as well as a hayride, dance, and outdoor
Big Beed Coffee Concert - July 1st $11
Orchestra Hall cones alive to the sound of the Big Bands. Musical legends
of the Dorsey Brothers, Glenn Miller, .and Artie Shaw will live again as
Norman Leyden conducts the Big Band Orchestra in golden era hits like
"Chattanooga Choo Choo" and "In the Mood". Cone join us for this musical
1 journey hack in time.
. £day at the Races - August 11t - 1
And they're off. . . and so are we to Canterbury Downs for a day of horse
racing. We have arranged for Club House seating for this annual event.
Ozark ountain Travel Talk - June 28th - 10:45 aux
I!, Cone join us for an armchair tour of the Ozarks. A Senior Center tour
will be leaving in October for this area. This is your chance to find out
more details .and pay your refundable deposit to reserve a, place in the Fall
Color Spectacular.
mol Cues
Summer Bocce Pool Cues usually hung up for the
summer are Mill clicking away on
the Center pool tables. quite a few
With the advent of nicer weather of the players s have expressed their
Bocce Bull will move outside as sour: intentions of playing for most of the
as the City of Fridley sets up court summer. 1t is gratifying to see how
markers.s. 1t is loped that more much the billiar dair•es have
seniors will investigate the possible improved in the past year or two.
enjoyment of Bocce. The league They are learning the finer ��ir�t�
will be divided into two member of pool P1�.��ir��* ar��. probably
teams which. will compete together enjoyin tf�e 1 y
throughout hout tie season. Court space ., game more.
behind the Community Education
Center will be available to the
league two days per week and play
can be both morning and afternoon. �
. . .
bout a dozen seniors played Bocce, Thousand
indoors this wintery in the Activity
Room at Redeemer Luther'n Church.
The following individuals and
More than twice that number can organizations donated funds
be accon- odated in summers lay. . ,.
ani' oar e-qu f prrxent to the
League Fridley 'enior Center r8e�ently.
� play i� currently n
Tuesdays at 9:30 am. Get more
ir�f�t-a��a�.ti�ti at enia�r° Center. Fridley Li Lioness
Fridley VFW Auxiliary
Golf StartDiane Determan
Friends of Amy Canton
Fridley Woodcarvers
Starting its seventh year Fr°idleys �
Senior Golf League again showed an Thanks for® making the Senior
increase inmembership. T°l�iyear'sCenter dreams a reality!
active s in et totaled 96, a. marked
extension from the original 22 in
1981. For the past three years the Metro Senior Federation
league has been divided into two
parts: a n A Div. (Mens mostly) and a � .�
B Div. mostly couples and June , 1 �I
� paired
singles. The season is split, the first 10:30am �I
half ending Jure 27. The second
half is open for new players. For � v,
further information call the Fridley _
a° 4
Senior Center or Bill Erickson at
784-2494 or Bill Caxnpbell 786-0890.
Lutheran Brotherhood branches, serving home, church, and community
SATURDAY JUNE 11, 1988 8:00 - 11:00 A.M.
Come to Crestview Nursing Home, June 11, from 8:00 to 11:00 A.M. We will
donate a Continental Breakfast if you can donate one hour of landscaping labor.
The exercise path at Crestview needs some- dirt fill, a little sod, and some
plantings to make it more attractive.
Northeast Suburban Branch 8416 of Lutheran Brotherhood will donate the
breakfast and the landscaping materials. You can honor the Seniors and the
mission of the nursing home with your labor. There will be door prizes for
the youngsters and plenty of coffee for Mom and Dad. You are welcome to try
out the exercise path and are encouraged to visit the residents of the home.
( q4
C7 �
De-Z °C
�C t- . >
O Z LU cc
Z > V1
v �
x 44 AVE:
RSVP: 572-8921 or 571-1207 before June 69 and
we will have the coffee
ready. In case of rain the alternate date is June 18.
Fraternal Branch Consultants - Michael Diemer & Larry Valtinson
Younger Column
Laughter is universal and a common bond for all individuals. Comediag'
Victor Borge feels that "laughter is the shortest distance between two
Laughter relaxes our muscles, triggers the release of endorphins and
increases the production of 'f'-ells. This increases the immune system,
which will keep us healther by fighting off illness. Just smiling improves
our arnood. It changes the involuntary nervous system [i.e. heart rate, skin
temperature and electrical resistance] and you start feeling what your
face is expressing.
Laughter is a great tension releaser Relaxing or relieving tension can help
us diminish the pain we may be feeling. Joel Goodman, director of the
Humor Project, states, "We need to remember that stress is not an event
but a perception of the event. Stress can distort our perception, alter our
attitudes, and cloud our approach to difficult situations." Weinsteen
suggests we approach stress as an indicator that we "need to slog down,
take it easy, realize that [thee situation] is not that serious and we should
not upset ourselves.' We should focus on what is correct about the
situation before what is incorrect.
Laughter benefits our well-being both physically and emotionally. Here are
some ways to increase the humor in our lives.
Start a humor album; jot down humorous situations, collect funny comic
or jokes. Send one to others [maybe they will reciprocate].
Mix with those who laugh.
Play with a. child for 1 hour.
Keep humor books of favorite authors handy.
Take in a funny= movie.
Check out a video or cassette tape from the library.
Written by Ann Olson_ �' Excerpts taken from USA Today and Reader's
Hui Coupon
C n0,,)nn "Good Good for one hug,
4 redeemable from
/ any participating
human being!"
Hug Coupon
I LZ 292
Co-sponsored bij: ThFridleij Senior Center
Fridleig 49ers, Inc.
Maple Lanes
When: ThursdaB, June16, 1988
Fee. $5.00 3 games, shoes, and ball
The Handicap will be as follows:
% based on ZOO Scratch
Women: % based on 180 Scratch
Use current average or last available average. If
Note; you do not have an average, you will bowl without
a Handicap.
There will be door prizes and cash prizes
for each iii . ivisions deter in bij
Entrg Form
NAME Male Female
ADDRESS Bowling Average
WIN I prefer to bowl at: 10:00am 1:00pm
Note: Complete entrg form (please print) . 'fear off and mail with $5.00 to:
Maple lanes
6310 HighwaT 65 NE
_ .
Fridleu, Mn 55432
Telephone: 571-3520
A now
r idle11 acm';"e r Day
M 0 Nos
Senior Events
' I
49er Senior Events
June 13th - Senior Bridge Tournament - i :00pm
Fridley Senior Center
Participants should pre-register by June 9th.
Tournament will consist of 4 games of 6 hands.
Play will be with partners. Singles are encouraged- to
sign up and will be assigned a partner. —
June 14th - Senior Pool Tournament - 9:00am - $1 .00
Fridley Senior Center
Participants should pre-register by June 9th.
Senior Cribbage Tournament - 1 :00pm '- $1 .00
Fridley Senior Center
Participants should pre-register by June 10th.
Play will be by partners but singles are encouraged to
register and will be assigned a partner.
June 15th - Senior 500 Tournament - 1 :00pm - $1 . 00
Fridley Senior Center
.June 16th - Senior Bowling Tournament - 10:00am/1 :00pm -$5. 00
Maple Lanes
June 17th - Senior Dance - 1 :00pm - Free i
American Legion
Fridley's Senior Center is
adesi Hated station for RSVP. For
Leisure� further information about the
senior group from Redeemer purposes and programs of RSVP,
Lutheran Church, called Leisure give us a. call at 422-7090.
League gets together on the third
Thursday of each month for Volunteer rtIle
informal r��eetins and quite often
entertainment. In April, the seniors
re they The b�n�l�a Citizens county
u�� � in Assoc.
went by bus to agora wheBlaine
enjoyed averyand chicken dinner. Retardedneed f�rvolunteers to help in
After dinner, there was a shirt tour hToy
of the town led by two former the following area
) �Theirs:
I Mora natives and a tour of the huge
Lending Library
1 astir~ plants located ire. Mora. It t�► help clients check out and materials;make
was interesting t see h�► v a gash u
, hone scalls fir the t�� res�r°�e list.
powder could. enter a machine and
a rn ess
of that and Some bending and lifting is required.
t 'T'he hoursare
m on
ressure, enter a, mold and come routsWednesdays. and: F�idays.
as a °heel, door, tray, or numerous pi�nd�volunteer could work one
other items.
�� a�.n off l;. or all three. rye
Membership in ,edeemer's Leisure day/we+e. the
�a ue is en to any senior in the assistant who wessin en�l��es�
L secretary with add
local area:. hull mailing ;
filing, receptionist
duties; and answering the phones.
AwardsKSVP t Volunteer is needed two hours/day.
1 Every spring the Retired Senior The Anoka Metro Treatment Center
Volunteer program,l�ranch national of f ins ( taste Hospital)
has need fir a
organization with woman to act as an escort for
throughout America, expfemale expresses patients who roust leave the
'I thanks to all their volunteers with a rounds f car appointments. The fine his year more than patient ��
dinner. `I` ill be
es��rt a.nd
300 els joined. together at transported to the appointment by
Majestic Oaks in also t t�n j�e hospital vehicle and drier.
a fine nieal and
entertained with short talks and Volunteer Drivers are needed to
s e is l
music furnished h . Bob transport seniors and/gr county
Larson. Larson, a specialist On the clients to medical appointments and
auto-harp also sires and is appointments at the courthouse.
nationallynoted for his histling, heduling is at the convenience of
having won top honors at na tip the driver and is fie. ihle. Mileage is
contests. As
with all oreimbursed at 25/mile.
entertainers, La,rson's 4� minute
program went whistling by with For more information regarding
classical, old tin-te, comical, and a these volunteer opportunities, call the
rousing "yakety-yak" number. ATL' office at* 422-7090.
tom► �rp1r&yar with ha nda taf 20, 2R,
Fridley ri age Club 23, 22, or 18 during the eight games.
If more than one player eine, the.
The Fridley Cribbage Club comprised prize is divided. The tournament is
of sixteen members who net geld on the fourth Tuesday (except
twenty-seven tines during the Junes and December) of each month.
winter months chased its season with registration deadline is the
a, tournament. Following the preceding Friday of the tournament.
tournament, the players all joined in Besides cards, there is plenty sof
the en iovment of a fine buffet meal conversation and coffee, all of it
prepared by Maple Lanes yawn lead good.
cook, Phyllis Sherman. This year's March Winners:
tournament top Donors gent to the
team of Ardie Chesney/Fern (Hosts: Marguerite and Dave Gilbert)
Swanson �lno lead ascore of 2, Division A:
next in line with a 950 was Teddy Ardie Chesney/FernSwanson � �?
a:sek/W a.11y Miskowic. Third place Ann Hill/Fete Kroch.alk (955)
went to Esther/Bill Campbell (948) Len Gertzen/Steve Yurick (924
and finally fourth place was held by BobWallace/Byron Walker (923)
Lucille Zander/Vern Schuldt. Ray Division B:
errety won the �special rite with Addy Gardner/Esther Campbell (920
a, land of 22. l� Marguerite/Dave Gilbert (902)
Marianne Henning/Claude Nelson
Membership in the Thursday Fridley i. 4j
Cribbage Club is currently filled but Ma ria ret/Art Larson (892)
another group could he easily
r a ei ed. Contact the Senior April inners
ter for details. (Hosts: Art and Margaret Larson)
Division A:
Bill/Wally �rlisl��a��ic (961)Senior Center 1 Dora Anderson/Bill Campbell (959)
Tournaments Bill/Lila: Heikkila. t 931
Bob Wallace/Byron Walker ( 24)
The Fridley Senior Center has Division isiun B:
currently completed the sixth Senior Ann Hill/Fete Krochalk (960)
Cribbage Tournament and has plan Margaret/Art Larson (955)
for a special tournament during MillieWelton/Marianne Henning.
Fridley 49er Days, June 14th at ( 40
1: m. Ray/Chriserrety (936)
The tournaments are open to all
seniors in the Fridley area. for an
entry fee of $1.00. Divisions are
used to facilitate play and have no
bearing on ability or luck. Division
are made according to rotation of
registration. Singles are matched u
with other singles. There are prizes
in each division and a special prize
Theater Goers �
Upcoming vents
Sixteen members of the Fridley June 15th :00pn-i
Senior 'Theater Goers were treated Community Theater
to a special show on Sato May 7th Anything Goes
when they journeyed to St. Francis $3.00 1 1 non-perishable food item
and attended the Playhouse 15
production of "Once Upon a July 21-23 July 28-30
Mattress". The show itself has an August 4-6, August 11-13
interesting and amusing plot. Mix Elk liver Community Theater
that with a oast that really shows Annie
venue and enthusiasm and the result
is superb entertainment. The group fixed Blood Theater Company
left Fridley about 11:00am, stopped I'm Not Rappaport
at the Scenic Restaurant around (A hilariously- comic play about two
noon for a fine lunch and chatting. octogenarians who refuse to act
At 2:00pm, the show started and their age.)
after a very short two fours, the
seniors were on their way home, a
happy and appreciative group.
If you are interested in joining us,
call the Senior Center and have your r:
name . placed on the 'Theater Goers
Calling List.
d a1:: Q:�)
City of Fridley BULK RATE
_ Recreation Department �, S. POSTAGE
6431 University Ave. NE PAID
Fridley, MN 55432 nuraNEaFouS, nnN
--��. Permit No. 28c6