05/1986 Senior news o-
FridleySenior News
Fridley Recreation Department
571 -3450
MAY, 1986
Minnesota Opera and The Ordway Music Theater
One of the longest running Broadway musicals in the history of New York theater,
Tbp. King & I is the story of a young English widow, Anna, employed by the King
of Siam to import Western culture to his 67 children and numerous wives. Anna
travels to the exotic land of Siam to match her strength against the stubborn,
but intellectually curious King.
DATE: Thursday, June 19, 1986
TIME: 12:45 p.m. - Depart from St. William's Church
12:50 p.m. - Village Green pick-up
2:00 p.m. - Ordway Curtain
5:00 p.m. - Arrive in Fridley (approx. time)
COST: $21.50
RDGISTRATION: Fridley residents* may register for this trip on May 12th at 8:00
a.m. at the Fridley Recreation Office. Non-resident registration begins on May
Payment must accompany all registrations. Mail-in registrations are welcome and
handled on a first-come-first-serve basis following the first morning of
*Resident: Resides within Fridley City limits.
Transportation is provided to Holiday
Warehouse each Wednesday afternoon of the An exciting summer awaits you if you get
month and to Target the second Tuesday of the involved in the Minnesota Elderhostel
month. The bus will leave the Congregate Program. Elderhostel, a program for people
Dining site at 12:30 p.m. on Target days and over 60 , is a combination of the best
home pick-up will begin at approximately traditions of education and hosteling.
12:45. Inspired by the youth hostels and folk
Thanks to the generosity of the Lions Club, schools of Europe, Minnesota Elderhostel
there is no charge for this program. For a provides one week experiences of campus life
bus reservation, call 571-3450, extension and academic stimulation. Elderhostel is for
122. any older person who has not finished
A recent addition to the Senior Shopping
Program is Northtown/Bob's Produce on the lst The colleges in this area which offer
Thursday of each month. The bus will leave Elderhostel Programs include:
the Senior Nutrition site at 12 : 30 p.m.
Shopping at Northtown will be from Augsburg College
approximately 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. ending the Bethel College
trip with Bob ' s Produce & specials for Hamline University
seniors! St. Cloud State University
College of St. Catherine
Hot meals are served Monday through Friday at College of St. Thomas
12:00 noon in the gymnasium of the Community Concordia College
Education Center. Everyone under the age of Macalaster College
60 is asked to pay $2.50 - all others are
requested to make donations. Menus are There are no exams, no grades, and no
published weekly in the Sun Newspaper and required homework. If you want to see the
Star and Tribune. Reservations must be made exciting brochure, call the Minnesota
at least two work days in advance. To place Elderhostel office at 376- 2704•
your reservations, please call 571-6085
between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. For more
information, call 546-3242. Memorial
Transportation is provided to the Fridley Day
Senior Dining site. Anyone wishing to ride j
the bus to dining must notify Connie two
working days in advance. Calls should be 1986 --
986 -_directed to 571-3450, extension 122, Monday
through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00
a.m. A 50 cent round trip fare will be
MONTHLY BLOOD PRESSURE TESTS Seniors of Fridley, if you are intersted in a
five day trip. How about one to Mackinac
Free blood pressure tests are offered at the Island in the state of Michigan. For more
Community Education Center, Room 10, 6085 7th information, pick up a flyer at the Senior
Street. The May schedule is: Center. Arrangements are being made for a
Tuesday, May 6th.. .. . . . . . .11:30-12:00 Noon slide presentation at the Center on Tuesday,
Thursday, May 15th. . . . . . . . .12:30-1:15 p.m. May 6th at 11:00 a.m.
Remember high blood pressure has no symptoms Cards are still being played; Wednesday-500,
to warn of its presence. Regular check-ups Thursday-Whist and Cribbage on Friday. When
are necessary for detection. the weather warms up, we will play in the air
conditioned room at the Center. There will
be a summer schedule of activities at the
Spring is here i Center for your information.
The Center will be sponsoring a Defensive
Driving Class May 20th & 21st. If you are
interested, sign up at the Center.
For The Sake of This Boy
She was sometimes called Sally - a widow with A very special thank you to our busy
three children. Perhaps life had been a volunteers. We've really needed you lately
little harsh and she would have welcomed a with our newsletter , the Service Club
change for the better; an easier way if it Olympics and with tax assistance. It ' s
came. gratifying to know when we ask, you come out
She thought she saw it come when a man, a in mass.
widower from her past, returned with a
proposal of marriage. In his nice suit of _ Happy
clothes and talk of a prosperous farm, the J
prospects of a better life grew, for she a
understood him to mention servants and to be Mothers • � •
a man of substance.
She accepted and crossed the river with him
to view her new posessions: a farm grown up L /Day
in wild blackberry vines and sumac ; a
floorless, windowless hut, the only servants
two thinly-clad barefoot children, the father
of whom had borrowed the suit and boots he
went-a-courting in.
Her first thought was the obvious one - go
back home, but she looked at the children FUTURE FRIDLEY FRIENDLY FOLKS FUN
especially the younger , a boy whose On May 6th, the seniors of the Friendly
melancholy gaze met hers. Fridley Folks will indulge in an old
For a moment she looked, while a great spirit fashioned Basket Social with slightly modern
subdued the passions of the flesh, rolling up tones. On May 20th, the Senior Club will
her sleeves she spoke, "I'll stay for the observe a very special occasion; a Memorial
sake of the boy"; Sally Bush didn't know when Dedication to deceased members. A special
she looked at that melancholy face of ten program is being planned and commemortive
years that her stepson, Abe, would some day honorarium has been arranged.
say, as his country' s most beloved and The June meeting will be accompanied by a box
respected of Presidents, "all that I am or lunch, possibley chicken from Big Boy and in
ever hope to be, I give to my angel mother." June, a picnic at Locke Park with games ,
From a speech by: cards and just plain relaxing.
Jeffrey R. Hollan August 19th, possibly a Korean children's
choir will visit the club. The first meeting
in September will be MENS TREAT -- enough
said. The second September meeting will show
some local talent along the line of skits and
such. The rest of the fall program will be
reviewed in a later edition: They include a
movie and a chow mein dinner. The Program
Committee has been busy and have earnestly
�— tried their best to bring entertainment that
fertil is within the club's means.
Have you always wanted a garden, but you live EASTER BINGO
in a trailer court or apartment and don't On March 25th, th the Friendly Fridley Folks
p held their yearly Easter bingo with prizes
have the space? Would you like to have a and one grand prize. Winners of canned goods
garden, but just don't know where to begin? and other foods were Jean Johnson, Betty
Here's your chance. We have contacted an Powell, Joe Zuleski, Harold Anderson, Alverna
Anoka Extension Master Gardener to help with Lorbeski, Anna Peterson, Jo Zawislak, Frank
an instructional garden. You can learn by Sasek, Adelynne Tuttle, Jack Markuson, Helen
doing and harvest the fruit of your labor. Kay won
Plots will be in the Community Garden near theg�rand prizesof anon dEastera lily.rks A s u It
Columbia Arena. Contact Connie for details g p y� 9
that was put together by the Fridley Crafters
at 571-3450 , extension 122. Space is and offered for sale be lottery was won by
limited. There is no charge. Jeanne Smestad.
The speaker for the May Health Awareness will be Art Dropkin. Art,
through complications of diabetes has lost his sight. He will give us
some tips on coping with the aspects of decreased vision. He will
also give us suggestions on how to make adjustments easier. This
program will be held at the following days and locations:
May 1st Dayton Senior Center 12:30
May 8th Blaine Senior Center 12:30
May 9th Coon Rapids Senior Center 12:30
May 15th Anoka Senior Center 12:30
May 27th Fridley Senior Center 12:30
Mark one of these important dates on your calender. Bring a friend.
If you have any questions call one of the above Senior Centers.
3rd ANNUAL QUALITY OF LIFE & AGING CONFERENCE March was a busy month, but the seniors
managed to keep up with Connie's outlay of
Sponsored by: program. On Sunday, March 16th, 14 club
Minnesota Peer Counselor Alumni Assoc members attended Totino Grace's production of
May 16, 1986 Fiddler on the Roof and once again the
8.45 a.m. - 2.30 p.m. students and their play advisors demonstrated
Prom Center that they could rise and shine. The actors
all performed their roles exceptionally well
For everyone interested in aging. Workshops and provided their audience with some very
include Alzheimers Disease ; Chemical good singing and exciting dance numbers. The Dependency, First Call For Help; Relaxation & young folks that become involved in such
Exercise; Self Esteem & Aging; Access to activities as Fiddler on the Roof, devoting Legal Services; and the Importance of Fun and so much of their time and talent, certainly
do a lot to dispell the unwelcome opinion
laughter. Tony Bouza will be the morning that is tagged on the youth of today. They
keynote speaker. certainly deserve credit.
For more information, call 376-2945. On March 24th, 11 members combined with about
thrity seniors from Coon Rapids for a day at
the Whitney Senior Center in St. Cloud. The
group rode in a comfortable coach for the one
,SI'. PHILIP'S 60+ CLUB hour drive and were met by a hospitable
hostess at the Center. Before lunch the
The St. Philip's 60+ Club will be taking a visitors were given a resume of the Whitney
bus trip to Mantorville, MN - a U.S. Historic Center and then a quick tour of their
Restoration town - on Wednesday, May 28, facilities. After lunch , members of
1986. Whitney' s Players put on an entertaining
You are invited to join them for a full day program consisting of two skits and a very
clever singing group. One skit (they are
of adventure! $27.00 cost includes deluxe called Reading Skits) was about a man and
tour bus, coffee stop at Cannon Falls, tour wife together in a car and the wife is just
of Grand Old Mansion, guided tour of learning to drive. The other skit concerned
Mantorville, lunch at famous Hubbell House an older man who lives with his daughter and
and Red Wing pottery shops. Time is from resents being treated an an old man and
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. threatens to leave home. The music group
Call Don Breining at 571-8364, or Burnie were not only good singers, but good actors
Lossing at 784-1557 for more details. as they demonstrated some of their songs to
Reservations must be made with payment by May the amusement of the audience. The day was
capped off with a visit to Country Kitchen
12th. and then off to home.
V.F.W. Post 363 is one of the more than 10,000 seperate groups that
comprise the world's largest service organization with nearly 2 ,000
members. How the V.F.W. came into being deserves attention. In the years
1590-99, three different veteran groups formed with the purpose of veteran
aid in mind but they lacked effectiveness. In 1913, the three group
combined to form Veterans of Americans which a few years later officially
became the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The groups unofficial motto, "We take
care of our own" eventually became "our own and our country. " Through the
ensuring years, the V.F.W. has not only supported many hospital sites and
quietly sought favorable legislation, but have continually worked for
better international relations.
Fridley's Post 363, located on Osborne Rd. near Hwy. 65, has been enlarged
and improved in stages over the 21 years of their existence in Fridley.
The V.F.W. Post 363 has developed many community programs that have
benefited the lives of countless people such as the handicapped, shut-ins,
the ailing, the young, the elderly, and the populace in general. Members
count among their many programs their donations to cancer research which
exceeds several thousands of dollars; visits and parties for Fridley's two
nursing homes and providing $1200 worth of kleenex for home members; and
holiday parties and special events for the handicapped. Collecting labels
is more than a hobby at Post 363; they are used to obtain beneficial
articles for people who would otherwise be without. Americanism is
uppermost in V.F.W. action. They have placed flags in more than 75
schools, nursing homes, scout troops, City Hall, Village Green and the
Senior Center on a annual basis. Post 363 promotes and plans activities
for the youth of Fridley in safety instruction with fire arms, bycycle
procedure, sports, and by awarding scholarships to deserving or indigent
students. Contests to perpetuate democracy and loyalty are held in the
Fridley schools each year. Post 363 sponsors a Boy Scout troop and is
instrumental in programs at the Fridleys Community Park and the Islands of
Peace Park. They contribute blood to the V.A. hospital and make regular
visits to patients providing gifts and games. Other programs include
collection of clothes for the Moore Lake Hospital and Veteran's Home and
the St. Cloud V.A. hospital; financial help ($3000) for the Serviceman's
Center at the airport; and baskets of food to the needy at Thanksgiving and
Christmas. The Auxiliary sews and knits articles for V.A. hospitals and
for homebound cancer patients. Wherever a need exists, the V.F.W. looks for
a way they can help.
Post 363 for the consideration given to them. Most of us remember the
three annual dinners that were planned, cooked, delivered, and served to
the seniors at the Center by the Auxiliary and their V.F.W. helpers. The
V.F.W. also provided the Center with a flag and a new television set. In
order to help the senior center become more financially solvent, the V.F.W
Post 363 has twice donated $2000 towards its well being, hoping to bring
more and better programs for the seniors of Fridley. With this kind of
backing the Senior Center can look for brighter days and they are assuredly
grateful for this kind of support.
Whenever money has to be raised these men and women rise to the occassion
just as they did when the defense of our country was needed.
One of their fund raiser projects is the Buddy Poppy sales. The Poppy
represents an honor to those who have died for their country and a
continuing aid to the living of today. Receipts from the Poppy sales go to
help veterans and their families who have experienced hard times.
The seniors especially acknowledge their gratitude for the exemplary and
spirited backing that V.F.W Post has provided for the Senior Center. Let
us give them a hats off salute for all their attention efforts; and
remember them charitably on Buddy Poppy Day. They deserve this and more!
Bill Campbell
100.85th AVE.NORTH
RSPV O P� --. MFMOR/g4 O
9c+ . oNOq Y MAY 26
<G�cti �SNE Gp�
y0�Fx �P
n ,
1 2 3
Northtown/ Cribbage
Bob's Produce Bowling
Party Whist Bake Sale
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
FFF Meeting Holiday Shopping
Bowling 1 :00 P.M. Cards (500) Party Whist Cribbage
Blood Pressure Canterbury Downs Bowling
11 :15 - noon
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Bowling Sr. Theater Club Holiday Shopping Party Whist Cribbage
Sr. Golf 1 :30 p.m. Cards (500) Blood Pressure Bowling
Target Shopping 12:30 - 1:15
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Bowling FFF Meeting Holiday Shopping Party Whist Cribbage
Sr. Golf 1 :00 P.M. Cards (500) Bowling
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Picnic in the Park Health. Awareness Holiday Shopping Party Whist Cribbage
Memorial Day 12:30 - Vision Cards (500) Bowling
Volunteers of America MAY 1986
Senior Nutrition Program 2t",-'Qk
Beef Stroganoff Veal Bird/Gravy
Wide Egg Noodles Baking Powder Biscuit
Buttered Carrots Winter Mix Vegetables
Coleslaw Tomato Juice
Dark Rye Bread/Butter Pineapple Walnut Dessert
Fresh Fruit Milk
1 1 2
Swiss Steak/Spanish Sauce Ring Bologna Baked Chicken Norwegian Meatballs/Gravy Turkey Tetrazzini
Baked Potato Hot German Potato Salad Sweet Potato Boiled Whole Potatoes Buttered Mixed Vegetables
Buttered Spinach Buttered Green Beans Pineapple Coleslaw Buttered Carrots V-8 Juice
Whole Wheat Roll/Butter Bran Bread/Butter Whole Wheat Bread/Butter Dark Rye Bread/Butter Wheatberry Bread/Butter
Fresh Fruit Brownie-frosted Tapioca Pudding/Whipped Topping Plum Sauce/Peanut Butter Fruit Pie
Milk Milk Milk Cookie Milk
5 6 7 8 9
Beef Stew/Vegetables WELCOME SPRING Cheesy Beef-Macaroni Casserole Baked Chicken Riblet/Sauerkraut
Coleslaw Baked Ham/Glaze French Cut Green Beans Bread Dressing/Gravy Baked Potato
Baking Powder Biscuit/Butter New Potatoes Pickled Beets Mashed Potatoes Rye Roll Butter
Applesauce Creamed Peas Wheatberry Bread/Butter Marinated Vegetable Salad Pumpkin Bar
Tossed Salad/Cucumber/Radish/
Milk French Dressing Vanilla Pudding/Whipped Topping Whole Wheat Bread/Butter Milk
g Milk Fresh Fruit
Bran Bread/Butter Milk
12 Strawberry Shortcake/Topping 13 14 15 16
Sweet & Sour Meatballs BBQ Chicken Battered Fish Hamburger/Mushroom Gravy Pork Chop/Gravy
Buttered Rice Potato Salad Tartar Sauce Whole Kernel Corn Mashed Potatoes
Mixed Vegetables Buttered Peas Au Gratin Potato Baked Potato Waldorf Salad
Pineapple Ring Salad Cornbread/Butter Broccoli Dark Rye Bread/Butter White Mountain Roll/Butter
Bran Bread/Butter Ambrosia Dessert Whole Wheat Bread/Butter Fresh Fruit Spice Cake
Sugar Cookie Milk Lemon Meringue Pie Milk Milk
Milk 19 20 Milk 21 P2 23
Scalloped Potato and Ham Spaghetti/Meat Sauce Baked Chicken Salisbury Steak/Gravy
Cooked Cabbage/Peas Parmesan Cheese Packet Parsley Potato/Gravy Mashed Potatoes
ole Wheat Roll/Butter Buttered Wax Beans Italian Mixed Vegetables Carrot-Raisin Salad
H 0 L I D A Y utterscotch Pudding/Topping Tossed Salad/French Dressing Bran Bread/Butter Oatgrain Bread/Butter
lk Egg Bread/Butter Pear Sauce Apple Pie
Birthday Cake ilk Milk
Milk 30
26 27 28 29
The third annual Metro Paint-A-Thou is
scheduled for Saturday, August 16 , 1986 . Every Tuesday at the ARC Warehouse Seniors
This event is for low-income persons 60 years receive a 50% discount on all clothing items.
of age or older, or persons with permanent The ARC Warehouse is a thrift store sponsored
disabilities, who reside in the seven-county by the Anoka County ARC (Association for
metropolitan area. Once again congregations, Retarded Citizens) . The store is located in
community organizations and businesses will the newly remodeled Skywood Mall just off of
have the opportunity to respond to the needs I-694 and Central Avenue N.E. in Fridley.
of seniors for exterior house painting.
This is a community partnership and hope to The long range goal is to make the store self
paint about 200 houses this year (last year supporting and to have it staffed by Senior
191 houses were painted) . Volunteers will Volunteers. The store is also planned as a
paint the homes of people who are unable to program to train developmentally disabled
do the work themselves and cannot afford to adults in retail sales. The ARC Warehouse's
hire a commercial painter. Groups of 15 to success is widely due to community support
25 volunteers, using paint donated by the and donations which are tax deductable.
Valspar Corp. , will paint the houses .
Religious community sponsors, corporate Any Senior Citizen willing to volunteer his
partners and cooperating organizations work or her time at the store should call the ARC
together to provide paint, volunteers and Warehouse at 571-4538.
media coverage.
The Metro Paint-A-Thon is looking for seniors �
with the following guidelines:
Househould Size: 1 2 3 4
Monthly Income $670 $905 $1,140 $1,370
The house must be a single family home
occupied by its owners. The Anoka County Job Training Center is
actively recruiting low-income county
The house must be no larger than two stories. residents who are 55 and over for the Senior
The house must be structurally sound and not Community Service Employment Program
in need of major repairs. The house must be (S.C.S.E.P.) .
in need of paint. Deadline for applicants is The program places people in 20-hour per week
May 15, 1986. jobs in non-profit or government agencies.
Sponsoring Organizations:
There are a wide variety of jobs which are
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of St. closely matched to the person' s skills,
Paul and Minneapolis interests and abilities. The program pays
Corporate Volunteerism Council minimum wage, but sometimes wage supplements
Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches are provided by sponsoring agencies.
Jewish Community Relations Council/ADL The intent of the progrm is to help
St. Paul Area Council of Churches individuals gain in skills, experience and
self-confidence, and to enable them to move
ALL THOSE KISSES on to private-sector employment. Vocational
Remember when you used to get letters (or assessment, placement assistance and skills
still do) with closings of a lot of "V 's? training are also part of the program. Since
You knew what was meant, but do you know why the program began in January 1984 , many
an "X" rather than any other letters? participants have found permanent employment
in their sponsoring agencies or at jobs in
During the Middle Ages, when few persons were their communities.
able to write, many documents were signed
with an "X". Signers kissed the letter to A full range of additional employment
affirm their sincerity in the same way they services is available at the Job Training
kissed the Bible when taking an oath. The Center for people 55 and over who are seeking
"X" was not selected at random. It was the work. Anyone interested in S.C.S.E.P. or
sign of St. Andrew and implied a sacred other employment services, should call the
promise to fullfill one's obligation in the Job Training Center, 784-1800 and ask for
Saint's name. intake. They should identify themselves as
55 or over and be ready to answer questions
From: WAGS RPG 8, January, 1986 Vol. VII regarding income in the past 6 or 12 months
No.9to determine eligibility.
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There are some people in each of our circles
who, when we depart from them, leave with an
empty tank and we feel that we must rush for
a refill. Clara provided that station: when
we left her presence it was with a full inner
"Clara's Lamp"
So softly, many years ago she lit
her lamp and held it high along the
path; it' s rosy glow a guide to
others passing by.
The holder goes: the light remains
a brilliance in the sky above.
Earth life begins and then it
wanes; There is no death to lighted