12/1983 Senior News FridleySenior News
Fridley Recreation Dept. 571 . 3450
0!,121- 11 !-- i
Due to the overwhelming response to our January outing, we have
rescheduled lunch at the Nicollet Island Inn. We will be dining
in the main restaurant as opposed to the banquet facilities.-
acilities.Our lunch will include : fresh fruit, chicken in sherry mushroom
sauce, rice pilaf , vegetable, dessert and beverage. Following
lunch, we will attend the Shrine Circus.
WHEN : Monday , February 28 , 1983
11 :00 a.m. - Depart from Fridley United Methodist
4 : 30 p.m. - Bus returns
COST: $11 . 50 per person - includes lunch, circus and
NAME (S) :
Every Wednesday from 1 : 00 to 3 : 00
Every Thursday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. , all p.m. , seniors are invited to play cribbage
seniors are invited to play whist or just at the Community Education Center.
socialize at the Community Education Center.
A donation of 25 cents is requested. Get CREWEL
out and join us for an afternoon of fun. Come and enjoy the friendship while
500 CLUB making a small crewel project. Class
limited to 15.
A 500 card club has been organized on WHEN. Thursdays, March 10 and March 17
Tuesday afternoons in the Community (2 classes) , 1.30 to 3.30 p.m.
Education Center 's Room 10 . Novice and
experienced players are encouraged to LOCATION: Community Education Center
attend. Play begins at 1:00 p.m.
COST: $5 . 00 per person ( includes
Hot meals are served Monday through Friday Rail Fence
at 12 :00 noon in the gymnasium of the This patchwork block is one of the easiest
Community Education Center. Everyone under
the age of 60 is asked to pay $1.85 - all Patterns used in quilting.
others are requested to make donations. WHEN: A. Thursdays, February 10 and
Menus are published weekly in the Sun February 17 (2 classes) , 1:30 to
Newspaper and Star and Tribune . 3:30 p.m.
Reservations must be made at least two work B. Mondays, February 7 and
days i n advance . T o place your February 14 (2 classes) , 9:30 to
reservations, please call 571-6085 between 11:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. , Monday through LOCATION: A. Village Green
Friday. If you have any questions
concerning the program, please call B. Community Education Center
332-2316. COSI': $5.00 per person
Transportation is provided to the Fridley The basics of applique will be taught
Congregate Dining site. Anyone wishing to during this four week session.
ride the bus to dining must notify Connie WHEN: Thursdays, March 10 to March 31
two working days in advance. Calls should (4 classes) , 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
be directed to 571-3450 , extension 122 ,
Monday through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and LOCATION: Community Education Center
10:00 a.m. A 50 cent round trip fare will
be charged. COST: $7.50 per person
Transportation is provided to Holiday
Warehouse each Wednesday afternoon of the
month and to Target the first Tuesday of
each month for seniors. A 50 cent donation
is requested. For more information, call
Connie at 571-3450, extension 122.
Free blood pressure tests are offered at the
Community Education Center, Room 20, 6085 SENIOR CITIZEN SNOWFLAKE DANCE
7th Street. The February schedule is: This dance will be held on Wednesday,
Tuesday, February 1. . .. . . . . .11:30 a.m. February 9 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the
Thursday, February 17. . . . . . .12:30 p.m. VFW, 1919 Coon Rapids Boulevard, Coon
Remember high blood pressure has no symptoms Rapids. Cost of admission is $2.75 per
to warn of its presence. Regular check-ups Person . Music will be by Blanche
are necessary for detection. Crawford' s Rhythm Kings. Register in
advance with Donne Herring at 755-5300.
Merlin stands before his watchful
This is your show on subjects essential to audience. All eyes are upon the great
the living patterns of older Americans. magician's hands as they float out of his
'Dutch' Kastenbaum is your host every dark cape. In a twinkle of an eye a wand
Saturday morning on KMSP Channel 9 at 8:30 appears, and as the wand moves in graceful
a.m. Following is the December schedule: circles a dove suddenly is resting on
Merlin's shoulders. Another dove appears
2/5 - Service delivery systems and before the eyes of everyone, the doves
for Henn. Co. older persons are gone. Merlin the Great has given
Guest: Phil Eckert pleasure to another captivated gathering.
2/12 Community advocacy support Little is known of Merlin's inner life
network for the mentally except that he is a great pet fancier and
ill has several on his estate, where he spends
Guest: George Carr his off days. According to legend, his
favorite is the king of the jungle, the
2/19 - Safeguards for prevention lion. One reason for the favored position
of poisoning the lion enjoyed was that he had observed
Guest: Samual W. Hall, M.D. his master when he performed and had become
2/26 - Family Practice - Care of the quite adept at doing some of the master's
aging great feats. Despite the lions growing
Guest: Stuart Thorson, M.D. capabilities, he preferred to shun the
limelight that swathed his great master. On
PEER COUNSELING TRAINING FOR SENIORS several occasions comments had been made
that the lion surpassed his mentor as was
* NOTE CHANGE OF STARTING DATE * the case when four hundred seniors watched
An opportunity for seniors to develop as Sandee ' s Inn was transformed into a
listening communication skills while castle and the seniors all became kings and
learning more about themselves. A 12 week queens for a precious few hours.
class using texts, lecturing and small group The feast and fiesta accompanied by
activities. unsurpassed hospitality could only have been
DATES: Thursdays, 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. conjured by one who not ony had mystic
Beginning April 4th for powers but had a very high regard for all
12 weeks. fellowmen. The service of all of the
unwavering Lion aides was nothing short of
PLACE: Senior Drop-In Center enthusiastic which was transferred to the
Community Education Center fortunate guests.
COSI': Free with $5.00 material fee to As the gala gathering ended, the lion
be collected at first session. once more waved his wand and as the royalty
APPLICATION DEADLINE• March 1, 1983 left, they became seniors again but not
without nods and smiles of complete
Applications are available at the Fridley approval. And though the wand has many
Recreation Office, Community Education powers, it can never make the memories fade
Center and St. Williams Church away, for memories linger . Memories of
Class is limited to 15 . For more Sandee's fine food and service, memories of
information, call Ruth Smith at 571-5600. companionship and hospitality, and memories
of the power that makes the world go around.
A most sincere thanks to the Lions
Through fiction, essays, poetry and Club of Fridley for their very
pictures, The Heritage of the Future unselfish deed accorded the seniors
addresses questions that confront society of Fridley.
about our future . Possibilities of
affecting the future, the limits that
confront us, and the links between the past,
present and future re all explored. p
WHEN: Fridays, beginning January 28 for
8 weeks, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
LOCATION: Community Education Center
COST: Free
1 2 3 4 5
PV = Parkview FFF Meeting, 7:00 Hardanger, PV 1:30 Party Whist, PV 1:00 Heritage of the Future
W = Village Green 500 Club, PV 1:00 Cribbage, PV 1:00 Crafts Club, PV 9:30 PV 10-11
ML = Maple Lanes Crafts Club, PV 9:30 Holiday - 1:30 Bowling, ML 1:00
CH = City Hall Target - 1:00 Tax Assistance, CH
Blood Pressure, PV 9-12
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Hardanger, PV 1:30
Bargello, PV 1:30 Crafts Club, PV 9:30 Cribbage, PV '1:00 Party Whist, PV 1:00 Heritage of the Future
Bowling, ML 1:00 500 Club, PV 1:00 Holiday - 1:30 Crafts Club, PV 9:30 PV 10-11
Quilting, PV 9:30 Tax Assistance, CH Bowling, ML 1:00
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Bargello, PV 1:30 500 Club, PV 1:00 Hardanger, PV 1:30 Party Whist, PV 1:00 Heritage of the Future
Quilting, PV 9:30 Crafts Club, PV 9:30 Cribbage, PV 1:00 Crafts Club, PV 9:30 PV•10-11
Bowling, ML 1:00 FFF Meeting and Dance Holiday - 1:30 Blood Pressure, PV Bowling, ML 1:00
PV 1:00 Tax Assistance, CH 12:30
St. Valentine ' s Da * PAY 1983 DUES 9-12
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Cribbage, PV 1:30
PRESIDENT'S DAY 500 Club, PV 1:00 Hardanger, PV 1:30 Crafts Club, PV 9:30 Heritage of the Future
City Offices Closed Crafts Club, PV 9:30 Holiday - 1:30 Party Whist, PV 1:00 PV 10-11
Tax Assistance, CH Bowling, ML 1:00
27 28 It may be sent near or far to bring a bit of cheer,
A little message from the heart to folks we hold most dear.
Bowling, ML 1 :00 It may be edged in dainty lace and bear a verse of love,
Bargello, PV 1:30 A VALENTINE To tell the one we sent it to just what we're dreaming of.
Laverne P . Larson Red hearts upon a valentine and Cupid's picture too,
Help to give this precious card a magic kind of hue.
It gives a tender feeling to the young and to the old,
SALISBURY STEAK i And the joy it always brings leaves memories of gold.
Have you been getting a property tax refund when you file your state income tax returns
each year? If so, changes made by the state legislature will affect you when you file your
1982 Minnesota return. Here's how:
* Property tax (or rent) refunds will still be issued, but senior citizens will no longer get
their checks early. All renters will receive their refunds in August and all homeowners
will receive their refunds in October.
* As a result, the property tax refund (or rent refund) can no longer be used as a credit on
your income tax return, because your income tax return is due April 15.
* The legislature has also changed eligibility requirements for some property tax refund
filers. Specifically, nursing home residents will only be eligible next year if the home
they live in pays real estate taxes (or makes special "in lieu" payments) . If you live in a 1
nursing home, check with the administrator to find out if this change affects you. I
* The interest rate charged on late income tax payments has been increased from 12 to 20
percent per year.
* There will be a 7 percent surtax on the regular 1982 Minnesota Income Tax liability.
What does this mean for older taxpayers?
The earliest you can expect to receive your property tax refund is August 15 if you are a
renter, and October 15 if you are a homeowner.
If you've used your property tax refund to pay all or part of your income tax in the past,
you will now have to find the money to pay your full income tax when it is due. If you qualify
for a refund, you will still receive the refund, but not until August or "ctober.
Those of you who file estimated tax will have to make full quarterly payments this year.
You cannot reduce your total payments by the property tax refund you expect to receive. For
example, if you owe an estimated tax of $700 but expect a rent refund of $300, you must pay the
entire $700 even though you will receive the $300 refund later. Last year you would have paid
only $400 in estimated payments ($100 per quarter) because you could reduce the amount owed by
your expected property tax refund.
Because estimted tax due can no longer be reduced by the expected property tax refund,
some of you may have to make estimated tax payments for the first time this year. For example,
if you owe estimated tax of $250, even though you expect a rent refund of $300, you must pay
the entire $250 ($62.50 per quarter) . You will receive your property tax refund in August or
October. Last year you would have applied the $300 property tax refund to your income tax due
and therefore have owed nothing.
Here are the answers to some questions that have been asked about the law changes.
Q? Can I still file my property tax refund return (the gold form) with my income tax return?
A: In 1983 you should mail the two forms separately.
Q? I never had to pay income tax before because my rent refund took care of what I owed.
Where am I going to get the money?
A: We understand your problem, but the law does require that you pay on time. Maybe you can
begin saving now. Remember, the interest rate on late payments is 20 percent.*
(* Interest rate on unpaid tax is 20% for 1982 and 14% for 1983)
Q? I always use my property tax refund to pay the first half of my real estate tax. What am I
going to do next year?
A: You can use your refund to pay the second half of your real estate taxes.
Q? How do I know if real estate taxes are paid on the place where I rent?
A: Your landlord will know if you rent an apartment or house. If you live in a nursing home
or highrise, the manager should know.
Q? How do I know if I have to file estimated tax?
A: If you have income that is not subject to withholding, if you meet the filing requirements
and if you expect to owe a tax of at least $200 on this income, you must file estimated tax
returns on April 15, June 15, September 15 in 1982 and January 17 in 1983.
Q? How do I know if I meet filing requirements?
A: Call the Minnesota Department of Revenue: Metropolitan area: 296-3781; Elsewhere in
oinnesota: 1-800-652-9094 (toll free) .
Q? Do I have to increase my estimated tax payments by 7 percent because of the surtax?
A: If your estimated tax due this year is less than last year's liability, yes.
Q? If I have to increase my estimated tax payments, which installment(s) do I increase?
A: You have to pay the increased amount in the September installment.
(continued on next
WHI ST Designed for the participant's needs
ary Thursday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. , all and capabilities. Simple exercise programs
seniors are invited to play whist or just will be worked on each session, gradually
socialize at the Community Education Center. going to harder ones.
A donation of 25 cents is requested. Get WHEN. Wednesdays, beginning January 19
out and join us for an afternoon of fun. for 8 weeks, 9.30 to 10.15 a.m.
500 CLUB LOCATION: Community Education Center
A 500 card club has been organized on COST: $3.50 per person
Tuesday afternoons in the Community
Education Center 's Room 10 . Novice and BRIDGE
experienced players are encouraged to Learn the basics or improve your
attend. Play begins at 1:00 p.m. playing skills with the assistance of our
instructor. Instruction adapted to your
FR LEY CO TGREGATE DINING playing ability.
Hot meals are served Monday through Friday WHEN. Tuesdays, beginning January 25
at 12 :00 noon in the gymnasium of the for 8 weeks, 1.00 to 3.00 p.m.
Community Education Center. Everyone under
the age of 60 is asked to pay $1.85 - all LOCATION: Community Education Center
others are requested to make donations. COST: $15.00 per person
Menus are published weekly in the Sun
Newspaper a n d Star a n d Tribune . BRIDGE FOR THE ADVANCED PLAYER
Reservations must be made at least two work
days in advance . To place your Classes for players with a working
reservations, please call 571-6085 between knowledge of bridge. A change to further
10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. , Monday through develop your playing skills.
Friday. If you have any questions WHEN: Wednesdays, beginning January 26
concerning the program, please call for 8 weeks, 1.00 to 3.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Village Green
SENIOR TRANSPORT COST: $15.00 per person
Transportation is provided to the Fridley
Congregate Dining site. Anyone wishing to CROCHET
ride the bus to dining must notify Connie Whether you are a beginning or
two working days in advance. Calls should advanced crocheter, you will enjoy this
be directed to 571-3450 , extension 122 , popular class. Learn the basics, advance
Monday through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and your present skills a n d enjoy t h e
10:00 a.m. A 50 cent round trip fare will friendships you will develop.
be charged.
WHEN: Mondays, beginning January 24
SENIOR SHOPPING for 8 weeks, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Transportation is provided to Holiday LOCATION: Village Green
Warehouse each Wednesday afternoon of the COST. $12.00 per person
month and to Target the first Tuesday of
each month for seniors. A 50 cent donation CREWEL
is requested. For more information, call
Connie at 571-3450, extension 122. Come and enjoy the friendship while
making a small crewel project. Class
Free blood pressure tests are offered at the WHEN: Thursdays, March 10 and March 17
Community Education Center, Room 20, 6085 (2 classes) , 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
7th Street. The January schedule is: LOCATION• Community Education Center
Tuesday, January 4... . . . . . . .11:30 a.m. COST: $5 .00 p e r person ( includes
Thursday, January 20. . . . . . . .12:30 p.m. supplies)
Remember high blood pressure has no symptoms
to warn of its presence. Regular check-ups
are necessary for detection.
Q? Where can I get help with my tax forms?
A: If you cannot afford to go to a tax practitioner, help may be available in your community
through your local AARP or RSVP Chapter. They have a tax assistance program which normally
operates between February 5 and April 15 each year. Perhaps one of the tax volunteers would be
willing to help you now.
Taken from Senior Spotlight, July-August 1982
Fridley's tax assistance program will be held every Wednesday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
noon beginning February 2, 1983 through April 13, 1983 at Fridley City Hall.
A big heart-filled thank-you goes out In any club where the purpose of its
to the Senior Drop-In Center Host and existence is to augment the enrichment of
Hostess Committee. Thirteen couples have living, it is usually the leaders who are
volunteered their time to make sure the most active and noticeable. This condition
Center is kept looking nice, coffee is need not necessarily be so. All members
brewing and the atmosphere friendly. More should have a non-passive sense of
volunteers are needed. Please call Alverna belonging. Club leaders should promote the
Lorbeski at 571-1408. The work schedule is feeling of importance among club members by
posted in the Center. getting them involved in as many projects as
Thanks again to: possible. The contest to design a cover for
Harry and Evelyn Severhuess the new directory is such an effort. Your
Harold and Ann Anderson club officers would be overly pleased if we
received entries from each family. Please
Walt and Katherine Hebrink send your entries to any of the club
Florence and Jake Wojciak officers by February 5th. They will forward
Lovern and Isabella Otten them to the judges.
Arvid and Edna Pearson
Al and Rose Sadecki Bill Campbell
Teddy and Frank Sasek - - -
Ruth and Harold Kendrick
Lela Snedeker and Bill Heikkila PROGRAM COMMITTEE
Ed and Vivian Baker Under the diection of Bill Heikkila,
Ardie Chesney and Esther Campbell the Program Committee has been working to
Tony and Alverna Lorbeski _ find entertainment that is acceptable to as
many members as possible. Efforts have been
1983 DUES made to diversify and to implement new
ideas. This is not always easy, requiring
The 1983 dues are due by Tuesday, much discussion and phone time. You can be
February 15th in order for your name to assured that all committee people are
appear in the Friendly Fridley Folks roster. earnest in their efforts to please. They
Checks should be payable to "Friendly are also open to suggestions from club
Fridley Folks" and given to the treasurer, members. The committee is on a limited
Ernie Powell, 6241 Sunrise Drive N.E. , expense account but they feel that they can
Fridley, 55432. 1983 dues are $4. 00 per provide reasonable entertainment with their
person. Dues are not accepted at the dedicated efforts.
Fridley Recreation Department.
Bill Campbell
The Crafts Club is busy making items
for the Ethnic Festival. Please join us in We have planned a dance for February
15th at 1:00 p.m. in the Co
this important fund raising event for our Community Education
club. We meet on Tuesday and Thursday Center gymnasium. There will be a brief
mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the meeting prior to the dance. Please come
with a guest and share this fun event.
Community Education Center.
People of all ages will at one time or another experience severe muscle cramps in their
legs at night. It seems to be a more common problem in the elderly, however. The
cramps occur most often in the muscles of the back of the lower leg or calf. They can
be extremely painful and be a cause for much distress and anxiety.
Such cramps are seldom caused by a serious underlying medical problem. They are almost
always the result of a simple mechanical problem. When people lie in bed at night they
often have their toes and feet pointed down towards the end of the bed. This occurs
particularly when lying on your stomach or back. When your feet are in this position,
the muscles in our calf are shortened and predisposed of sudden contractions causing
the painful cramp.
There are several things you can do to avoid getting leg cramps at night. One is to
avoid putting your feet in the position mentioned above. If you sleep on your stomach,
it is best to let your feet hang off the end of your bed at night so that they point
towards the floor. If you sleep on your back it helps to keep the covers loose so they
don't bend your feet and toes down. Also, if you sleep on your back it helps to put
your feet up against a foot board or pillow so that your toes point up towards the
ceiling rather than towards the end of the bed. Keeping your feet in these positions
helps to keep your calf muscles stretched out so that they will be less likely to
There is also an exercise you can do during the day that will help stretch out your
calf muscles. To do this exercise, stand with your shoes off facing a wall about two
to three feet away from the wall. Then lean forward, put your arms against the wall
and keep your heels flat on the floor. In this position you should feel your calf
muscles stretching. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then rest for five seconds and
repeat again. If you do this three times a day, your leg cramps at night should
If doing the things above don't improve your leg cramps, you should see a doctor about
them. There are a few medications that can sometimes be useful that your doctor can
Dr. Penny Langland
Smiley's Point
As thermostats are lowered this winter to conserve heating fuel and save money, older
people need to guard against accidental hypothermia, a condition that can develc p when
an individual's internal body temperature drops below 95 degrees. The condition may
occur either when persons are exposed to extreme cold for short periods of time or
exposed to cool environments (as warm as 60 to 65 degrees) for extended periods of
time. Seniors are particularly vulnerable to accidental hypothermia because mechanisms
for maintaining correct body temperature function less efficiently with age. Poor
circulation and a failure of the shivering reflex are two of the problems which
contribute to older persons' susceptibility to cold. The symptoms of mild hypothermia
include unexplained fatigue, general weakness, incoordination, apathy and confusion.
These symptoms may go unrecognized by the victim. Shivering, an important early sign,
may be absent in older persons. In hypothermia's severe form, victims may eventually
progress from confusion to coma. Older people who should be particularly careful of
the cold include those who:
1) are very old;
2) rarely shiver in response to cold;
3) become very light headed when they stand up fast or get out of bed, implying
impaired nervous control of circulation. (Mild symptoms such as these are
common in older people, but those who have severe and consistent light
headedness are more vulnerable.)
4) take medications, such as tranquilizers used for anxiety, sedation, depression
and nausea, such as Thorazine and Mellaril;
5) are moderately or severely confused.
By Patrick Irvine, M.D.
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It ' s not the big and mighty things
That count from day to day,
That make of life a time of joy,
That lightens up the way.
It' s more the little kindly things
A smile, a word of cheer,
The thoughtful act, a tender clasp
Just showing that you care.
And when the journey ' s ended
And the day is on the wing,
It ' s then you feel the warmth and joy
That little things can bring.
Eleanor Pederson Hillemann
From "Just to Say Thank You"