09/1988 Senior News Arm
" Coming. Together *___ _
(612) 571-1304
September, 1988
Welcome Colleen .Fall Pr+ gra. . Schedule
Who's the new gal hanging It's hard to believe September is
around the Fridley Senior Center here already and were even
driving the new Camera Sports thinking about Christmas (?)
car? Most activities will begin their
It's our new Chore Services regular schedule the week after
Coordinator, Colleen Coyle. Labor Day. If you did not
Colleen and her lovely family live receive a Fall Recreation
in Spring Lake Park. She has Brochure in the mail, they are
i worked in various part time available at the Senior Center. In
positions with the Fridley the brochure, there is a complete
Recreation Department for many listing of fall activities, programs
years and brings to the job a and services.
wonderful sense of humor and
strong organizational skills. Please note the following
She's a people person, loves brochure changes:
sports, and keeps very busy
chasing after three daughters. Sweats of the Month
We are lucky to have her join Falling Leaves: Sept. 23 1-4pm
us. Stop by to welcome her soon. Purr-fact Kitten: Oct. 10 9-Noon
Cardinal: Nov.l1 1-4pm
Poinsettia: Dec. 16 1-4pm
Fall Pig Roast and Polka Fest
Senior walk and Stretch will
continue at the Class Action
Flan now to attend the Senior
Center Fall Kickoff. Divine Facility at 8:�am through the
Swine, (I love that name), will-
roast our pig and provide all the Fall hovers will have their initial
goodies. I'm looking for a good meeting on Thursday, Sept 1Sth at
polka band so if you have any --the Senior Center, 9:00am.
ideas let me know. Come
celebrate Fall, cooler weather and
renew friendships at the Center.
When* Friday, September 30
Cost: s7.50/person - °
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Friendly Fridley Footnotes always remetubee Herb and
Hear Ye, Hear Ye Wife would Ethel (now deceased). Th
An excitingtag those �'
meetyng � coming up made donuts for our gated home.
'On Nov. 14th (Monday Hite) from �'e would en meetings. I
579. We will have our regular X03' having one
F.F.F. Meetingg now.
Men's Dinner* with the A:tinua!
We will be served CONGRATULATIONS!
a special dinner followed by Caroline and Ferdinand H
entertainment. Retails Will follow celebrated their 50th olzheu
in the next newsletter, anniversary, wedding
August 6th, with a
reception at St. Williams Church
Jo Zawislak with many of their old and new
We were all saddened by the friends and relatives..
news of Josephine Zawislak We all
wish them many more Happy and
Passing on August 20 1988 after Healthy years.
a brief illness. We will all miss married August 11yw�e
her smiling face as she was Boniface Church , 1The in l38 at t.
always at our meetings helping Caroline is always there to see
to see we had our coffee and that we have coffee and a
goodies. goodie
at our meetings.
Jo had been a member of F.F.F. What is
for many Anoka's gain and
y years and shared in Fridley's loss`: Vivian E!lenwood
other activities. She made life moving to the Bridgeport enwAptsin
more pleasant for many of her Anoka. Vivian hasbeen
friends and our sympathy goes secretary of F.F.F. going on two
out to her family. years and has been active in
Let's Keep In Touch
many activities. We-PH miss her.
Her husband Earl (deceased) was
How many times have you asked one of our first presidents of
where are some of our old F.F.F. and much of our succi is
'members of Fridley Friendly due to his hard work, Vivian said
Folks' So I did a little checking she'll be back to visit us as often
Wound.. I found Bill Adair, a as she can.
:harter member of F.F.F., is back
n Fridley as a resident of Fridley If You missed seeing John and
.onvalescent Home. He has been June Benson around these
iving in Califorinia and now he months, they are enthsiastic
s back home in Fridley and so travelers and active in the
kaPPY• He would appreciate Elderhostel Pr am.
'isits from his old friends. 13e one week in Ireland, one weekk inn
vas one of our Star Dart players Manchester, England and one
"hen we had Dart Tournaments week in 'Windsor, England. They
vith other Clubs and we were were also in Kentucky far a
`hamPs�!!!!!n! week and are looking forward to
[erh Bergstrom, I hear, is feeling a week in Alaska in September as
etter and is a resident at Crest Participants in
the E1d���o
Jew Nursing Home. Wein Pr ►tel
ogram. They can,,t say enough
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GROWING YOUNGER Canned vegetables
DOWN WITff SODIUAf sodium wel are higher in
vegetablesas well as frozen
Many of you ask why with sauces.
something you Should try to tMtt its' wish' Poultry, Egger All of
avoid or reduce the amount of in tuially contain sodium.
yom' diet. Sausages, unctitean meats,
�e wdl mention two '� and cured meats contain
good reasons: 1) High sodium large amounts of s
intake can increase the added preser sodium due to
pressure, and 2) Sodium can make Processin Preservatives during
You retain water therebyMil
you a feeling giving k, Cheeses; Milk naturally
of bloating and contains sodium.
extra water weight. her , , Cheese is
' use of salt added
The National Nutrition Board and during Processing.
Academy of Sciences considers a naturally w in sodiGrac are also
safe and adequate in as as well I
sodium to be 1 take of plain pastas and cereals
Per da to 3,300 mg. cooked without salt. However,
y That amounts to 3-8 ready-to-eat cereals vary widely
grams of salt. It has been in sodium content.. The
estimated est
that Americans chioce is to stick with the lin
consume twice the amount cereals. Pain
recommended on a daily basis.
Where is sodium found in the
diet? L The most obvious is in
table salt. However, most dietaryshopping. babe when grocery
Valt does not come from sal 'svdYbels that clafn "low
um" must show their sodium.
added but from processed foods content.
which are already flavored. Just **Reduce the salt you add when
3ecause salt may not be used at cooking. (a gradual reduction
:he table does not mean a will be less noticeable).
ow-sodium diet is being followed. Remember that you were not
'vods that are high in sodium do born witfi a preference for salt.
sot necessarily taste salty, in fact **Use condiments and sauces that
'sweet" foods are surprisingly contain less sodium or use lemon
nigh in sodium. At one fast food juice, spices or herbs.
hairs, the french fries have a Waste your food before salting
such lower sodium content per and if you must, try 1 shake
erving (11Sm9) than the cherry instead of 2 or 3. In fact, a quick
ie (450mg). Observation can be made of just
o � how much hat you use from a
odium in Other Food Groups: shaker, y king your normal
amount a ruits: Fresh, frozen and canned Papas ifo it weree of waxed
re generally low in sodium. You mayr be year food.
egetables: Fresh and plain much actually comes o t ofed tour
*ozen are low in sodium unless shaker* Do you really need f t?
Lit Is added during cooking. Choose foods without sauces or
have the sauce on the table.
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It's that time again. If you hear We are asking your help to
drums beating and horns tooting, "STOCK OUR SHELVES" for our
you know we are back practicing Ccountry Store which is part of
on Wednesday afternoons getting the Totino-Grace High School
ready for our fall schedule. The Winter Place Auction which will
same members are all back be held on Saturday, November
planning a new program with 14, 1988. The proceeds from the
new songs and acts under the auction are used for financial aid
direction of our very capable to students.
leader, Irene Calderwood. Irene
has been playing professionally The Country Store booth is
with bands for many years and looking for HANDCRAFTED
was active in the Moose Band. ITEMS (knit, crocheted, painted.
She plays the accordian, organ cross-stitch, crewel, etc.) or
and piano. Ardelle Hirschi, our HOME-BAKED GOODS (Cakes,
pianist, has played professionally coffee, fruit, bundt, cookies, fruit
as an entertainer and musician pies, bars, candy, "Special" items
for 35 years. She also plays at -an ethnic recipe or something
Redeemer Lutheran Church. We you make just for Christmas).
couldn't get along without these
gals. If you wish to donate, or if you
would like to attend the auction
Our members range in age from and need further information,
62 to 82. This past year we have please call - Judie Collodora at
performed 28 times for nursing 784-2886.
homes, church clubs, Men's and
Women's Clubs and the Fridley Thank you for your time and
Chamber of Commerce. We do generosity4i
not charge, but accept donations
for our traveling expenses. If Child Care Needed
you are in need of entertainment,
we are willing and able. Cali Alexandra House, a shelter for
Irene Calderwood, 786-0"3. Battered women and their
Our biggest satisfaction is when children, is seeking caring
someone clasps their hands and individuals to provide group
childcare during Women's groups:
says thanks for taking time to and to substitute for permanent
entertain us. childcare staff. Training in
Mary Dittmer, Vivian Ellenwood, family
milt' d violence counseling is
` Cecile Daklcon, Ellen Harvey, Flo We are located in the Blaine /
Heinz, Dorthy Korzenowski, Ruth Circle Pines area.
Larson, Violet Larson, Hazel This is a part time paid position.
Markuson, Mary Volk, Ellie Call Claire or Mary at 780-2332.
Schinke and Vivian Baker.
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good things shout -the program
such as meeting new friends Men's" Pool League
and/learning how people living in
other parts of the world live. If The fall session will on
you are interested in the n
program, talk to them. They'll September 13 - 15. Prior to the
convince you its a fantastic start of each league day, there
program. will be a short organization
meeting at 8:30 sm. Please plan
It was Fair time at the Anoka on arriving early the first dray of
County Fair. I saw many league play. If you have not
familiar faces, but with the already done so, call the Senior
temperature in the 90's I didn't Center, 571-1304, to sign up on
expect to see so many. We're a your choice of playing day.
hardy bunch! So proud to see
our 1988 Outstanding Seniors,
Adelynne Tuttle and Dave Gilbert, D
make their appearances.
Although they didn t make the �1I%IN
finals, they sure made us - -
Fridleyites proud to see them as
participants. We also learned a •
few secrets about them. There smm - --
also were three couples from (Self Help for the Hard of
Fridley honored at the
celebration for couples married Hearing,, � •)
SO years or more: Margaret and
Art Larson - 52 years, Vivian .and As a continuation of the Fridley
Ed Baker - S1 years, and Betty Senior Center's commitment to
and Ernie Powell - S4 years. The wellness programs for older
ladies all received corsages and adults, we will be initiating a
the men, boutinieres. We were local chapter of SI*M for the
all served lemonade and cookies. northern Metro area. SHHH, is a
Congregate dining served a mice national organization whose
noon lunch and we played Bingo primary function is to bring
for entertainment. Lila Heikkila together hard of Clearing people .
was one of the lucky recipients . . in local groups . . . to "Share
of a cash prize. I saw Tony Help, Hope, and Happiness".
Lorbeski there exhibiting some of Group would offer information,
his paintings. encouragement, personal support
adn advice on community
I think I have rambled enough resources. Educational programs
for this time and hope to be back would present subjects of vital
in the next newsletter with more concern to hard of hearing
news. people, their families and friends.
Don't forget the FRIDLEY The first meeting is set for The
FRIENDLY FOLKS meeting on third Tuesday in September, Sept.
Sept. 6th. Mark your calendar! 20 at 1:00 pm. Please plan on
We'll be looking for you. joining us!
So Long for Now
Serdor Sports Book Club for Seniors
Senior Bowling WaldenBooks offers a book club
During the summer months the for adults 60 years and older.
seniors visit the bowling lanes a Joining; the Book Club costs
little less but the M nothing and there is no min'
Mondays and minimum
Fridays at Maple banesstili Purchase per year restriction.
accomodated 30 - 40 bowlers. Membrship includes a discount
Dorothy Smith rolled a 205 that Pr'a'm and a monthly
helped her to a SSS serim Gen newsletter with interviews,
Buechler pegged a 203 and excerpts, and book reviews of
Junette Passon pulled a 189 out of special interest to older adults.
her bag of tricks. Jerry Schlemer For more information, contact
showed off a nice 215 for a waldenBooks at 1Vortlitown.
All senior bowlers are welcome Who's Turning +60 This Year?
as are seniors who just care to
visit or watch. Seniors bowl wev give you a hint - he's small,
twice a weep beginning at has big ears and has a
1:00pm. Come early for cards or sweetheart named "Minnie".
just conversation.
That's right Mickey Mouse joins
the prestigious ranks of the
Cribbage Tournaments
golden alters. Should we send
Cribbage continues to bea him an invitation to join the
favorite with area seniors as Fridley Senior Center?
they come to play in the Fridley
Senior Center's monthly
tournament. In July, 44 vied for Community Education,
prizes in two divisions with the Offers Classes of Interest
couple of Millie Smiens-Veronica to Seniors
olstead taking first in Division A
and Del-Evelyn tlrtgeisen winning Check in thr CEC office or their
first in the B Division. In August, brochure for class schedule and
there was a tie for first place in details on:
a single division: Addy Gardner - L Financial Planning for Retired
Esther Campbell (946) and Pauly
Blanch - Bonnie Williams (946). or Nearing Retirement
The cribbage tournaments are 2' Long-term Health Care - How
held on the fourth Tuesdayof to Protect Your Nestegg
each month at the Fridley Se3
Senior ' Annuities and other Tax
Center. Sign up in the Center b Deferred Investments
the preceding Friday noon. y 4• wills and Trusts
S. Pension Plans - Maximizing
Your Retirement Plan Benefits
6. Computers for Seniors
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Elderhosteh A Visit with the Tuttles
Elderhosteling is a unique experience for older adults. It is an
adventure of mind, body and spirit filled with opportunities and
challenges. Elderhosteling offers adults a way to be exposed to
positive people with varied life experiences.
We have had the fun of choosing a location. of interest as well as
courses for nine years now. Colorado University at Colorado Springs
was our selection in July, 1958. We met people who were
enthusiastic from ten different states. Our courses included
Masterworks of Music, Is This the Way to Pick a President?, and
Images of the Family in American Films. The professors were so
Interesting, we had mixed emotions about forfeiting an hour to go
sightseeing. Adding to the usual Elderhostel program was the
Summer Festival of Arts on campus which entitled us to attend
chamber music concerts, duets, an orchestra concert and the Texas
Boys Concert. The faculty of the Conservatory consisted of
distinguished musicians with national and international reputations.
Our schedule had a wide variety of choices: tours, movies, and
leisurely get-togethers with wine and cheese.
The Elderhostel Program has grown to all SO states, . 10 Canadian
provinces and 3S countries overseas.
We highly recommend this type of learning and sharing during some
part of your vacation.
Active Elderhostelers include Bob and Addie Tuttle, John and June
Benson, and May and George Wells.
Elderhostel Facts:
Most programs are one week in length. You are required to take one
course but most take all three.
Participants live simply in dormitories of the host college. Single
room preferences are available upon request. Bathroom facilities are
usually shared.
Elderhostelers are generally impressed by the high quality of the
meals which are wholesome but not fancy or gourmet.
Eligibility: The program was created for older adults 60 years and
older. Younger spouses are also welcome.
Courses Offered: Liberal Arts and Sciences. Each institution selects
the courses it wishes to offer.
Cost: $22S for six days at Univ. of Colo. (Includes all expenses.)
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**While ordering food out, you l i
may request food served without � '� � �
added salt. Many restaurants are a a,
very conscientious of this and
will honor your request.
Remember that it is not
necessary to give up any of your �.
favorite foods. If they are high
in sodium have them in UniversilyStudy-Looking
moderation by taking smaller
amounts less frequently. You can for Volunteers
balance your intake by selecting
other foods lower in sodium to The Division of Edipemiology,
accompany them. School of Public Health at the
University of Minnesota needs
participants in its study of a new
Ceramics Bregin.s Again medication treating high blood
There will be a brief meeting for Participants must be 70 years of
all interested in ceramics this fall age or older and have high blood
on Tues. Sept. 6th at 9:00am. pressure. The study is for 10
Lessons will start up again Sept. weeks duration. During this
13th. time, participants must be
available to come to the clinic to
have their high blood pressure
SENIOR OUT AND ABOUT checked every other week.
Be sure to keep these Senior The study provides the following
Center trips in mind when to Participants at no charge:
planning you fall outingsl blood pressure medication,
laboratory blood tests, resting
Ozark Mountain Tour electrocardiograms, physical
October 14 - 20 exams, close monitoring of your
blood pressure and parking.
Spirt of Lake City Cruise'" ,A bonus of $100.00 is provided to
Anderson House particpants who successfully
Wednesday, Sept. 28 complete the study.
Fanny Hill Dinner Theater If interested, please call Jack �
Eau Claire, Wise. Stoulil at 624-1435.
Wednesday, Oct. 12
Old Log Theater Senior Crafters
Thursday, Nov. 3
Call the Fridley Senior Center, The crafters will begin their fall
571-1304, for more details. preparations for craft shows on
Thursday, September 15th..
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Easy Wheeling at Northtown M&H
1 Do you suffer from these ,Symptoms?
* Rising temperatures ('from Sunday drivers)
' * Congestion (massive traffic tie-ups)
* Nagging aches (in the pocketbook from the high cost of gas)
The Anoka County Board of Commissioners and the Regional Transit Board
1 have an easy way to cure your ills. Just Attend the "Easy Wheeling"
Anoka County Transit Information Expo, September 17-20 at the Northtown
j Features at the Expo will include prize giveaways, entertainment, vehicles
on display, information about new or existing transit services in Anoka
County and a ribbon cutting ceremony dedicating the new transit area at
Northtown Mall.
i When you come to the Expo, you will find out how easy, convenient, and
inexpensive transit services are to use in your community. All together,
Anoka County boasts over 18 different ways to go "Easy Wheeling".
For more information on the "Easy Wheeling" Expo and on the transit
options available in Anoka County, call the Anka County Transit Hotline
at 422-7085, Monday-Friday from 8 am to 4:30 pm.
City of Fridley BULK RATE
Recreation Department u. S. POSTAGE
6431 University Ave. NE PAID
Fridley, MN 55432 M!NNEAFOLIS, MN
Permit No. 2886
I �