02/1989 Senior News � � • �
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Card Players Update
07ridley Due to declining numbers for Whist, the
Senior BowlingTournament Thursday card players have changed
their game choice to 500. They would
Tuesday, March 14th P-00pm like to invite anyone to came and join
them at 1:00 pm every Thursday
Maple Laney Bowling Alley afternoon in Room 13.
est: $5.00 Card Flaying Schedule
Door Prizes, Nominal Cash Monday: Bridge
Prizes Fourth Tuesday: Cribbage Tournament
Prize for the Best Dressed Wednesday: 50
Leprechaun Thursday: 500
Soup and Sandwich available Friday: Cribbage
following bowling for an
additional charge. other
is time available on Tuesdays for
other cards or dames to be started.
gE�rOF IRISH Contact Connie with suggestions.
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Learn Mah - Jong
Willa Ramos, our native Filipino, would
ADDRESS life to share this Chinese game with
some of her American friends.
PHONE Mah-jong is very similar to Gin Rummy
but is played with tiles. Villa would like
BOWLING AVERAGE to teach a group to play with her on
iF NO AVERAGE, MAKE YOUR BEST Thursdays starting February 1st.
! WILL STAY FOR SOUP X SANDWICH Lorne and share her culture.
1 MARCH 9 TO MAPLE LANE' OR THE The Fridley Senior Theater Goers have
SENIOR CENTER planned a trip to the Elk River
Community Theater Production of
i "Harvey" on Sunday, March ' 5th for a
6 7:00 pm performance. Senior Ticket
price is $5.00. The haus fare will
depend on how many will attend. Sign
up with Esther Campbell (786-0690) or
` at the Senior Center.
The WaLy It WeLff
On Dec. 8, Chris Gerrety, a long time The Fridley School District would like to
resident of Fridley with husband Ray, extend an invitation to the seniors to
was dealt a cribbage hand that many join its staff on February 17 from 1:00
players never get in their lifetime. Chris to 3:00pm for an exciting in-service to
was thrilled when she saw three fives kick off Women's History Month which
and a Jack of Clubs dealt to her, will be celebrated in March.
realizing that her first perfect hand was
possible. When the five of Clubs was The program will feature humorist,
cut, her jay turned to exultation. Chris historian and storyteller Jane Curry in
was playing cribbage with the Fridley the role of Samantha Smith All
Cribbage Club at the time, which has a character which she has introduced
1 special pot for special hands. The pot audiences across the United States and
contained $3.20. Chris assures us the abroad. A pioneer woman out of the
I I.R.S. will be notified. past, Samantha Smith !Alen tells it like it
°°was°, using her delightful sense of
1 C& C& humor to stimulate thinking about some
very important issues regarding
women's rale in history.
Come learn haw easy it is to make the The program will be held in the Fridley
cute guest towels on display in the Auditorium 6000 lest
Center. The perfect quick gift idea for school district 4
Moore Lake give. Blease call Fran
a secret valentine, hostess, or Aho, 571_6000, ext. 107 to reserve a
housewarming gift. Demonstration will space. There is no charge to attend
be Thursday, February 9 - 9:30am. this session.
Cost of the class will depend on project
supplies only (approximately $4.00).
Button Necklace
Surplus i tr uti .
Gates have been set for Anoka County Came learn the simple technique for
Surplus Food [distribution. There will be making the button necklace an display
three distributions in 1989. in the Center. Cour button supply is
Gates are: February 18 limited so register early. Class will be
May 20 Monday, February 27 at 1:00pm. Mass
i August 19 cast will be $6.00.
Basic products for distribution will be
butter and flour. Food products such
as peanut butter, canned pork, egg mix, ,
vegetarian beans, and raisins will be '
allocated as available. Registration
procedures will remain the same, with • .
sol-!ie charges it t ie icor i le eligibility, 'visa®ici i
°rivin be a -tuna iced later.
56 Seniors took part in theNo-Tap
tourney, Friday Jan. 13 at Maple Lanes.
The following were the grinners and
received the prize money:
1. Alice Holm
. Irene Carlson ---
�'., 3. Diary Bistrom
4. Junette Passon
Men: Daily Valentines
1. Woody Neumanville Cleo King
. Le Wendt
. Miff Gardner
i-i�aw sweet to get a valentine
4. Fred Schulte Of Main or fancy art,
A rose so pink and violets, too
High bowlers for the past month were Or satin-covered heart.
Junette Masson with a 248 and Mary
Bistrom a 222. But more than beauty of design,
We porus the Mors that say
Bill Bauers topped the men with a high The sander's love comes with the gift
series of 608. Games of 234-200-174 In quite the warmest way.
Bill Campbell with a game of 226 and
Charles Wilken a 224. Congratulations We like to know that someone cares.
to all. That someone grants to do
The kindly deed that makes 1, us feel
Well loved and happy, too
Chickadee eat So why not give expression thea,
Back by Popular Demand To love for freinds so dear.
Not only on one certain day
come to Sue's popular painting class But many times a year?
and learn to paint this winter woodland
Our valentines may be a smile,foal. Perfect for a sweatshirt, tote car A cheerful word or two,
scarf. Cost ($7.50) includes paint A helping hand, a tender glance
palette. That signals, " I love you."
When: Friday, February 10
1:0m-4:00pm And if we soften tale the time
Send your registration to the Senior To give these froinadly signs,
Center. The world will soon be brightened by
Our wily valentines.
(A valentine wish to you from Margaret
and Art Larson.)
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iA Challengeto be a Befriender
offer you a freindly challenge to put
up or shut up!
We need more official Befrienders available at the Senior Center. All of those of
you who think you are a friendly person, all those who are lonely and looking for
contacts, all those who have discovered the secrets of not hoping lonely, e) tend
yourself to share with others.
There is a typical Person who makes a good Befreinder and that is likely the
person who has been doing befriending kinds of things for years. Also, there is
another kind of person who makes a good befriender, and that is someone who
finds that they have more time than they used to, someone who is open to having
new and maybe different experiences than they are used to.
We hope to have a Befriender training (Did you ever think that you need to have
training to he a freind?) session for 6 weeks starting in April. The training is to
help you become aware sof your own issues sod you don't force there on someone
else, to help refine your own interpersonal skills sots you can be an effective friend,
and to provide some education on some; general subjects that it would he nice for
Befrienders to know.
I say we hope to have a training session because we need You. Theron is no sense
having the session for 3 or 4 people, we need 10 or more. And we can use there!
Please think over your call at this time in your life, and see if you can share with
other who can use some help.
Sign up at thou.. Senior Center with Connie (571-1304) and welcome to the
Barb Dufresne
Sister Citi Program to Visit France for Bicentennial
The Sister City Program is planning a trip to Fot armies, France for July, 1989. If
there are any seniors interested to going on this excursion there will he airline
and rooming space available for about torn. The group will be in France for the
Bastille Bicentennial. The Senior Counter thinks it would be great to establish an
exchange prograrn with older adults fr oft—, F our rr�ies. if you are interested, please
contact Connie at the Senior Counter soon.
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Lions Dinner
Some years ago an author coined a Now is that a gift or what? The Lions
phrase, : A Gift is a Gift": certainly a and Lionesses gave, the seniors
simple statement as it is. But authors received. These gracious hosts and
often speak in undertones leaving their hostesses asked for nothing in return
readers at will to form free opinions. In expect perhaps the gratitude of their
this case, the writer could have wished guests, which in most cases was'
to imply that some gifts are a marginal expressed.
nature with little value, or he could have
meant that a gift, freely given, would '�, as seniors, should consider ,
have a definite import. Perhaps then, a ourselves among some of the luckiest i
true gift could hest be described as an people in our area when we realise that
act by one person that generates a we have people such as the Liens who
significant pleasure to another person- recognize the real meaning of giving
an act with NO attachments. and do reach out and serve.
For the past fourteen years the Fridley
Liens have been symbolizing the true Senior Center Loons,
meaning of giving in many ways-one of Recognized
them being the annual Christmas Dinner
for Fridley Seniors. Each year, the
�t the �nniversity Party herd at the
Fridley Liens and their ever-ready
associates, the Fridley Lionesses, have Fridley VFW Post 363 on Saturday Jan.
accepted the task of catering to ' and 21 1989, Connie Thompson awarded her
enteraining about 500 senior guests. annual "Loon Of Your Life" award to
Many seniors are aware of the time and the people that have contributed to the
responsibility that such an endeavor pleasantness of our Fridley Senior
requires: a few are not. There are Center.
some seniors who never look behind
the curtain to see all of the preparation In 1887 the awardees were Addie Tuttle
and planning that goes into such a and Bill Campbell. In 1988, Corrine
large scale program that the Lions Prindle, Dave Gilbert, and Pearl Hicks
Senior Dinner calls for. There are were recognized for their hours of
meal arrangements, table settings, dedication, sense of humor and positive
serving the meal, the cleanup afterward attitude.
- all needing attention from many Lion
members - the bagging of candy, Connie compares these wonderful
appointments of hosts, and the seniors to her favorite bird the loran
contacting of Santa, no easy job with where on a calm northern lake you can
his busy schedule. All of this takes time hear their call from your canoe. All of
and effort. Every year the Lions do an a sudden, they pop up to make your
excellent job in getting enterainment day and then disappear again only to
that fits the senior taste as with this reappear whenever most needed.
year's ,alley Cats turned out to be.
They are a scream and a half. Many Congratulations, 1988 Looneys!
of the Lions sacrificed time from work,
many spent time in planning-they gave-
they gave of their most valued THANKS16
trousurv— thoir timea. --
dM,IM 7
Think of someone you would really like a big hug from. Maybe this person is
someone you live with...or maybe someone you haven't seen -in a while...Think
about what the person looks like who is standing facing you... ee the face smiling
and the eyes looking at you... Feel the softness of the eyes loving you...
Slowly reach out and Mauch that person's cheeks by gently moving your fingertips
along them...Feel the little tingle in your fingertips...
Now slowly lower your arms to your side and say..."I would really like a big hug
right now...As you say this, watch the person's arms open wide for you...Listen as,
he or she says "I would like a big hug from you right now..
Open your arms and hug each other tightly and stay stilt... While you are hugging,
imagine that the two of you are melting together so that you are really just one
4 ... hear u never want to break away...person...�e'ng this close feels �€���.... � y
yourselves breathing together... Feel your hurts beating...Feel that you are
actually floating a little bit off the ground... Stay floating for a few moments...Then
lower yourselves back to the soft ground beneath your feet...
Now say, "Thank you for sharing love." Let your arms chop back to your side and
step back from the person... Look at him or her once main, noticing the face and
eyes, and say..."Good-bye." Then walk .off until you are far away...
Getting a big hug from someone you love feels so good. And now you known one
thing for sure...lf ever you miss this person, just remember that you can bring hien
or her back again any time you like.-Sweet Dreams!
1 "Sweet breams for Little Ones", by Michael Pappas Winston Press 1962.
Fridley Senior Center Permit No.2886
6085 - 7th Street NE
Fridley, Mn . 55432