12/1988 Senior News F FRI-DLEY SENIOR NEW
" Coming Together "
C"yo' (612) 571-1304
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(Ebristmas Is a rCimr-, for, Wtbt, nfq
1. The Gift of Listening.
Psychologists tell us that one of the greatest thine we can do for another is
to listen to him. Why not give this valuable, gift to those people on your list
who live alone and have no one else to talk to? This means you must really
listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming, no walking away, no planning your
response. Just listen.
2. The Gift t o f Signs of Affection.
Tape time to give your loved ones signs of affection. Be generous with your
hugs, your Kisses, your gentle squeezing of the hang, your pmts on the back.
Let these tiny actions demonstrate the great love you have inside of you.
3. The Gift of a Note.
Write notes to your loved ones. They can be as simple as " I Love You', or
as creative as a sonnet. Fut yout nates where they will surprise those special
people: in his lunch, in her purse, among his socks, on her pantry shelf.
Though the notes may he a surprise, the message will not.
4. The Gift of Laughter.
Everyone loves to laugh. Give those you love this gift. Just cut out a
cartoon, clips a joke, copy a riddle, save a. clever article. Your gift will say,'I
love to laugh with you".
h. The Gift of a Game.
Most people have at least one game, they like to play, whether it be tennis or
golf, poker, chess or checkers. Offer to play your loved one's game with hire
or her. Even if you lose, you'll he a winner, because together you will have
shared as experience.
The Arthritis group continues to meet
twice monthly. We are growing and Fridley VFW for their generous
welcome all new members. In donation of 1?000
December, we will have the regular
support group on Wednesday,
December 7 at 10:00am. 0n JoAnne Johnson for the ceramic
Wednesday. December 21, our guest Christmas tree and the ceramic
speaker will be Jo Tollefeson, RN, PHN.
Mrs. Tollefson is the supervisor for ,lack o Kinser n.
Anoka County Public Health Nursing
Service. November was Home Health Nancy. Poehlke of Nemer. Fieger
Care Month with the theme of Keeping
Families Together". so we will be getting � Associates, Inc. for t1�
all the latest information on home Cocoon II pre1'teiv tickets.
health care. Also Ms. Tollefson will be
offering to us a review of the -local
resources. There are often many Becky Olson for her
support services available in the presentation to the Arthri s
community that we can take advantage Support group on ,S't'ress and
of if we only knew about them. Coping with a Chronic Illness.
As usual, transportation is available to � �
Fridley Seniors. Call the Center at
571-1304. Dr. Lins, Dr. Sadowsk y. and
Please come and bring friends and .
family. Marian Furlong from the
Phillips Eyes Institute for the
Easier Living Tips
Aging Eve Series.
To avoid signing every check -
especially on days when your Dal=e and Marguerite Gllbe�`
bands hurt - sign you name for acting as mull-trip
a bank official as a
witness, and havea signature chaperones.
stamp made for yon.
Garry address labels inY our Fridley State Bank for the
purse or wallet_ to avoid having magazine subscription donation.
to Handwrite therm for mailing
lists. Barb DuFresne for facilitating
if holiday baking or cooking is our Grief Support program.
important to you, make
preparation time party time.
Ask friends or family members �
to share the fun and the work.
For families, it's areat time to
pass along stories and
reinforce traditions.
Senior Theater-Goers K.C. Bingo a far Seniors
Fridley Senior Center may be On Sunday, Oct. 23, more t
somewhat diverse in having a 130 seniors accepted an invitation
theater club, being one of the few from the Columbia Heights-
centers in the area to Fridley Knights of Columbs to
have such a group. Starting spend an afternoon of fries
about four years ago with six bingo. dly
members it now has fifty
members, all of whom can take The Knights in keeping with a.
advantage of the opportunity to tradition that started sevenears
attend many of the local ago, provided all of the money is
performances be they concerts, given out in prizes, in addition to
stage play, and even opera. the coffee and cookies during a
break in the On Oct. 16, 22 Theater-Goers than $300 wasaction.
t n. In all, more
members car pooled their way, up for the event. K.C. members aand
to St. Francis, a 25 minute drive, spouses, numbering about fifteen,
to see the "Playhouse 1S" were on hand st the K.C. Hall to
production of "The King And I." see that their guests were
"Playhouse 151, comprised mostly comfortable, at ease, and
Of people from Blaine, Coon entertained. This was evidenced
Rapids, Anoka and St. Francis by a wealth of hospitality.
have been together for several
years_ and have gained much In this present day world of
acclaim in their performances. In many uncertainies, it is a
the musical, they all did an comfort to know that there still
excellent job in their parts, but remains those who are concerned
of course the two leads,- The in the interest of others besides
King and Anna, were really themselves; people who will give
outstanding. The seniors were of themselves to provide such a
unanimus in their praise of the day that the seniors had on`
show put on by " Playhouse 1S." Sunday. Without question, the
senirs do reciate
And, as -a matter , of course, considerat ons and look for such
appetites had a chance to build as to these events with eagerness.
seniors watched the excitement The seniors are grateful to the-
and were aptly appeased at the Columbia Heights-Fridley Knights
Country Inn located in Coon of Columbus for their endowing
Rapids where the food is good spirit.
and the service excellent and
friendly. To those who wish to
join the Theater-Goers call the
Fridley Senior Center 571-1304 or
Esther Campbell 786-0890.
t t.
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Caregivers Support Group News For Nappers
There will be a new caregiver education For those of you who enjoy taking a
and support group beginning at the brief snooze for refreshment during the
Fridley Senior enter on January 17, day, you are not alone. Almost half
1:00-3:00pm• the people in the world take a nap
The ort Caregiver u Program offers each day. Many famous people,
� pp including Albert Einstein and Teddy
information and support to people Roosevelt, relied on midday snoozes.
(family and/or friends) responsible for
care at home of an elderly person as Here are some napfacts provided b
well as some temporary relief from p y
p y the University of California, Berkley i
caregiving tasks. ,appropriate people Wellness Letter:
j for this group include adult children who
are becoming concerned in regard to Most of us blame our midday
their aging parents. drowsiness on a big lunch or the heat
j of the day, but studies show our body
The group will meet for 10 consecutive temperature actually drops a bit then,
weeps. Meetings will consist of contributing to our tiredness.
presentations by community There is evidence that the ideal nap
professionals. Topics include: time is between 2:00 and 3:00pm. This
Coping with Stress and Dep ression is also the best time because it is early
Coping with Guilt and Anger enough not to interfere with your
Coping with Change and Lass nightly rest. Don't let afternoon naps
Nursing Home Placement tape the place of a good night's sleep.
Communty Resources and tethers While morning naps are light sleep and
evening naps deeper sleep that leave
Pre-registration is requested by you sluggish, afternoon naps are just
January R. There is no charge for this sound enough to let you wake
program sponsored by the Ebenezer invigorated.
Limit your nap time to an hour. Longer
1 naps will not help you feel any more
'i rested.
Annual Target We would life to thank the So. St. Paul
1 Christmas Shopping, Newsletter for this information.
71% CPN
vecember4th UJIMi Juwaons!
7-0-30-9301)mAL .
Transportation will be available by
calling the Senior Center. This will
repjace our regular Target shopping �
for December.
FIT Footnotes Our F.F.F. Christmas party will be bald
Dec. 6th at the Islands of Peace Park
Hi: and sounds like a fun time. The time is
Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. 12 o'clock and bring a dish to pass.
It's beginning to feel a lot like winter, Silverware and dishes will be furnished.
but we seniors are sure keeping busy. 1 hear Santa will be passing through and
The weather doesn't held us hack. will have some nice dear prizes. frena
Calderwood of the Fridley Kitchen Band
The Men's Dinner was a very enjoyable will entertain with her accordion so
evening with a roast beef dinner, don't forget the date.
mashed potatoes, tole slaw, cake and
ice cream. We have to hand it to Nice to see some of our disabled and
these fellows in their white shirts and sick members back around the tenter
black bow ties. Under the able
motivating on their own. Fred l�orphew
supervision of Harold Kendrick, they working with the dancer group, Ruby
leaked like uptown waiters. Anderson at cards, Bill Campbell who
All these who stayed enjoyed the gave us all a scare, Myrtle Rapp who
entertainment of Explorer Troop #�76 was hospitalized back with her smiles.
who danced the traditional Indian AfterBob Bard's illness, he was able to
dances and dressed in their ceremonial help with the Men's Dinner. glad to see
costumes. They also had members of you all back.
the audience doing the snake dance. Noticed Vera Phillips sporting a new pair
Thank you men, and I'm sure we would
all vote to make this a yearly event. of crutches suppose it was too much
dancing). She went home with a
We were saddened again over the beautiful floral arrangement, the door
deaths of one of our charter members, prize at the Mens dinner.
Bill Adair, and Nellie Carlson, an old time ,
member and amember of the Kitchen Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas
Band in its infancy. She was the sister and Happy New Year. dee you newt
year. Don't forget Dec. 6th.
of Hazel , 1�larkuson and Ellen Harvey.
Our sympathy goes out to the families.
We had a couple of joyous events in
our group. On November 12th.
Marguerite and Dave Gilbert's son was
married and on November 29th, Ardie
Chesney's grandson tied the knot.
From all reports they had a great time.
Heard that some of our members have
already left or are getting ready to
leave for warmer climates. I'm sure
they will not miss the cold and snow but
for activities it seems so much is being
offered here that we will have plenty
activities doing on at the Center for
everybody but we will miss you.
Howling Notes The Story of the Star
The following men high scorers for the The Story of the Star is narrated by a
Bowling Seniors at Maple Lanes for the kindly grandfather who reminisces about
past month are: the joy and beauty of the holidays. He
Byron Walker 228 begins with part of Clement Moore's
Jerry Schlemmer 244 The Night Before Christmas" and
Bill Matthews 212 proceeds to explore a diversity of
Bert Lindberg 210 Christmas symbols, such as mistletoe,
Dick Flick 201 Christmas trees, and the candles of
Bill Campbell 202 Hanukkah. After exploring the winter
Harold Glaser 201 night sky, the narrator introduces a
Geneveive Beuchler was the top woman re-telling of the Biblical Christmas story
scorer with a 233. in which the scenes appear as stained
glass windows within a cathedral.
Winners of the monthly "no-tap" Our kindly grandfather next explores
tourney were Muriel Kelsey and Irene the problem of when Christ was born,
Carlson. Marty Glaser and Hal concluding two time periods are
Anderson were tops for the men. possible, since there is still no
Honor goes to Betty Walker and agreement on which of two lunar
Bernice Briesemeister for each picking eclipses marked the death of Herod
up a big 4-7-10 split on Oct 17.
Next, the audience is re-located, both
on the surface of the earth and in time,
to view the skies over Bethlehem in the
early BC years. This section includes
an explanation of the earth's motions in
Lions Christmas Party space. A variety of possible
explanations for the Star of Bethlehem
December 13th 1.2 Noon and 3FM are explored, including bright meteors,
comets, novas, and conjunctions of
Shywood Inn planets and bright stars. The final
identification of the Star of Bethlehem
There are Still same places left for is left for each of us to decide foroiurselves.
both dinners. THe Fridley Lions have
been extremely generous to us this The show is at the Planetarium, 300
year allowing for 600 Fridley Seniors Nicollet Mall. If you are interested in
to participate. Call 571-1304 for more going with a group from the Center, call
details. Transportaion will be Connie, 571-1304.
available for 12Noon but YOU must call
in advance. We also ask that you ISO
NOT arrive at the Skywood any earlier
than 11:30arn and 2:45pm. With as
many people as we will be serving -�
Space and timing is the key to our -
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Call Us! Magnets
Refrigerator magnets have been made Fridley Seniors...Call Us l
available through the generosity of
Medtronics. It lists senior service phone Senior Center 571-1304
numbers in one handy place. Why not use (Activities,sus,Chore Services)
it to keep your senior news and senior Senior Noon Dining 571-6085
dining menu within easy reach of the Outreach Worker 784-2443
kitchen phone. Stop by today and get
yours. Provided courtesy of Medtronic
City of Fridley BULK RATE
a Recreation Department U. S. POSTAGE
6431 University Ave. NE PAID
Fridley, MN 55432 MINNEAFOu MN
Fr nut No. 28cE