10/1988 Senior News L
" Coming Together " - U F"9
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Nancy's Back Flu Immunization Clinics
j Fall is upon us, I am very glad to The Anoka county Community
be back on the job as Senior Action Program will be
Outreach Worker. I would like sponsoring Influenza
1 the. opportunity to meet with Immunization Clinics for all
1 more of you this year. It's time persons sixty (60) years of age
to start thinking about raking and older living in the Anoka
I leaves and snow removal for this County area.
1winter. Fuel assistance is here as
I will be taking applications The Public Health services
for fuel assistance in November Advisory
committee on
for the winter of '88. Income Immunization practices
eligibility guidelines are as recommends
follows: vacc�a ions for all older persons
Household Size Income Levels and those with chronic illnesses
1 8,100 who have a high risk of
2 10,590 developing a severe case of
3 13,085 influenza.
4 15,'730
` ts will be offered on
5 18,375 Flu sho
When figuring out the income TUESDAY MORNINGS from
level, I subtract all medical bills, 9.00am until Noon beginning
dental bills, prescription costs, October 18 through November 15.
transportaion to your doctor, and AN APPOINTMENT IS Y. The cost N r
any funeral expenses you previous immunization on swill be X4.00. If
havincurred in the p'
year. If you are interested in my you are taking
a p re a r food
visiting you, please call me at drug for
784-2443. I will also be visiting at thinner (aspirin is okay), you
the Fridley Senior Center each may be required to bring along a
Wednesday at lunch time.
note signed by your physician
before you will be given the
Nancy Jorgenson injection. The flu shots will be
given at the North Suburban
Family Service Center, 1323 Coon
Rapids Blvd. Transportation MAY
be available through the Senior
Center, 71-1304.
October, 1988
:)ear Seniors,
am writing to you concerning a special project. But, before I go on,
Tease allow nZe to introduce myself. My n
ame is Belinda y'ourig®
presentlya Senior at Fridley High school. Nast move mor
selected to be a part of a state program*,roProgram h is
sponsored by the
Scholar Program". The Scholar g Each year, the
Minnesota Academic Excellence
h school Foundation.
seniors throughout the
foundation elects one hundred hi g lications are judged on
-Mate to be involved in the program. The app
following criteria: academics, leadership ability, community
the f promote
involvement and project idem which am arewriting
�ti designed
t concerning
education in individual communities® I
my project idea.
rou of very special people
My project is being directed toward a g p'
living in Fridley, the Senior Citizen .shut-ins.
The lives of shut-ins
n tend to be isolated from the outside world. f un and their days
monoca goal is to add some
their ivies, but at n the same time provide them with some use
their lives,
accomplish this, I am creating a newsletter designed .ewsl with
To l�
them, In the newsletter, I would life to include. health
hints, information on senior services, activities,ome simper
helpful special features and even
' recreational announcements, sp
es® I feel this information will be of value to shut-ins in our
to rnal�.e this newsletter a success! I ��rterested in
Help is needed in the writing and
having other seniors
participate or time and efforts. If you are interested
jobs. This project needs �' lease contact Connie at the
in volunteering or have any comments, p
. for tenter, 571®I3�D4 or you may contact me at X72-���2.
In Caring,
Melinda Young
Minnesota Governor Scholar
know of an individual
Note: We are developing a mailing newsletter, you pease contact bon
interested in receinie or
ving this
Fri 1 Fr*dley Footnotes I called the Finds to give Morgan
our greetings. Vi said they
Hi Folks! missed not corning to the
A belated welcome home : At the meetings but were . pretty much
F.F.F. on Sept. 6, we were happy homebound as Morgan is not up
to see 'Vera and Frank. Phillips to going out. They want to greet
with us and his big happy smile. their friends and Ito sure they
They're one of our many would appreciate hearing from
snowbirds who leave for warner you.
climates its the fall and come On Thursday, Sept. 15, 38 happy
back in the spring, but this year
they didn't get back to Fridley and active F.F.F. went by bus to
until July due to a slight setback the Governor's Mansion in fit.
for Frank. They were out on the Paul. We were greeted by a
gTour guide who welcomed us
golf course with the senior
golfers and doing great. Glad to and explained about the Mansion.
have you back. We were then taken through the
first floor by a guide. It was
On Thursday Aug 26th, 50 F.F.F. educational and enjoyable. e
members had a delightful day were unable to tour the kitchen
'' aboard the P'addlef ord Excursion there
bedrooms as the �overtor lives
there and these are private areas.
Boat. We left Fridley by bus to We all had lunch at Mr. Tong's
Boone Island then boarded the in Roseville. It seemed everyone
boat for a tour to the locks went home with a People Bag so
where we dropped 50 ft. and I'm sure they all had plenty to
then back up to tour the area of eat. It was another fun day.
the Mississippi River and St Thanks Lucille and Marguerite.
Anthony Falls. The trip lasted 1
11/2 hours and everyone: I don't get to congregate often
commented on how much they but one day realized I hadn't seen
had clone to improve the area. alter Grineski. I have found
Me then traveled to the Skywood out that he is in Fargo, N.D. at
Inn for a delightful buffet lunch. the Villa Maria Nursing Home to
Most everyone left with the be close to his son who lives
remark ,"What an enjoyable day". there:. He had broke his hip
Thanks Lucille and Marguerite sometime ago and had been
for planning our day. It was a hospitalized for a time. a wish
success too as we acquired 13 p
him well.
new members and were so glad
some were able to make the trip= Don't forget our Oct. 4 meeting,
to the Govenor's Mansion. Rumors are that it will be a
Halloween Party. I'm sure Lucille
Bessie (Sr. Bus Driver) and her has something up her sleeve.
I husband Pat have moved into a Marls your calendar now!!
I t�ew mobile home in Fridley
�;Terrace. They have given up on So long for now.
apartment living-
them l the
there much haplyinn
1 ir
new home.
Arthritis Support Group doctor's job of checking swelling
and assessing range of motion
The Arthritis Education/Support much more difficult.
Group is happy to announce the
beginning of its second year. 3. If you have specific concerns
Again, we will be meeting twice to discuss with your doctor,
write them out. Keep the list
each month at the Fridley senior
Center. Because of the ongoing short and to the: point. Mate
difficulties of living with specific symptoms, time they
chronic illness, we will use the occur, or other information you
first Wednesday of the month as consider important for your
a support group. To getter doctor to know.
inform ourselves and assist with 4. When your doctor gives you
problem solving, an educational instructions, have him/her write
presentation will be offered on them out for you. This will help
the third Wednesday. Most often you remember to carry thenen out,
outside speakers will cover topics and prevent a phone call to the
life dealing with depression, joint
protection, the importance of office, later, because you didn't
1eiure, easier ways to handle remember or understand the
daily activities, and new
medications. S. when your doctor prescribes
The group is open to all those a new medication, ask her/hien
how long you must wait before
�who have arheumatic disease. how will begin to noticea change
Family and friends are invited to in the problem.
join the educational meetings.
I Transportation is available by 6. If your doctor is behind
!calling the tenter at 571-1304. schedule remember he/she may
Any questions, leave a message have seen some patients on an
for Terry at the Center. emergency basis.
' Don't Forget - 1st and 3rd wed. 7. If you must cancel an
10:00 - 11:30 ani appointment, cancel it as far in
advance a possible:. Other
� people are waiting for
Arthritis Foundation lip h��t appointments, and your early
i ... A. Visit with ,Your Doctor cancelation means that they may
be able to use the time.
1. Be on Time for your New Patient Tips. . .
appointment. Being late may 1. ging all the medications you
mean you have to wait longer to are taking. This includes
be seen. non-arthritis medications.
�I 2. wear appropriate clothing. 2. Make a list for the doctor of
That is . . . clothing that's easy to all the: arthritis medications you
Islip on and off• Avoid wearing a have ever taken.
girdle. These garments make the
Indoor Bocce Begins P�Ltans Q1.*..brt' %tmaz
Redeemer Lutheran
Activity Center P
Tuesday, Oct
if you are interested in playing flabembrr t
during this season, you should
register at the Senior Center or
call Arlie Chesney by September lo:ooam
30 so we can reserve the church.
Interested Fridley Residents can
Lunch Bunchmail in their reservation request
or stop by the Senior Center.
Lunch Lunch is in full swing The first 500 requests will be
again after a hot summer's rest. honored. Remember there are
we've got a lot 4f fun ideas only two hone lines into the
cooked up for the pre-holiday � �
season. Get a jump on gift Senior Center sod phoning in
making and decorations. In your reservation will be very
October, we will be making the frustrating. Mail it stop b�
floral fiat on the class sample or �
table in the center. we hope there will be plenty of
room. leo one was turned away
last year.
j Limited transportation for the
f irst seating.
9l ' moi
enior Out and t
/19 Fanny Dill Dinner Theater
October 12.
Old Log Theater
November 3
$ 2.1.0►
How Important is One A Thousand Thanks
j vote
1In 1+645, one vote gave Oliver Many of you have commented on
Cromwell control of England. the beautiful afghans for sale in
the Senior Center. They were
In 1649, one vote caused Charles I donated by Leona Olmshicd -and
of England to be executed. Dorothy Carlson. Maybe because
I do this sort of needlecraft I can
j In 1776, one vote gave America truly appreciate the time and
!the English language instead of skill that goes into each of these
jGcrman. coverlets. 'Their~ generosity. is
appreciated. The afghans are for
In 1845, one vote brought Texas sale for 25 with proceeds going
into the Union. toward senior programming.
i In 1868, one vote saved President The hardwood table in the Center
i Andrew Johnson from was donated by the Lybacks. It
j impeachment. certainly is getting a lot of use
by crafters and card players.
i In 1875, one vote changed France
j f rorn a monarchy to a republic.
In 1876, one vote gave Rutherford
B. Mayes the Presidency of the Metropolitan Senior
I United States. Federation
In 1923, one vote gave Adolf Volunteer Field Office
Hitler leadership of the Nazi 10:00
2nd and 4th Wednesday
10:00 a,rr1.-3:Ilm� p.m.Darty.
SIn 1941, one vote saved Selective October 2 - 1030 a.in.
Service - just weeps before Pearl SEMINAR
Harbor was attached.
On November 8, 1988 national - - - -- -- --
elections will be held. In
response to concerns that many i
might not vote due to � ����
tra nsporta�tion limitations,
volunteers are being recruited
to help take people to their �
palling places. If you are
interested in helping, call ,
Connie at that Senior" Center,
-- ,
Memory--The Greatest Of J
I��,m�.� Treasuresust as "old computers" can sure
"new" knowledge so too studies
Memory is a wonderful treasure of the brain structure have
`chest for those who know how revealed that the brain, properly
to unlock it. stimulated and cared for can
1 continue to develop with age.
An article written for those who Dental exercise at all ag s can
are aging (which is every person) make the brain think Bette . The
must deal with the major memory is not an it that we
concerns of getting older -- have, but a process that we
� �' Is forgetting and preform. If you control the
auton'atic happening with age, process, you control the memory.
�Is it a self-fulfilling prophecy, or �e know that vitamins, like air,
�is it a lack of care for the brain are essential for the body and
and the treasures it contains. almost everyone, at some time,
has taken natural supplements to
"The brain has become a premier
area of research," says Dr. ensure physical health. Have we
forgotten the brain and mental
B. °clieibel of the UCLA health? Neither the body nor the
Medical School, "My own hope is brain can function properly
that, with increasing knowledge without vitamins. Natural
of the brain and behavior, supplements are available to
gradually we will learn to live in assist the process of short-term
peace with ourselves. —
Science has revealed how the
nerves in our brain "talk" to each
other. Scientists now know that
the lines of communication
involve electricity and chemistry. ti
To nonscientists, it can simply be
stated that brain cells continually {
make contact with one another.
Their form of communication is 3
through chemicals which then I t c
trigger other nerve cells to pass t G
on the message. All this electrical - -and chemical flow can be
I� �
detected and measured on the
outside of the skull. Those EnUrtalmuslit
measurements are in the form of now Available at Fridleg Senior Center
electroencephalograms (EEGs). Reg. Price- $25.00
Added up, this means that the 100 Oiscount Price- $22.00
Billion cells in the brain each
contain 1000 connections with Proceeds Will Help Subsidize Senior
other cells making 100 trillion I�ctiti/1t185
connecting possibilities.
The Tree Game - A Quizz Worth
1. The couple tree
2. Nearest the sea After a while you learn the subtle
3. Languishing tree difference between holding a
4. One that bolds things hand and chaining a soul,
5. That beeps you warm And you learn that love doesn't
6. Egyptian plague mean leaning and company
7. Offered in greeting doesn't mean security,
8. In some churches And you begin to learn that kisses
9. Used in wet weather aren't contracts and presents
10. Used in a bottle aren't promises,
11. Fisherman's tree And you begin to accept your defeats
12. Belonging to the sea with your head up and your
13. A pretty girl eyes open, with the grace of an
14. Sweetest girl adult, not the grief of a child,
15. Worn on the feet And you learn to build all your
16. Makes a straight line roads on today because tomorrow's
17. "I'm for it" ground is too uncertain for plans.
18. "Look at that!" After a while you learn that even
1 19. Appointment sunshine burns if you get too
120. When liked by friends much.
21. Poison tree So plant your own garden and
22. Canoe tree decorate your own soul, instead of
23. Chewey tree waiting for someone to bring you
'24. Dressed up flowers
125. Giving tree And you learn that you really can
{26. Emblem of grief endure . . . that you really are
And you really do have worth.
uoon Hapids Senior
AIM& �, Answers to Tree Quizz:
enite1. pear 2. Beech 3. Pine 4. Box
Fag Pool Tournament 5. Fir 6. Locust 7. Palm 8. Elder
g. Rubber 10. Cork 11. Bass 12. Bay
Oct. 18-
9:30 a.m. 13. Peach 14. Maple 15. Sandal
18. Plum 17. Oak 18. Cedar 19. Date
20. Poplar 21. Hemlock 22. Birch
CR d' 23. Gum 24. Spruce 25. Christmas
MAN Aoft 26. Weeping Willow
iaimliqor Optioxis Expo For the first time the Expo will
host the Walk of Ages a
Tickets are now available for the non-competitive, one-mile walk
I Fourth Annual Senior Options for people of all ages on
Expo to be held Friday and Saturday at 8:30am. Legendary
Saturday, October 2 and 2' at to Hollywood star, Alice Faye, will
fit, weal civic tenter. senior be the grand Marshall for the
Options is the Midwest's largest event which begins at l�altier
Exposition of resources and
follows along one of
activities for pre-retirees, seniors the established fit. P'e'al pathways
j and their families. routes to the CIvic Center.
The Expo, an event for older Entertainment at Senior Options
adults as well as those concerned will feature singer Carmel i Quinn
about older parents or on Friday at 6.*00pm. The
grandparents has an added nationally acclaimed Geritol
feature: all "kids" 'ander age 50 Frolics a 65-member senior
will gain free admission to Senior performing group will put on
i options when accompanied by a their Las Vegas style show as the
i parent. Grande Finale Saturday at
"Senior Options is designed to
inform seniors and those who The Expo also features more
love thane about the services than 3�� exhibits with
available to help snake the later information on finance, housing,
years the best years of their recreation, health, nutrition, legal
lives" says Carl Carlson, issues, employment, and more.
president of the Metro Senior Attendees can choose from among
Federation, the Expo organizer. 35 seminars presented by experts
in the fields of health and
1 Expo Highlights include keynote wellness, personal safety, religion
'; speakers Andy Rooney nad Ann and spirituality, finance and
Landers. Rooney, the popular public policy.
CBS news correspondent and co-star of "60 Minutes", will Expo tickets are 5 at the door,
share one-of-a-kind perspective $4 in advance and are good both
on everyday life at the Senior days. Tickets for the Andy
Options kickoff luncheon on Rooney luncheon are 10 and
Friday at noon. include Expo admission for both
days. Carmel Quinn and the
Landers, the most widely Geritol Frolics are 5 each in
syndicated columnist in the addition to the price of Expo
world, will discuss, "What to do admission and are only available
1J'ntil the Psychiatrist Domes," on at the door. The "Fids Linder 50"
1 Saturday at 11:00am. offer does not apply to these
special events.
d"Senior its
Deniar Golf League
As one can see, the scores were
The Fridley Senior Golf League all pretty close which could
, brought its seventh season to a, indicate that the senior golfers
conclusion with it's customary are improving as the years ,pass.
end-of the-year tournament. This
year, 29 A-Leaguers and the 32 This year Bill Erickson agreed to
B-Leaguers had an ideal day for assist the A. Division with their
golf and a nice lunch of the management and did an excellent
Colonel's Chicken. It made a job in what is mostly volunteer
really pleasant way for the work., Bill Campbell continued on
senior golfers to bid adieu to as aassistor in the B Division.
their golf mates until next spring® Both Bills thank all of the golfers
for their exceptionally fine'' sense
In tournament play, the A. of cooperation and for I their
Division played on an individual great sportsmanship. It was a
basis with love gross score great year for golf.
counting in competition. In the B
Division, couples were paired Plans are in the hopper for next
according to average handicaps year which will start in' May
and their total gross- were with a general meeting about a
entered as score of contention. month earlier~. Announcements
Results were as follows: will he made in the Senior
Newsletter. Further information
A Division can lae obtained by calling
- Sic men all posted scores of 27. S71-1304, Bill Campbell 786-0890,
Amos Abbott Don Hall or Bill- rickson 7A4-2-49.& -
A.rt Smith Walt Peterson
Earl Nelson Bert Lindberg
lI Division Senlar Sawriing
Mary Dittmer scored the lowest
score of the day with a 25. Senior Bowler's Scores - Aug/Sept
I- - Mary Dittmer 2S+
Bill Campbell 33 58 Men: Will Hanikala 21S
2. ® Addy !Gardner 29+ Jerry Schlemmer 211
Ray Melin 30 S9 Bill Bauer 208
3. - Lou Obinger 33+ Ernie Bakeherg 203 208
Byron Waller 28 61
1. - Dorthy Wallin 30+ 'omen: �
Dorthy Junber 31 61 Ethel kali 199
Marci Weiss 33+ Kay Helarinl 189 182
Bill Taylor 28 61 Loie Halseth 188
Ardie Chesney 30+ Mae Super 186
'ally Olson 31 61
® Helen Wojciak 31+ Donna. Matheson 182 181
Bud Meyerernie Briesmeister 1
yer 30 f�1 1
Kraus Ha,rtig VFW Wonder Walkers
Halloween Party
October- 26 Have you ever said to yourself, I
$4.00 wonder what the Arboretum is
Tickets available at the Senior like in the fall? Or I wonder
Center or from Alex -BOrbe-r-ic'A. what the indoor Edina park is
like? Or I wonder if there is a
•'i friendly group that I can walk
with? Then Fonder walkers is
•� � �! 4lMM 1:
trade for you. The group will
have walking tours throughout
U the Twin Cities area twice a
j month, possibly once a month
+� during the winter. In October
we will be going to the
Shrine Circus. Arboretum on October Sth and
, . �, .�� , the Normandale Japanese Gardens
on October 26th. Space is
Tickets have been donated by available on a first-come
Ikon Johanson. If enough first-serve basis. Join in for a
interested is shown, bus or van WC1NDERful time.
transportation will be arranged.
Tickets may be ordered by calling
the Senior Center, 571-1304. Theater Goers
Lions Pancake Breakfast The Theater Goers will be
planning an outing to see the St.
Sunday,ay, October 16 Francis production of the Ding
Seniors - $3.00 and I. If you are interested in
Tickets available at the Senior attending, contact Connie at to
Center, from a Lien member or a Center or Esther Campbell,
Golden Lion member. 786-0890.
ri*ef Support Group to
Imb '� 1 egiu.
Oct. 6-7 Barb DuFrene will be starting up
another Grief Support group this
9:30am o fall. Sessions will begin on wed.
Spaces area still available for the October 19 at 1:00pm. Anyone
defensive driving class. For interested, should call the Senior
those of you already registered, Center to sign tap.
we suggest that you call Senior
Mining for a ureal reservation,
retired Senior Volunteer REMINDER RSVP VOLUNTEERS!
Program Please turn in your yellow
volunteer report sheets to your
'The Retired Senior Volunteer volunteer supervisor. Your
Program provides volunteer supervisor will have new
Opportunities for persons +60 reporting forms for you.
years of age and older in Anoka
County. There are over So
places in Anoka County where Kinship Program
i seniors can volunteer their time.
For information, call Carolyn
.Jensen at 422-7090. Would you like an adult
companion to go shopping, play
'�olunteer Opportunities for cards or visit with you? If you
Seniors would, the senior Kinship
Program is for you. Kinship is a
I. ANTED friendship program for seniors.
Camilia Rose Adult Day Care It brings people together to
Program needs 1-2 men to walla develop companionship. THis
with male clients outdoors. mutual friendship will be a
Clients are ambulatory but need rewarding experience. Are you
a guide. interested? Please call Cathy
Needed for approximately � motto, Outreach coordinator, at
hours in the morning. Volunteers 780-6499.
j can choose the days.
2. VISITING FRIEND Author Needs YouHelp
Provide a weekly visit to an
� isolated senior, a child or an Do you have some favorite
adult with special needs. stories or special memories you
3. NEW HORIZONS would like to share?
A n organisation that provides
' If so, I would life to meet with
recreational activities for you for a tape recorded
mentally handicapped adults who interview. I'"m preparing a
live in group hones needs collection of short stories for
volunteers on Monday evenings puhlicaiton. If interested, please
from 7:00 - 9;00 p.m. Activities contact
are scheduled in local
ar '1 Johansson,
communities. Volunteers are
needed to assist staff with
activities. Volunteers would not
be scheduled more than 2
Mondays per month. '
For more information regarding .
these volunteer opportunities or
any other available volunteer
opportunities, call 422-7090.
by Clarence Coffel
As warm summer days pass away,
And autumn comes a while to stay.
With golden days so fresh and cool,
And kiddies doddle their way to school.
When autumn leaves of gold and green,
- Create a brand new pretty scene.
Turning green leaves red, gold and brown,
U _ A More beautiful than a jeweled crown.
15 'NE'RE Then there' s that beautiful autumn night,
With millions of stars shining bright.
Then there' s that great hunters moon so grand, --
Scattering light over the land.
And then comes that big hunting time,
Truely for hunters a time divine.
And if it snows the hunters break,
we all get_ poo_d ven-i-s-on-zteak-I F - -
City of Fridley BULK RATE
_ Recreation Department U. S. POSTAGE
6431 University Ave. NE PAID
Fridley, MN 55432 N11INNEarouF, MN
Permit No. 28E6