02/1984 Senior News Fridley Senior News
Fridley Recreation Dept. 571 . 3450
.� ` .
Enjoy an informative tour of MEDTRONICS, followed by lunch at Fridley 's
WHEN: Thursday, February 23, 1984
9: 15 a.m. - Depart Fridley United Methodist Church
1:00 p.m. - Return (approximate)
COST: $5.50 - includes lunch, tour and transportation
REGISTER: At the Fridley Recreation Department, or mail your check,
payable to "City of Fridley" to 6431 University Avenue NE,
Fridley, 55432.
c REGISTRATION - Senior Tour - February 23rd
Transportation is provided to Holiday TAX ASSISTANCE
Warehouse each Wednesday afternoon of the John Silliman will be assisting seniors
month. with their income tax forms again this year.
Due to a change in the Friendly Fridley Folks John will be available on Wednesday mornings
meeting dates, Target shopping day will now from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the City Hall
be the SECOND Tuesday of each month. The bus upper level Community Room` eginning February
will leave the Congregate Dining site at lst through April 11th.
12:30 p.m. on Target days and home pick-up WELL SENIOR CLINIC
will begin at approximately 12:45. 1983 Year End Statistics
Thanks to the generosity of the Lions Club, 547 patients were seen
there is no charge for this program. For a 68 were new patients
bus reservation, call 571-3450, extension 508 immunizations for flu
Hot meals are served Monday through Friday at Every Friday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. ,
12.00 noon in the gymnasium of the Community seniors are invited to play cribbage at the
Education Center. Everyone under the age of Community Education Center.
60 is asked to pay $2.35 - all others are CHECK YOUR MAILING LABEL
requested to make donations. Menus are
published weekly in the Sun Newspaper and We have updated our label system for
Star and Tribune. Reservations must be made the newsletter. Please check your address
at least two work days in advance. To place
and if any information is missing (zip code,
your reservations, please call 571-6085
between 10.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. apartment number , etc . ) please call
571-3450, extension 120 with any
SENIOR TRANSPORT corrections. If your name is misspelled or
Transportation is provided to the Fridley you move , please notify us and the
Senior Dining site. Anyone wishing to ride correction will be made to insure prompt
the bus to dining must notify Connie two delivery of your newsletter.
working days in advance. Calls should be
directed to 571-3450, extension 122, Monday DISCOUNT MEALS TO SENIORS
through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 Unity Medical Center offers discounts on
a.m. A 50 cent round trip fare will be cafeteria meals to senior citizens aged 62
charged. and over.
MONTHLY BLOOD PRESSURE TESTS According to Linda Schaub, director of food
Free blood pressure tests are offered at the services at Unity, eligible persons should
Community Education Center, Room 10, 6085 7th present proof of age at the Information Desk
Street. The February schedule is: and they will then be issued a Unity Discount
Tuesday, February 7. .. . . . . . .11:30 a.m. Card which must be presented to the cashier
Thursday, February 16.. . . . . .12:30 p.m.
in order to receive the discount.
Remember high blood pressure has no symptoms This low cost dining will be offered each
to warn of its presence. Regular check-ups evening between the hours of 4:30 and 6:30
are necessary for detection. p.m. and will feature a variety of balanced,
nutritional meals. These hours include
PARTY WHIST weekends and holidays. Additional dining
Every Thursday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. , all will be available from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00
seniors are invited to play whist or just P.M. on Saturdays and Sundays. Information
socialize at the Community Education Center. on the daily menu may be obtained by calling
A donation of 25 cents is requested. Get out the Unity food services department at
and join us for an afternoon of fun. 786-2200, extension 2247.
500 CLUB
Failure is harder than success: Wno works
A 500 card club meets on Wednesdays in the harder, the person who saunters do4n to the
Community Education Center's Room 10. Novice train ahead of time or the one who misses it
and experienced players are encouraged to by 15 seconds after running three blocks?
attend. Two sessions are held each Wednesday
at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. William Feather
We, as humans, have fences that divide us in many ways. Most of us are aware of the
fact that we can't compare favorably with some of our friends and neighbors, but on the
other hand, feel that we have an edge on others that we know. Among the many divisions, one
of the most popular could be the separation of "Goodies" from the "Baddies". The "Baddies"
seemingly use any method possible to satisfy their own personal desires. The "Goodies",
across the fence from the "Baddies", will look upon others with compassion, love and
devotion - their concern being to alleviate the ills of their fellow men.
The Lions Club of Fridley stands tall among the "Goodies". Among the many benevolent
activities that the Lions have initiated in Fridley is their adoption of the area seniors.
Probably the most appreciated is the "Lions Dinner" that is hosted by the Lions every year.
Not only do the seniors have the opportunity to sit down to a grand repast but they are
treated in such a royal fashion. They are entertained with music, given refreshments and
gifts. The guests also have a chance to see others who they may not see any other time of
the year. It's no wonder that the seniors look forward to this occasion so eagerly and
await the day with anticipation. Above all of the wonderful things that the Lions do for us
at the dinner, the one outstanding thing that we can be assured of is to know that we are
loved. Only a "Goodie" can show that and so silently.
Get rid of winter's chill with the flame An ancient needlecraft thought to be the
of your own hand-dipped candle, made in the first form of lace making. It is done on
old-fashioned way. Recommended for ages 16 to squares of net with darning stitches. Come
adult. Class limited to 15. learn the basics.
MIEN: Wednesdays, February 1 and 8 , WHEN: A. Wednesdays, February 22 and 29,
7:00 to 9:00 p.m. 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
B. Thursdays, February 9 and 16,
LOCATION: Springbrook Nature Center 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
100 85th Avenue N.E.
WHERE: A. Community _Education Center
COST: $5.00 per person B. Village Green
OPEN CANVAS NEF TEPQINr COST: $7.50 (includes materials )
Learn a new needlework technique combining
textures (yarn and perle cotton) and stitches.
The open canvas gives this project a truly lacy Spring really .a coming! Come make a
appearance. Limited to 15 . stained glass butterfly to catch the first rays
WHEN: Tuesdays, beginning February_. 7 _ of spring sun. Class limited to 15 adults.
for 8 classes, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. MIEN: Wednesdays, beginning February 29
LOCATION: Village Green _
for 3 weeks, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
COST: $10.00 per person (ind udes canvas) LOCATION: Fridley Civic Center Classroam
COST: $6.00 per person
Cane learn the basics of stenciling. The
first night we'll be stenciling on paper , the
second on wood, suitable for hanging. Class '>
limited to 15, ages 16 and up.
WHEN: Wednesdays, beginning February 15 J/6 n �
for 2 weeks, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. 6-1i
LOCATION: Springbrook Nature Center
100 85th Avenue N.E.
COST: $4.00 per person �_
Don't let the cold weather confine you to the house. Don't look out the window wishing
it were spring, instead bundle up and come to the senior center for an afternoon of fun.
Don't sit at home, come and get acquainted. Besides having a good time, you will meet new
friends. Here is our present schedule of events.
Square dancing every Monday, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
500 every Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Whist every Thursday, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. V�, to
Crafters every Thursday, 9:30 a.m, to 12:00 noon " -
Open cribbage every Friday, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Bridge will be played at a time and day selected by the players. At the present time
we have four interested people. More players are needed. Sign up at the Center.
Every third Sunday of the month we have senior day. We play bingo from 1:30 to 2:30
p.m. We dance from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. If you don't dance, you can play cards, watch
television, listen to music or just talk. Bus transportation will be provided for those who
need it. You must preregister for a ride by the Thursday preceeding the Sunday dance. Call
571-3450, extension 122 or 571-6000, extension 222 for a ride.
February 19th will be our Valentine dance. This day will be sponsored by the Fridley
Ameican Legion Post #303. You must preregister for this dance. Bus transportation will be
provided to and from the center. There will be more information at a later date.
Preregister at the senior center.
P.S. All programs at the center are at no charge, including bus transportation.
Senior Center Manager
Tony Lorbeski
571-6000, extension 222
Maple Lis has, for the past several years, been giving seniors a special break on
bowling fees. Every Monday and Friday at 1:00 p.m. , anywhere from 30 to 50 seniors have
been taking advantage of this opportunity for exercise, fun and sociability. Maple Lane
offers a new 40% reduction in fees, from $1.20 regular to 70 cents. In addition, they
provide free coffee and a cookie.
Recently, in an effort to make the bowling even more interesting, the management at
Maple Lanes has tried something new. For an extra dollar, it is now possible to win back
extra money which works like this. Each rack has some colored pins in it and when any of
the colored pins are in the head-pin position and the bowler gets a strike, he will receive
one dollar. There are several other ways to win up to three dollars on a single shot.
Further explanations are posted at the lanes. There is another way to be a winner. Each
bowler gets a numbered ticket and three tickets are drawn during the course of bowling time.
The three people who have the lucky numbers get a chance to win a nice prize, given by Maple
Lanes, if they strike. One of the seniors has won three prizes.
Starting in January, and on a trial basis for the following two months , two of
Fridley's prominent business people have generously offered to provide an extra prize to the
senior's bowling program. Bob's Produce will give a five dollar certificate and neighboring
Town Crier will also give a five dollar certificate. Both have been long time businesses in
Fridley and have grown with our City. Winners of these prizes will be on a special handicap
system and every one will have a chance to win regardless of bowling experience or ability.
Maple Lanes is located on Highway 65 just south of the Mississippi Street crossing.
Reservations are not necessary, just come and enjoy being with your fellow bowlers. Bernice
and Bob are congenial hosts. Call them at 571-3520.
1 ;r
2 3 14
Bowling, Maple Lane
Tax Assistance, 9 am Party Whist, PV 1:00 Sr Discussion, 10:0
City Hall
Needlepoint, PV 9:3
500, PV, 10 & 1 Cribbage, PV 1:30
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Bowling, Maple Lanes Blood Pressure 11:30 Tax Assistance, 9 am Party Whist, PV 1:00 Sr Discussion, 10:0
City Hall Net Darning, VG 1:30 Needlepoint, PV 9:3
Square Dance, PV 1:00 FFF Meeting, 1:00
Hardanger, PV 1:30 Open Canvas Needlept 500, PV, 10 & 1 Cribbage, PV 1:30
VG 9:30 Holiday Bowling, Maple Lane
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Bowling, Maple Lanes Target Shopping Tax Assistance, 9 am Blood Pressure 12:30 Sr Discussion, 10:0
City Hall Party Whist, PV 1:00
Square Dance, PV 1:00 Open Canvas Needle p t 500, PV, 10 & 1 Needlepoint, PV 9:3
Hardanger, PV 1:30 VG 9:30 Holiday Net Darning, VG 1:30 Cribbage, PV 1:30
Bowling, Maple Lane
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Tax Assistance, 9 am Party Whist, PV 1 :00 Sr Discussion, 10:0
FFF Meeting, 1:00 City Hall
PRESIDENT'S DAY 500, PV, 10 & 1 Needlepoint, PV 9:3
Open Canvas Needlept Net Darning, PV 9:30
VG 9:30 Cribbage, PV 1:30
Bowling, Maple Lane
26 27 28 29 L.
Bowling, Maple Lanes Tax Assistance, 9 am
Open Canvas Needlept
Square Dance, PV 1:00 VG 9:30 City Hall
Hardanger, PV 1:30 500, PV, 10 & 1
Net Darning, PV 9:30 F
Permit No. 2886