09/1986 Senior News 0
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FridleySenior News
Fridley Recreation Department
571 -3450
Welcome Debbie! Congradulations Ernie!
I would like to introduce myself as the new We're so proud of you.
site manager for Fridley's Congregate Dining
Program. Good Luck at the State Fair.
My name is Debbie Graunke and I reside in the Once again Fridley residents in general, but
city of Wayzata with my Grandmother and especially seniors, can be proud of one of
sister. their peers who was selected to represent
My work experience for the last eleven years Anoka County as the 1986 Outstanding Senior
has been working with senior citizens. I've Citizen. Ernie Powell was selected by a
worked in various nursing homes for nine board of judges, appointed yearly be Esther
years in the position as an Activities Olson, director of Anoka County R. S.V.P.
Director and later as a Certified Nursing Ernie had to pit his many benevolent
Assistant. Before moving into my current achievements against five other men from
position, I worked as a Certified Home Health various clubs throughout Anoka County. The
Aide for Medical Personnel Pool, located in next step in Ernie ' s reign will be
Edina. representing Anoka County at the State Fair
My formal education includes an Associate where the Minnesota State Outstanding Senior
degree in Gerontology (study of aging) and a Citizen will be chosen, �a very great honor.
Bachelor degree in Human Services. I also Assuredly many of Ernie's close friends and
had the opportunity of doing a student associates feel that his chances for this
honor are favorable.
internship with Ebenezer Home Services for -
three months doing case management in the *M
homes of the elderly who were in need of
services in order to remain independent. Ernie Powell ,
In my leisure time I enjoy going out to eat ter,, 1986
in various restaurants, outdoor and indoor o kr . Outstanding
sports, theatre, camping and reading. _ ;
I am looking forward to meeting and working '+ Citizen
with the senior citizens of Fridley and the
Congregate Dining Program. I welcome any
comments or suggestion to further strengthen
our program. 1 (cont. on pg. 2)
Ernie Powell has been quite well known in
Fridley since becoming a resident in 1955
with his wife, Betty; However, few know of ,
his many charitable deeds, especially those •
of the last ten years. To list fully his
many credits would just about fill this
entire newsletter, but briefly Ernie has
served both as a member and an officer in
many area clubs , organizations and
committees. O n e of Ernie I s special
involvements is his church where he and Betty
are very active. Ernie is an active driver ` ;
for meals-on-wheels, and takes people to
medical centers, dining and club meetings.
Ernie has been associated with the following
organizations, either as a worker or
director: March of Dimes, Anoka Couty p _
Transportation, Fridley Covenant Church, BETTY
Fridley School Board, Friendly Fridley Folks, powEL
Fridley PTA, Anoka County Republican " -
Committee and the Red Cross. Ernie has also
received honorable tributes from the Fridley - -
American Legion Post, Anoka County R.S.V.P. , Ernie and Betty Powell
Anoka County Transportation and his place of
employment for an invention related to his
vocation as a machine designer.
Though Ernie is happy and proud of this
outstanding attainment, he is quick to share
with others, who he feels were important in
helping him along the way. "A great deal of
credit" , Ernie reports , "goes to his
understanding wife of fifty-one (51) years, CHRYSANTHEMUMS
Betty . Without her support and patience,
Ernie admits, a lot of his time would not
have been available for charity work. Ernie The mums that moAch beside the path
also lists many of the things that Betty Ane much tike ti,ttte giAtz;
does, such as her work in the church and some came with main cwt shunt and neat
tUh.i,ee others come .in cunt.
other related benevolent organizations, the
driving she does when needed, and many little No matteA how they choose to come,
favors she does for new mothers, hospital With
bni.ng a .ngracWithh ca.�an bn,ight ight and
wa4rnth to add
patients, shut-ins, and others in need of To Autumn's smiting 6ace,
company or special attention. Ernie also
expresses gratitude to Esther Olson, who Like pAeen heAe�s n sturdy segs,
They preen .there .in the sun.
instituted this program in Anoka County, No wondeA that they praudty smite;
"without whose dedication, dilegence and They're tovety everyone.
devotion, none of this would be possible". Each tittte mum beside the path,
Li6t up youA beaming 6ace
Titt snow6takes 6aU to wicap you round
Fridley's Outstanding Senior Man has just Like ao6tey swix i.ng lace.
recently turned 76, an age where most men are Josephine Mittan.d
satisfied to relax and rest, but Ernie has
not given any indication of slowing down. As
long as he is able and as long as there is a
need for his help, he will continue to be
available, always counting on the support of
those close and dear to him.
IW7V Metrop oRtan Senior Federation
TOGETHER . . . insurance supplements,and Medicaid.The program also
WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE includes dental and pharmacy service and eye,
hearing, chiropractic, podiatrist and home care service
Being a member of the Metropolitan Senior Federa- MSF is also active in senior housing — providing the
tion means being a part of the foremost nonprofit educa- only metro-wide chore service skills bank. And
tional and advocacy organization in the Twin Cities area. MSF offers many travel and leisure activities including
The Metropolitan Senior Federation (MSF)offers people annual festivals and boat trips and membership travel
55 and over an effective way to promote their concerns. discounts.
Members benefit from improved quality and reduced MSF legal services offer seniors excellent advice by
cost of many important services. They also become experienced contracted lawyers, at significantly reduced
informed about the full range of opportunities, activities, cost.The Center for Career Change is a comprehensive
programs and services available in the metropolitan area. information and training resource for persons planning
With a strong local identity,MSF represents more than for retirement or adjusting to it.The Center's programs
250 senior citizen organizations and more than 100,000 include a special focus on retirement planning, individ-
seniors. In a little more than a decade,the Senior Feder- ualized planning assistance and job search training.
ation has established itself as the foremost community MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION
organization of its kind in the country.
MSF programs are tailored to meet all senior needs. MSF membership is open to all, 55 and over. It
MSF works on a variety of issues through non- includes a membership card, directory of services, a
partisan action on a state and local level including long monthly home-delivered newspaper and volunteer
term care, nursing home reform and utility costs. The opportunities.
organization also offers comprehensive health infor- Fill out the simple application or call the Metropol-
mation and services. A health information hotline itan Senior Federation at 645-0261, TDD (for deaf)
(642-1398) is manned by highly trained volunteers who ' 642-1292.
can help you learn more about HMO options, Medicare Together: we all can make a difference.
Being a member of the Metropolitan Senior Federation may be the best investment you will ever make! By joining,
you will be a part of the leading educational and advocacy organization of older persons in the Twin Cities area.
Working to protect your interests, the Metropolitan Senior Federation (MSF) offers you an effective way to promote
your concerns. You will benefit from improved quality and reduced cost of many important services.
You will also become informed about the full range of opportunities, activities, programs and services available
in the metropolitan area.
With a strong local identity, MSF represents more than 250 senior citizen organizations and more than 100,000
seniors. In a little more than a decade, the Senior Federation has established itself as the foremost community
organization of its kind in the country.
MSF programs are tailored to meet your needs.
nl ub& Topley �ectffi �_qNtokwcl toR aid gewleeq
MSF works on a variety of issues through non-partisan Through the Federation's Health Information Center
action on a state and local level: (642-1398) highly trained volunteers and professional
• Long term care including nursing home reform staff assist members in choosing the right insurance
• Transportation including low cost MTC transit option. Information and special MSF programs include:
• Taxes — particularly property tax relief premium-free health care plans, HMO options, and
• Utility costs Medicare insurance supplements. In addition, two ma-
Quality, affordable health care jor dental programs, a pharmacy service, eye, hearing,
• Protection of Medicare and Social Security chiropractic,podiatrist and home care services discounts
- - are available to you as.an MSF member.
3 --
Metropolitan Senior Federation
(Continued from front)
�I�e Se�co�
ge d haves qjou
Seu��otc �ous�u�g, 9-tree. �ega� Senv�ces
Senior Housing, Inc. offers three basic services: The MSF Legal Referral Program offers you excellent
1) The only metropolitan-wide chore service Skills services by experienced contracted lawyers at signifi-
Bank. cantly reduced cost.
2) Development of senior citizen housing with a con-
sumer edge. centeh ton Como ehnge
3) Housing option information service to assist mem- The Center for Career Change is a comprehensive
bers in choosing the best housing options. information and training resource for persons planning
for retirement or adjusting to it.The Center's programs
UhaveP and gmune (,4etwities include a special focus on retirement planning, individ-
ualized planning assistance and "job search" training.
The Federation offers leisure activities including an-
nual festivals and boat trips. MSF also has an exclusive �_MJ OAWI' CJUempapo
travel program offering members a five percent to 25 r t'
percent discount on hundreds of destinations. The Minnesota Senior Federation NEWS comes free
with membership.This monthly paper is full of valuable
0houp u4utowob[pe information, entertainments, travel information and
fascinating features of interest to members.
(,4hd �Orlaeownhg 9 nsuhctne n '
The mass purchasing power of the Senior Federation dOIR
enables low group automobile and homeowners insur- Fill out the simple application or call the Metropolitan
ance. The automobile policy is guaranteed issue and Senior Federation at 645-0261, TDD(for deaf)642-1292.
noncancellable. Together: we all can make a difference.
(Subscription to Senior News included in Membership)
• Please Print Clearly
Federation No. Phone • Type of Membership(check one)
(for renewing members only) ❑ Couple Membership ($11.00) . . . $
Name ❑ Single Membership ($9.00). . . . . $
Spouse " Affiliated Group Discount ($1.00).. $
(if applicable)
Address Tax Deductible Donation . . . . . . . . . $
City State Zip Total Amount Enclosed . . . . . . . . . . $
• Affiliated Group/Club Name
(if you belong to an organized group that pays dues to the Federation, you qualify for a$1.00 discount.)
MAIL TO: 1885 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104
C�`I✓TiV C��i� V /t ��� V l�(�V��
00 ? o 00I 0 0o dd �
Where Going To The Theater Is Fun!
Neil Simon's auto-bio
graphical play about his,
growing up years in 1937.It's
considered his finest comedy.
DATE: Thursday, September 18, 1986
TIME: 10:45 a.m. - Depart from St. Williams Church
10 :55 a.m. - Village Green Pick-up
11 :45 a.m. Old Log Theater
4:30 p.m. - Arrive in Fridley (Approx. time)
COST: $20.50
REGISTRATION: Fridley residents* may register for this trip on September 2
at 8:00 a.m. at the Fridley Recreation Office. Non-resident registration
begins on September 9th.
Payment must accompany all registrations. Mail-in registrations are
welcome and handled on a first-come-first-serve basis following the
first morning of registration.
*Resident: Resides within Fridley City limits.
city of Fridley Recreation Department 66431 Univ. Ave. Fridley, MN 55432
Sr. Center Information
The Volunteers of America Senior Nutrition Transportation is provided to Holiday
Program serves noon meals Mondays through Warehouse each Wednesday afternoon of the
Fridays at sites located throughout Hennepin month and to Target the second Tuesday of the
and Anoka Counties. The program is funded by month. The bus will leave the Congregate
a grant from the Metropolitan Council Program Dining site at 12:30 p.m. on Target days and
on Aging with funds through the Older home pick-up will begin at approximately
Americans Act and the Minnesota Board on 12:45.
Aging. Thanks to the generosity of the Lions Club,
Persons 60 years of age and older and their there is no charge for this program. For a
spouses are invited to attend. Reservations bus reservation, call 571-3450, extension
can be made two working days in advance by 122.
calling the site nearest you. Participants A recent addition to the Senior Shopping
are encouraged to donate toward the cost of program is Northtown/Bob's Produce on the 1st
the meal. Thursday of each month. The bus will leave
For more information, call Debbie at the Senior Nutrition site at 12:30 p.m.
571-6085. Shopping at Northtown will be from
approximately 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. ending the
trip with Bob' s Produce & specials for
Transportation is provided to the Fridley
Senior Dining site. Anyone wishing to ride
the bus to dining must notify Connie two MONPHU BLOOD PRESSURE TESTS
working days in advance. Calls should be p
blood ressure tests are offered at the
directed to 571-3450, extension 122, Monday Free
through Friday, between 8:30 a :00 CommunityTEducation
he bCener ter,
RR0000muleis0, 6085 7th
a.m. A 50 cent round trip fare will
charged. Tuesday, September 2nd....11:30-12:00 Noon
Thursday, September 18th. ..12:30-1:15 p.m.
SUGGTON BOX Remember high blood pressure has no symptoms
to warn of its presence. Regular check-ups
A suggestion box has been added to the are necessary for detection.
Center. The Senior Advisory Board felt this
might be an aid for programming, settling a
grievance and etc. All material from the
suggestion box will be reviewed by the
Advisory Boar(' each month.
�� ls4
Senior Crafters will start to meet on E R R O R D O T S O P
Thursday mornings at 9:30 on September 4 at
Community Education Center . For more L A N O T T A P B E
information contact either Esther Campbell O S S T O N M I L A N
786-0890 or Caroline Holzhew 571-6516. N E A R P I T L O R D
P E G L I T E R .
. _ M A P P E ID M I D D I. E
A new service has been added to the Senior The three subcontracts in Anoka will provide
Center this past July. It is called "Chore chore services through a combination of
Services for Seniors." This service is for delivery methods which utilize volunteers and
residence of Fridley, Columbia Heights and skills bank workers. Most of the Chore/Home
Hill Top. Maintenance tasks are provided by skills bank
The Chore Coordination Project began workers with specific skills, who have been
operation in July 1982 , through funds screened by the chore programs and are
received from the Metropolitan Council (Title willing to work for senior and disabled
III of the Older American Act) and the Persons as a volunteer or for moderate rates
Northwest Area Foundation. The Coordination (between $4 - $6 per hour) . The workers are
Project has the responsibility of developing, Paid directly by the client. In cases where
the client cannot afford the moderate skills
monitoring and coordinating the provision of
bank rates, there is some subsidy money
Chore/Home Maintenance Services to elderly
individuals (over age 60) , and disabled available.
persons (under 60 years of age) . These One of the providers in Anoka County is the
services are now provided in Anoka County Fridley Senior Center . We will be
through a network of three chore service responsible for Fridley, Columbia Heights &
providers. Hill Top areas.
The subcontracts provide chore/home Fridley Senior Center
maintenance tasks that persons, due to 6085 7th St. NE
physical or mental limitations, are unable to Fridley, MN 55432
perform themselves, thus enabling persons to Coordinator: Tony Lorbeski
continue to live independently in their own Phone: 571-6418
homes. These tasks include the following Hours: To be determined later
a. Seasonal Outdoor Work (one-time jobs) ; Seniors please note:
clean and change storm windows, rake The phone at the Senior Center has changed to
leaves, clean gutters, trim shrubs, etc. 571-6418
b. Indoor Heavy Cleaning (one-time jobs) ;
wash walls, clean basements, help pack Tony Lorbeski
and move, spring cleaning, special Sr. Center Manager
cleaning of unhealthy environments, etc.
c. Minor Home Repair and Modification
(one-time jobs) ; repair broken windows,
leaky faucets or unsafe porch steps,
perform minor electrical, carpentry, or
plumbing jobs, install locks or home What did the following gentlemen have in
security devices, do minor weatherization common? Elbridge Gerry, George M. Dallas,
tasks and interior painting, etc.
William K. King, Hannibal Hamlin, Henry
d. vardwo k and Snow Removal (on-going) ; Wilson, William A. Wheeler, Thomas A. Hen-
lawnmowing, trimming weeds, snow removal. dricks, and Garrett A. Hobart. Answer: all of
e. Routine ne Indoor Housekeeping (on—going) ; them were vice presidents of the United States.
vacuume, clean floors, kitchen, bathroom,
laundry, food shopping . No food
preparation, personal care or mobility
1 12 3 4 5 6
Labor Day Blood Pressure Holiday Shopping Northtown/ Bowling
City Hall 11:15 - noon Cards (500) Bob's Produce Cribbage
Closed! Party Whist
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Bowling Sr. Theater Club Holiday Shopping Cribbage
Sr. Golf Tournament 1 :30 p.m. Cards (500) Party Whist
Target Shopping
14 15 16 1.7 18 19 20
Party Whist
FFF Meeting Holiday Shopping Old Log Theater Cribbage
Bowling 4:00 p.m. Cards (500) Blood Pressure Bowling
Mens Treat 12:30 p.m.
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Holiday Shopping Cribbage
Seniorcize Cards (500) Party Whist Bowling
Bowling 10 :00 a.m.
28 29 30
Boviling Health Awareness
12:30 p.m.
f 9
,Lunteers of America
Injor Nutrition Program
t 1� BBQ Chicken California Burger Battered Fish Pork Chop/Gravy
Potato Salad Lettuce 6 Tomato Tartar Sauce Mkashed Potatoes
Buttered Peas Sliced Cheese Baked Potato Waldorf Salad
Cornbread/Butter Catsup b Mustard Broccoli White Mountain Roll/Butter
I D A Y Fruit Soup Baked Beans Whole Wheat Roll/Butter Spice Cake
O Milk Carrot-Raisin Salad Lemon Meringue Pie Milk
\ 1 2 Fresh Fruit Milk3 Milk SUB.: SLOPPY JOE 4 S
c�teak/Gravy Spaghetti/Meat Sauce "REMEMBERING WHEN" - 1924 Baked Chicken Fish/Lemon Sauce
1 b vt y t o Parmesan Cheese Packet Riblet/Dressing Au Gratin Potatoes Tritators
S�y .O Qv L sg rrots Buttered Wax Beans Country gravy Pickled Beets Italian Mixed Vegetables
Ke ¢d ,,-end/Butter s Tossed Salad/French Dressing Peas 6 CarrotBran Bread/Butter Whole Wheat Roll/Butter
w9r t i s 1,0 Cp okie Egg Bread/Butter Apple-Cabbage Slaw Pear Sauce Apple Pie
Oarg 8869 Fresh Fruit Baking Powder Biscuit/Butter Milk Milk
IV"1� n
8 Milk nut Cream Pie
9 Milk10 11
00dy Meatloaf/Catsup Packet Scalloped Potato 6 Ham Liver/Onions/Gravy Chicken Salad/Croissant
of 8'0r%Noodles Baked Potato Cooked Cabbage/Peas Mashed Potatoes Potato Salad
6e FI;g Vegetables 3-Bean Salad Whole Wheat Roll/Butter Buttered Carrots Marinated Tomatoes
yiiJe t Wheatberry Bread/Butter Donut Bran Bread/Butter Frosted Yellow Cake
0.0 $l R"' $read/Butter Peach Sauce/Sugar Cookie Milk Fruited Jello/Whipped Topping Milk
CIO,ik l
ftyee Mousse Milk Milk
tO_ 15 16 17 STE 19
teak/Spanish Sauce Ring Bologna Baked Chicken Turkey ala King Swedish Meatballs/Gravy
SW1s9 potato/Cheese Au Gratin Potato Corn on the Cob Buttered Mixed Vegetables Boiled Whole Potatoes
eked Spinach Tossed Salad/1000 Island Pineapple Coleslaw V-8 Juice Buttered Carrots
5ttere gt Roll/Butter Dressing Whole Wheat Bread/Butter Baking Powder Biscuit/Butter Dark Rye Bread/Butter
Dole Ftoit Bran Bread/Butter Birthday Cake Fruit Pie Plum Sauce
Fresh, Brownie-frosted Milk Milk Milk
tri lk Milk
22 3 24 2S 26
Chicken Beef Stew/Vegetables
Bakeddpotatoes/Gravy Coleslaw
pts d Vegetable Salad Baking Powder Biscuit/Butter
r nab
ptaole eat Bread/Butter Fresh Fruit
eanot gutter Cookie ilk
29 30
Fridley Lions
In 1492 a courageous leader and his men had a dream and set sail upon
an uncharted sea to discover a vast new land. In less than 500 years that
new land became the worlds r ,ch t ex�ritp in the world.
rte,. 1„... l '.✓ .• .:It•....:_)ti•`J• `
In 1917 sevey°itien .in Ghl icago,had a cream:_an 'te too set sail into
the unknown, originall+'idR.as .. n'-mi nd' t small group of
men saw tbiir •effortS,';gro�a,tc�' wha[t' s t . y, ca3� tic�� ntc national Lions
Club. ,Ole first, membd-ts �' the �ior� w� , bus�ne s��ai�1�j` ofkssional men
who loed-•'iiia 'vection`f C:Gl ag �,., j he.. f irOt aimTooi the Dons y s to help
farme>s of tie rt r-Ch.6 go icjr44a becorn :' ttt r t'`3/l` rs s :;tlhe it and help
themixirstMd m`�kk,� ri� pr .es`''` The i' Car `tion very stable
an�Y.thy, branc, ed into16E -areas: YAs� r �noo .:�rog �nd` ojects
wc� �,inl`e;ded irk, theienefiGiary:-act ,�vties. �J
r Today;Mite •L10 ��ie mo.�e:,.�i .;3'�T,OAQ�..serv��. �lhb9;shattered irk.156
r'different co ' �e Themhg, 1, ,ir.aise millTbns
of dollarr�7 4 the ss'fortunate ` , :.:'
�„ Irk the�trMess r Q� r, ars of e t a}, Int-limns cori �
' �? t.�:.�ted:'�
1.1 _,60 -sums to ho ita���, c1;' ics, sc l$r',a c�i�a�y� tac��d groups.✓.;.7he V...
-44ns work tbwa ds better iNternatio `,rg at bns j a ipre supportfve
,sense of citiz ih� ,;`anis '�ettere�uti�•iWt ,;: �a� ,c�Prci ;Pective. As'.a
r.' special p�dj the I�?,gir active!:vihhri* ; iadi'rtapped people
especial sighi=gess ad the del;;, t .ar� t , bions have
`• provided-sµch things as " in ey ",docs,,f tie, 3inc�► ter i aids,
wheeLcha'rs, ag;:. e']l;'•as,'tr ning fa # ! #,:` , apiped. it is
- -- r�Q::doubt�ha�' f��gu'94AdO disadv;� ��,;F oP��:'t � a �%v s,
their 1 e
iifiedtkby't ,1,€tlrt, Wb members' 1 414, es o tY�ei2 me, 1
talents, an
m�ji�e , :�.
F�idle 's 1604 er'''began its existence in i�'- bell;b tu1953 with .%
`j Rich ' drezota a '';4i °flirst_president.• o the Qri� �,' 3mtr�.�c1�1b. �fn
7t �� �`� ,
keepi,hg With its p `s ha
io s bega}i.ar ram
�ciy, .c benevcxlenc .' �? ; t# t ,tto�i���n a least 2Cf..;kd�al
cagr'amms. MEgbers?,rais 7?i o $S off; , j,`pb0 .c'a�lars�;a�hnu lly which''`t ey
isbuse wlgefe`�they`'feel it'.,t % o: t ri �gbod , The,.> istribut*on; of
13 i ter cd t cons ers ai d,;.th }'►v.resew chs
a y, r
aYl.,charitalr]. ecuests fog .he�.p. Among the"pres
em ,ryliip6at of -67
the etre ate:1 ,.Lube.,qhazter members a two membe�Ks�•w' ay�hatd � r ect
atte �ice�,reocfrd ;5ifioe,:ttie`�G 4?ps.incepts�r� s�accr r
of the `� . Lions' G� ?;lip ;heq�eh1'' a ixe i t l e` ice�Prbsidents, a
Treasurer;', . Qe Ji ectots1,�a,�L�'imn� e : i2 'Amster
Among the'-',�grams thif''ihe ptid3ey `Lions are ,arG 4e in are the
collecting of unus ,c ,'eye glasses that pare then prQ�r' d to families who
cannot afford them.•'� :p,for sightless to obtajr" eeing eye" dog; and
mobility assistance su�i`,ai.Whee� •c1��.r1s,� ).w*, 6X4', -`•hnd canes for people who
have trouble with back ancl'�eg� .r( =. '4'
dons have been instrumental
in providing transportation-fi ., U -t&' congregate dining and for
shopping by donating a bus and also picking up some of their operating
costs. The Lions also contribute monies and time to special groups such as
Junior Sport teams, specialized schools, the senior center, Village Green,
scholarships, and nursing hcMes.
continued on back side
Lions (cont. )
Though the Lions participate in many local programs, probably the one
that the seniors are most aware of is the Annual Senior Christmas Dinner at
Sandees. In place of their Annual 1974 Christmas Party for Lions and their
spouses, a plan was proposed to host a Christmas Dinner at Sandees for the
seniors. The first affair turned out so well and the Lions enjoyed this so
much more than their own party that it was decided to make this an annual
tradition. Since the first gathering of Seniors at Sandees the number of
guests has tripled with nearly four hundred seniors enjoying a wonderful
time with their host, the Lions.
Money for the programs is raised by regular bingo nites, pancake
breakfasts, spaghetti dinners, fun nights, plus a number of smaller events.
All Lion members are involved in these fund raising events. They do get a
lot of help from the Lionesses an affiliate womens organization. The
ladies, organized some years later, are enjoying their awn special projects
in addition to their help to the Lions Club. They help other communities
start a Lioness Club; all provide entertainment or music for nursing homes,
handicapped youngsters and adults. The Lioness ladies add color, humor and
hospitality to the Annual Lions Christmas Party.
In all, the Lions and Lionesses are an important segment of our city.
They are dedicated to help where ever help is really needed and often in a
way that many other organizations overlook. Fridley can be very proud and
thankful that it has such people who see beyond their own means and needs
with such grateful deeds.
A lecture series on health issues of concern
to seniors. Past sessions have included: "Where do I go?"
vision, hearing loss, bladder problems, "What happens if .. .?" j
coronary, diabetes, and hypertension. Series I
continues on the last Tuesday of each month "What is ...?"
beginning again in October. Check the senior "When does...?"
newsletter for specifics on monthly topics.
Have a question? We'll try to answer. Send
October 1986 - Seat Belt your questions or concerns to:
November 1986 - Glucoma Elder Quest
January 1987 - Meditation C/O Fridley Recreation
February 1987 - Pacemakers 6431 University Ave. NE
March 1987 - Osteoperosis Fridley, MN 55432
April 1987 - HMO Panel (Blaine/Fridley) 571-3450 X122
May 1987 - Laughter is the best medicine?
Designed for the participant' s needs and
A MAN had just finished a meal in an Italian capabilities. Simple exercise programs will
restaurant. On his way out he told the man- be worked on each session, gradually becoming
ager that the veal parmigiana was better than
more difficult.
he had had on a recent trip to Italy. WHEN: Tuesdays, beginning September
23 for 8 weeks, 10:00 to 11:00
"Of course,"said the man, "over there they a.m.
use domestic cheese. Here we use imported!" LOCATION: Comununity Education Center
COST: $7.50 per person
9922 'ON IIWJ'd
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Thirty days has September
that much we know is true.
On one of those the first frost comes D
to warn us Fall is due.
That frost will also give a start
to leaves whose colors change
From green to red or gold or brown;
nature sure is strange.
School has started everywhere.
Children greet each other.
One girl exclaims to a new classmate
"That handsome hunk's you brother?" L•
Boys are busy trying out
to get in various sports,
And making eyes at all the girls
and giving wise retorts.
Soon the harvest will be in;
the canning will be done.
Still there are a lot of things
that are fun for everyone.
To walk the oods and watch a squirrel
storing nuts in a tree.
To hear the call of a lonely loon �—
asking for company.
To build a great big bonfire;
and roast weiners after dark.
To have a final picnic;
in a quiet country park.
Betty Fields