12/1986 Senior News Fridley Senior News
Fridley Recreation Department
Unity Medical Center now offers "Senior
Health Link", a program designed for seniors,
age 60 and over. "Senior Health Link"
LIONS CIM MTSTMS Dprovides scheduled transportation in "Active
Ride" vans to and from Unity Medical Center
The Annual Lion' s Dinner will be held on for physician referred services. There is no
Tuesday, December 9th at Sandee's Restaurant. charge to the senior for this service.
There will be three seatings at 11:00 a.m. , "Senior Health Link" also provides current
2:00 p.m. & 4:30 p.m. Transportation will be information on health and social service
provided for 11:00 a.m. seating only (please programs available in the surrounding
note time change of 1st seating) . communities.
If you find you must cancel your reservation, For further information on the "Senior Health
please call the Recreation Office as soon as Link" program, contact the Social Services
possible to allow another senior to enjoy department at Unity Medical Center, 780-6755.
this event.
We are requesting that all diners enter
Sandee's through the door closest to Sandee's
parking lot. No one will be allowed into the
building until 15 minutes prior to their WATER/SFSiJr?'rt DTSY7YIMTP HAM
reservation (10:45, 1:45, & 4:15) . This is g
If you are 62 years of age or older, or
due to the congestion between seatings of
people entering and leaving the area. Please disabled, and your combined income is
help us out! $12,981.00 or less, please contact the City
_ of Fridley Utility billing department for
information concerning Senior Citizen water
and sewer rates. Call 571-3450, extension
A very special thank you to Esther MONTHLY BLOOD PRESSURE TESPS
Campbell, Marguerite Gilbert , Free blood pressure tests are offered at the
Bernie Brumeister, Vivian Baker and
Corrine Prindle for manning the Community Education Center, Room 10, 6085 7th
phones on November 10th. We had Street. The December schedule is:
150 walk-in reservations and 225 Tuesday, December 2nd... ..11:30-12:00 Noon
phone calls by 9:00 a.m. These Thursday, December 18th....12:30-1:15 p.m.
gals were busy! Remember high blood pressure has no symptoms
to warn of its presence. Regular check-ups
are necessary for detection.
�:.O * O
Once again the seniors of Fridley have been In America, there once was a law that forbid
reminded that they live in a time when they the celebrating of Christmas. The Pilgrims,
are treated as royalty. The Knights of long thought of as peaceful and reserved
Columbus for the Fridley-Columbia Heights founders of England's original colonies, were
area were host to nearly 150 seniors on actually quite haughty and cantanerous. They
Sunday afternoon, October 26th. To senior regarded the Bible in its strict literal
guests the Bingo cards were free with various sense and avoided people who thought
amounts awarded at different times keeping otherwise. When the Pilgrims first settled
the interest high throughout the three hours in America their lives were fraught with
of play. A break at half-time was enhanced hardships which they accepted as God's will.
by coffee and cookies served right at the The Bible never mentioned that Christmas
tables. About 20 K. C. members and lady should be a time of revelry or celebration.
helpers were on hand to assist the seniors While other people observed Christmas with
and make the event a smooth running program. feasts and family gatherings of gaiety, the
In the course of the afternoon, the K.C. ' s Pilgrims went about their daily work as
gave out three hundred dollars and every usual. A few Pilgrims did break from the
senior got at least one dollar. dull routine and were strongly admonished for
It is indeed heartwarming to know that there their sins.
are people who care about their elders; who On May 11, 1659 the legislature of the Boston
respect and are considerate of them. The Bay Colony passed a law that made the
seniors, without doubt, appreciated the kind celebrating of Christmas illegal with fines
attention that the K.C. ' s so graciously and threats of condemnation as punishments.
provided. Bob Kelsey, who has been steersman Some Pilgrim leaders even prohibited the use
for the bingo party for the last 3 years, of the color green because of its association
relates that the K.C. 's intend to continue with holly, which was considered a Christmas
with a yearly day of "bingo for seniors." decoration.
Bill Campbell As more settlers reached America and built
homes and cities , the unpopular law
forbidding Christmas came under more
unfavorable attention. The law was finally
SCOOP ON AGING rescinded in 1681, but many of the Pilgrims
"Fran Modern Maturity" still insisted in observing the special
holiday in their own staid way. This
In America, 210 people reach the age of 100 restriction lasted for 175 years until 1856
every week of the year , and to further when the ancestoral Pilgrims relented and
exemplify the longevity of life, the worlds Joined their neighbors in celebrating this
population of 60+ people is now at 376 most prestigious holiday of holidays.
million, in forty years it will be more then
one billion.
One out of every six elders has children who SENIOR THEATER CLUB
are at least 65 years old. Every year, there
are more than 25,000 marriages among the 65+ Five members of the Theater Club attended the
elders; and about 10,000 divorces. At the organ recital at Fridley' s St. Phillips
turn of the century, the average male spent Church on Sunday afternoon, November 2nd.
only 3% of his life in retirement. Today the The hour long program included music from
average male spends 20% of life enjoying his Bach, Handel, Howells and other well known
life away from the grind. A last important composers. Organist, Jane Niennaber easily
factor to be cherished: of those 85 and convinced her listeners that she is an
older, more than half reported that they experienced musician. The Theater Club has
enjoyed fairly good health and were free from added another phase to their activities:
most physical disabilities. These points Travelogues, following their monthly meeting.
should be encouraging to those who are in the For full particulars of the Theater Club,
early years of the golden age. call Connie at 571-3450, ext. 122. o
0 w®
o00 Do
1 , Transportation is provided to Holiday
YOUR S@BOR CENTER ADVISCEY BOAM Warehouse each Wednesday afternoon of the
month and to Target the second Tuesday of the
Bloom, Ron 571-2956 month. The bus will leave the Senior Center
Campbell, Esther 786-0890 at 12:30 p.m. on Target days and home pick-up
Chesney, Ardie 786-8678 will begin at approximately 12:45.
Fitzpatrick, Char 572-9615 Thanks to the generosity of the Lions Club,
Graunke, Debbie 571-6085
Johnson, Jean 786-2211 there is no charge for this program. For a
Kelsey, Bob 571-3826 bus reservation, call 571-3450, extension
Kirk, Jack 571-3450 122'
Lorbeski, Alverna 571-1408 In addition, the Senior Shopping Program goes
Lossing, Burnie 784-1557 to Northtown & Bob ' s Produce on the 1 st
Myhra, Tom 571-6000 Thursday of each month. The bus will leave
Prindle, Corinne (Treas.) 571-2808 the Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. Shopping at
Skurich, Char 571-6000 Northtown will be from approximately 1:00 -
Smith, Ruth (President) 571-5600 3:00 p.m. ending the trip with Bob's Produce
Thompson, Connie 571-3450 & specials for seniors!
Vander Eyk, Deb 571-1304
Zurawski, Darlene 571-7423 The Volunteers of America Senior Nutrition
Alternates: Program serves noon meals Mondays through
Breining, Don 571-8364 Fridays at sites located throughout Hennepin
Morin, George & Marie 572-1104
and Anoka Counties. The program is funded by
a grant from the Metropolitan Council Program
on Aging with funds through the Older
Americans Act and the Minnesota Board on
Persons 60 years of age and older and their
spouses are invited to attend. Reservations
NJ can be made two working days in advance by
calling the site nearest you. Participants
- -- — are encouraged to donate toward the cost of
UEM the meal.
HCW WE NEED YA For more information, call Debbie at
A Befriender Training will be starting in the
near future. Dates have not been confirmed tSENIOR TRANSPORT
by the printing deadline of this newsletter, Transportation is provided to the Fridley
but if you are interested, contact Ruth Senior Dining site. Anyone wishing to ride
Smith, St. Williams Church at 571-5600 for the bus to dining must notify Connie two
details. working days in advance. Calls should be
directed to 571-3450, extension 122, Monday
LynwoodNursing Home is looking for senior through Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00
volunteers to read to residents, play cards a.m. A 50 cent round trip fare will be
and visit. If interested, call Karen Jopp at charged.
SENIOR NEWSLETTER STAFF & VQI,UDTISERS Due to the busy holiday season,
We are always looking for story ideas, poems,
cartoons and articles. If you have an idea there will not be a
or a talent for writing, why not share it.
We also welcome anyone to help assemble the Health Awareness program for December.
newsletter for mailing. Remember...a benefit
to helping (besides having fun) is first
priority in Out on the Town sign-up. s
Call Connie for more information, 571-3450,
Ext. 122. - Have a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season.
_— 3
C Pay, 9 ha PYnk
\4 (Fridley Community Education Center) CENTER f
� � ,� X85 Seventh Street N.E. * Fridley, MN 55432 isi2�5��-s000 xzz2 y�O
New phone number at the Senior
Center! It is 571-1304.
New Items - ••
at the Center Holiday Events
helped me put together a CENTERNeW Projects
reference file for the Senior for Fridley Seniors
Center. This file will be December 23, 1986 from 11 a.m.
open to anyone for use at any - 12 noon. The Fridley Alley *Mr. Ingvalson, Principal of
time. The purpose of this Cats will play for the the Fridley Senior High
file is to familiarize people Seniors. We will serve School is looking for retired
with other Senior programs in crackers, cheese and hot apple citizens who may be
this area . Some of the cider. interested in working their
programs covered are: Housing greenhouse.
programs, Nursing Homes , You will be given a key to
Travel Groups , Insurance NEW YEARS EVE PARTY the greenhouse, an area to
Agencies, Sr. Federation Job The Fridley Senior Center is plant whatever you would
Search program, Application sponsoring a New Years Eve like , learn greenhouse
Form for Sr . Federation, party. The Melodions will maintenance , and be a
Financial Planning programs, play along with dancing and teacher ' s assistant to
Legal Services for Seniors, New Years gaiety. There will classes offered at the
etc. be refreshments. greenhouse.
If anyone has anything they TIME: 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Interested? Call Mr. Brock
would like to contribute to PLACE: Community Ed. Building who is located at t h e
this file - please feel free DATE: New Years Eve greenhouse. Phone number is
to stop by and drop it off any No reservation needed . 571-6000, Ext. 151 or 184 .
time. Further questions , call Or call Deb at the Center at
The Chore Program has moved. - _571-1304. 571-1304.
It is now located in the Pool Fall has come and gone once *Mr. Meyer , Fridley High
Room. The Chore phone number again. The Senior Center had School Principal, is looking
is 571-6418 . The Chore their first Halloween party for seniors interested in
program is going very well. and it was a great success. working in their library with
If you need any small chores I would like to thank thel High School students. For
or assistance at your home, or Fridley Alley Cats for playing further information call Don
if you would like to help at this grand event and the 11 Meyer at 571-6000, Ext. 105,
someone out ( for wages ) , businesses, listed below, who or Deb at 571-1304.
please call and get further contributed to this event.
information on this program. LaMauer *Bill Campbell will be
Skywood Barber starting his Calligraphy
Bob's Produce Classes on December 2, 1986
Hites Florist at 10:30 a.m. (Tuesday) . For
Workshops Sandee's further information, call
Coming Up The Oriental House Bill at 786-0890.
Old Country Buffet
Rosie Mortenson from the Anoka J.C. *There i s now a Pool
Ramsey Community College will The Esquire Tournament every Tuesday from
be here December 5, 1986 from Maple Lanes 9 a.m. - noon. The money
10:00 a.m. - noon to assist Fridley Powdour Pouf that is collected from the
any seniors interested in tournament will be used for
taking classes at the college. I would also like to thank all pool room equipment only.
For further information, call the Seniors who helped out Call Deb for details on this
Deb at 571-1304. Iduring this fun event. fun, weekly event.
Sun. Monday sday- Wednesday Thu rs -ayFriday-
1 2 3 4 5 6
Bowling FFF Meeting Lunch Bunch FIbbage
g Blood Pressure Holiday Shopping
Bridge 11 :15 - noon Bowl/Cribbage Bowling
Cards (500) Tournament
Target 7 8 Sr. Adv. Coucil 10 11 12 13
9 Chanhassen
X-mas 1 :00 P.M.
Shopping Bowling Lions Dinner Holiday Shopping Party Whist Woodcrest
Theater Bridge 11 :00, 2,00, 4:30 Cards (500) Crafts Sugg" Plum
Club Shoppe
X-mas Party
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Party Whist
Holiday Shopping Blood Pressure Cribbage
Bowling FFF Meeting Cards (500) 12:30 p.m. Bowling
Leisure League
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
City Offices City Offices
Bowling Closed Closed
Bridge X-Mas Eve Party Crihbare
g Cards (500) X-MAS
Bowl,i ng
No Dining
28 29 30 31 City Offices
( t osed
Bowling New Years Day
Bridge Cards(500) No Dining
New Years Eve Party
Volunteers of America DECEMBER 1986
Senior Nutrition Pro ram .
Swiss Steak/Spanish Sauce Baked Chicke Ring Bologna Turkey Tetrazinni Swedish Meatballs/Gravy
Baked Pot$to� Sweet Potato Macaroni 6 Cheese Mixed Vegetables Boiled Whole Potatoes IV
Spinach Pineapple Salad/Lettuce Green Beane V-8 Juice Carrots
Whole Wheat Roll/Butter Whole Wheat Bread/Butter Tossed Salad/Freich Dressing Wheatberry Bread/Butter Dark Rye read/Butter
Fresh Fruit Tapioca Pudding/ Bran Bread/Butter Fruit Pie Plum Sauce
Milk Whipped Topping Brownie-frosted Milk Milk
L Milk 2 Milk 3 4 5
Baked Chicken Beef Stew/Vegetables Baked Ham Chili/Crackers Riblet/Sauerkraut
Bread Dressing/Gravy Carrot-Raisin Salad Baked Potato Grated Cheese Parsley Potato
Mashed Potatoes Baking Powder Biscuit/Butter Stewed Tomatoes Pineapple Coleslaw Rye Roll/Butter
Marinated Vegetable Salad Peach Sauce Bran Bread/Butter Cornbread/Butter Pumpkin Bar
Whole Wheat Bread/Butter Milk Gingerbread/Lemon Sauce Pogen Cookies Milk
Fresh Fruit Milk Milk
8 9 _ 10 11
Sweet & Sour Meatballs Baked Fish/Lemon Sauce If BBQ Chicken Pepper Steak/Mushroom Gravy Breaded Pork Portion
Rice Au Gratin Potato Potato Sala,l Mashed Potatoes Baked Potato
qr 31V
Mixed Vegetables Broccoli Peas Whole Kernel Corn Escalloped App et
►y Pear/L.ettuce* Whole Wheat Roll/Butter Biscu t/Butter Dark Rye Bread/Butter Whole Wheat Bread/Butter
Bran Bread/Butter Lemon Meringue Pie Fruit Soup Fresh Fruit Spice Cake
Sugar Cookie Milk Milk Milk Milk
15 16 17 18 19
HOLIDAY PARTY Lasagna Luncheon Steak
Creamed Potato Stuffed Pork Chop Wax Beans Baked Potato
Mashed Potatoes/Gra H O L I D A Y Coleslaw
Cooked Cabbage/ eas� Glazed Baby Carrots Tossed S-clad/French Dressing
Whole Wheat Bread/Butter Egg Bread/Butter Oatgrain Bread/Butter
Dark Sweet Cherries Whole Cranberry-Orange Relish Chocolate Chip Cookie Fresh Orange
Milk Whole Wheat Roll/Butter Milk Milk
Holiday Pie
22 Milk 23 24 25
Beef Stroganoff Liver/Onions/Gravy BBQ Riblet IV
Wide Egg Noodles Baked PotatoAu Gratin Potato All fresh fruit and fruit sauce
Carrots IV Peas I All
IV � • •
Pickled Meta Bran Bread/Butter Whole Wheat Roll/Butter All breads
E.cn of n»WWIion$Ww+N en
Dark Rye Bread/Butter Fruited Jello/Whipped Topping Birthday Cake n..n.y,,ew�w.a�.ea.oew�
Peach Sauce Milk Milk IV All milk ,e„ ,M°iA,,,.,',c I*WA.00awom „W001;"
Milk AM kelo.MC.
29 30 _
ii North Sub rk�n
CENTER Ater for t�iQ
The following Senior art classes are co-sponsored by the City of Fridley Recreation
Department, the Fridley Senior Center and the North Suburban Center for the Arts. Classes
will be held at the Fridley Senior Center.
9 n�n1W Acrylics
Develop hand/eye coordination while drawing Learn color theory by working on canvas with
still lifes (no previous artistic experience non-toxic, water soluble, acrylic paint.
needed) . (Beginning Drawing or other drawing
FEE: $5.00 experience encouraged.)
SECTION A: Mondays, for 3 weeks FEE: $5.00
Beginning January 19, 1987 WHEN: Mondays, for 3 weeks
TIME: 12:45 - 2:45 p.m. Beginning February 23, 1987
SECTION B: Thursdays, for 3 weeks TIME: 12:45 - 2:45 p.m.
Beginning January 22, 1987
TIME: 12:45 - 2:45 p.m.
Develop your skills by drawing more complex Develop your skills using acrylic paint on
subjects. (Beginning Drawing or other drawing canvas. (Beginning Acrylics or other acrylic
experience encouraged.) experience encouraged.)
FEE: $5.00 FEE: $5.00
WHEN: Thursdays, for 3 weeks WHEN: Mondays, for 3 weeks
Beginning February 12, 1987 Beginning March 16, 1987
TIME: 12:45 - 2:45 p.m. TIME: 12:45 - 2:45 p.m.
EWinning Watercolor
Learn to use watercolor for building upon
your drawing skills. (Drawing or significant
drawing experience encouraged.) To register, complete the registration form
FEE: $5.00 and mail it to the Fridley Senior Center,
WHEN: Thursdays, for 3 weeks accompanied by your check made payable to
Beginning March 12, 1987 North Suburban Center for the Arts.
TIME: 12:45 - 2:45 p.m.
For further information you can call the ; NAME: `
Fridley Recreation Office at 571-3450 or the ; ADDRESS:
Fridley Senior Center at 571-1304.
r (street)
1941 abto ?flour
A trip hack in #imr
to Tr4ristmas Eur 18411. 33rnug11# hark , #hitt
ltpminittcr tthnu# da ft oraonn , hg popular
demand at c1,4e T,4imrra.
of gnu#11 mi #11 a Big y}
Band $nand.
WHEN : Sunday , January 1 1 , 1987
DEPART : St. Williams Church
1 P.M.
Return : 4 :30 p.m . (approx .)
COST: $13.50 per person (includes show & transportation)
to register, stop in the Recreation I NAME:
Office located in the lower level of the f ADDRESS:
Fridley Civic Center, or mail your street
registration, accompanied by your check f
made payable to "City of Fridley" . CITY: ZIP:
For further information, call 571-3450, PHONE #: (h) (w)
extension 122. f
f Mail completed registration to the City of
f Fridley Recreation Office, 6431 University
Avenue NE.
8 f
As 60, 70, 80 and 90 year old seniors, we are by Bill Campbell
all familiar with the old saying, "into each The 1986-87 season for Billiards has gotten
life some rain must fall." As seniors we are well under way the past few weeks. Weekly
fully aware of its meaning; we have also tournaments are held now on both Tuesday and
learned that after each picnic-spoiling Wednesday mornings. The tournaments ,
drench or shower the sun does eventually starting at 9:00 a.m. , ususally last about
prevail in a trumphant glow. Today, while in two hours so everyone is done in time for
the midst of so much disturbing and Congregate Dining. Roy Warner is the
distressing news, there are still periods of Director for the Tuesday events and his
sunshine. Such was the enjoyable day that telephone number is 784-2348. Taking care of
the members of Fridley's Veterans of Foreign the Wednesday pool is Bill Campbell ,
Wars and their companion Auxilliary afforded 786-0890. If you would like to play in
the seniors of Fridley and surrounding area. organized pool, call these numbers or just
As a kind and thoughful gesture, VFW Post drop in at the Senior Center and see Debbie.
363, mainly through the efforts of there The pool room is open most times for just
helpful Auxilliary, set aside a day to casual play. Everyone is welcome - both
commemorate the Fourth Anniversary of the Ladies and Gents.
Fridley Senior Center. In prior years, the
festive event has been in the gym of the SPRING LAKE PARR
Community Education Center; this year the VFW
very graciously entertained us in their own SENIOR CLUB ARE HOST
pleasant, inviting quarters. by Bill Campbell
The day started out with a dinner of roast For the past several years, the Senior Club
beef, potatoes and gravy, coleslaw, bean of Spring Lake Park, who have their base in
salad, rolls, coffee and dessert. After the Kraus-Hartig VFW quarters, have very
dinner we played bingo with about 15 seniors successfully arranged a dinner and dance
winning $2.00 awards and one big winner , event for the area seniors. Many of the
Mildred Hartman, winning the cover-all for Fridley Seniors have attended this event and
$22.00. The day was capped with dancing and can attest to the huge success of their
visiting. host' s efforts. A great deal of work and
To all of us who were fortunate enough to planning goes into such an occassion, but the
attend this special event there should be a Springlakers seem always to rise to the
special meaning -- Isn't it a comfort to know occassion. We, the seniors of Fridley
that there are people in this world who are express our sincere thanks to the generosity
willing to share their time and talent so of the Spring Lake Park Seniors. We hope
that others can enjoy memorable times? some day to return the favor.
The 20 or more ladies of the VFW Auxilliary
who planned, organized, bought, prepared and
cooked the dinner did an excellent job with
their only reward being the satisfaction of
knowing that they were making life a little
more pleasant for some of their fellow CHRISTMAS DAY
by Clarence Cofel
As for the members of the VFW, they have
worked hard to provide a good meeting place In the many long years ago,
for themselves and show so much willingness Two strangers wandered to and fro.
to share it with others; asking nothing in Just looking for some place to rest,
return. The VFW and Auxilliary have since For soon her Babe would be at breast.
the beginning of the Senior Center, shown a
great interest in its welfare, providing Hear that baby in the cradle,
useful items and a yearly sum of $2,000 . Gently calling from the stable.
Nothing has ever been asked for in return, Calling a sweet message of love,
but to those of us who can support any of the Brought straight to us from up above.
VFW programs, it would be appreciated. We in The whole world, His little hands would
return can have the satisfaction of joining reach,
in with the great efforts of a really caring Brotherhood of men He came to teach.
organization. For I gently heard Him say,
Bill Campbell That's why there is a Christmas Day.
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As in previous years, Target will sponsor a Holiday Shopping Event
special shopping spree for seniors, only, on for Senior and
Sunday., December 7th from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
If you are in need of transportation, contact Disabled Citizens
Connie at 571-3450, Ext. 122.
December 13th
4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
$6.50 for adults $3.00 under age 1
Sponsored by:
VFW Post 363 SUNDAY DEC. 7,1986 7:30-9:30 P.M.
1040 Osborne Road