02/1980 Senior News Senior Citizen Newsletter
Fridley Recreation Dept. 571 - 3450
in cooperation with Community Education, Ind. School District No.14
'FFBRIJ�"-V 1980
boldo Ba;lgsud February 2 "10N. , .FE[3. 4 - Printing, 1:00-3:00 p.m. V.G.
Mary Frischmon Febriary 3
Mary Horowlcki February 3 TUES_. , FEB,5. - SR. IIEETIi1G, Fridley United
Harry Trowbridge February 7 Methodist Church, 7:00 porno EiL
Rose Hayes February B PRESSIiR.E ?ESTS, 10:30-11.30
fug;il+} Zander February g
Ester Sv,,anson February WED. , FEB: 61 - Sr. Slim risco, ;0:30, P.V-
[Blaiiche Austin Febri.;ar:y 12 feed'► point, �:t�C-;:`0 r .Mr VoGo
February 12
Ti;: lrr:�l Char, Februa,�;� 14 THUIRS. , FEB._ 7 - '��;{:, 1.:0C' (`:,ili.>
P v...3s , F: t.� F-a b r u a ry 14 _ -
1'ol~osj1y Fr.C�dr i:ksu3, February 1.5 ��m0f�. FEB. - >'ririi{ r, 1:00-`00 p.irm VE'
lel l.c�r1 tsi(:k :r :�r February 15 _ _
Ft'i i? ie Kobes,h Februar•Y 17 WFD, , FER. 13 - Sr Slim Disco 10:305 PV,,
3vi{ixi„ k Cuir,?an February 17 Needlepipi 1:00-3:100+ :.m, ` .G.
Lu,-v dlohnson February 21 ---
E1 vi ra Vs.sc i t:r February 22 ''iiURS i"EB. _1 - CC%y 1:0G P 7i. fitir'
3. i oran{,z m`.otjd�l F. bl"lis.;i y 2' �LL(�£i'L L{¢r✓5 __
Lill ian Helin February 7.6
Arvid i_auson Feb;•-uar_y 29 MON. _ FFR. 17 - Printing, 1:00-,3:00
i'e;'•c'r;ira 01steaci
tnA TUES , :FS. 11P _ SR. MFET IiV_'Ga_, Fridlicy Lln;
hiei.i�oc�is�. Church, 1:OJ p m,
,-P. FER . _?9 -
_ Sr,,_Slim Disco, 10
:30, P,V.
L4'?(ts3:00 px. V.G.iht =ebru, r� 5th meeting should p ,v . to
F. \,C'. y e(itai'taiiling L-Jt.h the 1st F.F.Y. ai ,
CCC, 1:00 p rn� BLOOD
Gong Shov"! Showtime 7:00 ; .m.
r RESSURt TESTS, 11..3f) � t :3�)
0n rebrua,- • 19th, a re �r•esen„at-lve ,Ort r
i� „ i �: 1,�^ � i ,-n��:t, to � �, �103d� � F�.R, 2� - Print�n�, 1:00-•3:00 p.m.. V.L
r iil t lf:' :1'n :Ccf?:? �s Art TrS+ 11 V,i 1 ! � C'
with us.. Meeting starts at. 1:00 p.m. , . . ^ ,
1�EP FF#3:. �,_6 - Sr. Slim Disco, :0):30, f'��� .
People who donate cakes to afternoon
-�Nf'edlC.pti'ir;t, 1:0t)•-v:00 p„rl.� V.LG.
meeti ngs are eligible for a $2.00 rein- T11-URS. FEB'. , _.j r 1:00 p r,
b�rsement from, the treasury at the meeting. - -- -_ --- ----- _ �
P.V = Pari vi e'ry - C oinmuni ty Education Cen'ie,,
VA';�.. - Vill lge Green Complex
(r � p
New members for the Friendly Fridley
Folks are always desired and welcome -; '.
at all times. We have a great group,
s � ;
let' s share it with others.
.� � , `9 ,rte. y,y� 1 1, rlr•f
To join, you must be 55 years or older.
Yearly dues are $2/person. If you wish
to join, you can complete the forms at FREE MONTHLY BLOOD PRESSURE TESTS
the meetings or, call the Parks and —�
Recreation office at 571-3450, Free blood pressure tests will be offered at
Parkview School (CEC) in Rm. #2.0, 6085 - 7th
FRIDLEY CONGREGATE DINING Street, In February the schedule is as follov;
Hot meals are served Monday through Tuesday, February 5 . . o . 10:30 - 11:30
Friday at 12:00 noon, in the gymnasium/ Thursday, February 21. 12:30 -- 1:30
cafeteria at Parkview. Everyone under
the age of 60 is asked to pay $1.65, all Remember high blood pressure has no symptoms
others are requested to rr.E.'<F a donation, to warn of its presence. Regular check-ups
Menus are published weekly in the Sun are necessary for detection.
Newspaper and in the Star and Tribune.
Reservations must be made at least two WELL SENIOR CITIZENS CLINIC
working days in advance. To place your
reservations, please call 571-6085, between 1323 Coon Rapids Boulevard
the hours of 10:00 a.m, and 2:00 p.m. , Tele, hone: 755-5300
leioncay through Friday. If you have any Services Offered: Annual Physical Examination;
questions concerning the program call Health Counseling, Blocd Pressure Screening,
332-2316. Information and Referral .
Fee_: Suggested fees range from $3.50, -if
TRANSPORTATION person' s income is $350/mont.h or under ($450/
couple) and up to $25, if the patient's income
The bus to Congregate Dining is running is over $1,000 per month.
Monday 1+rough Fridays. To make. your bus hours: Open Wednesday and Thursdays by
reservations to Congregate please: appointment. The clinic has hours during
business hours. For more information and
1) In order to have a smooth running appointments, call 755-5300.
schedule, anyone wishing to ride
the bus to Congregate Dining must
notify Connie (#12.2.) 2 working PRIORITIES FP,OM THE PRESIDENT
days in advance!
- Hi Folks:
2) Uii l s should be made to 571--3550,
ext. #122, Monday through Friday Another month has gone by and the weather
between 8:30 and 10:00 a.m, is still like fall .
-- -� — Four members and I were out fishing at
3) A .25it round trip fare will be Lake Johanna Wednesday afternoon (1-16-80).
charged to cover gas expenses. We got some crappies but it was so warm there
was more water on the ice the!i under it.
4) Be sure to call Congregate Dining I think we will have a fun show on the
for a dinner reservation. February 5th meeting, The members are going
to put on a Gong Show. If you have some skit
or talent come and get i n. It should be a
lot of fun.
Congregate Dining has been go;ng strong,
we have been getting a good turd--out. Some
� , good food you're missing if you don't come.
good turn-
.. � . --- --
-J � The Souls Harbor Rally hada 9
out, we had 18 members there from our club.
��� Love you all ,
` T
Alex B.
Many Minnesotans have expressed concern for
Move to the disco beat while slimming down, poor people who won't have the money to pay
Come and join us to learn the newest line heating bills this winter. Higher fuel prices
dances and exercises. There is no feed hurt all of us, but most people agree that we
WHEN: Wednesdays, 10.•30 - 11:15 a.m. , at need to help those who really cannot make it
Parkview (CEC) & Tuesdays 10:00 to through the cold months on their own.
10:45 a.m. , at Village Green. Congress has passed a bill containing $1.35
billion to help ease this problem. President
*Classes will resume Monday, January 14. Carter signed the bill November 22nd. This is
how it works:
CARDS, COFFEE AND CONVERSATION - Beginning January 1, all Americans who
receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI -
Party Whist is the name of the game every assistance to the blind, disabled, and elderly
Thursday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. , at poor) will get a check from the federal govt.
Parkview (CEC) in Rm. #18. for fuel assistance. The average SSI recipient
in Minnesota will get $250 through this program.
NEEDLEPOINT - The states will get $796 million. Each
state will distribute the money among households ,
Learn the basic needlepoint stitches and .make with income below 125% of the poverty level
a sampler that can be made into a wall ($8327 a year for a family of four) , or, if a
hanging, pillow, purse or chair cushion. state does not have a distribution plan,
directly to AFDC recipients.
WHEN: Wednesdays, beginning January 30 - The Community Services Administration w- li
for 6 weeks, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. also receive $150 million for local community
action agencies to distribute for special
LOCATION: Village Green emergencies. This is added to $250 million
which Congress appropriated for this purpose
COST: $6.00 per person earlier in the year.
The total of federal fuel assistance funds
PRINTING Congress has appropriated this year is $1.6
billion. Minnesotans can expect to receive
Experiment with silk screen, vegetable about $60 million in fuel assistance from the
printing, block printing and paper batik. federal govt. this winter.
An excellent time to make gifts galore. Congress passed this legislation late in the
year, so most of the funds will not be available
WHEN: Mondays, beginning January 28 until January. This is not a permanent program:
for 6 weeks, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. it is intended to meet this year's needs. Other ,
more permanent fuel assistance programs are stil '
LOCATION: Village Green being discussed.
COST: $6.00 per person j
INCOME TAX HELP AT ACL Work with children - 7:30 a.m, to 12:30 p.m.
$3.00 per hour.
The tax tapes are here! Anoka County
Library has just received a number of audio For more information call Claudia McPeek or
cassettes containing step-by-step instructions JoAnn Finny at 571-7521
on how to complete your 1979 1040 & 1040A income
tax forms. These cassettes will be available Rainbow School is located in the Fridley
for use at home as well as within each Anoka United Methodist Church.
County Library.
Programs are in the planning which will aid et '�,
Anoka County residents with their Minnesota ,
1.( .,
State tax forms as well . Lectures are currently
scheduled for February 12 at the COON RAPIDS
WEST LIBRARY and February 13 at the FRIDLEY
LIBRARY. � � �
You can pick up copies of the 1979 Income
Tax forms at any Anoka County Library later in
he i Ya I 1-omppanyaki Room'
and t lie
Minneapolis Art Institute
WHEN: Tuesday, February 26 , 1980
WHAT: Lunch will be at the FUJI-YA
TEMPPANYAKI ROOM, where lunch will
prepared at your table. Lunch will
be a shrimp, beef, and chicken com-
bination served with rice, vegetables,
and tea. A cash bar will be available.
COST: $8. 50 per person, includes lunch,
transportation, and tour.
DEPARTURE: Fridley United Methodist Church &
Village Green Complex at 11: 00 a.m.
RETURN: Approximately 3: 30 or 4 : 00 p.m.
Fuji-Ya Temppanyaki Room and Minneapolis Art Institute
RETURN TO: Fridley Civic Center
Parks and Recreation
6431 University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Minnesota 55432
Bowling, 1:00 p.m. 1 2
3F 4 5
Bowling, 1:00 p.m. Sr. fleeting, 7.00 Sr. Slim Disco 6 CCC, 1:00 p.m. 7� Bowling, 1:00 p.m.
8 9
Fridley United 10:30 PV.
Printing, 1-3 p.m. VG Methodist Church
Needlepoint, 1-3 p.m.
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
t0 11 12 13 14 15 16
Bowling, 1:00 p.m. Sr. Slim Disco CCC, 1:00 P.M. Bowling, 1:00 p.m.
10:30 PV.
Printing, 1-3 p.m. VG Nappy Vatent nelz Day
Needlepoint, 1-3 p.m.
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Bowling, 1:00 p.m. Sr. Meeting, 1:00 Sr. Slim Disco CCC, 1:00 p.m. Bowling, 1:00 p.m.
Fridley United 10:30 PV.
Printing, 1-3 p.m. VG Methodist Church BLOOD PRESSURE TESTS
Needlepoint, 1-3 p.m. 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
24 25 26 27 28 29
Bowling, 1:00 p.m. Sr. Slim Disco CCC, 1:00 P.M. Bowling, 1:00 p.m.
10:30 PV.
Printing, 1-3 p.m. VG.
Needlepoint, 1-3 p.m.
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No senior rate
BUS ''Excursion Rate"
Greyhound - 371-3311 Get tickets and reservations 7 days in advance
10", discount over 65 years bust stay one Friday or Saturday
(no discount on excursion fares) 60 day limit - 400' off by day
Procedure: Aust buy the ticket at the Greyhound ; *50% off by night
station and have identification proving age. Christmas the only holiday restriction
TRAIN Allegheny
Amtrak - 644-1127 Senior Citizens - 33 1/3% off
250/S' discount over 65 years & handicapped I No certain locations - Must be 65 with I .D.
(on regular one-way fares $40 or more) Can call no more than 24 hours before flight
(no holiday restrictions, round trip require- Can stay 60 days - No holiday restrictions
ments or limits on length of stay) "Super Saver Rate"
Procedure: Can call in for reservation, but 40% off, must get tickets 7 days in advance.
will need indentification when you pick the You must stay 1 Friday or Saturday.
ticket up. Can stay up to 60 days - Advance Registration
United & Western Braniff
No senior citizen discount Senior Citizens - 33 1/3% off
"Super Saver" (amount of discount depends on Can call no more than 24 hours before flight
mileage) Must be 65 years with I.D.
Procedure: 7 day advance purchase and pick-up No joint-flights - fly Braniff only
of tickets Can stay up to 1 year, no minimum
No holiday restrictions - No location